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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,025 views  941 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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177   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 22, 2:31pm  

Bd6r says


179   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 5:38pm  

BE ...




1-800-GO-GUARD to begin your future career and ask about the Officer Training Trannies Program for qualified applicants! Stand up to Putin's homophobia and Win One for the Gender Flipper!

GED and HS Diploma no longer necessary, ADHD waivers, no PT minimum requirements for Women and Women+! Get up to $1500 in college loan repayments with the GI Bill! Or Up to $500 if you're White, Male, and Infantry and sign up for an 8 year enlistment! Ask for Sgt Chris Neuterworth (she/her) at your local recruiting office today!

BE ...




180   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 5:40pm  

WookieMan says

Hesitant to believe Russia will pull back. They want the land bridge to Crimea. Frankly they're idiots. Ukraine is no saint either. Negotiate a land deal.

Ukraine won't negotiate. They "negotiated" to end the civil war in Ukraine for 8 fucking years.

Ukraine is completely a puppet government, Zelenskyy has no agency. If Russia wishes to negotiate, they have to negotiate with the United States, and does the US have ANY interest in stopping this war?
181   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 6:01pm  

I heard Putin put some Moscow protesters in jail for a few weeks.

How horrible is that - non violent protesters held in jail for a few weeks, pending trial. Then they got a few more weeks after being convicted for blocking traffic or throwing trash.

Thank goodness this kind of tyranny doesn't happen to Protesters in DC.
182   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 22, 6:05pm  

WookieMan says

RayAmerica says

US Secretary Of State Rebuffs China - No Diplomatic Solution Without Total Russian Pullback (which is never going to happen)

Hesitant to believe Russia will pull back. They want the land bridge to Crimea. Frankly they're idiots. Ukraine is no saint either. Negotiate a land deal. Give them their god damn road/rail and negotiate a resource deal for crops or whatever.

Ukraine is more corrupt, but Russia is just looking like a massive moron at this point. Negotiate. Give them money for the land you want with negotiations over resources. It's not complicated. They're going to piss away an entire generation of men and have demographic issues for decades. Russian women will flee to the west and Russia is fucked as usual for a century.

How would you sell to your constituence the idea of just giving up half of your country and turning it into a land-locked rump of its former self? Then, supposedly you successful in doing that, what would prevent Pukin from going for the rest of it in couple of years? With the benefit of diminished strategic depths at his side, among other things. Some kind of piece of paper he signed? LOL
183   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 6:11pm  


How would you sell to your constituence the idea of just giving up half of your country and turning it into a land-locked rump of its former self?

Zelenskyy got elected because he promised to end the civil war in Ukraine. If that had happened, Russia wouldn't have attacked Ukraine, or at least, Russia wouldn't have had that excuse to go into Ukraine.

Zelenskyy is just a puppet, the US wants this war, it will continue for years I expect. Hopefully I'm wrong about this but we'll see.

Ukraine is already going to end up a land locked country, it may not even exist in 5 years as Ukraine.
184   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 22, 8:14pm  

Don't trust DeSantis. He's willing to kill people in wars if it helps him get elected POTUS. Make no mistake about it; the psychopath Neo-Cons control this man.

DeSantis Says ‘War Criminal’ Putin Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ Days After Saying Ukraine Not a ‘Vital’ U.S. Interest

DeSantis angered Republican hawks, Never Trumpers, and neocons less than two weeks ago when he characterized the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a “territorial dispute” that is not a “vital” U.S. interests.

DeSantis had told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson:

"While the U.S. has many vital national interests — securing our border, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party — becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them."
185   stereotomy   2023 Mar 23, 6:04am  

Can someone give @Eric Holder a new keyboard? I think his caps keys are broken.
186   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 9:46am  

Kremlin: We'll Attack Any Country That Tries To Arrest Putin

There's been a number of new developments including tit-for-tat warnings and threats following the International Criminal Court's (ICC) last Friday issuance of an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The most blistering and alarming attack on the Hague-based court this week has been from former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the security council Dmitry Medvedev, who said any attempt to actually arrest Putin would be an act of war.

