Your Opinion: Will America Survive?

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2023 Feb 7, 7:13am   23,703 views  169 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Great Britain continued to 'survive' after its Empire collapsed after WW I, and was further exacerbated by WW II. Today, the Empire in which the 'sun never set' is only a shadow of what it once was. Throughout history, numerous empires and civilizations have collapsed and simply disappeared, with, like Great Britain, only a remnant that survives. Is this America's fate?

I have my own thoughts, but I'd be really curious to hear what others have to say.

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103   RayAmerica   2023 May 9, 10:30am  

komputodo says

I'm not sure that i understand what you mean by "survive".

Apparently, I should have made it clearer when I posted this because this question has been asked before. I'll try to explain:

With all of the upheaval, economically, politically, socially, will America "survive" in a manner that is independent and vibrant. An illustration; a person has a severe stroke and yet he "survives." Is he the same person that he was prior to the debilitating stroke? Of course not, yet his survival in a sense is somewhat questionable.

America faces issues that, IMO, are insurmountable, making this nation far weaker than most people recognize. Just ONE example; our reserve currency status is being seriously challenged. If we lose that status, life in America is going to change dramatically for the worse. Obtaining credit will be far more difficult, and, expensive, and the Federal Government will no longer be able to provide handouts to the millions that are accustomed to living on free handouts. The result will be violence and chaos the like of which this nation has never seen.

With the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border every year, will this challenge our survival as an orderly nation? Violent crime is increasing at an alarming rate, making it literally dangerous to venture into some of America's formerly 'great' cities. Is this the America that we know, or has it already changed into something that we don't even recognize ... similar to that stroke victim?
104   HeadSet   2023 May 9, 12:01pm  

RayAmerica says

Will America Survive?

America did survive a Civil War, the gangster 1920s where Tommy Guns were routine, and then a Great Depression where 24% were unemployed.
105   komputodo   2023 May 9, 12:07pm  

RayAmerica says

Is this the America that we know, or has it already changed into something that we don't even recognize ... similar to that stroke victim?

I believe it will stay in the same state as the stroke victim. As long as they keep shoveling money to the poor folk, it will never get better
106   komputodo   2023 May 9, 12:08pm  

HeadSet says

RayAmerica says

Will America Survive?

America did survive a Civil War, the gangster 1920s where Tommy Guns were routine, and then a Great Depression where 24% were unemployed.

Of course....where is it going to go?
107   RayAmerica   2023 May 9, 1:23pm  

komputodo says

Of course....where is it going to go?

Just a wild guess; the Communists are in charge and they are working towards creating a crisis that will provide the excuse for the Communist Great Reset.
108   Patrick   2023 May 9, 11:59pm  

I think America will decline in an alternation of sudden drops and slow malaise, kind of how Britain lost its dominance.

Biden is definitely one of the sudden drops.
109   WookieMan   2023 May 10, 3:41am  

Patrick says

Biden is definitely one of the sudden drops.

This is the issue at hand. We have one of the worst leaders this country has ever seen. Might be the worst ever given the current global climate. And I know there were some bad ones in the 1800's and recent ones like Ford. And the second in line, Harris, is a complete imbecile. We look weak.

The next 18 months or so cannot happen fast enough. This chapter needs to be finished. Not promoting this, but I'd take Mitt Romney at this point over Joe Biden. That's how bad this is.
110   richwicks   2023 May 10, 3:56am  

WookieMan says

The next 18 months or so cannot happen fast enough. This chapter needs to be finished. Not promoting this, but I'd take Mitt Romney at this point over Joe Biden. That's how bad this is.

They're both puppets. Nothing will change with Mitt Romney. You might as well elect Hillary Clinton of John McCain, and I know McCain is dead - what difference does that make?

There wasn't a dime's worth of difference between Obama and Bush Jr, and there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Joe Biden and Obama. All that's difference is the presentation and the puppet on the screen. None of them set any policy at all. They sign bills shoved in front of them, and then provide excuses for what they signed by reading a teleprompter. George W. Bush, and Hillary Clinton were both accused of having earpieces during the debates - they did.
111   WookieMan   2023 May 10, 4:57am  

WookieMan says

Not promoting this

richwicks says

They're both puppets. Nothing will change with Mitt Romney.

