Your Opinion: Will America Survive?

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2023 Feb 7, 7:13am   23,315 views  169 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Great Britain continued to 'survive' after its Empire collapsed after WW I, and was further exacerbated by WW II. Today, the Empire in which the 'sun never set' is only a shadow of what it once was. Throughout history, numerous empires and civilizations have collapsed and simply disappeared, with, like Great Britain, only a remnant that survives. Is this America's fate?

I have my own thoughts, but I'd be really curious to hear what others have to say.

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32   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 9, 9:48am  

Another question to ponder; can America survive as a Constitutional Representative Republic (what's left of it) without free and honest elections?
33   Patrick   2023 Feb 9, 9:53am  

Dholliday126 says

What is "income security"? It's not social security, which is a different output.
34   EBGuy   2023 Feb 9, 3:23pm  

This is from SWIFT transaction data (almost ten years old):
The US dollar prevails as the dominant international trade currency, with a 51.9% share of the value of international currency usage in 2014. The euro is second, with a 30.5% share of the total value. The British pound is third, with a 5.4% share of the total value, followed by Asian currencies such as the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan.
I would imagine the US is now below the 50% threshold. The report also notes: The Chinese yuan’s usage continues to grow significantly, particularly in flows between Europe and Asia-Pacific, which have increased considerably over the last two years, and where the currency is now ranked fifth. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) demonstrates a strong commitment to promoting the internationalisation of the Chinese yuan, and the Chinese government has implemented a range of supportive policy measures.
Meanwhile, the BRICs are considering alternatives to SWIFT.
35   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 12, 6:42am  

Thoughtful, brief essay worth reading ...

Existentially, America is almost at the end of the line
By Molly Slag

Looking at the American political and cultural scene, let us contemplate what I call the “Quintessential Existential Interrogatories”:

(1) Where are we?

(2) How did we get here?

(3) Where are we going?
Many know a slight variant of these questions from Paul Gauguin’s famous painting of the same name: “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” (“D'ou Venons Nous / Que Sommes Nous / Où Allons Nous”), but these three questions crop up all over the place.

I would add a fourth question that is just as important: (4) Is there an alternative?

1. Where Are We?

We are in the age of the irrational hoax. Unlike the Piltdown Man hoax, which was clothed with an aura of credibility and, therefore, was a mere fraud, the hoaxes of Climate Change, Transgenderism, DEI, CRT, Covid Vax, White Supremacy, etc., are not just false; they are also irrational and absurd, utterly lacking any hint of credibility. Moreover, every one of these hoaxes will lead to the destruction of our middle class.

In “The Coup We Never Knew,” Victor Davis Hanson asks: “Did someone or something seize control of the United States?” He then offers the only answer possible: “We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.”

This coup revealed itself plainly in the stolen 2020 election. Many thought that disaster was an outlier, a “one-off” that MAGA could shake off like a dog shaking off a spring shower, but the replication of that same unsavory fact pattern in the 2022 election dashed that hope. Can there be another fair national election? Some have doubts.

We live in a time of electoral fraud. We know that leftist powerbrokers stole the 2020 and 2022 national elections and that they have every intention of continuing to steal elections. Precisely because of this electoral fraud, we are being ruled without our consent.

Dennis Prager lists (and expands upon) some of the absurdities characterizing the political reality of our time, which include:

(1) Men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

(2) Defunding police will decrease crime.

(3) Racial segregation is antiracist.

(4) Opposition to racial segregation is racist.

(5) Diversity is strength.

(6) Free speech does not allow for hate speech.

(7) You’re not a human being until you’re born.

(8) Capitalism is evil.

(9) America is systemically racist.

Most notable is that our government approves and propagates all these hoaxes and absurdities. Victor Davis Hanson says we are in a time when our own government is destroying us, and he has detailed ten actions undertaken by the federal government intended to destroy the nation.

Currently, the federal Executive Branch has seized the legislative power for itself, enacting law through administrative regulation and executive order.

