Amazing New Discoveries About The Milky Way

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2023 Feb 15, 9:43am   19,229 views  166 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Wanted: Elbow Room
The Milky Way is no run-of-the-mill galaxy, according to a new study.

A team of astronomers recently discovered that our spiral-shaped home galaxy is actually too big for its surroundings, Science Alert reported.

The Milky Way is located in a “neighborhood” called the Local Sheet, which is a flat arrangement of galaxies that share similar velocities and are surrounded by empty space called voids.

The team explained that the Local Sheet serves as an example of a cosmological wall and separates the Local Void from the Southern Void. The relationship between the galaxies in the Local Sheet has a strong influence on their behavior, such as their similar velocities relative to the expansion of the Universe.

But the Milky Way appears to be an exception.

In their paper, researchers conducted an analysis using simulations from a project called IllustrisTNG, which models the physical Universe.

They found that, being a billion light years across and containing millions of galaxies, very few galaxies located within a cosmological wall structure are as big as the Milky Way.

The study underscores the importance of considering the local environment when studying our home galaxy, rather than assuming that it is in an average spot in the universe.

The environmental context could also help explain some previously unexplained phenomena, such as the odd arrangement of satellite galaxies around Andromeda and the peculiar lack of them around the Milky Way.

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25   Onvacation   2023 Jul 2, 12:47pm  

Bitcoiner says

Tell those dead jews your fear about concentration camps. They deserve a good laugh. Don’t be a cry baby. :)


Never mind.
26   richwicks   2023 Jul 2, 1:18pm  

Onvacation says

Bitcoiner says

religion made it a whole lot easier to mass manipulate and brainwash people.

And now the powers that be have television, the internet, and other means of control so traditional religions are losing power.

The Internet has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the power to control and its designed to be unstoppable.
27   Onvacation   2023 Jul 2, 2:45pm  

richwicks says

The Internet has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the power to control and its designed to be unstoppable.

I stand corrected.

The internet may be our savior from religion.
28   richwicks   2023 Jul 2, 3:19pm  

Onvacation says

The internet may be our savior from religion.

It took out a number of televangelists and megachurches.
29   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 3:34pm  

The different religions aren't even the same category of thing exactly.

You can be a good Jew and not believe at all, as long as you follow the rules.

For Christians and Muslims, belief is required.

For Muslims, Islam and government are the same thing, with all non-Islamic government being illegitimate.
30   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 2, 5:33pm  

Bitcoiner says

I never said any of that. And denying you the right to work isn’t as bad as burning you alive because you don’t conform to a certain religion

I have no reason to discuss this with someone incapable of nuance or understanding injustice. Anyone that thinks its okay to deny anyone the right to work because they believe in bodily autonomy is an outright fool at best or a corrupt degenerate at worst. Your partly intellect is incapable of forming ideas beyond "religion bad hurr."
31   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 5:38pm  

DhammaStep says

People demanded I "trust the science" while denying me the right to work.

This "science" was also a religion.
32   richwicks   2023 Jul 2, 8:05pm  

Bitcoiner says

Yeah, just put it to bed. We were discussing way bigger issues here than not allowed to work. Man up, the Covid BS is over. Sry, don’t feel sry for ya pal.

Men refused the vaccine. If you submitted, and particularly if you participated, for whatever reason, I question if you are an obedient animal or not. When I say obedient animal I'm literally asking if you have self determinism.

They didn't make these silly rules and restrictions because they believed they were useful or helped. They didn't inject you because they thought it was stopping a pandemic. They don't lie to thinking they are informing you.

They hate you, they have contempt for you and it's because you are so slavish, docile, and easy to control that they hate you. It's like a bully that hates the kid because the kid won't stand up

They are testing what they can do, and it turns out just about anything. They put people in plastic inflatable bubbles so people could eat "outside". They killed people by putting in a coma and ventilator. The killed small business

We should have overthrown them, but when have cattle ever overthrown an abusive farmer?
33   Onvacation   2023 Jul 2, 8:23pm  

Bitcoiner says

, the Covid BS is over.

