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"There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people."
"In other words, Mateo Ventura is another Developmentally disable person who was being framed by the FBI to be a terrorist. Mateo Ventura is another Audrey Hale... another Nikolas Cruz... another Payton Gendron... another...
So... who is shooting and terrorizing the United States?"
It really doesn't matter. The fact that the authorities have become so secretive and non transparent about everything leads to people not trusting then narrative, and it looks like quite often they're right. Best thing a new reformed govt could do is introducing full transparency
" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Nashville_school_shooting#Dispute_over_Hale's_writings "
"Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston said that the FBI had told her that the documents would not be released because they detailed a "blueprint of total destruction" and could inspire other shooters."
FBI planned, funded, organized
we will never know and i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt
i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt
You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?
That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.
richwicks says
You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?
That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.
That's one of the best explanations of sociopath I've heard - it makes it relatable.
It was a movie, and the "manifesto" was a trick to get the MSM and Deep State to fuck themselves. They caught on.
This is not factual because Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students, without teachers and without staff. This was a set up.
Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.
"How do you know?"
"From the bodycam I saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK_DbxAciho
At 5:00 OFFICERS were firing for suppressing fire."
1. If Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, then where are the surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns? No answer.
"So, they faked the killing of Hale, but couldn't fake her picking up a bunch of guns at gun stores?"
"Engh, believe the nonsense..."
"You are working for the government either knowingly or unknowingly."
"This was all a movie."
If it is nonsense then why are you not answering the questions? No answer.
In this debate, you are the one working for the government.
"...who gives a shit?"
"Our government is TOTALLY corrupt. You think Audrey Hale is going to convince somebody?"
We The People, the Deplorables.
"I've just listed a SHITLOAD of obvious crimes of our government, and you want to concentrate on a barely known, small, POSSIBLE, conspiracy."
This is not a conspiracy theory by any stretch.
You are the one who is trying to belittle the attack by calling it a conspiracy. Give it a rest.
"So, why are you concentrating on an event that is difficult to demonstrate government malfeasance?"
"I thought when the "weapons of mass destruction" hoax was proven, something would happen. Nope... "
You are not paying attention You are underestimating the American people. Give it a rest!
When Audrey enters the school the front part of her shoe is white.
When Audrey is shot and killed by the police the front part of her shoe is black.
So... when did she change her shoes? No answer...
"I believe this is an artifact of digital encoding. Human eyes are NOT that sensitive to color changes, to the point that we encode 1/2 the color information as we do luminescence (brightness) information."
No. These are different shoes from different manufacturers. No ifs or buts. Evidently it took a couple of days for the FBI to complete the cinematography of this attack against our children and We The People.
"This is played at 1/8th the speed, the shoes clearly show up in several frames as only black and white."
The front of the shoe in your clip is not white. What are you talking about?
In addition the the video of the police body camera in your clip does not have time and date stamps. It is a fabrication!
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