De-dollarization and Brics currency rise.

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2023 Feb 21, 12:53pm   19,565 views  257 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


This is a 1hr video, but very good explanation of coming de-dollarization. Take sometime to listen to it.

I dont agree 100% with the points in the video but would like any financial experts thoughts about it.

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114   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 3, 10:07pm  

ad says

Then they got to demand payment in sugar, grain, etc that can be stored in warehouses in Russia.

They have to make it a barter trade if they can't use the India currency. For example, this would be two pounds of sugar for 1 gallon of oil.

115   AD   2024 Jan 3, 10:16pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

ad says

Then they got to demand payment in sugar, grain, etc that can be stored in warehouses in Russia.

They have to make it a barter trade if they can't use the India currency. For example, this would be two pounds of sugar for 1 gallon of oil.


Okay, negotiate instead of demand.

Another possibility is to give the Indian rupees to Russian tourists who can then exchange rupees for Turkish currency when visiting Istanbul.

So pay Russians in rupees who then can use it abroad such as in Turkey, Thailand, etc.

116   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 3, 10:30pm  

I wish people would drop the "S" part of BRICS.

South Africa is a shithole, the only surprising thing is that it's still in freefall and hasn't turned into cannibal anarchy yet.
117   AD   2024 Jan 3, 11:03pm  

AmericanKulak says

I wish people would drop the "S" part of BRICS.

South Africa is a shithole, the only surprising thing is that it's still in freefall and hasn't turned into cannibal anarchy yet.

Yeah, its still benefiting from what existed during its Apartheid past, but that can only last for so long. I've seen economic data and it seems since the late 1990s that South Africa has slowly been in a decline.

118   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 4, 6:56am  

UkraineIsFucked says

NuttBoxer says

UkraineIsFucked says

Confused. Does that have to do with taxation too?

General ambivalence to the shit state our economy is in.

In other words, nothing.

It's a piece. Just one of the tools in the banker's arsenal.
119   Rin   2024 Jan 5, 5:36am  

Ppl, if you're absolutely worried that the USD is going to hell within let's say the next ~5 yrs, here's a way to assuage one's fears ...

Take whatever 'cash equivalents' you have ... let's say that that's 20% of your account, and split it into 40% commodity ETFs (but not gold [ I only buy gold if it's in a crash situation ]) and then 40%, among Aussie (FXA), Canadian (FXC), and Swiss Franc (FXF), and keep the rest in highest rate US based CDs.

That should help if the BRICS goes nuts on the Forex, for some inexplicable reason like suddenly ... [ sarcasm mode ] MSNBC says that 'the Chinese Silk Road Gold Bourse is legitimate and won't rip off foreign investors' [ sarcasm off ] ... in other words, a pump/dump on the dumb money.
121   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 11, 10:32pm  

NuttBoxer says

It's a piece. Just one of the tools in the banker's arsenal.

No it isn't. Banks don't levy taxes.
122   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 11, 10:33pm  

The Dollar Milkshake Theory (aka The BRICs Is Bullshit Theory)

123   richwicks   2024 Mar 12, 5:24am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

BRICS isn't going anywhere anyhow. It's been around for 20 years, and they've done nothing. I think it's been setup as a fallback, not as a challenger.
124   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 9:17am  

richwicks says

BRICS isn't going anywhere anyhow. It's been around for 20 years, and they've done nothing. I think it's been setup as a fallback, not as a challenger.

It's a PR vehicle for domestic political consumption. Ppl outside America hate the dollar. But nations can't dump it w/o hurting themselves. System is designed that way.

And when the US prints more dollars, there is debt interest attached that isn't printed until the next round of monetary expansion.

Thus every dollar created has built-in demand.

ALL dollar debtors (especially Eurodollar debtors) have to scramble to pay that interest. So they print their own currencies up to buy the necessary dollars. That makes their currency depreciate against the dollar, which means they have to sell more of their currency in order to be able to at least buy the same amount of dollars as they did before, etc.

