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172   The_Deplorable   2023 May 14, 12:54pm  

Today is the one year anniversary of the Buffalo Shooting:

"On May 14, 2022, 18-year-old [Payton Gendron got out of his car] and began shooting people at the Tops Family Market, [in Buffalo New York.] He wore body armor and livestreamed as he fired on shoppers and workers, killing 10 and wounding three more. The killer from Conklin, New York... 200 miles from Buffalo, wrote online that his motivation was preserving white power in the U.S..., he chose... Buffalo [neighborhood] because it had... Black residents."

Wow, a war of whites against blacks, no different than a transgender woman shooting a Christian school. Was the FBI involved?

Answer: "...the FBI is refusing to disclose records about a... federal agent had been communicating with mass shooter Payton Gendron shortly before he went on his killing spree in a Buffalo supermarket last May... the FBI said these records are exempt from disclosure because "there is a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding..."
According to The Buffalo News... a federal judge [issued a protective order at] the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York, who claims that it’s for the public good...

So, the FBI knew the shooter, they knew that he traveled 200 miles from his Conklin home to Buffalo and do the shooting and they were talking to him!

Question: How did they know that the shooter traveled 200 miles to go to Buffalo and do the shooting? No answer.

But now I feel better. It is for our own good that the FBI is not disclosing this information.

As an aside, the shooter's best friend, Matt Casado is a Hispanic former classmate whose girlfriend, Skylar McClain, is black. "She said she had known him since sixth grade... Gendron, Casado and McClain all attended Susquehana Valley High School in Conklin, New York, and all graduated last year." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10823087/White-supremacist-Buffalo-shooters-closest-friend-Hispanic-classmate-black-girlfriend.html

This doesn't make sense. His best friend has a black girlfriend and Payton traveled 200 miles to Buffalo to shoot blacks while talking to the FBI?
173   Ceffer   2023 May 14, 12:56pm  

Buffalo shooting was pure Cloverfield cam.
174   The_Deplorable   2023 May 18, 1:28pm  

Summarizing some of my earlier comments...

"There is no convincing evidence that Audrey Hale was transgender. The fact that she wore a tie in one presentation in college does not make her transgender - It is not unusual for women to wear ties. What we see is nicely dressed woman doing a presentation in college about her art. Claiming that this is a transgender Audrey Hale is bunk. The investigators are trying to create a transgender mass shooting story out of thin air."

And we have this statement from a friend:

" A school friend of Hale has now revealed that she loved to dress up as Page's iconic character Juno - a pregnant teenager - during their time as freshmen at The Nashville School of Arts." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11912531/Nashville-school-shooter-Audrey-Hale-dress-trans-star-Elliot-Page.html

This is a healthy woman, not a transgender woman by any stretch.

175   richwicks   2023 May 18, 1:43pm  

The_Deplorable says

6. In the end, the goal of this Globalist shooting was to show a transgender woman attacking a Christian church and to have the American people give up their guns.

Does not follow.. I mean, why would people give up their guns because a transgendered "man" shot up a school?
176   The_Deplorable   2023 May 18, 3:49pm  

richwicks says
"Does not follow.. I mean, why would people give up their guns because a transgendered "man" shot up a school?"

Globalists are trying to establish that there is a strong hate relationship between a Christianity and transgenderism - that transgenders are oppressed - and that is why they need to confiscate all our guns to keep us safe.

Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students and without teachers and staff.

Audrey Hale was murdered and that is why they are refusing to release her manifesto.

In today's news, even the Covenant School does not want the release of the manifesto:

The "Covenant School Files Motion of Intervention to Block Release of Trans Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto... The Covenant School filed a motion of intervention on Monday to prevent the release of trans shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto, arguing that doing so would compromise the safety of the school, its staff, and its students." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/covenant-school-files-motion-of-intervention-to-block-release-of-transgender-nashville-shooters-manifesto/
177   Ceffer   2023 May 18, 4:41pm  

Trannies aren't oppressed. They are mentally ill and need to stay in their subcultures and particular unique support groups. The problem is, they are histrionic and need attention and want to display, so they are putty in the hands of the subversive Intel apparatus.
178   The_Deplorable   2023 May 21, 12:02am  

The following is a 2 hour clip where a large portion is dedicated to the fact that this is a staged shooting...

original link

Some highlights off the top:

1. The alleged shooter is not Audrey Hale. And this because the real Audrey Hale has a long neck and the shooter in the school does not! Take a look:

2. Audrey Hale was shot 8 times and there is no blood anywhere!
3. The videos from the police body cameras do not have time and date stamps.
4. No shots appear on the walls of the space where Audrey Hale was shot.
5. Police gun shows no recoil when it was firing at Audrey Hale.
6. A frame by frame view of the shooting of Audrey Hale reveals that the police gun was firing blanks.
7. The shoes of the dead Audrey Hale are not the same shoes she was wearing when she entered the school.
8. The woman outside the school directing the police to the shooter inside the school has information that she cannot have.
9. Various interviews after the shooting are focusing on gun control using known professional activists.

