James David Vance

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2023 Feb 17, 3:21pm   8,205 views  219 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

The junior United States senator from Ohio since 2023.


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117   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 26, 7:49pm  

mell says

they will eventually level what you call Palestine

Eventually, it's done. Your Zionist terrorism sympathizing has you blind to reality. You're now ready to report on the Mostly peaceful protests, just like the leftoids you despise. I despise all of you, because you're all against America by supporting corrupt evil governments.

Fuck the leftists who advocated violence a few years ago, fuck you who advocates violence today. You're all the same, suck on that dick, and swallow the jizz you've earned with your Israeli government fellatio.

You didn't fall for the Scamdemic or Ukraine, but Israel's propaganda is balls deep in your rectum.
118   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jul 26, 7:51pm  

mell says

Yep. Also every democratic country has people protesting their own wars, nothing special. It's called freedom of speech/expression.

Gotcha. More Holocaust supporters. Kill the babies, as long as their Palestinian, anything to save the STATE of Israel!! I don't know how you guys can live with yourselves, you fucking disgust me.
119   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 27, 1:18am  

mell says

This conflict is far too old and complex for simplistic leftoid antifa tropes.

Alot of it goes back to the Sykes-Picot agreement and the French funding Arab bandits to push the British out of the former Sanjaks (Counties) of Greater Syria in the Mandate. I just learned about the Tagard line, which was built in the 1920s along what is mostly the Lebanese-Israeli border today, meant to inhibit crossings by Arabs from French-controlled Syria-Lebanon. The French training of Arabs due to the last breaths of colonial rivalry contributed at least a little to things.

I didn't learn this until I happened across it in a book about Ordo Wingate despite reading a couple of Arabsimp books by Brits and many proZionist histories; I guarantee "Last non-American Vagabound" and Pablo Escobar or Isfake Shamir write about it in RT or whatever front rag they write for. It doesn't help the Watermelons for people to find out the French sponsored the first Arab raiders in the Mandate.
120   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 27, 1:22am  

fdhfoiehfeoi says

Fuck the leftists who advocated violence a few years ago, fuck you who advocates violence today. You're all the same, suck on that dick, and swallow the jizz you've earned with your Israeli government fellatio.

Right, it was Israel that broke a Ceasefire without cause to send men on paragliders and pickup trucks into Khan Yunis to murder people in a small village and a Rave on a holiday morning, and took 100s of Palestinians hostages.
121   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 27, 1:27am  

Don't mess with the Khazarian Warriors, pictured here under Khan Oivey of the Putz-Klutz Ordo, circa 1000AD. Credit; Byzantium News Service, Alexios Atreides III)

122   mell   2024 Jul 27, 4:52am  

fdhfoiehfeoi says

You didn't fall for the Scamdemic or Ukraine, but Israel's propaganda is balls deep in your rectum.

Having a differentiated view and educating yourself before yelling tropes is the opposite. I am against monetary aid for Israel, similar to Ukraine.

They are not asking for more money at this point, just understanding their point of view as they continue to fight. You would have to actively wage war against Israel to stop them, so you're an intervention interventionist who is clearly picking sides.

A non interventionist America first person would stay out of it regardless of the outcome. I only told you what might happen in such a scenario of there are no efforts made to keep them at the table. Even the Ukraine conflict is complex and no involved party is entirely guiltless here.

AmericanKulak says

fdhfoiehfeoi says

Fuck the leftists who advocated violence a few years ago, fuck you who advocates violence today. You're all the same, suck on that dick, and swallow the jizz you've earned with your Israeli government fellatio.

Right, it was Israel that broke a Ceasefire without cause to send men on paragliders and pickup trucks into Khan Yunis to murder people in a small village and a Rave on a holiday morning, and took 100s of Palestinians hostages.

Yep, and just like that, context doesn't matter anymore. Satanyahu, Satanyahu!!! REEEEEEeeeeee!!
123   mell   2024 Jul 27, 5:03am  

fdhfoiehfeoi says

mell says

Yep. Also every democratic country has people protesting their own wars, nothing special. It's called freedom of speech/expression.

Gotcha. More Holocaust supporters. Kill the babies, as long as their Palestinian, anything to save the STATE of Israel!! I don't know how you guys can live with yourselves, you fucking disgust me.

This makes no sense, I only pointed out that there are also plenty of Israelis and Jews who support the Israeli govt, at least in defending their territory, even many expats have friends and family they care for.

Also if at all it's railing people hopelessly against each other and falling for this division is.the gullible state of mind. Even in the scamdemic there were people who acted poorly out of ignorance or fear, not evil schemes.

You can choose to bring people, even nutjob leftoids (and yes we pack plenty of fun and punches/resistance against modern leftism, but no blind hate), back to the table, redeem and forgive, or not. This is what Patrick's site is all about.
124   Onvacation   2024 Jul 27, 6:20am  

fdhfoiehfeoi says

I don't know how you guys can live with yourselves, you fucking disgust me.

