Human 6G Antennas? ‘One of the Worst Ideas Ever,’ Critic Says
Authors of a new study say human beings wearing special copper-coiled bracelets could be used as part of an electromagnetic radiation antenna system to power 6G. Critics say the technology could be harmful to your health.
We went camping all the way down at Flamingo Park in the Everglades. Just the campground from the main gate entrance is a 37 mile drive. After a 97 mile drive to get to the gate. .We had no cell phone coverage for the whole time we were there, Friday, Saturday, and came back yesterday. Saturday night we were sitting at the picnic table, and asked everyone. "Hey do you notice, that your tinnitus has disappeared since you got here?" Everyone stopped and grew silent, while everyone looked in every corner of their brain. And they all said. "Yeah, there's nor ringing in my ears!"
I have a confession to make. I don't like cell phones. I have one, but I use it only for an emergency or to call my wife if she needs me to pick up something on the way home, etc. I almost never have it on, and, it's a flip phone. I also have a 'pay as you go' plan because that's all I need. I have friends, family members and acquaintances that complain that they can't get ahold of me, but I refuse to be 'on call' 24 hours a day. If it's really important, they can call me on our land line.
I see people all the time thumbing through the screen on their phone and I actually feel sorry for them. The reason for that sorrow? That's not what life consists of, and, they are missing out on an awful lot.
Not long ago, I attended a family get together and couldn't help but notice that 4 cousins were sitting together at the dining room table. They were all glued to their phone, and had no verbal conversation going on between them. I couldn't help but think that this was a microcosm representing millions of young people. Now, even older people are getting hooked to their phones. I very much doubt that at the end of their lives, they are going to wish that they had spent more time on their phones.
I have one as point of necessity. Land line rang every ten minutes inundated with fraud crap, way less than half a percent of legitimate calls, had to get rid of it. I'm pretty luddite, use cell for reading books mostly, only make necessary calls or leave it on when wife might need to get in touch. I probably make an average of two calls a month. Some security stuff require response and numbers from cell phone due to the 'Red Queen' fraudsters and phishers evolving in parallel with the internet security measures.
I was on call for stuff for years and hated it. Very intrusive. That people would actually embrace it is a mystery to me.
Authors of a new study say human beings wearing special copper-coiled bracelets could be used as part of an electromagnetic radiation antenna system to power 6G. Critics say the technology could be harmful to your health.