Please help oppose child vaxx mandates in Mountain View; show up to city council meeting Monday April 3rd

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2023 Mar 30, 11:49am   2,069 views  36 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Email from a friend:

As you may know, many children are now barred from participation in local theater programs because of vaccine mandates.

My husband Alex and I (and a couple of our friends) will be addressing the Mountain View City Council at 6pm on Monday 4/3.

If you can't come, but may be interested in doing this type of thing in the future, please reply. We're homeschooling parents, and would love to share info about local arts programs that don't have restrictive policies.

Here's the letter that Alex has sent to the Peninsula Youth Theatre:


And here are his other letters:


Here's more detail:

From: Alex Eulenberg

Date: Monday, April 3rd
Time: 6:00 PM
Place, Council Chambers, 500 Castro St, Mountain View

I will be addressing the Mountain View City Council under the public comment section for the second time demanding that the Council prevent the city owned and operated Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from allowing performances by Peninsula Youth Theatre, so long as they exclude participants from their productions, including children as young as 8 years old, who are not “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccinations, that is, have not taken the completely FDA-unapproved bivalent booster. See:

https://pytnet.org/auditions/ “For actors ages 8 – 18 … All participants will be required to remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations.”

At the last meeting, I urged the Council to use their power to stop this medical discrimination on their property at their last meeting, letting them know that such a practice violates California and US civil rights law, and after almost two weeks now have received no response from them or from the City Attorney, to whom I wrote directly and extensively on this matter. I want to let them know I am serious about this. If you’re interested in helping me, even sitting in the auditorium and raising your hand in support would be useful. Especially good would be to have some parents of children who might be interested in participating in a PYT production or summer camp (which is for ages 5 and up and also requires all participants to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccinations). Again, you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to, just be there and raise your hand, or stand and be counted as appropriate.

For reference, here is the video from the March 14 City Council meeting.


Please write alex@rent-a-mind.com if you are interested in helping with the City Council address or in participating in a protest at the next PYT performance at the MVCPA if nothing is done about the policy.

Please let us know if you can join us there – or submit your comments online, as described here:


Thank you!

(homeschooling mom)

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4   Patrick   2023 Mar 30, 12:59pm  

@richwicks I will go.
5   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 1:11pm  

Patrick says

richwicks I will go.

I really have no stake in this, but I'd be interested in what is said. I believe you have my phone number.

You can take the 22/522 down, it's worse than Caltrain, but it's far cheaper. IF you can get the 522, I recommend that, less stops, but for you to catch it you have to be at a proper stop. The 522 skips many stops.
6   Undoctored   2023 Mar 30, 11:00pm  

Yes, I will be there. This is my campaign. I am a Mountain View resident and at this point there is no issue I care more about than ending discrimination against the unvaccinated. I will not let my city permit it, not in its employment policy, not in the use of its facilities. There is so much to say. This is just the beginning.
7   Patrick   2023 Mar 31, 10:59pm  

Woot, this is getting more visibility. Children's Health Defense is not asking people to come to the meeting.

Forwarding an important message from our community members Ari and Alex.

PLEASE join us on Monday, April 3rd, in Mountain View, and speak against medical discrimination!

We are going to speak at the Mountain View City Council meeting demanding that they stop making their facilities available to anyone who discriminates on the basis of vaccination status, such as PYT (Peninsula Youth Theatre), and also drop their own vaccination requirements for staff and volunteers.

PLEASE JOIN US IN PERSON! OR CALL IN (see instructions below)


Monday April 3rd at 6 pm (public comment begins at 6:30 pm)
Here's the Mountain View City Council calendar page:



Mountain View City Hall
500 Castro St
Mountain View


There's a large parking lot at the corner of Mercy St and Bryant St, one block away from the City Hall Plaza. There's also an underground garage with free parking in the Performing Arts Center, on Mercy St. (between Castro and Bryant).


From the meeting agenda:

"This meeting is being conducted with a virtual component. Anyone wishing to address the Council virtually may join the meeting online at: https://mountainview.zoom.us/j/84351267142 or by dialing (669) 900-9128 and entering Webinar ID: 843 5126 7142. "


From Alex Eulenberg:

I will be addressing the Mountain View City Council under the public comment section for the second time demanding that the Council prevent the city owned and operated Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from allowing performances by Peninsula Youth Theatre, so long as they exclude participants from their productions, including children as young as 8 years old, who are not “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccinations, that is, have not taken the completely FDA-unapproved bivalent booster. See:

https://pytnet.org/auditions/ “For actors ages 8 – 18 … All participants will be required to remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations.”

