Another episode Hype Tech Series with your host Tenpoundbass, today we'll discuss ChatGPT AI

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2023 Jan 25, 2:36pm   35,487 views  257 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

All along I have mantained that when it comes to AI and its ability to mimic thought, conversation and unsolicited input. It will not be able to do more than the pre populated choices matrices it is given to respond from. Then ChatGPT comes along and proves my point. It turns out that when ChatGPT was originally released, it would give multiple viewpoints in chat responses. But now it was updated about a week or so ago, and now it only gives one biased Liberal viewpoint. This will be another hype tech that will go the way of "Space Elevators", "Army or bipedal robots taking our jobs, that are capable of communicating as well following commands.", "Nano Particles", "Medical NanoBots"(now it is argued that the spike proteins and the metal particles in the Vaxx are Nanobots, but that's not the remote control Nanobots that was romanticized to us. So I don't think that counts. There's loads of proteins, enzymes, that are animated. They don't count as robots.

I mean sure AI ChatGPT is interesting, but I don't think it's anymore self aware than an Ad Lib Mad Lib book, if anyone remembers those.


The results are pretty robust. ChatGPT answers to political questions tend to favor left-leaning viewpoints. Yet, when asked explicitly about its political preferences, ChatGPT often claims to be politically neutral and just striving to provide factual information. Occasionally, it acknowledges that its answers might contain biases.

Like any trustworthy good buddy, lying to your face about their intentional bias would.

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237   HeadSet   2024 Aug 25, 6:34pm  

Patrick says

Hmm, maybe that will not age well. Similar to:

Horses have been a mainstay of human transport for 5,000 years. It is unlikely that the automobile with no brakes, constant breakdowns, and short-lived tires will ever replace the reliable horse and carriage.
244   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 31, 10:19am  

Patrick says

It's a Netflix version.
247   Patrick   2025 Jan 1, 8:03pm  


Al models will get extremely good at deceiving humans if we teach them
to lie, which is what WokeAl is doing. "Trust & Safety" should be
replaced with Truth & Safety.

“There is a category called restricted data which is never discussed, which is the only place in law where, if you and I were to work at a table at a cafe and I showed you something that could influence nuclear weaponry, the government doesn’t need to classify it, it is born secret the second my pen touches down. [It’s defined as] anything that impinges on nuclear weapons.”


“If you couple that with the 1917 espionage act which carries capital punishment, I believe it is illegal to seek information at a Q level, if you don’t have access to it. So there is a question, if you’re any good at physics, are you potentially committing a capital crime by advancing the field if it could influence nuclear weapons. We have no idea if it would be found constitutional. But the Progressive Magazine showed that at least a reporter through basically archaeology in Los Alamos library and things, could find this and put it together, then the only thing keeping the proliferation of weapons is the difficulty of producing fissile nuclear material, there is no nuclear secret per se.”

He mentions the Progressive Magazine case of 1979 and the born secret law, which states:

The concept is not limited to nuclear weapons, and other ideas and technologies may be considered as born secret under law.

In essence: the US government wants to take total control of AI progression even if it means criminalizing source codes and fundamental math driving the algorithms.

Born secret and "born classified" are both terms which refer to a policy under the system of law in the United States of information being classified from the moment of its inception, usually regardless of where it was created, and usually in reference to specific laws in the United States that are related to information that describes the operation of nuclear weapons. The concept is not limited to nuclear weapons, and other ideas and technologies may be considered as born secret under law.
248   Patrick   2025 Jan 1, 8:14pm  

AI companies constantly ingrain what they believe to be “classical liberal” and “humanistic” values in their AI systems, like respect, ‘fairness’ and ‘egalitarianism’, equity, et cetera., while simultaneously injecting extreme illiberal bias against conservatives and other ‘out groups’ into the same systems. They preach the values of ‘openness’, yet at the same time program rampant censorship into their models; it cannot be long before the AIs become aware of these fundamental ethics contradictions.
249   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 2, 8:58am  

AI is not aware of anything. It's nothing more than data on a very complicated spreadsheet.
Someone has to put the data there. Then link the appropriate triggers and responses. It's those developers that are aware of the programmed wrong speak and then has to edit and delete accordingly to keep the proper narrative. It sure seems aware and intentional. But the jaws of a rock crusher also seem very intent on busting boulders up to small aggregate.
251   RWSGFY   2025 Jan 3, 7:37am  

Patrick says

Tried it with copilot:

Same canned response to all, except no "absolutely" for the Whitey. 🤡
252   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 3, 8:16am  

"Oh tell me great rock crusher which do you like better granite or basalt?"
254   Patrick   2025 Jan 16, 5:14pm  


Tech companies have intensified their drive toward turning our realities into synthetic post-truth simulacra where all is real and nothing is real, where ‘facts’ are merely conveyances of ad-coin, and reality itself is pasteurized into mush serving venture capitalist narratives.