Finally, why are they not releasing Audrey's manifesto?
179   richwicks   2023 May 21, 1:38am  

The_Deplorable says

4. No shots appear on the walls of the space where Audrey Hale was shot.

She was shot in front of a window, the window panes are broken. I spent some time debunking the shoes nonsense.

original link

The_Deplorable says

7. The shoes of the dead Audrey Hale are not the same shoes she was wearing when she entered the school.

It's an artifact of video compression. I used to work at RCA and I know something about how this works. Your eyes are far more sensitive to brightness levels and you really don't perceive color accurately. Video compression loses information because you simply don't recognize it's not there.

There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people.

If there was a hoax, the manifesto would have been planned and released a long time ago, it's being with-held.
180   HeadSet   2023 May 21, 5:59am  

richwicks says

If there was a hoax, the manifesto would have been planned and released a long time ago, it's being with-held.

Correct. I would bet that this hoax claim is being put out by the authorities to distract from not releasing the manifesto. They can lump wanting to see the manifesto in with irrational conspiracy beliefs.
181   The_Deplorable   2023 May 21, 10:01am  

richwicks says
"There's 7 people dead, including Audrey Hale, 3 of them young children. Don't be reckless and just accept this thing was just "a hoax". There's dead people."

This is a hoax regardless of who killed the children. Recall the school shooting at the Marjory High School in Parkland, Florida, where the authorities arrested and convicted an innocent man. In the Marjory - Parkland shooting 14 students and 3 staff were killed and Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter.

We know Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter because he was evacuating the school with other students during the shooting. In an interview, Alexa Miednik, a senior at the high school, stated that she was walking and talking with Nikolas Cruz at the time of the shooting. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZdJFOFFfI and this precludes Nikolas Cruz from being the shooter. This contradicts the police timeline of the shooting and proves conclusively that Cruz was not the shooter. Someone else was shooting while Nikolas Cruz was evacuating the high school along with other students.

Another eye witness, teacher Stacy Lippel, saw the shooter from 20 feet away firing 'barrages' of bullets into classrooms and down the hallway. The shooter was wearing a helmet, face mask, bullet proof armor and shot at Lippel who got nicked! See 'Full metal garb' - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPvYxTa1ph4

And we know Nikolas Cruz was not wearing a bullet proof armor that day and was evacuating the school during the shooting.

Don't ignore the big picture. Audrey Hale entered an empty high school and did not kill anyone.
182   mell   2023 May 21, 10:32am  

It really doesn't matter. The fact that the authorities have become so secretive and non transparent about everything leads to people not trusting then narrative, and it looks like quite often they're right. Best thing a new reformed govt could do is introducing full transparency
184   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 24, 6:28pm  

According to Zero Hedge the "FBI Groomed a developmentally disabled 16-year-old to become a terrorist, then arrested him!"

From the link:"FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him... Mateo Ventura was indicted for "knowingly concealing the source of material support or resources that he intended to go to a foreign terrorist organization." Yet, according to the government's own criminal complaint, Ventura never gave a dime to any terrorist groups, while the only "terrorist" he actually had any contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him when he was 16-years-old... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-groomed-developmentally-challenged-16-year-old-become-terrorist-then-arrested-him

In other words, Mateo Ventura is another Developmentally disable person who was being framed by the FBI to be a terrorist. Mateo Ventura is another Audrey Hale... another Nikolas Cruz... another Payton Gendron... another...

So... who is shooting and terrorizing the United States?
185   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 26, 4:09pm  

The_Deplorable says
"In other words, Mateo Ventura is another Developmentally disable person who was being framed by the FBI to be a terrorist. Mateo Ventura is another Audrey Hale... another Nikolas Cruz... another Payton Gendron... another...
So... who is shooting and terrorizing the United States?"

The latest: Racists white supremacists with the cryptofascist Patriot Front wearing masks were confronted and exposed by actual Americans and had their masks removed.