First, on Monday he said, "It’s quite possible to imagine a hypersonic missile being fired from the North Sea from a Russian ship at The Hague courthouse." He added as part of the warning: "Everyone walks under God and rockets… Look carefully to the sky..."

In follow-up on Wednesday he said in a video statement posted to Telegram that any "arrest" would surely spark world war 3...

"Let's imagine — obviously this situation which will never be realized — but nevertheless lets imagine that it was realized: The current head of the nuclear state went to a territory, say Germany, and was arrested," Medvedev said.

"What would that be? It would be a declaration of war on the Russian Federation," he continued. "And in that case, all our assets — all our missiles et cetera — would fly to the Bundestag, to the Chancellor's office."

Medvedev was responding to Germany saying it plans to cooperate with the ICC and arrest Putin if he were to ever fly to German soil.
187   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 24, 10:42am  

The biggest business in America is WAR.

WWIII Brewing? U.S. Launches Airstrikes in Syria after Drone Kills Contractor

'No group will strike our troops with impunity...'

(Headline USA) A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said.

American forces said they retaliated soon after with “precision airstrikes” in Syria targeting facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, with activist groups saying they killed at least four people.

The attack and the U.S. response threaten to upend recent efforts to deescalate tensions across the wider Middle East, whose rival powers have made steps toward détente in recent days after years of turmoil.
188   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 25, 1:27pm  

Russia To Station Tactical Nukes In Belarus By July, Putin Says On State TV

189   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 25, 2:06pm  

RayAmerica says

A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said.

“Why the fuck are US contractors and troops in Syria?” An innocent American said.

190   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 1, 9:21am  

Supporting Ukraine sure was worth it, wasn't it? Woke America can't win a war against China, let alone one that includes Russia as an ally of China. Way to go Joe Biden ... the worst, most corrupt, and dangerous President in my lifetime.

China Open to Strengthening Military ‘Coordination’ with Russia

“The Chinese military is willing to work together with the Russian military to fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, further strengthening strategic communication and coordination,” Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Tan Kefei said.

Tan said this enhanced cooperation could include more joint exercises and patrols, such as the five days of training held in the Gulf of Oman by China, Russia, and Iran during the week of March 15. Tan said the exercises would help the three authoritarian countries to “jointly carry out diversified maritime military missions.”

191   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 4:39pm  

Russia: New Cold War is Over, We Are Now in ‘Hot Conflict With the United States’

"... the way our American opponents are recklessly, provocatively, and in many respects absolutely carelessly moving up the escalation ladder, the way they are blinded by their absolutely absurd certainty about their ability to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia makes one doubt their mental faculties and their common sense.”

The U.S. is “playing with fire” and was risking making “fatal mistakes”, Ryabkov said, saying the Russian Federation “will be ready to take all measures and to use all means at our disposal” if there were attempts to encroach on their sovereignty.
192   RedStar   2023 Apr 6, 4:49pm  

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?
193   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 5:42pm  

RedStar says

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?

The Russians are saying that they are willing 'to use all means' at their 'disposal.' Their use of nuclear weapons doesn't rule out using EMPs as well, IMO. Whatever the case, we are playing with matches inside of a warehouse that is stacked to the rafters with dynamite.
194   HeadSet   2023 Apr 6, 8:00pm  

RedStar says

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?

Isn't a nuke the method to make a massive EMP?
195   Shaman   2023 Apr 6, 8:51pm  

Zelenskyy has now said he’s open to peace talks with Russia if only they let him have a few wins first, just to take back some of the territory he’s lost.
He sounds fucking pathetic.
His army is just about destroyed.
Russia will be the ones dictating terms.
196   richwicks   2023 Apr 7, 12:08am  

HeadSet says

RedStar says

A little of topic here, but why would anyone use nukes when massive EMP's that rock us back to the stone age might be just as effective?