It's not over until the tribunals and executions.
34   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 2, 9:48pm  

richwicks says

Onvacation says

The internet may be our savior from religion.

I took out a number of televangelists and megachurches.

35   richwicks   2023 Jul 2, 10:05pm  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

It took out a number of televangelists and megachurches.


Whoops! Seriously: That's a typo, and I fixed it.

IT took out a number of televangelists and megachurches - "it" being the Internet. Peter Popoff is a famous example.

James Randi was a famous magician. He targeted Popoff having come up with a hypothesis on how Popoff was pulling off his miracles.

People that came to Popoff would fill out cards before they entered listing what they were hoping to cure. His staff would collect these cards and record WHO was entering at the time on video tape. Popoff would then be coached by his wife to find people in the crowd, have Popoff call them out, say that "god" was directing him to answer a prayer, detail the disease or ailment they had, and it was a miracle. He was listening on a (for the time) very sophisticated concealed earpiece.

Technology created the problem, and it solved it.

Popoff was hounded after that, and eventually declared bankruptcy but he came back, and is STILL back.

When Ted Haggard was caught using crystal meth with a gay prostitute, the normal thing to happen would be to cover it up and then just make it a rumor. Instead his interactions were put on the Internet and that ended him.

The frustration I have with the Internet is that although we can expose the most disgusting criminal scandals:

(That was on Hunter Biden's laptop) Nothing happens. If we had a society similar to what we had in 1960, that would have caused Joe Biden to resign.

So I was lied to all my life. I was told, until the point that I believed it, that the average person is a moral person that won't stand for awful things. Well, that's not true. The assumption was that when GROSS CRIMINALITY was exposed, it would be eliminated. Nope.
36   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 3, 5:32am  

So the internet did not take out those liars addicts and criminals (they might pose as Christian but that does not make them a Christian any more than posing as a stick makes Diapheromera femorata a tree).

I’m glad when the truth is exposed. But like you said evil still abounds. Both in the realm of Christian posers and politicians. There is nothing hid that will not be revealed.

But make no mistake when a person builds their life, career or eternal hope on lies, they are taking themselves out. They don’t need any help in destroying themselves, their embracing of the lie did that.
37   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 3, 5:33am  

Bitcoiner says

Notice how quick you are to name calling. (“fools” , “satan”, “lying”).

Proverbs 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
Satan caused Eve to doubt God’s word in Genesis chapter 3. When Eve was deceived, Adam also sinned. Plunging our world into ruin. You can thank Satan and his questioning of Gods word for every evil that follows. https://earnestlycontendingforthefaith.com/TheKingJamesBibleYeaHathGodSaid.html
It is a lie to claim that mankind doesn’t know its origin and therefore invents religion. Mankind knows it’s origin. Mankind must invent religion to deny its origin. God does not want you to be religious. He wants you to turn away from your religion towards Him.
38   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 3, 10:00am  

Nice trolling.

I suppose that because some priests Molest kids, all priests are pedophiles right? Be careful when pointing fingers, lest you forget who you have offended. Hint, it’s not me.

By the way, Satan tempted Jesus with misquoted/out of context Bible verses too. Consider the spirit of your message is it a spirit of truth, or something sinister? Is your motivation love, or something selfish?

I don’t quote the Bible for my benefit, if I wanted to make money I’d tell you lies. But because I tell you the truth I am treated as an enemy. Best consider what a friend really is.
39   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 3, 7:58pm  

Bitcoiner says

good family?