And we now know these "Racists white supremacists of the cryptofascist Patriot Front are FBI agents.

So again, who is terrorizing the United States?

See Dan Bongino
Three minutes


186   AD   2023 Jun 26, 11:22pm  

mell says

It really doesn't matter. The fact that the authorities have become so secretive and non transparent about everything leads to people not trusting then narrative, and it looks like quite often they're right. Best thing a new reformed govt could do is introducing full transparency

So the FBI worries it is going to encourage more trans-terrorist activity ? If yes, then just like AntiFa does exist, the trans community does present a risk as far as domestic terrorism.


187   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 27, 2:20pm  

ad says
" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Nashville_school_shooting#Dispute_over_Hale's_writings "

From the link:

"Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston said that the FBI had told her that the documents would not be released because they detailed a "blueprint of total destruction" and could inspire other shooters."

No. Audrey Hale's writings are not a "blueprint of total destruction" [that] could inspire other shooters."

Audrey Hale's writings explain in detail how the FBI planned, funded, organized and executed the school shooting through Audrey (an autistic person with developmental disabilities).

Recall that Audrey Hale allegedly, bought guns from from five different gun shops, except there is no surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns. This is evidence. Where is it? etc...
188   AD   2023 Jun 27, 6:46pm  

The_Deplorable says

FBI planned, funded, organized

yep, there seems to be red flags to suggest audrey hale being dialed in

we will never know and i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt


190   richwicks   2023 Jun 30, 2:09am  

ad says

we will never know and i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt

Understand how a sociopath thinks.

You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?

That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.

In a smaller society we would identify them, and isolate them from the group or kill them or imprison them. In this recently created society of millions, they are "our leaders". This is an unusual and unstable time. We've never had this many people alive before, we've never had this communication ability before, we've never had this propaganda ability before.

Although I can see this now, it's taken decades for people to catch up to recognize it. Why do you think they are spending so much effort to NOT teach children anything? Why do you think they are intentionally dumbing down the population? Even in the 1950's this was happening. We now have a school system that is more interested in "inclusion" of a TINY MINORITY of people, than they have in teaching a child how to learn to read and write.
191   Onvacation   2023 Jun 30, 6:17am  

ad says

i wonder how anyone who was part of dialing in her and programming her can sleep at night without feeling any sense of guilt

Sociopaths have no remorse.
192   stfu   2023 Jun 30, 8:38am  

richwicks says

You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?

That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.

That's one of the best explanations of sociopath I've heard - it makes it relatable.
194   Ceffer   2023 Jul 4, 1:38pm  

It was a movie, and the "manifesto" was a trick to get the MSM and Deep State to fuck themselves. They caught on.
195   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 2:06pm  

stfu says

richwicks says

You've probably played a video game before, ever felt badly about getting a character killed or did you feel good about killing it?

That's a sociopath, except they don't get characters killed, they get people killed.

That's one of the best explanations of sociopath I've heard - it makes it relatable.

I appreciate the comment.

Spread the idea, it's not mine. This is precisely how they think. No remorse, no regret. They are not completely human, but that doesn't make them stupid, but they have as much compassion for people as syphilis or cancer does. It's entirely a game to them.
196   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 2:10pm  

Ceffer says

It was a movie, and the "manifesto" was a trick to get the MSM and Deep State to fuck themselves. They caught on.

Just how did this get the Deep State to "fuck themselves"?

Nobody even remembers it, other than the parents that send their kids to The Covenant School, and a few people outside of that in Nashville, and us weirdos.

The few that remember will forget. Anybody remember Dawit Kalete? He's the "white supremacist" that mowed down two non-binary people. He was innocent - what was his fate?
198   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 31, 12:14pm  

This is not factual because Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students, without teachers and without staff. This was a set up.

Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.

Audrey Hale was not a transgender person. Audrey Hale was an autistic woman with emotional disorders making her an ideal candidate for a Globalist school shooting... And she was probably medicated to make the shooting easier.

Allegedly, Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, except there is no surveillance videos from any of these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns. This is evidence. Where is it?

Patrick says

199   richwicks   2023 Jul 31, 12:21pm  

The_Deplorable says

This is not factual because Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students, without teachers and without staff. This was a set up.

How do you know?

I get sick of people talking with absolute certainty of an event when they cannot possibly have that certainty. It's POSSIBLE this happened, if it did what was the motive to do this? You saying nobody was killed?

The_Deplorable says

Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.