Jesus dude, read. Romney is for sure better than Biden. Trump is better than Romney. Etc.... Anything is better than Biden. My stoned neighbor is better. Clearly my point went over your head.
112   richwicks   2023 May 10, 6:50am  

WookieMan says

Jesus dude, read. Romney is for sure better than Biden.

He will be a puppet. There aren't two sides to "the establishment". There's one. If wouldn't make a damned bit of difference if Al Gore, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Dan Crenshaw, Mike Pence, etc were president right now.

They are puppets. They make ZERO decisions. That's why competence doesn't matter, because competence doesn't matter.

I know Joe Biden ABSOLUTELY sucks

You know why we all these incompetent freaks in the Biden administration? It's because it doesn't matter a bit who is in the administration. They have no power, whatsoever. They make no decisions.

WookieMan says

Anything is better than Biden. My stoned neighbor is better.

Oh I believe that. He couldn't be worse, maybe he would be the same, because the CIA would come over and say "we killed Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and JFK Jr, we can kill you and your family too if you don't play ball and you better keep your mouth shut if you don't want a family member to have... an accident."

That's what is going on. If Al Gore was president in 2000, we'd still have gone to war with Iraq, it would have just been a different excuse "Oh, Saddam Hussein is about to cause a humanitarian crisis!". Haven't you noticed, when a democrat is president all wars are for "humanitarian reasons", when a republican is president all wars are "for national security". Both are complete lies.
113   RayAmerica   2023 May 10, 10:24am  

(full article below)

On March 20, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. In his article in the Russian media preceding the meeting, XI enthused that “China-Russia trade exceeded 190 billion U.S. dollars last year, up by 116 percent from ten years ago.” Though it has reached 190 billion US dollars, it is no longer all being traded in US dollars. In his article in the Chinese media, Putin said that “the share of settlements in national currencies” of all that trade “is growing.” 65% of that massive China-Russia trade is now being conducting in their Russian and Chinese currencies.

Though the US sees Russia and China as the largest threats to its position in the world, it is not just America’s enemies that are fleeing the dollar. Its closest friends have hinted at it too. Following his meetings with XI in China, French President Emmanuel Macron likely stunned and angered the US by calling for Europe to reduce its dependency on the “extraterritoriality of the US dollar.”

These calls for a flight from the US dollar are not merely economic, they are geopolitical. They are calls to reshape the world order by challenging US hegemony and advocating multipolarity. The monopoly of the dollar has not just assured US wealth: it has assured US power. Most international trade is conducted in dollars, and most foreign exchange reserves are held in dollars. That dollar dominance has often allowed the US to dictate ideological alignment or to impose economic and political structural adjustments on other countries. It has also allowed the US to become the only country in the world that can effectively sanction its opponents. Emancipation from the hegemony of the dollar is emancipation from US hegemony. The flight from the US dollar is a mechanism for replacing the US led unipolar world with a multipolar world.

As the US has recently demonstrated in Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran and Russia, the monopoly of the dollar allows it to be very powerfully and quickly weaponized. Countries’ funds can be held hostage, and countries can be coerced and starved into falling in line by sanctions. Recent demonstrations of that power have awoken many countries to their own vulnerability.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently said that “There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar.” She explained that “Of course, it does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative.”

And that’s just what it’s done. But Yellen is still missing the larger effect of US dollar warfare. It is not just China, Russia and Iran that are now seeking to escape the pressure. America’s enemies, but also its friends and everything in between, are considering taking flight from the dollar.

China and Russia are doing it. NATO ally France is calling for it for Europe. Nonaligned countries are also either talking about it or already doing it.

India is a growing economic power. And, like China, India has massively increased its trade with Russia. India and Russia have now begun discussions on a free trade agreement between India and the Russian led Eurasian Economic Commission. The two countries are now engaged in “advanced negotiations” for a new bilateral investment treaty. Russia has expressed interest in using “national currencies and currencies of friendly countries” for trade. India, too, “has been keen on” moving toward leaving the dollar behind by “increasing the use of its rupee currency for trade with Russia.” And India has recently begun purchasing some Russian oil in Russian rubles.