The central bank gold hoarding going is the Plan B for when THEIR currencies are worth such shit that they can't PAY EACH OTHER in Eurodollar system. When the dollar actually blows up is going to be later.

Yes, eventually the US dollar will become toast too. But only after the Euro, Yen, etc. are totally fucked first. Between now and then, the dollar's value against those other currencies will soar.

The BRICS Fluffers' lube is running dry. Poor @indc
125   indc   2024 Mar 12, 11:23am  



China's housing minister says real estate developers must go bankrupt if necessary.

Do you think this can happen in USA?
126   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 11:29am  

indc says



China's housing minister says real estate developers must go bankrupt if necessary.

Do you think this can happen in USA?

Why does it matter? Many went under in 2009 and many will go under in the future. Businesses in the US go bankrupt all the time.

What does that have to do with the subject at hand? The Magical Bullshit that is BRICS having a currency that will supplant the dollar?
127   HeadSet   2024 Mar 12, 12:54pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

The Dollar Milkshake Theory (aka The BRICs Is Bullshit Theory)


Interesting, but dated. Inflation DID occur, and Saudi Arabia does not restrict the oil trade to dollars.
128   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 12:56pm  

HeadSet says

Saudi Arabia does not restrict the oil trade to dollars.

Did it claim that they didn't?
129   HeadSet   2024 Mar 12, 1:39pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Did it claim that they didn't?

130   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 1:49pm  

HeadSet says

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Did it claim that they didn't?


No, they did not.

They only mention Saudi as part of a international transaction example. No mention of Saudi Arabia not restricting - or restricting - anything.

131   HeadSet   2024 Mar 12, 2:35pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

They only mention Saudi as part of a international transaction example. No mention of Saudi Arabia not restricting - or restricting - anything.


He directly says they need dollars to buy oil from Saudi. That makes sense because pricing oil in dollars had long been Saudi policy and why Biden went to Saudi Arabia last year to try and keep it that way.
132   indc   2024 Mar 12, 3:43pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Why does it matter? Many went under in 2009 and many will go under in the future. Businesses in the US go bankrupt all the time.

What does that have to do with the subject at hand? The Magical Bullshit that is BRICS having a currency that will supplant the dollar?

It matters because can kicking can have consequences. If other major economies do not buy treasuries and ignore dollar for most of their transactions then interest rates cant go low and USA economy will enter death spiral.
133   AD   2024 Mar 12, 4:23pm  

indc says

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Why does it matter? Many went under in 2009 and many will go under in the future. Businesses in the US go bankrupt all the time.

What does that have to do with the subject at hand? The Magical Bullshit that is BRICS having a currency that will supplant the dollar?

It matters because can kicking can have consequences. If other major economies do not buy treasuries and ignore dollar for most of their transactions then interest rates cant go low and USA economy will enter death spiral.

It all started around 2008 where the Federal Reserve can buy enough US Treasuries and mortgage backed securities to provide the needed demand to keep the 10 Year Treasury below 5%.

This helped with all that deficit spending during 2009 to 2012 as far as ZIRP.

Notice its hard to find the statistic of debt payment as a percentage of the total federal budget ? I think it was 8% in 2022.

Let's hope that US Treasuries don't go to krazy krazy next time around and the Federal Reserve can help keep the cost of borrowing money low for the federal government.

134   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 9:06pm  

HeadSet says

He directly says they need dollars to buy oil from Saudi

Yes. That does not translate as Saudi only takes dollars.
135   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 12, 9:08pm  

indc says

It matters because can kicking can have consequences. If other major economies do not buy treasuries and ignore dollar for most of their transactions then interest rates cant go low and USA economy will enter death spiral.

That has nothing to do with WTF is happening in China regarding real estate developers. And it REALLY has nothing to do with US real estate developers that go bankrupt or not

What planet are you on?
136   komputodo   2024 Mar 12, 9:25pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Not good. Russia tried to buy stuff from India with rupees they got from selling oil to them. The Indians but the brakes on that real quick.

Let that settle in: India doesn't even want their own money for exports they sell.