At the last meeting, I urged the Council to use their power to stop this medical discrimination on their property at their last meeting, letting them know that such a practice violates California and US civil rights law, and after almost two weeks now have received no response from them or from the City Attorney, to whom I wrote directly and extensively on this matter. I want to let them know I am serious about this. If you’re interested in helping me, even sitting in the auditorium and raising your hand in support would be useful. Especially good would be to have some parents of children who might be interested in participating in a PYT production or summer camp (which is for ages 5 and up and also requires all participants to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccinations). Again, you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to, just be there and raise your hand, or stand and be counted as appropriate.

For reference, here is the video from the March 14 City Council meeting.


Thank you!

(homeschooling mom)

With gratitude to be working alongside our community,

Terry Bottari & Elizabeth Tun Zan
San Mateo County Ambassadors
8   Undoctored   2023 Apr 2, 9:38am  

This is the specific resolution that we will be asking the Mountain View City Council to adopt. It will

1. Keep Peninsula Youth Theatre from holding its performances and camps at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts (MVCPA) unless they drop their vaccination requirements for performers and campers

2. Ensure that there will be no shows at the MVCPA that require audience members to present a vax card or negative test result.

3. Allow anyone to work or volunteer at the City of Mountain View without being asked about vaccination status.

WHEREAS, no county, state, or federal agency currently recommends the exclusion of COVID-19 unvaccinated people from any activity; and

WHEREAS, after two years of wide availability of COVID-19 vaccines, no health agency now claims that any COVID-19 vaccine or booster prevents infection with or transmission of the pathogen that causes COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, many people in the greater Mountain View community who are otherwise eligible to work for the City, or to take part in events held at City facilities, have not taken these vaccines, for religious, medical, or other legitimate reasons; and

WHEREAS, it is a violation of an employee’s right to religious and medical privacy for an employer to require the disclosure of religious beliefs, or of a medical condition unrelated to the performance of one’s work duties, in order to avoid undergoing a medical procedure not necessary to ensure safety in the workspace; and

WHEREAS, it is wrong to exclude people from the community or stigmatize them for making a personal medical decision that does not have a direct adverse affect on others; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mountain View is committed to providing a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and abusive conduct; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mountain View is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible community, a “Community for All”;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mountain View that the City Manager shall rescind Administrative Instruction 3-44 “COVID-19 Workplace Prevention and Safety Policy,” and any other instruction or order requiring medical treatment or testing not required by applicable law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager shall issue an Administrative Instruction disallowing the enactment of any vaccination or booster requirement, with or without a pre-entry negative test result alternative, at events hosted at City facilities.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager shall issue an Administrative Instruction preventing the use of City facilities for conferences, workshops, camps, or any other activity advertised to the public, where participation is restricted in any way on the basis of vaccination status.
9   richwicks   2023 Apr 2, 10:05am  

Undoctored says

This is the specific resolution that we will be asking the Mountain View City Council to adopt. It will

1. Keep Peninsula Youth Theatre from holding its performances and camps at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts (MVCPA) unless they drop their vaccination requirements for performers and campers

2. Ensure that there will be no shows at the MVCPA that require audience members to present a vax card or negative test result.

3. Allow anyone to work or volunteer at the City of Mountain View without being asked about vaccination status.

This is too specific.

No child should be required to be toxinated, when the toxinne provides no benefit for them.

I'm 51. I'd rather die than have a child die to POSSIBLY protect me, and these toxines do not protect me anyhow. They have no efficacy, they are nothing but dangerous. A child being toxinated does not protect me anyhow, and even if it did, it's a CHILD. Children can't be allowed to be our shields.
10   Undoctored   2023 Apr 2, 3:55pm  

@richwicks Bad editing on my part. But now that you've quoted it I'll let it stand. Those three points are not the resolution. That is a readable summary of what the resolution will accomplish practically. The resolution itself starts with RESOLVED paragraphs. Note I can only ask of the City Council what they have power over. Ever heard of the concept of "limited government"?