Let God tell us what is good. He described Job as upright. Are you going to judge God as to why he allowed Satan to take Job’s wealth, health and family? Go ahead, ask God why. Only He knows why. But I can tell you this for certain, all things happen for good, to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. While you are asking questions Why not ask Satan why he desires to kill, destroy and persecute God’s people? Bitcoiner says

Isaiah 13:9–16

Yes, God judges sinners, including children at times. It happened to the Babylonians as you mentioned in Isaiah, it happened to some Israelites when they did the things listed in Hosea 2 which you failed to quote in context “ 2 Now they sin more and more;
they make idols for themselves from their silver,
cleverly fashioned images,
all of them the work of craftsmen.
It is said of these people,
“They offer human sacrifices!
They kiss[a] calf-idols!”
It will happen in spades during the very near future great tribulation of Revelation. And ultimately God will judge every living human with either their own righteousness (which is filthy rags) or Gods own righteousness which is imputed to every believer as a free gift when they turn from their own ways and turn towards God in repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary. You see it is foolish to talk about God as a judge if you leave out the most important thing, namely that He saves everyone who will be saved, that is anyone may take the gift of forgiveness freely. They need not bear their sins, nor suffer eternal judgement. Yes in this life there is always consequences for sin, including suffering and death. But no one is innocent, and therefore no one will stand before God and judge Him to be unrighteousness, no not even you.Bitcoiner says

According to the Bible, was the world created around 6,000 years ago

The Bible does not set dates on creation to my knowledge. But a thousand years to man are like one day with God. Revelation speaks of a future millennial kingdom where Jesus returns to earth and rule with a rod of iron for a thousand years. And even after that 1000 years of peace, God will allow Satan (a created being with its own free will who rebelled against God and took 1/3 of heavens angels with him) to deceive men one last time before the end of time.

So however old the earth is, it will exist for at least 1007 more years.
40   Onvacation   2023 Jul 3, 8:54pm  

Bitcoiner says

Am I way off

Space-time is for mortals.
41   Onvacation   2023 Jul 3, 8:57pm  

I read somewhere, " If you want to speak of the nature of God, the best thing you can do is shut your mouth." It's beyond our comprehension.
42   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 4, 2:27am  

Bitcoiner says

How can you say this?

I didn’t say it. God did. Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 does not say “bad things” don’t happen to good people. Don’t be obtuse. It does not say death, murder, sickness, rape, divorce or other injuries never happen to God fearing people. It says when trials come, God uses them to gain the ultimate victory, spiritual victory. It is not what happens to a person that defines them, it is how they respond to God that defines them. One should not dogmatically equate earthly trials with evidence of faithfulness, nor earthly success with evidence of righteousness. Death is not the end for the child of God, nor is earthly success evidence of faith.

Why do you care about Biblical estimates of how old the earth is? Probably only to question them just like Satan always does. So you have created the straw man of a young earth that most likely you will argue against. Congratulations on your straw man! I need not defend your silly straw man, because you know full well why you created it. And since you created it you own it. It is your straw man. What are you going to use it for? To discredit the Word of God? The word of God speaks for itself, it needs no defense. If you doubt that God created the world, or that Jesus can save you from the penalty of your sins, that is where the devil has you trapped. You’ll waste your time arguing with God. Eventually He will win the argument, or you will win your right to disagree with your Creator. The question is what do you want to be? A God fearing man, or a self made man (do you see the irony there). Either you will embrace your Creator, or reject Him and that choice, with its obvious consequences is yours.
43   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 5:34am  

44   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 6:08am  

Let's see what those Atheists are up to... such as

Richard Dawkins says some rape is better than others: https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/richard-dawkins-sparks-twitter-storm-after-posting-some-rapes-are-worse-than-others/news-story/cfe7fb4a2f7e85eae953edea428a17e1

Dawkins, again. This time you should abort your fetus because he says its immoral: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/aug/21/richard-dawkins-immoral-not-to-abort-a-downs-syndrome-foetus

Lawrence Krauss defends Epstein and is accused of rape himself!



