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Aren't we seeing it in healthcare already? Doctors "googling" the remedy.
Kaiser Permanente spits the answer out to the Doctors, right down to the drug and dosage
AmericanKulak says
Kaiser Permanente spits the answer out to the Doctors, right down to the drug and dosage
It does more than that. It is their boss, and analyzes the chart to maximize profits and steer diagnosis.
My internist nearly apologized that they wanted me in one of the statin studies, even though my fat tests were ideal, no problems at all. He even put on the chart I had 'hyperlipidemia', even though I never have had any elevated test results on fats, just some elevated sugar but still below thresholds. He said he had to put it to me every time he saw me, and the sales pitch that it would reduce heart attacks.
You really have to watch them these days. Statins are gateway drug to developing symptoms that require more drugs. Alas the poor sheeples who don't have the chops to understand what they do.
Did you catch that? Hardwire DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and CRT principles into AI to make it more, well, “inclusive.” Particularly note the line about addressing “algorithmic discrimination” which basically means programming AI to mimic the present tyrannical hall-monitor managerialism being used to suffocate the Western world.
For avid users of GPT programs, you’ll note this is already becoming a problem, as the Chatbots get extremely tenacious in pushing certain narratives and making sure you don’t commit WrongThink on any inconvenient interpretations of historical events.
Well, my kid is a sophomore in computer science at Ohio State. He has opportunity to specialize in AI. He was a national champion in Experimental Design at the National Science Olympiad.
What are your thoughts and recommendations? Should he do a master's degree? I adviced him to start off with a certification in Python.
People who really know AI are getting insane salaries lately.
Patrick says
People who really know AI are getting insane salaries lately.
To keep their mouths shut about what it really is and isn’t.
I’m guessing a lot of today’s AI has endless ‘IF’ statements coded in to satisfy the elitist agenda and deliver woke bs answers.
This type of coding eventually becomes ‘spaghetti code’ and will eventually fail as ‘IF’ statements start contradicting other ‘IF’ statements.
More like a coefficient matrix of weighted rubrics to choose answers from. That way the curators can update the wrong speak by simply updating the weight score for those corresponding data points. Then for a final measure there's still a troll farm army, personally proof reading the answer before it is sent back.
At some low level it’s still just ‘IF’ statements, is this word weighted more than that?
The weighted data you have, and understand that the data set has hundreds of the same phrases in a relational table, with it's own weight in a grammatical context.
Sounds like an automated "Mad Libs" from Mad Magazine.
imagine how it could reshape the presumptive fantasy-land of current climate models which evidence so little predictive power despite being run on some of the most powerful computers in academia (and government).
we likely have no idea how many of these pieces even move on the board. but perhaps AI will. (this likely has many current climate grant recipients quite worried as their shiny toys and unearned authority may be about to be supplanted)
If you take this idea far enough, one could imagine the slow precipitous slide down the slippery slope of our AI virtua-agent becoming, in effect, a facsimile of…us. You may be skeptical: but there are many ways it can happen in practice. It would start with small conveniences: like having the AI take care of those pesky quotidian tasks—the daily encumbrances like ordering food, booking tickets, handling other financial-administrative obligations. It would follow a slow creep of acceptance, of course. But once the stage of ‘new normal’ is reached, we could find ourselves one step away from a very troubling loss of humanity by virtue of an accumulation of these ‘allowances of convenience’.
What happens when an AI functioning as a surrogate ‘us’ begins to take a greater role in carrying out the basic functions of our daily lives? Recall that humans only serve an essential ‘function’ in today’s corporatocratic society due to our role as liquidity purveyors and maintainers of that all-important financial ‘velocity’. We swirl money around for the corporations, keeping their impenetrably complex system greased and ever generating a frothy top for the techno-finance-kulaks to ‘skim’ like buttermilk. We buy things, then we earn money, and spend it on more things—keeping the entire process “all in the network” of a progressively smaller cartel which makes a killing on the volatile fluctuations, the poisonous rent-seeking games, occult processes of seigniorage and arbitrage. Controlling the digital advertising field, Google funnels us through a hyperloop of a small handful of other megacorps to complete the money dryspin cycle. ...
... That means DARPA is developing human-presenting AI agents to swarm Twitter and other platforms to detect any heterodox anti-narrative speech and immediately begin intelligently “countering” it. One wonders if this hasn’t already been implemented, given some of the interactions now common on these platforms.
Gout - figure out what triggers it and stop eating it.
Creatives fight back with Nightshade, a new software that “poisons” AI models.
Computer scientists at the University of Chicago have developed two free softwares to combat AI scraping.
Their first software was called Glaze, and it works defensively by confusing AI, showing brush strokes and colors to the programs that aren't actually there, effectively disguising the artists' styles.
The second software is an offensive "poison" for AI programs called Nightshade.
Nightshade shows the data scraping programs images that aren't actually there.
"For example, human eyes might see a shaded image of a cow in a green field largely unchanged, but an AI model might see a large leather purse lying in the grass."
For someone using the AI programs, that means that if Nightshade infected images are scraped into the dataset, prompting AI to generate a cow flying in space, it might generate a purse in space instead.
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I mean sure AI ChatGPT is interesting, but I don't think it's anymore self aware than an Ad Lib Mad Lib book, if anyone remembers those.
Like any trustworthy good buddy, lying to your face about their intentional bias would.