Here are the City policies my proposed resolution ends:

1. Honoring requests to hold "Fully Vaccinated" and "Up-to-Date Vaccination" Events at the MVCPA:


2. Vaccination requirement for employees, contractors, and volunteers https://cityofmountainviewca.nextrequest.com/documents/18814660?token=a7ee708fc09fe43861b2d418b1492c6a

Peninsula Youth Theatre is an independent non-profit organization, but they do use City of Mountain View facilities. I have asked PYT politely and they would not budge. So I am now turning to the city. Here's what the resolution is aimed at taking down.


Our camp internships are educational experiences for students interested in learning the basics of youth program management in the theatrical arts … Qualifications: 13 years of age or older … All camp staff and interns must remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations

Ages: 5-15 … Locations: … Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts (MVCPA) – Mountain View, CA … PYT campers must be up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations while at camp.


Matilda The Musical For actors ages 8 – 18 … All participants will be required to remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations.


These performances take place at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts
11   WookieMan   2023 Apr 2, 6:23pm  

@Undoctored - Ok, so if I'm understanding this correctly this is just for a public statement about the building and getting a show of people to get the board aware there's concern?

I'd print off flyers though tomorrow morning if you're capable or someone you know can whip up the most basic site in 20-30min. Get a QR code to the site and start handing flyers out asap that has links to the concerns over the vaccine and a general statement. Keep it short. Make it something clever and witty graphic wise, but it has to draw attention and can be super basic. Here's what I did on a recent cruise and people donated to Oceana a marine wildlife charity. Had my kids run around and pin them up everywhere. (Redacted the QR code for privacy reasons)

Just a last second thought if you want to try it. Walgreens, CVS, RiteAid or whatever type store you have like that can usually pump out prints in 30-60 minutes from ordering. Maybe quicker and could be ready in the morning. Good luck. All it takes is one person to make awareness pretty quickly. Run around and staple, tape or hand out to anyone you can as early as you can. Just my 2¢ as a member of a government board.

Also make sure to add the emails of all the board members and attorney to said website if you do it. It may seem daunting, but being in Mountain View I presume you know some techies. I'm in IL and not up for it right now, but it should only take an hour if that.
12   richwicks   2023 Apr 3, 1:23am  

Ari says

PLEASE JOIN US IN PERSON! OR CALL IN (see instructions below)

Monday April 3rd at 6 pm

Here's the Mountain View City Council calendar page:

Mountain View City Hall
500 Castro St
Mountain View

There's a large parking lot at the corner of Mercy St and Bryant St, one block away from the City Hall Plaza. There's also an underground garage with free parking in the Performing Arts Center, on Mercy St. (between Castro and Bryant).


From the meeting agenda:
"This meeting is being conducted with a virtual component. Anyone wishing to address the Council virtually may join the meeting online at: https://mountainview.zoom.us/j/84351267142 or by d...

500 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA


March 3, 6:00 pm.
13   Undoctored   2023 Apr 3, 7:06am  

Thanks for the tips, @WookieMan. Too bad you can’t be there in person but I hope you can watch the livestream.

Thanks for the map link, @richwicks. That’s TODAY, Monday April 3

6:00 meet and greet and last minute strategizing on the second floor of City Hall. Those wishing to speak must fill out a speaker card for agenda item 5 “public comment.”

6:30 City Council open session starts, we enter the Chambers and say the pledge of allegiance “…Liberty and Justice for all” remember that’s all we’re asking for. Hand in your speaker card.

During the public comment section … speak, or if you’re not speaking, raise your hand or stand when called upon to support the speaker.
14   Undoctored   2023 Apr 3, 7:52am  

WookieMan says

Undoctored - Ok, so if I'm understanding this correctly this is just for a public statement about the building and getting a show of people to get the board aware there's concern?

Good question! Thanks for spurring me to clarify. There are two aspects to this. An awareness campaign regarding a problem going on in right here in the city and, a demand for the City Council to act and apply the solution.

1. Awareness campaign: Putting a spotlight on the fact that a certain nonprofit organization, Peninsula Youth Theatre (PYT), has programs for children that exclude any child not “up to date” with the latest FDA-unapproved bivalent booster shot, and these programs are held on City property, in particular, at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, and that the local people are opposed to this: only one out of four children in the area have received this widely available shot.

2. Demand: that the City Council of the City of Mountain View adopt a resolution to prohibit all discrimination on the basis of vaccination status on city property, which would force PYT to drop its policy.
15   WookieMan   2023 Apr 3, 8:20am  

Okay, so it's already policy then.