US dollar hegemony has also been threatened right in America’s backyard. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has proposed escaping dollar control by “creat[ing] a Latin American currency.” While in China for meetings with XI, Lula asked, “Who decided the dollar would be the [world’s] currency?” He then answered his own question. In March, Brazil and China escaped the US dollar by each assigning one of its banks to conduct their bilateral trade in the Brazilian real and the Chinese yuan.

Pakistan is now also trading with China in its own currency. Iran and Russia have taken flight from the dollar and are now settling trade in rials and rubles. They recently announced that they have circumvented the US financial system by linking their banking systems as an alternative to SWIFT for trading with each other. Saudi Arabia has said that it sees “no issues” in trading oil in currencies other than the US dollar. Robert Rabil, Professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University, says that the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Israel have all made some movement away from the US dollar.

The Eurasian Economic Union has agreed on “a phased transition” from settling trade in “foreign currency” to “settlements in rubles.”

Perhaps more surprisingly for the US was the decision at the March 30-31 meeting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reduce reliance on the US dollar. ASEAN is made up of Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Brunei. The meeting produced a joint statement to “reinforce financial resilience . . . through the use of local currency.” But what must have been most unsettling for the US was the explanation given for the decision by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Widodo said that the move is necessary to protect from “possible geopolitical repercussions.” What did he mean by that? “Be very careful,” he explained. “We must remember the sanctions imposed by the US on Russia.”

Yellen was right. Widodo said that US sanctions on Russia exposed just how vulnerable countries are if they rely on US dollars and US foreign payment systems. He said that using ASEAN’s Local Currency Transaction system to trade in local currencies would help address the need for Indonesia to prepare itself for the possibility that the US could similarly sanction it.

The EEU and ASEAN are not the only organizations mapping their flight from the US dollar. BRICS is a massive international organization whose primary purpose is to balance US hegemony in a new multipolar world. Comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it represents 41% of the world’s population. BRICS, too, is talking about conducting trade in the currencies of its members or even in a new BRICS’ currency.

Lula recently suggested that “the BRICS bank have a currency to finance trade between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other BRICS countries” so that countries are not compelled “to chase after dollars to export, when they could be exporting in their own currencies.” Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov also recently said that BRICS is working on creating its own currency.

A BRICS currency could challenge the dollar beyond the borders of BRICS. “Because each member of the BRICS grouping is an economic heavyweight in its own region, countries around the world would likely be willing to do business” in the currency, suggested a report in the Financial Post.

One such region is Africa. In July, the Russia-Africa summit will be held in St. Petersburg. Olayinka Ajala, senior lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Leeds Beckett University and the author of “The Case for Neutrality: Understanding African Stances on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict,” told me in a recent correspondence that a “main focus of Russia and China at the moment is to get African countries to support the proposed BRICS currency.” He says that “this will be a major topic in the upcoming conference.” Ajala explains that “Africa is a consuming continent, meaning they import lots of goods and services.” He says that “with a population of over 1.2 billion, if Russia and China are able to convince African countries on the need to ditch the dollar, it will be a huge blow to the US.”

From Africa to Southeast Asia and Latin America, from Russia and China to India, Iran and Saudi Arabia, countries are mapping their course for a flight from the US dollar.

As a mechanism for transition from US hegemony to a multipolar world, the economic effects would be great, but the geopolitical effects could be even greater.
114   RayAmerica   2023 May 12, 7:59am  

How much of this can America take before it all crashes and breaks?

Title 42 Ends — The Invasion Begins

America is about to become a very different place than it was yesterday. The end of Title 42 has been downplayed by the Biden-Harris regime. It has been lambasted by Republicans, but even most of them are not giving this existential threat the attention it deserves.

The border crisis was already an absolute disaster before. Now, we’re about to see a humanitarian crisis that spills over into communities across the nation, decimating resources and forcing American citizens to make even tougher choices than we’ve already been forced to make recently.

Read more here: https://thelibertydaily.com/title-42-ends-the-invasion-begins/
115   The_Deplorable   2023 May 21, 12:16pm  

"The Texas dairy farm explosion that allegedly killed 20,000 cows is bunk."

What kind of an explosion was it?

"Investigators said an engine fire in the manure hauler caused the explosion.' https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/investigators-reveal-cause-texas-dairy-farm-explosion-that/

And get this, the driver of the the manure hauler was trying to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher right before the explosion. And he survived the explosion but 20,000 cows died!