The presence in D.C. of the uniparty reaching to grasp all power reveals our process of morphing into China. Little wonder the land is suffused with Chinese spies and Chinese police stations.

2. How did we get here?

We arrived at this dreadful status quo via the left’s successful Gramscian March through the institutions of our government and our society since WWII. Victor David Hanson believes this march is complete because wokeism has infiltrated all of America’s institutions, including the workplace, education, entertainment, medicine, law, the media, and the military.

3. Where Are We Going?

We are headed toward total annihilation as a nation.

4. Is There An Alternative?

No, there is not. Forget it. It’s over; a done deed; a fait accompli…. Well… maybe not quite….

One institution survives, battered but still intact. If the original elemental polity—the family—were to rear up on its hind legs, unceremoniously yank its kids out of government school, and roar a challenge at once fearsome and desperate: “You want our children? Come and take them!” followed by the terrible snarl of the Mamma Grizzly. “You know where we live … right behind those blades of grass!”

Hearing this roar, the confused masses might yet take heart and rise up behind them and implement the Declaration’s injunction to “institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

36   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 12, 6:59am  

LEO HOHMANN: America 2023 – Sleepwalking into World War III

Excerpts from the article:

China and Russia are both in full-on war mode, mobilizing their economies, their armies and navies for World War III with America.

Notice I said “America.” Not “NATO.” NATO is America and America is NATO along with its vassal states.

NATO has always been built upon American power. The problem is America has lost its power and any that remains is largely about perception, not reality.

Once the world figures this out, it’s game over. Once they see that the Emperor has no clothes, that it’s all smoke and mirrors — and the balloon incident has started to open people’s eyes — they will be shocked at how weak America actually is.

At the same time America’s government has been corrupted, individual Americans have grown way too comfortable, living in luxury, too engrossed in games, entertainment, and other frivolous things that don’t matter, too ambivalent of things that do matter, to even see what’s happening before their very eyes.

America is in free fall, both economically and militarily. And especially morally. It’s been a gradual decline for decades but at the end things tend to move very fast and I believe we’ve entered that final death spiral.

This is very reminiscent of ancient Rome and its far-flung empire building. Rome, like America, was busy nation building abroad while ignoring the homeland. Finally it imploded from within when it realized the barbarians were not only gathering at the gates, they were inside the gates.

37   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 23, 7:13am  

Just as Rome became increasingly decadent prior to its collapse in 476, so goes America:

Mr. Woman of the Year – USA Today Honors Transgender State Representative

38   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 23, 8:41am  

Not only will it survive, but there will be a reckoning.
Don't underestimate the NPCs and their willingness to go along with the new thing.
One day the new thing will be prosecuting and blaming all of those that has tried like hell to Gay down, jab to death, manipulate into financial ruin, fucked with and manipulated elections, votes, results and minds, the destroyed Media movies and music. They will sort them out, once the worm turns.

Here's the thing, the NPCs wont even admit to it, cop to it or might not even realize, they all bought into it hook line and sinker. But that wont matter because at least they will have finally recognize all of the intentional destruction. They will reject the woke institutions, the dumbing down our our education system, the entitled Thugs, Retards and Morons, that has been elevated to levels that it is a crime in some states and cities if you don't bow down and kiss their ass.

Oh a hard reckoning will be coming, and it will impress the hell out of those of us, that are fed up at this moment.
Our hands are tired and even our resentment of the current state of the union is a crime. The NPCs will smash it all down rather quickly with the same impunity that they can smash up malls and theme parks when they don't get their way.

The NPCs will turn on dime, they left Disco and Zipper pants and never looked back.
39   HeadSet   2023 Mar 23, 8:43am  

RayAmerica says

America is in free fall, both economically and militarily. And especially morally. It’s been a gradual decline for decades but at the end things tend to move very fast and I believe we’ve entered that final death spiral.