From the bodycam I saw this:


At 5:00 OFFICERS were firing for suppressing fire.
200   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 31, 12:49pm  

"This is not factual because Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. She simply entered an empty school without students, without teachers and without staff. This was a set up."

richwicks says
"How do you know?"

Easy. Look at the tapes. She entered an empty school.

"From the bodycam I saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK_DbxAciho
At 5:00 OFFICERS were firing for suppressing fire."

Nonsense. The bodycam shows an empty school and then the actual murder of Audrey Hale by the police.


1. If Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, then where are the surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns? No answer.

2. Where is Audrey Hale's manifesto? No answer.

3. We know from other mass shootings that these are fabricated shootings - by the Globalist elites - to terrorize the people of the United States. Recall that Nikolas Cruz was not the shooter at Parkland because he was evacuating the school with other students during the shooting. In an interview, Alexa Miednik, a senior at the high school, stated that she was walking and talking with Nikolas Cruz during the shooting. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZdJFOFFfI and this precludes Nikolas Cruz from being the shooter. This contradicts the police timeline of the shooting and proves conclusively that Cruz was not the shooter. Someone else was shooting while Nikolas Cruz was evacuating the high school along with other students.

Another eye witness, teacher Stacy Lippel, saw the shooter from 20 feet away firing 'barrages' of bullets into classrooms and down the hallway. The shooter was wearing a helmet, face mask, bullet proof armor and shot at Lippel who got nicked! See 'Full metal garb' - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPvYxTa1ph4

Question: Where is the helmet the face mask and the bullet proof armor that allegedly Cruz was wearing during the shooting? No answer!
201   richwicks   2023 Jul 31, 1:22pm  

The_Deplorable says

1. If Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, then where are the surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns? No answer.

So, they faked the killing of Hale, but couldn't fake her picking up a bunch of guns at gun stores?

Engh, believe the nonsense. Whatever. I have given up finally. People don't give a fuck about the truth. they ignore low hanging fruit and go after the most conspiratorial bullshit possible.

You are working for the government either knowingly or unknowingly.
202   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 31, 1:54pm  

"1. If Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, then where are the surveillance videos from these gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns? No answer."

richwicks says
"So, they faked the killing of Hale, but couldn't fake her picking up a bunch of guns at gun stores?"

You are not answering the question. Where are the surveillance videos showing Audrey Hale buying guns from five different gun shops? No answer.

"Engh, believe the nonsense..."

If it is nonsense then why are you not answering the questions? No answer.


1. If Audrey Hale bought guns from from five different gun shops, then where are the surveillance videos from these five gun shops showing Audrey buying these guns? No answer.

2. Where is Audrey Hale's manifesto? No answer.

3. We know from other mass shootings that these are fabricated shootings - by the Globalist elites - to terrorize the people of the United States...
Question: Where is the helmet the face mask and the bullet proof armor that allegedly Cruz was wearing during the Parkland shooting? No answer.

"You are working for the government either knowingly or unknowingly."

In this debate, you are the one working for the government.
203   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 1, 11:18am  

Last month, Audrey Hale’s parents transferred Audrey's manifesto to the Covenant School parents who are now battling to keep it from being released. See [1] and [2]

This doesn't make sense. Why are the parents of the victims of the shooting trying to stop the release of the Manifesto? No answer.

Did the parents of the victims read the Manifesto?
No because the manifesto has not been released. So, without reading the Manifesto they don't want it released? No answer

In April, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told the New York Post that the FBI is blocking the release of the Manifesto because Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' [3] and [4]

Question: Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' to whom?
Answer: Audrey's manifesto is 'Astronomically Dangerous' to her handlers who planned, organized and orchestrated the shooting. It is also 'Astronomically Dangerous' (deadly in fact) to the official narrative.

So, the FBI is not releasing Audrey's manifesto because doing so will destroy the narrative of this fake shooting whose purpose is to terrorize the people of the United States and to convince the American people to give up their guns.

Finally, why is the FBI involved in a local shooting? No answer.

In the end, Audrey Hale, through her manifesto, outsmarted her handlers.

[1] https://nypost.com/2023/06/09/audrey-hales-parents-transfer-manifesto-to-school/
[2] https://nypost.com/2023/07/28/audrey-hale-manifesto-suppression-could-be-unprecedented/
[3] https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/audrey-hale-manifesto-blueprint-on-destruction-say-pols-who-claim-fbi-stalling-release/
[4] https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nashville-official-says-school-shooters-manifesto-astronomically-dangerous
204   Ceffer   2023 Aug 1, 11:21am  

This was all a movie. I saw the movie. I am no longer interested in the fake, false flag movie distraction and its contrivances, whether it be by White Hats or Black Hats. The End.
205   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 1, 12:13pm  

Ceffer says
"This was all a movie."