They expect us to believe this nonsense?

To add insult to injury "A State Fire Marshal report... did not determine what caused the engine fire..."

This frankly is BS.
116   RayAmerica   2023 May 23, 7:13am  

Can our freedoms, and our way of life, ever be protected when 'judges' sanction obviously crooked elections? Is anyone safe under a 'justice' system that is not blind, but biased?

JUST-IN: Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows AT LEAST 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds – ORDER INCLUDED

117   RayAmerica   2023 May 23, 7:20am  

Former Deputy Nat'l Security Adviser: FBI, CIA & DOJ Will Rig 2024 Election

Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland, who served for the first four months of the Trump administration under Michael Flynn, says that the deep state is going to rig the 2024 US election following their success in 2020.

"We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election. When they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, they set out to destroy the Trump administration," she told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

"Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. So they've gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right?

Because there are no consequences...

"There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice. Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank.

They will absolutely interfere in 2024...

These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections.

They are tearing up the Constitution... This is just a gut punch to the American people."

Article & video here:
118   richwicks   2023 May 26, 11:38pm  

RayAmerica says

"There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice. Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank.

They will absolutely interfere in 2024...

These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections.

They've been doing this for at least 20 years. When we got lie into Iraq, when they got away with that, that was a big deal. They did 9/11, remember the suspicious stock trades, and the "5 dancing Israelis"? Remember the trucks that were filled with explosives? So much stuff swept under the rug. I remember seeing people being interviewed that said they were hearing explosions.

I appreciate they could have been mistaken, and incorrect, but I know about the 1996 WTC bombing, and that was definitely FBI helping that along.

Nobody believes you, but what I am seeing, FINALLY, is people ARE starting to believe, 20 years later, but at least they are starting to see. Better late than never. I got some hope with that, finally.
119   AD   2023 May 27, 12:02am  

RayAmerica says

Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. So they've gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right?

Yes, they got to suppress very bad info that could have cost Biden the election especially since he barely won in key suburbs like Atlanta, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Detroit.

But look again in 2024 for Left Wing groups like Act Blue and Bend the Arc pay their volunteer activists to go canvas for absentee ballots just like they did in 2020.

Georgia wised up with Governor Kemp passing a voter integrity law right after the 2020 election. That is why AntiFa has been on a tear and rioting in Atlanta recently.

120   richwicks   2023 May 27, 12:50am  

ad says

But look again in 2024 for Left Wing groups like Act Blue and Bend the Arc pay their volunteer activists to go canvas for absentee ballots just like they did in 2020.

I disagree with you. You know how many people supposedly voted in 2020? 155,507,476 - that's 47% percent of the ENTIRE population, not just registered voters.

There's no way that many people voted. Until people know what happened, we're fucked.
121   WookieMan   2023 May 27, 4:50am  

The_Deplorable says

"The Texas dairy farm explosion that allegedly killed 20,000 cows is bunk."

What kind of an explosion was it?

"Investigators said an engine fire in the manure hauler caused the explosion.' https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/investigators-reveal-cause-texas-dairy-farm-explosion-that/

And get this, the driver of the the manure hauler was trying to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher right before the explosion. And he survived the explosion but 20,000 cows died!

They expect us to believe this nonsense?

To add insult to injury "A State Fire Marshal report... did not determine what caused the engine fire..."

This frankly is BS.

I know of the story but have never looked into it about the cows. Our neighbors 2 miles miles away, and I say neighbor because we all know each other, lost an entire barn of pigs. And yes the pigs too from a fire. It does happen. And no the fire didn't smell like bacon even though we could smell it. I think it was something like 300 pigs.

The animals and structures are insured. 20k cows was likely intentional as that's a shit load of beef and would raise price nominally for a bit. The animals and structure were insured so will get their money back.

We had one building burn in real estate. Still fixable, but was pretty bad. No one was hurt. We got rent from State Farm for 9 months on three vacant unit as we cleaned it up. I just helped with the management end. No ownership stake. I question the cause of the fire to this day, but no one was hurt and water under the bridge at this point. It was in Chicago and the local news affiliate choppers covered as morning new. I saw it and was like eh pretty standard stuff for Chicago. Get a call 30 minutes later get your ass over here now. I was a dick and said I'll be there when I can, I'm not a fire fighter dude.