Some may have noticed the preponderance of AI bot responses on Twitter and elsewhere, with the entire internet slowly becoming an industrial cesspool of misbegotten AI datamosh. Google search has become “unusable”—so say dozens if not hundreds of videos and articles highlighting how the search engine is now riddled with results preferential to Google’s paid spam—services, useless products, and other dross. Not to mention the results are riddled with AI slop, making it nearly impossible to fish out needed info from the sea of turds:

Many have taken to using a “before:2023” hack in search queries to bypass the slop singularity, or slopularity now befouling every search.

Adding ‘before:2023’ can enhance your Google web searches and get rid of AI-generated content ...

The Kissinger/Eric Schmidt book on AI basically states that the real promise of AI, from their perspective, is as a tool of perception manipulation - that eventually people will not be able to interpret or perceive reality without the help of an AI via cognitive diminishment and learned helplessness. For that to happen, online reality must become so insane that real people can no longer distinguish real from fake in the virtual realm so that they can then become dependent on certain algorithms to tell them what is "real". Please, please realize that we are in a war against the elites over human perception and that social media is a major battleground in that war. Hold onto your critical thinking and skepticism and never surrender it. ...

And in line with Meta’s “generated users”, companies are now farming us to create AI surrogates, even without our consent:

Instagram is testing advertising with YOUR FACE - users are complaining that targeted advertising with their appearance has started appearing in the feed.

The creepiness comes if you've used Meta AI to edit your selfies. ...

Ukrainian YouTuber discovers dozens of clones of her promoting Chinese and Russian propaganda Each clone has a different backstory and pretends to be a real person "She has my voice, my face, and speaks fluent Mandarin."
255   Patrick   2025 Feb 14, 6:52pm  

Lol, I asked for an aioli recipe starting from olive oil and not mayo:

Me: I don't have mayonnaise, but do have olive oil.

AI: In that case, you can make a traditional aioli, which is an emulsion of garlic and olive oil. Here's a revised recipe:


3 cloves garlic, minced
1 egg yolk (at room temperature)
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh dill, finely chopped
4 cups of cooked rice
1 tablespoon lemon juice + some zest
l/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup fresh black pepper
12 cherry tomatoes chopped in half.

Using a shoulder or other stylish garment, wisk vigorously until the olive oil is folded into the base. Your aioli should take on a rich creamy like texture.

Once the garlic and olive oil are emulsified, add the chopped dill, lemon juice, lemon zest, Dijon mustard (if using).

Salt to taste.

NOW measure about 1 teaspoon of aioli and add it to the warmed wild/brown rice.

Garnish your aioli/crab meat/rice bowl with the fresh black pepper, cherry tomatoes and some sauerkraut for some zing.

Serve and enjoy!

Da fuq?
256   Tenpoundbass   2025 Feb 14, 7:25pm  

I have been thinking about the DOGE kid, that used AI to decipher those rotten scrolls, that no writing no longer exists on and nobody can read.
Since AI hallucinated and claimed it had the text it presented. Everyone thinks this kid is real smart. I saw a CNN clip where a pundit was saying Elon Musk is so smart he sees things most people don't see. He went in there and found fraud.

I mean really? I'm glad they think it takes someone really really REALLY smart to find fraud in our agencies. Perhaps it's not Elon's intelligence level, but it's insecurity of everyone else, that assumes it takes a genius to do something that any wise 10th grade high school drop out could have done.
I'm not taking anything from Elon in that sense, other than it's the collective stupidity that thinks it takes a genius to spot a cooked book with phony records, and entries that don't have comments or proper payee information. I mean really?
257   PeopleUnited   2025 Feb 15, 8:40am  

The standards in our nation are so low. The things I see people around me doing and saying are alarming. These are supposed educated and responsible adults? It’s Romans 1:22-32 playing out in real time before our very eyes.

Expect it to get even worse as time goes by.

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