No this was not a movie.

This is terrorism and murder against We The People - The Deplorables - and you are not following the evidence.

Bottom line: In Science we follow the data and in the Pursuit of Justice we follow the evidence.

In this case, TPTB are not following the evidence and are chasing their tail.

If you think Audrey Hale shot the school then answer the questions I posted.
206   richwicks   2023 Aug 1, 8:06pm  

The_Deplorable says

If it is nonsense then why are you not answering the questions? No answer.

Because who gives a shit? I don't care about TRIFLING extremely hard to prove conspiracies. Who cares?

The kidnapping of Governor Whitmer was all planned by the FIB. The FIB entrapped Americans on January 6th. They are still with-holding evidence of January 6th. The are lying about the Ukraine war. Ukraine was overthrown. They lied about the Douma Chemical attacks. Ray Epps is an agent provocateur. Our government gave weapons to their PREFERRED drug cartel in Operation Fast and Furious. The FIB aided the conspirators in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, we know because Emad Salem warned them about it, and RECORDED himself warning them in an effort to prevent it. Our government lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and it wasn't a mistake, the Downing Street memo proves its was a lie.

Those are all easily demonstrated to be correct.

1000's, 100's of thousands, MILLIONS were effected by those events. What do I give a shit about a shooting at a christian school?

Say it was entirely a FIB setup - so fucking what? The CIA was running drugs in the 1980's to the inner cities to pay for Iran Contra, Gary Webb caught them, exposed them, got his life destroyed, and then, supposedly, shot himself in the head TWICE.


There's enough conspiracies NOW to take down the government, PROVABLE ones. But most people are TOTALLY unaware of them, so you chose to concentrate on a small school shooting.

We had cops at Uvalde stand around putting on hand sanitizer at the Robb Elementary School shooting as 21 people were killed. That's documented, and provable. Why are you concentrating on something that you cannot prove, cannot demonstrate, and which will be widely disregarded even if it is true?

The_Deplorable says

In this debate, you are the one working for the government.

Yes, let's talk about something that can't be proved, instead of things that have ALREADY been proved.

Instead of talking about the people that were involved in the 9/11, the Israeli agents that worked for Urban Moving Systems, that tracked them the entire time, the money flows, the fact they all used their real names, the fact that people were arrested for doing "maintenance" on the WTC fire supression system, the fact 5 Israelis were recording the world trade centers BEFORE the first plane hit, the fact several vans were pulled over filled with explosives, let's talk about a skool shootin..

Our government is TOTALLY corrupt. You think Audrey Hale is going to convince somebody?

This ought to do it:

original link

But it won't. Americans are the land of the pussies and enslaved. Fuck 'em

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING will take them up. We just went through a pandemic hoax, and the vast majority of the CATTLE aren't even miffed. We have athletes dropping dead in the 20's that usually somebody in their SEVENTIES might die from. Nobody cares. We should have overthrown this stinking, corrupt, filthy, mobster government DECADES ago. 800,000 Iraqis dead over a lie. "oh well, oops!"
207   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 2, 1:28am  

richwicks says

"...who gives a shit?"

We The People, the Deplorables.

"Our government is TOTALLY corrupt. You think Audrey Hale is going to convince somebody?"

Yes because our government is corrupt and people need to know this.

The Audrey Hale story - like so many other mass shootings - is a terrorist attack against the people of the United States. These people are murdering our children hoping to convince us to give up our guns. And like many other such shootings the person accused and convicted is an innocent autistic and developmentally disable person.

And the story of Audrey Hale is still a developing story:

• On April 20, 2023 we were told by the FBI that Audrey Hale’s manifesto cannot be released to the public because its contents are "astronomically dangerous." [1]

• On June 9, 2023 we learned that Audrey Hale’s parents transferred Audrey's manifesto to the Covenant School parents - who are battling to keep it from being released without reading it! [2]

• On July 26, 2023 - this last week - it was revealed that the state removed Audrey's written notes from her body and her parents’ home. [3]

• And keep in mind Audrey Hale did not shoot anyone. School surveillance videos show that she entered an empty school without students, without teachers and without staff. This was a set up.