You could ignore everyone.
125   stereotomy   2024 Jul 27, 10:04am  

PatNet is cool in that it is a microcosm of what's going on in TRW. In a way, it's like a refinery. Heat up the pot, and the lit gaseous libtards evaporate first. Next it's the mainstream liberals chanting the Rodney King mantra. Now it's the fake "I was conservative before it was cool" crowd boiling off. Eventually we'll be left with the bitumen - the "based."
126   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 28, 1:11pm  

stereotomy says

PatNet is cool in that it is a microcosm of what's going on in TRW. In a way, it's like a refinery. Heat up the pot, and the lit gaseous libtards evaporate first. Next it's the mainstream liberals chanting the Rodney King mantra. Now it's the fake "I was conservative before it was cool" crowd boiling off. Eventually we'll be left with the bitumen - the "based."

With one exception: We are male GenXers for the most part. That is its own bubble.

127   Patrick   2024 Jul 28, 3:33pm  


The most important job of a leader is to set up a strong succession plan. Trump is the indefatigable disrupter who has rammed open the gates for operators to drain the swamp and right the ship. At exactly half Trump’s age, JD is the greatest possible successor and assassination insurance. He is the second middle finger to the establishment. Like Trump, the game was rigged against him being anywhere near institutional power. Uniparty policies would have kept JD in poverty at a minimum, or dead from forever wars and CCP/cartel/Sackler opioids at a maximum. Judge a man by his enemies and who he follows on Twitter. JD has all the right ones. Neocon warmongers, woke leftists, and corporate media are all melting down about him which are ringing endorsements. I interviewed two of his notorious anon Twitter follows: Raw Egg and Lomez. Vance Derangement Syndrome is the new Trump Derangement Syndrome.

JD is already head and shoulders above every VP of the new millennium: Warmonger Dick Cheney, Swamp Creature Joe Biden, Neocon Judas Mike Pence, and DEI Commissar Kamala Harris. JD and Kamala are the ultimate contrast between American meritocracy and Marxist DIE. She was born into privilege with two professor parents, slept with a man twice her age to advance her career, and rose up to the apex of the DIE commissar ranks when Biden selected her for VP solely because her race and gender. DIE means that she is oppressed, while Vance is privileged. The entire DIE system is set up to prevent boys like JD from ever getting into Yale, while girls like Kamala receive sinecures and promotions through affirmative action and DIE hiring. For every 10 Kamalas on a Demorallized DIEvy League campus, there is one JD.

We were robbed of an epic debate:

128   Patrick   2024 Jul 28, 10:02pm  


Last Updated on July 28, 2024

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance doubled down on his totally accurate comments about how America should not be ruled by childless cat ladies who wish to inflict suffering on others to compensate for their own emotional emptiness.
“We are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, so they want to make of the country miserable too,” Vance said in a 2021 Tucker Carlson interview.

Vance pinpointed a big problem in society that most young people and certainly all service workers have faced: the hostility of angry self-righteous liberal women who look and sound like Rachel Maddow. Notably, the “Karen” phenomenon has become a big part of American culture, referring to women who complain all the time and try to call the cops and get people in trouble for no reason. There is obviously a lot of overlap between Karens and cat ladies.
130   AD   2024 Jul 30, 8:52am  

132   Patrick   2024 Aug 4, 5:49pm  


“I see the fact that so many workers are refusing these vaccine mandates as a good thing. It suggests there’s some fight in the American people. That they are not willing to accept these vaccine mandates and are pushing back against it.

That’s a GOOD THING at the end of the day.

“It wasn’t about public health, it wasn’t about protecting people, it was really about showing that they were virtuous and unfortunately, that’s continued.

As long as Vance keeps telling the truth like this, I will be 100% supportive of Vance.

But the very moment he so much as suggests that anyone should get any injection, FUCK HIM and I'll be 100% for his immediate hanging.
133   Patrick   2024 Aug 5, 1:19pm  


🔥 JD Vance on the Left Pushing Gender Ideology on Kids: ‘It’s Dark’

“Why are we doing this to our kids without any real confidence in the science? It makes you realize frankly a lot of the public health establishment in this country is pretty deranged…Maybe we should focus on the sh*t that schools are actually supposed to teach kids.”

134   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 7, 2:48pm  

Look! DEI Delores is baaack!

136   Patrick   2024 Aug 8, 5:12pm  


JD Vance was on the same tarmac as Kamala so he walked over to Air Force Two for a chat with reporters since she won't talk to them...