Isn't a nuke the method to make a massive EMP?

Yes. From what I understand of it, it's a nuclear bomb set off above the atmosphere. The atmosphere is charged, moving it suddenly creates a magnetic and electrical surge, this hits all circuits with eddy currents, and it blows everything out.
197   HeadSet   2023 Apr 7, 7:39pm  

richwicks says

Yes. From what I understand of it, it's a nuclear bomb set off above the atmosphere. The atmosphere is charged, moving it suddenly creates a magnetic and electrical surge, this hits all circuits with eddy currents, and it blows everything out.

Yep, and Air Force jets like the KC-135 are actually hardened to be able take an EMP pulse and continue functioning.
198   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 10, 7:47am  

US Will Threaten Europe To Implement Sanctions on Russia

Two officials from the Treasury Department will visit European allies to demand trade with Russia ends

by Kyle Anzalone April 7, 2023

The White House plans to send a clear message to its European partners in the economic war against Russia, "you are either with us or against us." Two US Treasury officials will visit European and Central Asian partners next month to demand all sanctions on Russia be implemented.

Treasury officials Liz Rosenberg and Brian Nelson will meet with leaders of financial institutions in Switzerland, Italy and Germany. The AP reports the officials will have a simple message, "1. Continue to provide Moscow with material support or 2. Keep doing business with countries that represent 50 percent of the global economy."

More here: https://news.antiwar.com/2023/04/07/us-will-threaten-europe-to-implement-sanctions-on-russia/
199   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 10, 12:50pm  

War Drums: China Encircles Taiwan, Says Military is ‘Ready to Fight’

Communist China encircled Taiwan as part of the nation’s latest round of military drills and simulations and now says that the People’s Liberation Army, the military arm of the Chinese Communist Party, is “ready to fight” in an offensive war against the small island that sits just off the coast of mainland China.

200   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 2:41pm  


According to the document, dated 23 March, the UK has the largest contingent of special forces in Ukraine (50), followed by fellow Nato states Latvia (17), France (15), the US (14) and the Netherlands (1).


PS: President Truman was the first to send 'military advisors' into what was then known as French Indochina, later named Viet Nam. At first, America's presence made up a small contingency, but during the peak of the Viet Nam War, America's troop strength reached 543,000+. Could this escalate to that level?

Do we really want to risk a major war with Russia in their part of the world? Don't count on NATO, it's a paper tiger! And, if Russia gets backed into a corner, they WILL use their nuclear arsenal to defend their country.
201   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 12, 7:58pm  

Chances are such a low number are trainers for small groups of UA. It's too few to be advisors.

One thing I do wonder is how many Western Contractors are there.
202   WookieMan   2023 Apr 13, 10:23am  

AmericanKulak says

One thing I do wonder is how many Western Contractors are there.

Many. Who cares? Let them fucking destroy themselves. It's hysterical it's even a debate among Americans. If you want to go die, go for it if you're doing it voluntarily. Again, who cares?
203   Shaman   2023 Apr 13, 12:21pm  

RayAmerica said, “ Don't count on NATO, it's a paper tiger! And, if Russia gets backed into a corner, they WILL use their nuclear arsenal to defend their country.”

True. Last month the EU voted to send 2 billion in arms to Ukraine. These were to come from member nations who would be reimbursed for the munitions. They swiftly realized that there simply weren’t that many munitions in the EU to buy and send to Ukraine!
Paper tiger indeed.
And their citizens are mostly disarmed.
204   AD   2023 Apr 13, 1:04pm  

AmericanKulak says

Chances are such a low number are trainers for small groups of UA. It's too few to be advisors.

One thing I do wonder is how many Western Contractors are there.

Yeah, Malcolm Nance is there and likely advising and training on intel.

I suspect Dyncorp and Blackwater (or whatever new names they go by) are there with their "contractors" just like they were in Afghanistan such as "providing security" for U.S. State Department officials, etc.