• Moments before she was killed by the police we heard Audrey Hale shooting - except she was alone in an empty space by a stairway. So, the shooting we heard was part of the show.

[1] https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/audrey-hale-manifesto-blueprint-on-destruction-say-pols-who-claim-fbi-stalling-release/
[2] https://nypost.com/2023/06/09/audrey-hales-parents-transfer-manifesto-to-school/
[3] https://nypost.com/2023/07/26/nashville-school-shooter-audrey-hale-had-handwritten-notes-on-clothes-numbered-anklet-autopsy/
208   richwicks   2023 Aug 2, 12:19pm  

The_Deplorable says

We The People, the Deplorables.


I've just listed a SHITLOAD of obvious crimes of our government, and you want to concentrate on a barely known, small, POSSIBLE, conspiracy.

I study propaganda as a hobby.

When the government engages in some conspiracy, like blowing up the WTC on 9/11, they will deploy a bunch of fucking traitor assholes like Judy Woods. Their job is to fucking crazy it up, as much as they fucking can. Judy Woods, a PhD in engineering, quite competent, posits that "Directed Energy Weapons" were used to bring down the buildings:


Notice that her fucking crazy bullshit isn't removed from YouTube. That she's not cancelled, that her total fucking crazy crap is promoted in fact.

That's what you are doing whether you know it or not.

It's called Kookification and I see it all the fucking time.

I'm not affiliated with you. I hate the fucking crazy conspiracy theorists that make real discussion impossible, and the morons that just trust the government. They are the same.

If you are over target and correct, THEN you get censored and cancelled.

So, go back to CRAZING UP this school shooting. Ignore Uvalde where are fucking pig police paid by our fucking government did NOTHING for 90 minutes as kids were slaughtered. Well, not nothing, they used some hand sanitizer and joked around.

That's fucking recorded, it's completely certain.

Anybody remember the Broward Cowards?

No no no, let's fucking ignore ESTABLISHED government evil and malfeasance.

Because you fucking care, right?

It's OBVIOUS the government is your enemy, but the military won't do anything about it, certainly the DOJ and intelligence agencies will do nothing about it, and the population won't.

Every fucking cop at Uvalde, they should be hunted down, and exterminated but they won't be.

I am beyond giving a shit.
209   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 2, 1:13pm  

richwicks says
"I've just listed a SHITLOAD of obvious crimes of our government, and you want to concentrate on a barely known, small, POSSIBLE, conspiracy."

This is not a conspiracy theory by any stretch. I presented evidence that proves that the Nashville Shooting at the Presbyterian School was a Globalist terrorist attack against the people of the United States.

You are the one who is trying to belittle the attack by calling it a conspiracy. Give it a rest.
210   richwicks   2023 Aug 2, 2:12pm  

The_Deplorable says

This is not a conspiracy theory by any stretch.

It's not worth investigating.

Our government murdered 800,000 Iraqis over a lie. They let cops idly standby as 19 students and 2 teachers were murdered at Uvalde.

We know this as a FACT now, it's not disputable. So, why are you concentrating on an event that is difficult to demonstrate government malfeasance?

We already have the reasons these assholes in power should be in prison.

I thought when the "weapons of mass destruction" hoax was proven, something would happen. Nope, I live in the land of cattle and sheep. We ought to be killing and putting into prison every mother fucker that engaged in this bullshit pandemic panic and pushed people to take a shot that had ZERO efficacy and is killing people. Nope.

The_Deplorable says

You are the one who is trying to belittle the attack by calling it a conspiracy. Give it a rest.

I'm saying it doesn't fucking matter, even if it is. It's difficult to prove, even if you're right, and instead of talking about events that are EASILY proved, you concentrate on this nonsense.

It's just jingly keys for the morons.

Look, everybody has plenty of information to get rid of these mother fuckers in power:

original link

People make fun of it now. Those are all quotes from emails and Slack. Our own fucking government released a biological agent they created, then they did everything they could to get us to inject fucking drano into our bodies. You aren't going to revolt, I already have.
211   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 2, 2:30pm  

"This is not a conspiracy theory by any stretch.

richwicks says

"So, why are you concentrating on an event that is difficult to demonstrate government malfeasance?"

I am not.

I presented other similar terrorist attacks by Globalists with evidence and data.

Again, stop belittling these murderous attacks. They are important!

"I thought when the "weapons of mass destruction" hoax was proven, something would happen. Nope... "

You are not paying attention You are underestimating the American people. Give it a rest!

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