Good old Christopher Hitchens admits he lives for pleasure seeking degeneracy (and don't forget he was a huge proponent of the Iraq invasion!): https://dailycaller.com/2010/08/16/christopher-hitchens-to-charlie-rose-id-do-it-again/

Don't forget the millions killed during the Atheist Cultural Revolution and Bolshevik revolutions.

So these aren't just random Atheists picked off the street, or even minor clergy of Atheism. These are the top dogs of Atheism. If we are to judge a group by a few people, then clearly Atheism is the preminent system of rape and immorality on Earth right now.
45   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 6:35am  

Bitcoiner says

but with religion and all the BS that comes with religion

I'm trying to explain to you that your problem isn't religion, it is dogmatic psychopaths. You have a problem is psychopaths. We all do. The psychopath has no issue utilizing whatever tools available to gain power over others. Your tunnel vision doesn't allow you to see past religion and view the actual problem. I guarantee you you've met more good religious people than bad in your life. I disagree with many people on patnet, but I would never send their kids to die in war and I would imagine they wouldn't send mine either because we're not all crazy.

Except for you because you're seemingly uninterested in injustice that isn't based on religion. Fascinating.
46   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 7:21am  

Bitcoiner says

I can’t ever look at them the same way I did pre-Covid.

This is how I feel. I have a difficult time actually thinking of some people as "human" now. Smart intelligent people that I once respected, I now have absolutely no respect for. I can't trust their thinking and I don't even trust they think at this point.

I had a coworker insist I put on a mask because his wife was "immunocompromised". His wife wasn't at the office and I wasn't sick. My best from from college said this to me as well. My friend from college lives in Rochester, and my coworker is in Silicon Valley. I'm hearing the television through them.

They repeat what is on the television like its their own thoughts.
47   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 7:24am  

Bitcoiner says

But my hate for religion comes from the many people I’ve met who are religious and all act in a similar fashion.
A lot of people showed their true face during the crazy Covid times. I can’t ever look at them the same way I did pre-Covid.

It's clear you don't actually have an understanding of what I've told you because of your biases. You claimed that religions are, at their core, the reason for bad events, which is simply untrue once you understand how people really work. It's too bad trauma prevents people from growth.
48   WookieMan   2023 Jul 4, 7:59am  

Bitcoiner says

“I guarantee you you've met more good religious people than bad in your life.”

Disagree. I wish that was true. Have you?? Maybe you don’t know them well and they are “good” on the surface? Mormons are the nicest people on the outside. Just make sure you never go to one of their meetings. Yes, there are absolutely a few great people in my life that are Christians. But my hate for religion comes from the many people I’ve met who are religious and all act in a similar fashion.

Most religious people don't know their peers to be honest. You don't know what you don't know behind closed doors. Non-religious people get a glimpse into the world because the religious person is unsuspecting. Basically we won't tell it to the congregation so we get to see things that other members of the church won't see.

I've seen plenty of "religious" people act unruly and outright unlawful. That said as a non-religious person I don't care. Guess what "god" doesn't either. If you want to be "gods" robot go ahead and live your life that way. It's not fun at all. IF "god" put me on this earth it was to have fun. Meet people. Help people when and where I can. It's not complicated. I don't need a thick book with a bunch of shit it in it.

Religion has and always will be a manipulation tool. Go to the south side of Chicago where there's a high probability of getting shot going to church. Religion seems to be working super well there as the pastor rolls up in a $70k car to a dilapidated church storefront. I've walked people through some of these churches for sale in Chicago. Your religion is not what you think it is.