Look up the slang term "sheep dipping" as that could come into play there.

205   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 13, 6:38pm  

How on Earth does a 21-year old in the AIR National Guard have access to all these documents?

Given his age, nevermind not active army, what rank could he possibly be? Why would an AANG unit have these kids of documents? Why would he have access to them?

Regardless of how you feel about Russia-Ukraine, there's simply no reason one can fathom that a person of such junior rank, in a Guard unit, could come in contact with this material, which is clearly big picture stuff. If this level of info is so widely distributed, it's a foolish Security Risk.
206   AD   2023 Apr 13, 9:33pm  

AmericanKulak says

How on Earth does a 21-year old in the AIR National Guard have access to all these documents?

Exactly, as I wonder how the classified info is distributed based on "need to know".

How the hell does an air national guard unit in Massachusetts get maps of ground troop positions in Ukraine ?

I wonder if he worked with someone else to get this classified info.

207   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 9:37pm  

ad says

Yeah, Malcolm Nance is there and likely advising and training on intel.

Oh, no doubt Malcolm Nance is a intelligence asset fag. He's supposedly in Ukraine to "fight the good fight" - you know how I know this is false?

He's alive. If he was really on the front lines, he's be fertilizer by now. Anybody in "corporate news", that's a spook or an asset.
208   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 9:39pm  

AmericanKulak says

How on Earth does a 21-year old in the AIR National Guard have access to all these documents?

You know what a patsy is.

Don't just assume the "leaks" are authentic, because - supposedly - somebody is being prosecuted.
209   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 10:13pm  

Maybe he was a gay hooker hump for a Pentagon general. Very chic these days, just used his cell phone to take pictures of the files while the general was in the shower. I saw that on a spy show once.
210   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 14, 10:18am  

AmericanKulak says
"How on Earth does a 21-year old in the AIR National Guard have access to all these documents?"

Irrelevant. And IMO the decision to release the documents was not made by a "21-year old in the AIR National Guard" - this decision came from higher up...

What is important is "what did we learn from this release?"

Answer: We learned that "This is not Ukraine's war, it is our war. The United States is a direct combatant in a war against Russia. As we speak, American soldiers are fighting Russian soldiers" See Tucker Carlson in "
NOW Exposing The LIE of Ukraine War."

original link
212   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 20, 1:43pm  

How's that WWIII going on? Anybody got conscripted and sent to fight overseas yet? Keep me posted.
213   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 20, 1:45pm  

RayAmerica says

War Without End: White House Approves Fresh $320M+ Military Aid Package for Ukraine

Yep, should be sending much bigger packages to end that war. We have $350B of Pukin's money to play with, c'mon man!

Push the Commie War Criminal fuckers into their recognized borders, admit Ukraine into NATO the very next day, done. Peace in our lifetime achieved. Bidet must be controlled by the CCP after all. No other explanation for this kids glove approach to their unlimited partner.
214   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 20, 5:10pm  

So you think giving government more money solves problems? You further think giving corrupt governments more money with no oversight solves problems? You think proxy wars solve problems? You think imperialist intervention solves problems?

I'm just wondering where you've been the last 30 years while all those things have been done repeatedly in multiple Middle East and North African countries, and have solved ZERO PROBLEMS!?
215   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 23, 6:55am  

Eric Holder says

How's that WWIII going on? Anybody got conscripted and sent to fight overseas yet? Keep me posted.

Give it time. The Neo-Con psychopaths have a plan and it's not according to your time table.
216   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 26, 10:16am  

US Sending Nuclear Submarines To South Korea For 1st Time In 40 Years

In a move which is certainly to explode tensions on the peninsula further at a moment things are already on edge, the US is sending nuclear-armed submarines to dock in South Korea for the first time in four decades.

Senior Biden administration officials say the move is part of a broader and "more visible" plan to make clear to Kim Jong Un that Washington is ready to defend Seoul against the increasing nuclear threats from Pyongyang.

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