Yes, but recall America before Pearl Harbor - a decadent 1920s and depression 1930s. Japan awakened a sleeping giant. Same thing would happen again of the China-Russia alliance attacked militarily. I am sure they know this, so China will just buy politicians that keep the border open and the fentanyl flowing, export the manufacturing, and degrade US society with woke and pedo.
40   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 23, 9:20am  

How's "America is in freefall militarily"? Care to expand on this statement?
41   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 23, 1:29pm  

Tucker Carlson: America's Era Is Coming To An End Just 2 Years Into The Biden Regime
42   Patrick   2023 Mar 23, 1:44pm  

RayAmerica says

Just as Rome became increasingly decadent prior to its collapse in 476, so goes America

Yes, it does seem to be true.
43   stereotomy   2023 Mar 23, 2:03pm  

The generation that fought WWII was the product of almost 30 years of ZERO immigration. The melting pot of the USA boils slowly, and requires at least a generation to come to fruition. We need to close the borders and give time for our society to re-amalgamate and do what this country is best able to do - re-define and recreate what it means to be an American.
44   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 23, 2:03pm  

I must point out that Rome did not fall, that the Emperor over many dominion in sovereign lands with their own Kings. Reached a point where it was no longer feasible or practical.
So they went into King making business under the Holy Throne moniker. They still got their gold, still have their Roman Senate in a sense, but now they don't have to have an Army and defend their empire. All of the other Kings that the Emperor turned Pope anointed. They will do it for them. Defend and Conquests outsourced, and Rome got a religious write off.
45   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 4:17pm  

The Eastern Empire lasted about 1000 more years than Rome. Of course it changed, Senate was anywhere as important, more Autocratic, abandoned Latin for Greek, etc.

One of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Roman Empire was taxes, serfdom, and debauchery. Better to be under low tax, freeholder, rough and tumble macho Germans than under high tax, serfdom, effette and decadent Romans.
46   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 4:21pm  

RayAmerica says

Just as Rome became increasingly decadent prior to its collapse in 476, so goes America:

Check out Tiberius and Julia the Elder/Younger, Livia, Vispania Agrippina whom he was forced to divorce. Tiberius was a Philosopher who happened to be a good general, but was manipulated by debauched women

Already by the end of Augustus, gynocentric debauchery was taking hold. Tiberius, Augustus, and much later Domitian tried to "Fix" the debauchery by enforcing the Moral Codes, but it was too late.

In the Republic and the first few decades of Empire, Roman women were strictly controlled, but wealth and prosperity made Romans abandon their sense of duty and discipline over females. And surprise! The birthrate fell and frivolous spending took over, as it ALWAYS does when women are given license.

Also cheap labor slaves from Gaul and Germania imported by Roman Elites replacing Italian workers.
47   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 23, 4:35pm  

Just another sign, among more than you can number, of America's advanced state of decay. This is what's going on in America's schools:


48   Onvacation   2023 Mar 23, 5:06pm  


How's "America is in freefall militarily"? Care to expand on this statement?

49   richwicks   2023 Mar 23, 5:13pm  


How's "America is in freefall militarily"? Care to expand on this statement?

After 20 years of war and bombing 7 nations, you are asking this?

Iraq would be the closest we've come to winning in a military sense. What did winning this war do for the good of this nation?

We're in a proxy war with Russia, we're going to lose that. It's not hard to predict it. Is the US military industrial complex involved? That results in disaster, every fucking time. When was the last time there was an exception? Grenada? Maybe the Bosnia war. It's just one fuckup after another, over and over and over again and there's these idiots that think "well, maybe 8th time is a charm!"

The US military is so reviled, that they cannot meet recruitment goals. They're bringing in transgendered people now. They are freaks, which is FINE, if it's not advertised.

Do you know why it's not advertised? Because it's used as propaganda when we go to war by the other side. Need to convince the Iraqis or Iranians or whatever that they are fighting on the morally right side, and the US is just a bunch of fucking degenerates? Pretty easy to do now.