Basically it was a huge windfall of insurance money. Likely was for the factory cow farmer and remaining cows got sold for a higher price. The wealthiest people all have some investment or ownership in insurance companies. It's a license to print money.

That's said I don't think it was sabotage by the government here or anywhere. There are so many more targets that could cause more problems here than a cow farm.
122   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 May 27, 10:04am  

on a long enough timeline everything dies, just hope it’s not while we are still around.
123   The_Deplorable   2023 May 27, 10:34am  

WookieMan says

"That's said I don't think it was sabotage by the government here or anywhere. There are so many more targets that could cause more problems here than a cow farm."

My take is that this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals.

In this case we are going to have more expensive milk and beef!

Back to the fire. They couldn't open the barn doors to let the cattle out?

Answer: They could but they didn't because we now have a beef and milk shortage! Goal accomplished!

No different than the egg shortage which reminds: Are they done killing chickens?
124   WookieMan   2023 May 27, 5:57pm  

The_Deplorable says

My take is that this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals.

In this case we are going to have more expensive milk and beef!

Attack from who? 20k cattle is a lot, but we have an abundance of them. AND we don't need beef to survive, most people just like it.

The chicken thing I don't understand. We get free eggs from friends. Must be a Midwest thing. I'd say a good 20% of people in my area have chickens and enough eggs for themselves so they sell or give them away to friends. Probably different in urban areas. There literally zero shortage of eggs in rural areas. Prices are fine as well.

We buy half or whole cows so our prices are different, same with pork. And I haven't noticed a difference in market prices. Jobs are a thing, but if you can get out of urban areas life is completely different. That includes large suburban areas where everyone goes to Whole Foods or Trader Joes for shit food.
125   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 6:06pm  

A dose of White Pill: Compared to the Black Death, Mongol Invasions, Ottoman Invasions, etc. our situation relatively is a fly on an Elephant's ass.
126   The_Deplorable   2023 May 27, 7:12pm  

"My take is that this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals.In this case we are going to have more expensive milk and beef!"

WookieMan says
"Attack from who?"

WookieMan, feigning ignorance, does not change the facts.

Have a nice day.
127   RayAmerica   2023 May 28, 9:23am  

I copied this from Patrick's meme thread. It really impacted me because it shows graphically how much our values have decayed. How long can such a warped society survive?

128   HeadSet   2023 May 28, 9:59am  

RayAmerica says

How long can such a warped society survive?

When the pendulum swings back, it will be a battering ram. Bud Light and Target are just the start.
129   RayAmerica   2023 May 28, 11:00am  

HeadSet says

When the pendulum swings back, it will be a battering ram. Bud Light and Target are just the start.

This may very well be a set up, allow me to briefly explain. I read a book a long time ago entitled "Before the Deluge:
A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s" The book is very descriptive regarding the complex political issues facing the Weimar Republic, along with the cultural world of Germany's capitol Berlin. Berlin was the center for the then very popular Cabarets, which specialized in transvestites performing lewdly on stage. It basically epitomized how far the German moral state had fallen. Along with the general collapse of morality, the government of the Weimar Republic was demonstrably inept, revealed by the fact that Germany had fragmented into 32 political parties. With such a lack of confidence in the federal government, talk of the need for a "strong man" to restore Germany to its former greatness became increasingly prevalent.

Could it be that all of this manufactured chaos is being done in order to provide America with an excuse to have its own "strong man," that will "temporarily" take away freedoms and liberties, such as Hitler did in 1933 via the Enabling Act?

I wish I could remember where I read this; the writer made the case for America's dictator coming from the conservative side as a strong armed response to all the chaos created by the left. I think this scenario is highly plausible. Let's not forget that it was a supposed conservative Administration that ushered in the freedom killing Patriot Act in response to the highly dubious 9/11 attacks.
130   RayAmerica   2023 May 28, 11:01am  

That's not to say at all that we don't need to continue to fight against the radical left that seems determined to destroy what's left of this country.
131   AmericanKulak   2023 May 28, 5:08pm  

There's a lot of Weimar bullshit.