I hope religious people do realize it's probably the number 1 money laundering technique as well. If we taxed churches the same as business, watch membership plummet. Don't hate the messenger, but this is fact. Read up on tax laws and how churches operate. You'll have a different perspective. Freedom of state and religion was a back door to funnel illicit gains. Hell the Catholic church is one of the worlds largest owner of valuable real estate. It's also a business: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/vatican-reveals-property-holdings-first-time-transparency-drive-2021-07-24/
49   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 4, 11:31am  

Bitcoiner says

>Gaslight - turn it around on the one asking questions ( “satan, ill-intended, straw man, …”) to manipulate and distract.
>Fear-mongering - “it’s a sin, punishment will come, ….”
>generic answer - “(…) is above your understanding, (…) punishes sinners, it’s (…) word”
>Blame the victim - “maybe you didn’t pray enough. You must have sin in your life”

Happy Independence Day Bitcoiner.

It is my hope for you, and Gods desire, that when He reaches out to you, that you respond. If He has not reached out to you, He will. Your response at that time is what will determine who you are. Not what I say, not what anyone else who accuses or fear mongers, but how you respond to God is what you are.
Acts 17 :27
God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
50   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 11:37am  

Bitcoiner says

Since Covid my life got a lot easier because my circle of relatives got A LOT SMALLER. Fuck em. Burn in hell :)

It's worse for me. I literally am having a difficult time seeing some people as human. I know NPC is a joke, and I don't think I'm in a computer simulation, or that I'm talking to computer character - however, what I am talking to is more robot than human.

These "people" believed that a 99.9% survival rate was a "pandemic" and they were about to die, they believed a disposable mask was printed on the packet "will not prevent airborne viruses" would prevent airborne viruses, they got vaccinated got covid and then told me "Well, that covid was awful, I'm going to get a booster so I don't have THAT again".

NOW I understand why people think we "must support Ukraine". NOW I understand why people believe Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program. NOW I understand why they believe "inflation is good", NOW I understand why they think it's fine to have a spy device like Alexa or Google Home in their home.

It's because they can't think at all. It's not that they don't think, although they don't, they are incapable of it.

If the media and the government say "white nationalists are the greatest threat to the United States", I laugh at this, but they believe it. No matter how ridiculous the claim is, they will accept it. Trans-women are women. You must support gender-affirming care for 7 year old children or they will die. Better get that HPV vaccine for your BABY. Toxic Sludge is good for you.

They believe THIS:


I completely understand the intense DISDAIN that the ruling class has for "people" and it's made me tempted to go to the dark side, which I was once absolutely certain I would never, could never, possibly do. How is it possible to respect these people around me?

1 out of 10 people I know personally can think and it's surprising who CAN think, and who CAN'T - it's not any of my colleagues..

They are cattle. The really, actually are cattle. I don't think they are sentient, I literally don't think they are sentient.

The government has done to me what I thought never could be done. It has dehumanized the majority of the population to me.
51   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 4, 11:45am  

Wookieman, you are not wrong about corrupt churches and hypocrites, including the Church of Rome. I’m glad you are having fun on this earth. I am as well, but I also look forward to eternity which will be free of hypocrites, free of suffering. It is what we were created for, not this world, but the eternal realm.
52   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 11:45am  

Bitcoiner says

scholars looked

Cuz that's what scholars do.
53   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 11:47am  

Bitcoiner says

I stay away from religion

Do you still believe in bitcoin, COVID-19, the vax, and the big bang?

Not expecting a cogent answer?
54   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 4, 11:50am  

richwicks says

The government has done to me what I thought never could be done. It has dehumanized the majority of the population to me.

This is the result of lies. People believe lies, and are corrupted. But they (some of them) can still be redeemed. They are victims, to be pitied. That is what humans are, people who need a savior.
55   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 11:50am  

Onvacation says

Do you still believe in .... the big bang?

Not your question to me, but I give it a possibility of being true although I know many of the problems with the theory. Could be there are localized big bangs, happening all the time.

Super weird to think that anything exists at all. That does make me contemplate if existence isn't eternal, what a nightmare THAT would be.
56   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 11:54am  

Bitcoiner says

Since Covid my life got a lot easier because my circle of relatives got A LOT SMALLER. Fuck em. Burn in hell :)

Thought you got the shot?
Must have been some other bitcoin true believer.