At the same time it's like "hey kid, want to join up with the military?" and they see this stuff too.
50   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 5:21pm  

A country that needs 5 days from landfall to establish basic order in a 2nd Tier City after spending $100s of Billions on Emergency Reactions is mismanaged.

And no, Katrina was not a 100 year storm, more like a 25 year storm. A storm that Gulf Resident can expect to see at least 3-4 times in a lifetime living there.
51   richwicks   2023 Mar 23, 5:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

A country that needs 5 days from landfall to establish basic order in a 2nd Tier City after spending $100s of Billions on Emergency Reactions is mismanaged.

And no, Katrina was not a 100 year storm, more like a 25 year storm. A storm that Gulf Resident can expect to see at least 3-4 times in a lifetime living there.

Companies like Wallmart were sending in pallets of water bottles, only to have FEMA turn them back. That shit seriously happened.

Look at what is going on in Palestine Ohio, STILL?

Why do we even have a fucking government at this point?
52   RC2006   2023 Mar 23, 5:46pm  

Simple answer is no. We as a people have been poisoned both mentaly and physically. We are divided past the point of no return. Our institutions are lost causes. Our press is owned by corporate conglomerates. Our banks are owned by a small minority that wants us enslaved. Our government is ran by sociopaths.
53   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 1:40pm  

Senseless acts of violence are becoming more common.

Woman accused of killing car dealership employee in dispute over leased vehicle

54   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 24, 7:53pm  

richwicks says

Why do we even have a fucking government at this point?

You have the government you deserve. Want a better one? Change it. Bitching on the internet won’t change anything. You have to go to meetings, form coalitions, spend time and money sponsoring candidates and training young people to be responsible participants in society. Do you think overturning Roe V Wade just happened? It took 40 years of hard work to make that happen.

Whatever is wrong with this country can be fixed if you get off your keyboard and start doing the work.
55   Onvacation   2023 Mar 24, 8:00pm  

The problem with the founding and early decades of our country was manifest destiny. Our forefathers set their sites too low. They should have aimed to spread liberty to the whole world, not just the continent.
56   Onvacation   2023 Mar 24, 8:04pm  

America is an ideal of liberty and justice we have yet to live up to. It will survive.
57   richwicks   2023 Mar 24, 8:50pm  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

Why do we even have a fucking government at this point?

You have the government you deserve. Want a better one? Change it.

OK, how do you change it? Give me ANY ideas.

MY idea was to educate the fucking morons about what is going on, because you need to have support. People don't give a fuck if our government murdered 800,000 Iraqis over lies, and thinks that 'the US government would never do this to us!" but they will. Government has no problem murdering US citizens.

They did 9/11. They did the WTC bombing. The murdered David Koresh - Koresh didn't have any working weapons. The murdered Randy Weaver. They run drugs, our government is the largest drug dealer in this nation. They entrap people. The stole an election, they COMMONLY steal elections, been doing it since at least 2004.

That's the LEAST of their crimes and all of that is true. Now, the question is, if people understand this is true, will nothing change?

Now, if the public is educated, and do nothing about it, yes, THEY have the government they deserve. My (possibly incorrect) assumption is people are fucking garbage. But I don't know. The last 2 years has shown me about 90% are.

The chief problem I've always though existed, is that "people don't know". We do NOT have fucking news. Fox news isn't any more real than CNN or PBS. My assumption for a long time, is simply people didn't know, and if they knew, they'd be up in arms about it. Is this a wrong assumption, because if it is, there's nothing to be done. If I had the power to murder say 1,000 people with NO POSSIBILITY of being caught, that wouldn't change the systemic corruption.

If people sit back and let evil run the world, they're evil. If they won't even fucking complain, they're evil. The question is, do they know? Do they know what their government is doing?
58   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 25, 12:42am  

richwicks says

Give me ANY ideas.

Run for school board and recruit others to run who are lions not sheep.
59   richwicks   2023 Mar 25, 12:53am  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

Give me ANY ideas.

Run for school board and recruit others to run who are lions not sheep.