Here's a few:

1. The Inflation of the Money Supply was the result of the French Occupation of the Ruhr and Reparations, it was in 1923 years before the Depression and a decade before Hitler.

1a. It was engingeered by Rudolf Havenstock, a Prussian from a family with a long history of Government Bureaucrat and Military Service, who was buying foreign currencies with Reichmarks and then paying the French with those. It was giving Germany a small advantage in arbitrage and helping discount the reparations. The French put a stop to it overnight, demanded only Francs or Gold, which caught the Reichsbank in a major mid-arbitrage with it's pants down.

1b. After the Rentsmark was introduced, inflation rapidly stopped in the mid 20s, it was stopped when the NSDAP/Hitler were nobodies.

2. The Great Depression in Germany was far less bad than the USA by at least a quarter to a third (Unemployment, Industrial Production, GDP).

3. Homosexuality was criminalized and open gays went to prison regularly for pandering and sodomy and prostitution all the time

3b. Unlike Revisionist propaganda which has Gays and Trannies all over the place. I guarantee you two guys making out in public in Dusseldorf would have been arrested. In a Berlin nightclub at 1AM, maybe not. But anywhere else, yes.

3c. The FRG continued to punish homosexuals until the 1970s.

4. The Weimar Government wasn't Socialist; in fact it had a Center Right coalition government most of the time, a divided Parliament the rest of it, and indeed the last Government of Germany before Hitler and the NSDAP was Firmly Right under von Pappen and von Hindenburg.

5. The top book burned under NSDAP rule was "All Quiet on the Western Front", not obscure medical journals about trannies nobody read and few copies existed. Most of the top books burned were WW1 Veteran accounts of chem warfare and other terrors of war. Accounts of fellow soldiers blowing their brains out after getting "Dear Johannes" letters and such like doesn't make teen boys want to grow up and conquer the East.

The real tragedy is that Von Schleichter didn't take over the NSDAP. A Strong Right Wing WW1 hero, he was murdered by Hitler on the Night of Long Knives, along with the Great Fascist Faggot Ernst Rohm, one of the half-dozen people that Hitler used "Du" with.
132   richwicks   2023 May 28, 5:22pm  

RayAmerica says

I copied this from Patrick's meme thread. It really impacted me because it shows graphically how much our values have decayed. How long can such a warped society survive?

What values? I know that picture on the top. Those are coffins of bodies coming back from Iraq. The Bush administration tried to prevent ANY photographs of the dead coming back from Iraq - the war in to which he lied the nation into. 800,000 Iraqis are estimated to be dead over that LIE, and it was absolutely a lie. Nobody had any consequences for lying the nation into a war. They violated Geneva Conventions, entirely a war of aggression.

original link

Listen carefully to what Bush says at 0:28 in that video "Iraq too". He knows what he did, don't you? Even when that piece of shit fucking admits it, people deny it. A confession right in front of you, nothing, crickets.

We don't have any values, our military has no values. The military hasn't served this nation in at least 70 years. They are the muscle to murder people in nations that a bunch of assholes in my government want to steal shit from, or just simply profit off from conflict.

If our military cared at all about the Constitution, they would do something about the CIA, the FBI, Washington DC, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street - but they won't. Their oath to the Constitution was just some bullshit they had to say to get a job.

I'm tired of Clown World, I'm tired of Pretend World. Russia hasn't done a FUCKING thing worse than the United States has done, and the United States has done some considerably worse things. You just wait to see what kind of horrific birth defects are about to show up in Ukraine, in about 1 year in Ukraine. Our government uses nuclear fucking toxic waste on the battlefield. It's got 4.5 million year half life, but that's not the problem, it's highly toxic, and when it collides with a solid object it vaporizes, and it's pyrophoric, meaning it burns. You get this fine dust of Uranium Oxide floating around for a bit, you inhale it, it ends up in the ground, plants and animals absorb it, then you absorb them. It blows with the wind. The Middle East is contaminated with it.

We don't have a moral government that has values. YOU might have values, but the people that run this country certainly don't. You won't recognize this, and because you ignore this problem, this problem will persist. Not just you, you and everybody else that can't accept reality. Fantasyland is much more pleasant if you have the ability to live in delusion. Some of us don't and of course, it doesn't matter to the victims of our military. They starve, suffer, die, either way. Doesn't matter what they do or don't believe. Our military will either directly kill them, or deprive them of the ability to live, while our country is run by criminals, mass murderers, liars, scum - they protect them.