How do you convince someone to sell you their products for your pieces of paper (rupees) and then tell them that you won't accept those same pieces of paper (rupees) to buy their exports????
137   komputodo   2024 Mar 12, 9:30pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Yes, eventually the US dollar will become toast too. But only after the Euro, Yen, etc. are totally fucked first. Between now and then, the dollar's value against those other currencies will soar.

really? when will it start soaring against MXN? its down about 15% since 2 years ago.
138   AD   2024 Mar 12, 9:35pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

indc says

It matters because can kicking can have consequences. If other major economies do not buy treasuries and ignore dollar for most of their transactions then interest rates cant go low and USA economy will enter death spiral.

That has nothing to do with WTF is happening in China regarding real estate developers. And it REALLY has nothing to do with US real estate developers that go bankrupt or not

What planet are you on?

INDC was posting about de-dollarization, which means foreign exchanges are not going to hold as many or any short term US Treauries which can be easily converted to dollars. They don't need to since the dollar won't be used as much for their international commerce.

So if they buy less US Treasuries then that reduces the demand, and likely causes US Treasury interest rates to increase to make them more attractive to the fewer foreign buyers.

All this does not matter Bubba, since 2008 the Federal Reserve has this role of being the buyer of US Treasuries via Quantitative Easing (QE).

Look at what The Wolfman at Wolf Street wrote, he says the floor or bottom is around $5 trillion for the Federal Reserve balance. sheet. He does not see them getting lower than that if they continue Quantitative Tightening (QT).

139   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 13, 12:44am  

AD says

INDC was posting about de-dollarization

WTF do real estate developers going out of biz have to do with any if this?

140   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 13, 12:52am  

AD says

to hold as many or any short term US Treauries which can be easily converted to dollars.


Way more debt in dollars is not held by those the US owes or those that owe the US. It is held by foreigners who owe other foreigners.

That drives up demand for dollars. That in turn makes treasuries more valuable vis a vis their currencies and others.

Some are trying to find alternatives because they are losers who find it increasingly expensive to aquire dollars for that. But because of the above vicious cycle, they are pissing in the wind.

They also can not trade if the US Navy starts seizing or even sinking their shipping, should it come to being serious.
141   indc   2024 Mar 13, 9:41am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

WTF do real estate developers going out of biz have to do with any if this?


It has everything to do with economics. Dollar was supreme because everyone was kicking the can. Now china is sending strong message no more kicking the can. They dont care what US is doing with its money. It will trade in its own currency. And stable currency is an attractive currency. The froth china created by being slave to US for 40 yrs will be completely destroyed before it will grow again with its own characteristics.
142   indc   2024 Mar 13, 9:42am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

They also can not trade if the US Navy starts seizing or even sinking their shipping, should it come to being serious.

Can you guess why US is letting in so many illegals?
143   AD   2024 Mar 13, 1:31pm  

indc says

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

They also can not trade if the US Navy starts seizing or even sinking their shipping, should it come to being serious.

Can you guess why US is letting in so many illegals?


144   Patrick   2024 Mar 13, 3:52pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

So the Russians fly cargo planes filled with gold to pay for things.

That's good news if so.

Of course it would be more efficient to have a trustworthy institution like the old Amsterdam Wisselbank, which could simply move gold around within its vaults.


With the sole option of using coins, it was physically difficult to complete share transactions that involved several thousands of guilders. Therefore, every exchange trader that mattered had an account at the Wisselbank. The Wisselbank introduced a book-entry system that enabled customers to settle payments with other account holders. ...

The customers of the bank felt secure about the fact that their capital was being kept in the basement of the city hall and that the city of Amsterdam guaranteed their assets. The former entrance of the Wisselbank in the old city hall on the Dam Square – the current palace – is still marked by an image of Mercury, the Roman god of trade.

Partly because of the Wisselbank, that would continue to exist until 1820, Amsterdam could develop into a global financial center.
145   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 13, 9:21pm  

indc says

Can you guess why US is letting in so many illegals?