My mother and sister were on school boards. I don't have any kids, so pretty weird for me to do that.

Here's an idea, publish the curriculum of every school online, after all, taxpayers pay for it. Place the books, and the tests, online. That kind of happened in the last 2 years, and guess what, parents FINALLY got pissed. My sister and mother were always pissed.

My sister is a civil engineer, when she saw the coursework for Common Core math, she lost her shit. Her kid couldn't even add and subtract numbers properly, you remember

You can teach that in 10 minutes. It's plug and chug.

She was livid when she found out the bullshit Common Core method, but most parents, school is day care, they have calculators anyhow, who cares?

First you have to educate the population, then gauge the reaction. If the public is just a bunch of stupid selfish assholes who don't care, fuck it. They can be slaves, they walked into it, despite our best efforts.

Ever wonder what type of person would have children knowing their children would be slaves? Why do you think we might have such a violence problem in much of black America? Any guesses? Let me tell you, the future will get more violent.

Still, there were basically Chinese slaves, and Irish slaves too. I need to think and research more about slavery. I think slavery though generally creates the worst of a population to have children. Best people don't realize they are slaves. I don't think the Irish or Chinese generally did.
60   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 31, 7:31am  

Of course America will 'survive' in one form or another, but we are morphing into a chaotic, Banana Republic with each passing day. Having a blind justice system is one of our greatest protections. Can anyone honestly say that we still have that?
61   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 7:51am  

RayAmerica says

Of course America will 'survive' in one form or another, but we are morphing into a chaotic, Banana Republic with each passing day.

We are a banana republic now.

We have shame elections, and we have a dual standard of laws. Our intelligence agencies are REGULARLY caught framing people, and violating the Constitution, we are lied into every war, our media is pure propaganda.

Fuck, the previous president just got indicted on trumped up charges over nothing.

We are there.
62   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 31, 8:02am  

RayAmerica says

Of course America will 'survive' in one form or another, but we are morphing into a chaotic, Banana Republic with each passing day. Having a blind justice system is one of our greatest protections. Can anyone honestly say that we still have that?

What makes it non-blind? Politisized prosecutors? But these by definition are political figures and have always been. So if this is the main criteria it means that we never had a blind justice system and the word "still" you used does not apply.
63   WookieMan   2023 Mar 31, 9:44am  

AmericanKulak says

A country that needs 5 days from landfall to establish basic order in a 2nd Tier City after spending $100s of Billions on Emergency Reactions is mismanaged.

NOLA shouldn't be there in the first place. It made sense at the time it was developed at the the gulf and end of the Mississippi. They invested in an area they didn't know. If you're like me and think 80% of people are dumb, imagine 250 years ago? It was probably closer to 95%. It's safe to assume it was developed by near retards just throwing it together for transport of goods. Baton Rouge would have made more sense and just let NOLA be swampland like it is.

I went in 2019. I had fun, but the place is a literal shit hole. They've repaired nothing really since Katrina besides putting windows back up. The structures are shit, even the nice ones. They can't even build a tall hotel without a massive construction incident. Where as a place like Biloxi recovered pretty quickly. I love the south, but most are idiots working with other idiots. It's compounding dumb fuckery.
64   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 1, 6:44am  


What makes it non-blind? Politisized prosecutors? But these by definition are political figures and have always been. So if this is the main criteria it means that we never had a blind justice system and the word "still" you used does not apply.

For the most part, America's system of justice, with of course exceptions, has not been based on politics. That is no longer the case. Courts now look the other way and refuse to hear cases in which massive amounts of evidence exists regarding stolen elections. Now, we have a rogue local DA in Manhattan that is prosecuting a former President, for the very same case that the Federal Justice Department turned down. If Trump were a Democrat, and an insider, there isn't even a chance this Democrat DA would be pursuing this.