"I also thought you guys may get lonely, since the VP doesn't answer questions from reporters"

Vance got ballz! Lol, I would LOVE to have him as VP, and then eight years as president - unless he sells out to Pfizer or other criminal rackets. So far he's been great, best VP choice ever in the history of the USA.
137   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 12, 2:02pm  

“Kamala Harris’s father was a professor emeritus at Stanford University and her mother was an internationally renowned biologist. JD Vance’s father was a deadbeat dad who abandoned him in childhood and his mom was a drug addict. and yet somehow they both ended up as US senators. Harris started out with a lot more ‘equity’ than Vance did and if her vision of equity is actually true, Kamala Harris and her multi-millionaire husband need to write JD Vance a very, very large check.”
— Bill Whittle
138   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Aug 12, 4:16pm  

I literally saw this in a tweet right next to another one stating MAGA men are insecure over Waltz's 'masculinity'.

If Vance is such a shitty VP candidate, then why waste propaganda resources trashing him?

139   stereotomy   2024 Aug 12, 4:31pm  

AmericanKulak says

80% of longtime Republican Congressional Staffers and Aides, and professional Lobbyists dislike Vance.

He must be an excellent choice.

Hopefully, he'll kindle the fire in Trump's belly instead of backstabbing him like that traitor Pence.
140   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 1:58pm  


Then when this clown Karl tried to make JD seem like a dreamer and a dictator for his deportation plan, JD calmly smacked him back.

I think this is the wrong attitude towards it, right? There's 20 million people here illegally. You start with what's achievable, you do that, and then you go on to what's achievable from there.

I think that if you deport a lot of violent criminals and frankly if you make it harder to hire illegal labor, which undercuts the wages of American workers, I think you go a lot of the way to solving the illegal immigration problem ...

President Trump is absolutely right, you cannot have a border unless you're wiling to deport some people. I think it's interesting that people focus on, 'well, how do you deport 18 million people?' Let's start with 1 million. That's where Kamala Harris has failed, and then we can go from there.

144   Patrick   2024 Aug 16, 2:13pm  

They're trying to use this against Vance?

It just makes me like him even more.
146   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 8:43pm  


No one in Washington seems to know how much we’re spending on illegal aliens. JD Vance plans to find out.

(0:10) Meet Atlas
(1:14) JD Vance’s Predictions About the Election
(5:30) The Left’s Plan to Beat Trump
(12:04) How Much Is the US Spending on Illegal Immigration?
(23:04) The Polls Aren’t Real
(30:37) Kamala Harris
(34:19) Why Don’t We Know Anything About the Trump Shooter?

147   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 18, 8:47pm  

Patrick says

TBH, both of these are not real soldiers IMO. One never got antwhere near war and the other one went as a jorno, not a trigger-puller. Pot, kettle.... They should fucking drop it.
148   HeadSet   2024 Sep 19, 2:03pm  


One never got antwhere near war and the other one went as a jorno

Did JD Vance ever claim he went to war?
149   Patrick   2024 Oct 4, 3:10pm  


With important and life-influencing policies hopefully deciding the outcome of the upcoming US election (little things like cost of living and national security), mainstream news outlet Politico draws our attention to no doubt the most important aspect of the election: facial hair. After the vice presidential debate Politico reports: “One of the first bits of nonverbal communication to appear in the debate was on JD Vance’s face: his beard. As POLITICO Magazine has noted before, Vance is the first White House wannabe to wear facial hair in 80 years. Our appearance is fundamental to our body language, and research indicates that voters see beards as (surprise, surprise) more masculine. That can be positive to some, reading as strength and competence. But to others, especially women, it can be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideals.”
151   HeadSet   2024 Oct 5, 5:42pm  

"If you work hard and play by the rules, you ought to be able to afford a good life. That's what Donald Trump and I are going to fight for."

The other side has voters who expect the good life without working hard or playing by the rules. One man's tax cut is a threat to another person's welfare check.
152   WookieMan   2024 Oct 22, 6:41pm  

Half way through. This is one of the best interviews ever for a politician. Bad Tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd8mmTDDqAs

I'm JD, about the same age. He's my personality if you met me. I also don't get how Theo is pulling off these interviews. I love the swearing and not being fake. I'm close to putting the sign in the yard and pissing off friends. If Trump dies I want this guy in the white house. Not that I'd vote for Kamala anyway.
155   HeadSet   2024 Nov 10, 6:57pm  

Booger says

Will Vance be able to do that? The list was sealed by a judge.
156   gabbar   2025 Jan 26, 8:23am  

“This is a very unique country, and it was founded by some immigrants and some settlers. But just because we were founded by immigrants, doesn’t mean that 240 years later that we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.”

“I think that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops needs to actually look in the mirror a little bit and recognize that when they receive over $100 million to help resettle illegal immigrants. Are they worried about humanitarian concerns? Or are they actually worried about their bottom line?”

- Vice President JD Vance, January 25, 2025

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