Why bother?
146   Blue   2024 Mar 13, 11:06pm  

indc says

Can you guess why US is letting in so many illegals?

Not sure what is happening. Look the "news",
147   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 14, 9:53am  

Blue says

Not sure what is happening. Look the "news",

What does this have to do with the subject of the Bullshit That Is BRICS De-dollarization?
148   indc   2024 Mar 14, 12:40pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

What does this have to do with the subject of the Bullshit That Is BRICS De-dollarization?

I guess no one knows why US is allowing so many illegals.
In future there will be silos, each country will have its own sphere of influence. They will trade within that sphere mostly. Hence they will not need dollars.

Why US needs the illegals. It needs them because citizens will not be willing to work for pennies as they have many defined benefits which will force them not to work for "free".

Without this labor US cannot make affordable products as it was importing them before. Now because of de-dollarization US has to make its own products for its consumption.

And with money being tight US will not have much money to spend towards defense.
149   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 14, 1:44pm  

indc says

guess no one knows why US is allowing so many illegals.
In future there will be silos, each country will have its own sphere of influence. They will trade within that sphere mostly. Hence they will not need dollars.

Why US needs the illegals. It needs them because citizens will not be willing to work for pennies as they have many defined benefits which will force them not to work for "free".

Without this labor US cannot make affordable products as it was importing them before. Now because of de-dollarization US has to make its own products for its consumption.

And with money being tight US will not have much money to spend towards defense.

Don't do drugs and post on PatNet at the same time.
150   indc   2024 Mar 14, 1:51pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Don't do drugs and post on PatNet at the same time.

I appreciate you keeping this thread active. We dont know the future, but that is what the person in video is saying now.

All I am saying is be better prepared.
151   AD   2024 Mar 14, 3:19pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

indc says

guess no one knows why US is allowing so many illegals.
In future there will be silos, each country will have its own sphere of influence. They will trade within that sphere mostly. Hence they will not need dollars.

Why US needs the illegals. It needs them because citizens will not be willing to work for pennies as they have many defined benefits which will force them not to work for "free".

Without this labor US cannot make affordable products as it was importing them before. Now because of de-dollarization US has to make its own products for its consumption.

And with money being tight US will not have much money to spend towards defense.

Don't do drugs and post on PatNet at the same time.

Please tell me you are being coy as far as pretending the RINO's or Chamber of Commerce/Country Club Republicans are not supportive of an open border.

DaSantis is trying in Florida going after these bubba home builders and contractors hiring day workers who look like they could be extra's in Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.

My favorite sheriff Frank McKeithen (alias "Saint Frank") use to have his deputies park outside the high rises being built on the beach with their lights on.

That would cause at least 3/4 of the workforce at those sites to scatter like cockroaches. You ain't lucky unless you have a sheriff like Saint Frank.

The problem was the fucktard soy boy, white liberal media started to report this because it was too effective:


That is what they do, as you know you are a threat if they start giving you media coverage.

152   AD   2024 Mar 14, 3:23pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

indc says

guess no one knows why US is allowing so many illegals.
In future there will be silos, each country will have its own sphere of influence. They will trade within that sphere mostly. Hence they will not need dollars.

I'm not sure if international trade will completely shut down. It may be a lot less as far as percentage of GDP as for example, the economy of exchanging goods and services transforms due to new technology and methods such as 3-D printing, etc.

Look at how just the US Postal Service was impacted by the Internet compared to the size of its workforce over the last 20 years. Population is increasing, yet the post office workforce has shrunk, albeit with some help from technology like auto mail sorters.

153   indc   2024 Mar 14, 4:28pm  

AD says

I'm not sure if international trade will completely shut down.

I am not saying trade will shut down. It will not happen in dollars anymore. Trade will mostly happen within the sphere of influence.

China will work with East-Asian countries.
India will work with Indian Ocean countries.
African countries will work within the continent.
Same for South America.
Russia will work with Asian countries and maybe with Europe.
America and European countries will work closely which is same as now.

And dollar usage will drastically come down.

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