By the way, although local prosecutors are elected officials, they prosecute CRIMINALS, and it's not based on politics.
65   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 5, 12:32pm  

RFK Jr: 'The Neocon Projects' in Iraq and Ukraine Have 'Made a Laughingstock of U.S. Military Power and Moral Authority

Neocon control of America has led to the collapse of American global hegemony and the shredding of our nation's moral authority, according to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power," Kennedy said Monday on Twitter, sharing an article from Reuters on OPEC+ cutting production to spike the price of oil in defiance of the Biden regime.

"China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power," Kennedy continued. "Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world."

"The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon's short-lived 'American Century.' The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence," Kennedy said.

Kennedy is absolutely correct.

His point was further underlined last month when Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador went off on the U.S. State Department for accusing Mexico of "human rights abuses" when the Biden regime is working to imprison former President Donald Trump, extradite Julian Assange and bombed the Nord Stream pipelines.

66   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 5, 4:57pm  

When you start seeing Jack Tranniels cuck out to woke, it's over. The GOPe 1998-2016 was wrong, the millies not only didn't become more conservative with age, they're the first Generation in Living Memory to become MORE left wing with age.


Lt. Gov of Minnesota in a Tranny Violent Revolution shirt, a few weeks ago:

67   AD   2023 Apr 5, 5:12pm  

RayAmerica says

The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon's short-lived 'American Century

There are no conservatives or neo conservatives in the Biden Admin.

The Democrats who are disenfranchised with Birdbrain Biden's policies want to bring that up, but its a red herring argument.

Why is not RFK jr mentioning about Obama's meddling into Ukraine in 2014 ? Is Obama that much of a messiah figure that he can't be criticized ?

68   HeadSet   2023 Apr 5, 5:23pm  

ad says

Why is not RFK jr mentioning about Obama's meddling into Ukraine in 2014 ? Is Obama that much of a messiah figure that he can't be criticized ?

Correct. Mention Obama and any point you make will be obscured under "racism" charges.
69   richwicks   2023 Apr 5, 6:18pm  

ad says

There are no conservatives or neo conservatives in the Biden Admin.

No, you're incorrect.

Victoria Nuland is a Neoconservative. That fucking asshole shithead was instrumental in starting a war between Ukraine and Russia. She's still in power, and not in jail.

You are absolutely wrong. Stop thinking "democrat versus republican" - that's a canard, a false dichotomy. It's fucking assholes versus the population, and the population is ignorant, not stupid, simply ignorant, unknowing.
70   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 5, 7:52pm  

ad says

There are no conservatives or neo conservatives in the Biden Admin.

With all due respect, do a little research on the neo conservatives. They are anything but 'conservative.' They have their roots planted in liberalism and are typically very loyal to Israel. NeoCons are the warmongering psychopaths that have literally taken control of the State Department and the Pentagon. They are the driving force behind the Ukraine war, which they initiated by overthrowing the Russian friendly Ukraine government in 2014. If they get their way, we'll attack Syria & Iran. They are attempting to start WW III with Russia and are hoping that American troops will soon be fighting in Ukraine.
71   richwicks   2023 Apr 5, 8:11pm  

RayAmerica says

ad says

There are no conservatives or neo conservatives in the Biden Admin.

With all due respect, do a little research on the neo conservatives. They are anything but 'conservative.' They have their roots planted in liberalism and are typically very loyal to Israel. NeoCons are the warmongering psychopaths that have literally taken control of the State Department and the Pentagon. They are the driving force behind the Ukraine war, which they initiated by overthrowing the Russian friendly Ukraine government in 2014. If they get their way, we'll attack Syria & Iran. They are attempting to start WW III with Russia and are hoping that American troops will soon be fighting in Ukraine.

They are mostly Zionist assholes, and they were Marxist fucks in the 1960's - seriously. They are a bunch of psychopaths with no principles, they are assholes that just want absolute power, if it is communist or fascist, they don't give a damned. Either one is fine for them. They are anti-freedom, they are anti-choice, they are the fucking assholes you read about in 1984 that was the Inner Party. They just want power, nothing else.

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