Seattle passes ordinance banning caste discrimination.

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2023 Feb 23, 10:00am   886 views  6 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Seattle becomes first city in USA to ban caste discrimination. Democrats passing a law which is not even required. There is no proof of discrimination.

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1   richwicks   2023 Feb 23, 10:08am  

indc says


Seattle becomes first city in USA to ban caste discrimination. Democrats passing a law which is not even required. There is no proof of discrimination.

All racial and ethnic discrimination is illegal.

Also, there was a case in the California, Cisco had an Indian manager was actively discriminating against other castes.


So, basically this asshole was fucking over his company by hiring based on his own prejudices. The only time I really see racial discrimination and bigotry is among Indians for the most part.
2   indc   2023 Feb 23, 10:35am  

richwicks says

So, basically this asshole was fucking over his company by hiring based on his own prejudices. The only time I really see racial discrimination and bigotry is among Indians for the most part.

Thank you for your response. And now let me tell you, you are wrong. That case has been pending for 3 years and no result yet. Have you seen any civil case taking such a long time in USA? It is taking such a long time because there is no truth in that case and shithole california doesn't want to dismiss the case.

The so called "upper" caste actually hired his friend from "lower" caste. The "lower" caste guy did not like his job and filed a case against his friend and cisco. The cisco "upper" caste guy considered himself atheist right from his school years and very liberal with his ideology. He maintained a blog from his school years about those ideas.

So you can see how the left-liberal system screws anyone who are wealthy.
3   richwicks   2023 Feb 23, 10:53am  

indc says

The so called "upper" caste actually hired his friend from "lower" caste. The "lower" caste guy did not like his job and filed a case against his friend and cisco. The cisco "upper" caste guy considered himself atheist right from his school years and very liberal with his ideology. He maintained a blog from his school years about those ideas.

Look, I don't know the details of that particular case, but I have directly seen discrimination carried out by Indians.

There was one guy that was promoted to a management position in a business unit, who after a few years, ONLY had Indians in that unit. Quality declined, it's a giant corporation, nobody cares anyhow because it's "good enough". I don't care if corporations kill themselves by allowing bigots in positions of power. It just makes them less competitive in business.

I am not kidding when I say I'm watching GIANT corporations commit suicide by hiring incompetents, and assholes, based on race, gender, sexuality, and other SUPERFICIAL "merits". Let them. Better corporations that do engage in merit based hiring practices will replace them in time. Let me show you an example of gross incompetence at Google:

That's just a random thread on youtube. It says there are 21 replies, but how many do you see? You'll count only 12. 1/2 the comments don't show up, presumably because of censorship, but "youtube doesn't do censorship", "youtube doesn't shadowban" - if a company is going to lie to its customer base, it kind of has to try to hide that, so you'd THINK they'd try to have the number of reported replies agree with the number of visible ones, but they don't. Why? Because they can't. This code was written like a decade ago, and the "engineers" that remain don't know what they are doing.
4   richwicks   2023 Feb 23, 11:13am  

cisTits says

richwicks says

So, basically this asshole was fucking over his company by hiring based on his own prejudices. The only time I really see racial discrimination and bigotry is among Indians for the most part.

Yeah, but existing laws cover that.

Yes, I know. There's constantly new laws being created while current laws aren't enforced.

Like did we really need to have a law to cover lynching? Isn't MURDER illegal already?

Our government just pretends to work on things, they don't actually work on anything. They pass laws to make headlines, to get people to argue with one another, and talk about it. It's all performance. Trusts are illegal, monopolies are illegal, but they exist. You could prosecute a plethora of people at the FBI under RICO - that will never happen. Heck our own intelligence agencies were at least guiding, if not directly funding, Antifa and BLM, will there ever be any prosecution of them? No.

There is no law, but they pretend they are passing laws to make it appear they are doing some sort of job, which they don't.
5   Ceffer   2023 Feb 23, 11:38am  

How come Netflix doesn't include 'Untouchables' in its galleries of shoehorned roles. I am sure they would love to fuck some white cheerleaders.
6   Blue   2023 Feb 24, 12:16am  

“New” laws are created to give people the impression that politicians are working. Otherwise how do you know that they are working. The above one is one of them.

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