Thank you for your service. I guess I ought to be grateful for the last 20 years of catastrophe.
133   BigSky   2023 Jun 9, 12:56pm  

richwicks says

YOU might have values

Not sure what you are getting at here kid, but if you are implying the general public is composed mostly of honest folks, I am calling you on that delusion. I am likely much older than you and worked in many levels of business. My first experience with common crooks was when a department store manage had to fire half the staff for stealing just before I got there. Then later the store had several high school part time workers stealing records, guns, and oil, plus doing some under-ringing and pocketing the difference. None of these kids were from underprivileged families. Now add in the shoplifters. At other business I have worked at I have seen accountants embezzle, employees file false expense reports, and theft of equipment. I remember one high end video dealer in Texas who wanted me to pick up the equipment on site but then mail me the empty boxes out of state to avoid paying state sales taxes. In the old days, computer software was sold on floppy disks and then CDs. There was no digital rights management so one could buy a single copy on disk and then load it on several computers. I was amazed at the number of people who passed around a disk licensed for one computer to share with many friends. I even saw one business in Hawaii that had a single copy of Win95 for all company computers.

Your politicians are crooked because they are recruited from a crooked population and voted in by people who do not value integrity. Before I sound too negative, I will say I knew one US Representative that had impeccable integrity (unfortunately died in office) and a Police Chief with high morals as well.
134   WookieMan   2023 Jun 10, 11:04am  

The_Deplorable says

"My take is that this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals.In this case we are going to have more expensive milk and beef!"

WookieMan says

"Attack from who?"

WookieMan, feigning ignorance, does not change the facts.

Have a nice day.

What are you even talking about dude? You do understand insurance fraud, right? My beef, milk and egg prices are pretty normal. Don't care to know where you live, but my guess is CA since you produce food no one really wants to eat (nuts and grapes), so your prices for dairy and eggs go up. Gross revenue doesn't matter in a state that size when Iowa produces more with less. 20k cows will move prices for states that don't have them. I do.

No ignorance here. I live where the corn is grown. The turkeys you eat at thanksgiving. The bacon you eat for breakfast. We hang out with some of the wealthiest farming families in Northern IL. It wasn't an "outside" attack. They ran an inefficient operation and burned it down for insurance. Farmers and horse owners do it all the time.

I'm not the ignorant one here. I KNOW what people do. I've seen it. I know well over 1,000 people and could call them and they'd be like hey John Doe, good to hear from you. And I KNOW what many have done criminally. I'm probably the least ignorant person on this forum. I'm friends with broke people and friends with people $100M+ in cash value. I hang with all spectrums of life.
135   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 10, 11:53am  

Earlier I wrote that : "this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals..."

WookieMan says
"What are you even talking about dude? You do understand insurance fraud, right? My beef, milk and egg prices are pretty normal."

Eggs at $11.50 a dozen is not normal.

Urging people to eat insects is not normal.

Closing farms and forcing farmers not to farm is not normal.
136   WookieMan   2023 Jun 10, 12:22pm  

The_Deplorable says

Earlier I wrote that : "this was another attack on the American food supply and we had thus far multiple incidents of massive deaths of chickens and farm animals..."

WookieMan says

"What are you even talking about dude? You do understand insurance fraud, right? My beef, milk and egg prices are pretty normal."

Eggs at $11.50 a dozen is not normal.

Urging people to eat insects is not normal.

Closing farms and forcing farmers not to farm is not normal.

Not sure where you're living or where you're going with this. Yes eggs are higher. Maybe I'm blind since I get them for free if a friend has surplus. I don't need to rely on grocery stores. We buy whole cows and pigs. The only groceries we buy are things that expire over a short time that cannot be frozen or something for a specific dish. AKA not that much.

Grow and preserve 70% of our veggie needs. And spices. I'm gonna make Mojitos this afternoon for the wife. Oh, forgot booze. Food prices don't effect me. Not sure what to tell you. If you run out to Whole Foods or Costco to get food you might pick up some Depends to stop the anal bleeding from just getting raped. I go straight to the source that doesn't rape me.
137   GNL   2023 Jun 10, 12:59pm  

komputodo says

RayAmerica says

Is this the America that we know, or has it already changed into something that we don't even recognize ... similar to that stroke victim?