So you believe in hell? Or just being facetious?
57   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 12:00pm  

PeopleUnited says

This is the result of lies. People believe lies, and are corrupted. But they (some of them) can still be redeemed. They are victims, to be pitied. That is what humans are, people who need a savior.

No offense to you, and I don't want to argue this, because I'm done with that 10 years ago before I met you.

I put religious faith into the same basket as government faith. To me, they are the same. I don't have faith, I can't have faith, I'm incapable of it. I'm not precisely an atheist, but I do not believe any religion is correct, or even close to being correct. I believe Christianity is just as real and factual as Roman mythology.

I do not want to argue about the contradictions of the Bible, the supposed "you just don't understand it, it means THIS" type of arguments. For one example, Job is a faithful believer in God and so Satan makes a bet, and God takes away everything from him, tortured him, just to test him. What's the lesson? The lesson I get from it, is God is one sadistic fuck and there is no reward in faith. This is a logical conclusion, I'm not being irrational, I'm not misunderstanding it or misinterpreting it - I'm not trying to fit a narrative around my conclusion, I have my conclusion because I have my conclusion based on what God supposedly did to Job.

The more I learned about the Bible, the less faith I had, until I had none, looked at other religions, wore off very quickly, became a materialist atheist for a long time, and now I'm coming in on "well, how does matter even exist?" and "How is it we can't make a thinking machine, if we're just meat robots?". There's more data capacity in my computer than there is in my brain. It SHOULD be able to have the capacity to "think". Really, it should, you'd need to code it, maybe run evolutionary algorithms through it for a long long time, maybe it would be VERY SLOW in doing it, but it certainly has more storage than my brain does.

And we see these clever AI programs. They can answer questions given information, but they can't be creative at all. IF they could be creative, they wouldn't make them public, they would keep them secret, and put them to work inventing a bunch of new things. They are clearly not alive nor sentient. At least not yet.
58   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 12:04pm  

PeopleUnited says

I am as well, but I also look forward to eternity

What is your interpretation of the passage, "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."

It always confused me because I love my life. Do you have to hate life to go to heaven?
59   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 12:05pm  

Onvacation says

Thought you got the shot?
Must have been some other bitcoin true believer.

That was @Bitcoin -


I seriously think it's possible he's dead. I've pinged him several times asking about his state of health but he may have dropped off the face of the planet after bitcoin collapsed from 70,000 to whatever, 12 was it?
60   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 12:06pm  

Bitcoiner says

Onvacation says

Bitcoiner says

I stay away from religion

Do you still believe in bitcoin, COVID-19, the vax, and the big bang?

Not expecting a cogent answer?

And not disappointed.
61   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 1:38pm  

richwicks says

I seriously think it's possible he's dead.

They posted pretty consistently for two years then poof. He did say he'd let you know about his booster. You don't think he forgot his internet promise, do you?
62   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 2:33pm  

Onvacation says

What is your interpretation of the passage, "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."

Oh my god! That means I'm going to have eternal life! And that would be hell to me. Wow, god is a fucking bastard. :)
63   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 2:35pm  

DhammaStep says

richwicks says

I seriously think it's possible he's dead.

They posted pretty consistently for two years then poof. He did say he'd let you know about his booster. You don't think he forgot his internet promise, do you?

I think he was probably paid by a company to boost investment in bitcoin. He might just be done.

Common thing for people to promote an investment until they are "done" doing it. I think that is more probable.
64   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 4, 8:27pm  

richwicks says

The lesson I get from it, is God is one sadistic fuck and there is no reward in faith. This is a logical conclusion, I'm not being irrational, I'm not misunderstanding it or misinterpreting it - I'm not trying to fit a narrative around my conclusion, I have my conclusion because I have my conclusion based on what God supposedly did to Job.

How is your conclusion be based on logic? Are you saying you believe God repayed Job’s faith with evil?

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