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Hahahaha! #TransTerrorism is a leading hash tag on Twitter!
This would never have been allowed pre-Musk.
The demonization is absolutely one way. Even the neocon GOPe sleezebags took pains not to blame "Islam" for 911.
Yet another murderous white male.
So, where exactly do these MKUltra zombies get their weapons training and their arsenals? Does the FBI have a special campus for them? Does the CIA give them monogrammed guns from their reserves?
Can't tell even at the outset any more whether this is pure psyops cgi or somebody actually got shot. Some crisis actor female screamer from some other incident was already in place in the news. Whenever you see the flying fingers of deafspeak, or the women at attention with hands demurely folded in front, you know you are being subjected to some kind of deceptive, virtue signaling psyop script.
Who cares, it'll be flushed from the news scene soon enough until the next time.
Where's the father?
what drugs were they on?
Why aren't these ANTIFA inspired domestic terrorists being investigated by the FBI
New York Times apologizes for being confused about the proper 'gender' of the shooter:
Sirhan Sirhan programming is so old hat.
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