I believe it will stay in the same state as the stroke victim. As long as they keep shoveling money to the poor folk, it will never get better

Hahaha, it's the poor people's fault?
138   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 10, 1:35pm  

An issue is zoning. There's a realwhore up in Volusia who puts his whole "Stop asking me if you can put your RV on these 2.5 acre plots. NO! You have to build a house at least 1200 sq ft. Go rent somehwere else until you can pay for a (country realtor-controlled board approved) building." directly in the ads.

I'm like, this Realtor asshole doesn't get it. The POINT of buying unimproved land way out of the city is to live in your RV and bank the $1200
(assuming a tiny, shitty apartment anywhere near a place with some employment) you were spending on rent. An RV spot is now $600/month and up. That's a shitload of money going to rent that could be used to build a house if Crony Capitalist-Socialist Developers and Realtors didn't Stalinize the zoning rules.

You put in the water & electric & sewer on year, you put in a foundation the next year and so forth, with cash and little to no borrowing. But that's anathema to the borrow big-or-don't own Realtor-Developer complex. They all want you on the debt plantation with no alternative, regardless of your willingness to sacrifice short-to-medium term comforts.

Tons of earlier generations did just this, buy land and live cheaply on it until they had the money for a house, saving themselves rental payments at the cost of a longer commute and a bit rougher living. It seems like the generations that did this for themselves are kicking down the ladder they climbed up .

We need a good 20 years of zoning anarchy and forbidding all but the most rudimentary zoning. We need to restore the pioneer spirit to replace the Crony Zoning Capitalist virus. Other people's property isn't your property. If you don't like it, buy a condo or a house in a zero lot community with Covenants and HOAs where they can fine you $150 for saying "Shit!" when you drop a wrench on your foot in the garage.
139   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 10, 1:46pm  

America is a very divided country, so much so, it's hard to imagine what could possibly unite us.

Just one example of this intense divide:

A friend of mine serves on the school board as President in a nearby community. Recently, he attempted to enact a policy in which children using the restroom must do so in accordance with their biological birth gender. As is the custom, a meeting of the school board was announced in order to discuss this policy proposal in an open, public forum, in which citizens could voice their opinions, which many of them did. His proposal was met with a lot of radical opposition, which was a surprise, being that this area is known for its conservative values. The proposal failed to pass, mainly, I think, because the board members voted out of fear, and with good reason. The school board President told me the other day that he had received numerous death threats, so it's not a stretch to think that other members did as well! The school board President is a true gentleman that is attempting to serve his community (school board members get paid next to nothing) in such a way to make improvements and protect the lives of the students, and he ends up getting death threats.

Just this past week, I received a menacing, physical threat myself from a former attorney (he was disbarred) for daring to ask him what he thought about "Hunter Biden, who had no experience in the energy field, did not speak the language, and yet, named to the board of Burisma (in Ukraine), and being paid $80,000 per month?" When he noticed that I wasn't afraid of him, he backed down, but I literally thought I might have to defend myself. This is nuts. We've reached the point where you can't even talk about actual, historical events without some radical left-wing nutcase wanting to take a swing at you!
140   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 10, 1:51pm  

RayAmerica says

America is a very divided country, so much so, it's hard to imagine what could possibly unite us.

I still hope we can win this thing back with peaceful methods, but it may not be possible.

Thanks for your examples.
141   HeadSet   2023 Jun 10, 4:41pm  

AmericanKulak says

Tons of earlier generations did just this, buy land and live cheaply on it until they had the money for a house

I remember that several of my high school friend's parents did exactly that. They would build a shell that they could move into and then add floors, doors, siding and counters as they could afford to. These were on 1/2 acre county lot neighborhoods. One guy's dad worked demolishing a building on the Willaim and Mary campus and used the discarded building materials to help build his house.
142   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 14, 7:58am  

Now that the utterly corrupt Justice Department has arrested Biden's 2024 main political opponent, while turning a blind eye to the obvious, provable crimes of Joe Biden and his family, do you still think America can survive?

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