The key is getting notification to the public that DON'T use the building or PYT. And informing them that this effects other buildings likely that host other organizations like scouts, library activities, etc. I don't know the full details, but sounds like it would effect those events as well if held on government property, right?

I don't like this vaccine and wouldn't put it in my children. There are a lot people out there that might back you up, but not necessarily have kids in that program. Some may not even know it's even going on, yet take action if they found out. Heck some may not even have kids and would back you up.

Not on topic necessarily, but this is another argument to get out of larger suburbs and cities. I get work, family and schools for staying. But out of 81k people, it's going to be more difficult to know the decision makers. I personally know all the village trustees, school board members and library board members in my town. I could knock on their door and they'd be "hey what's up John Doe." The lack of any kind of control can be frustrating.

I wish you luck tonight. It's probably going to be an ongoing battle. I'm in IL, but I assume boards are run similar out in CA. Going to meetings is the first step, but given the size of your community you're going to have to go guerrilla warfare style so to speak. You're going to need probably 100+ people at a meeting if you don't have that already. Again, good luck tonight. I might post another idea shortly.
16   Undoctored   2023 Apr 3, 12:13pm  

Talking Points for Today’s meeting

The Unruh civil rights act prohibits all discrimination based on personal characteristics, specifically including being treated as if they have a certain medical condition even when they don’t.

Unvaccinated people are being excluded and stigmatized, treated by organizations with vaccination requirements as if they have some kind of permanent impairment of their immune system that makes them unsafe to be around. This kind of treatment is not recommended by any health organization. This is not following the science, this is letting hateful bias run unchecked.

Unvaccinated people do not pose a direct health or safety threat. Singling them out for exclusion or low-class treatment is a civil rights violation.

Three out of four children in the Bay Area are not up to date on their vaccinations, and their parents have every right to be concerned about the latest update. The FDA has refused to approve the latest updated booster, just as they refused to approve with every other COVID-19 booster before it, or in fact any COVID-19 dose for ages under 12.

We cannot allow the civil rights of three quarters of the population to be violated just to make a few people with an irrational fear of them feel safe.

Raise your hand if you think we should promote fear in the community of any group of community members who are doing no one any harm.

Stand if you think that families in and around Mountain View should be able to make medical decisions free of coercion by organizations that have no authority in matters of health.

(for the Council Members) Raise your hand if you have read the City’s vaccination requirement and you confident that it does not violate State or Federal Civil rights law?

(for the Council Members, City Attorney, City Manager): Has an attorney specializing in California or American civil rights law reviewed the city’s vaccination policy and determined that the its vaccination requirement does not violate the California Unruh Civil Rights Act, the U.S. Americans With Disabilities Act, or any other civil rights law?

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing says:

While the Unruh Civil Rights Act specifically lists “sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, or sexual orientation” as protected classes, the California Supreme Court has held that protections under the Unruh Act are not necessarily restricted to these characteristics. The Act is meant to cover all arbitrary and intentional discrimination by a business establishment on the basis of personal characteristics similar to those listed above.


Here is a complete list of CDC guidance documents for employers recommending that individuals not fully vaccinated with up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations be barred from entering the workplace, or that such people must be tested or divulge their religious beliefs or medical condition before entering. (blank page)

Here is a complete list of CDC guidance documents for community organizations recommending that they not provide in-person services or programs to community members not fully vaccinated with or up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations: (blank page)
17   mell   2023 Apr 3, 9:52pm  

How did it go? Did you all meet up?
18   Patrick   2023 Apr 3, 10:12pm  

@mell It went very well! About 5 of us spoke to the city council, including myself, and I think we had 11 people there total. We all went to a restaurant on Castro Street afterwards.
19   mell   2023 Apr 3, 10:30pm  

Cool! Is there a replay?
20   Patrick   2023 Apr 3, 10:51pm  

Yes, perhaps in two weeks. Ask @Undoctored
21   EBGuy   2023 Apr 3, 11:09pm  

Our fearless leader breaks it down for the Mountain View City Council about 1 hr 5 minutes into the meeting:
22   WookieMan   2023 Apr 4, 2:17am  

I don't know man, you guys/gals presented well but you might be doomed with that board. This is as sexist as it can be, but you're not going to convince those women on the board let alone the mayor wearing a mask that if covid was so dangerous they'd all let you share the same mic. Hypocrisy to the max.

Hoping you guys made an impact though. If there's another meeting maybe bring up the fact that the city doesn't sanitize the microphone between public speakers. The cruise I mention above they did it between karaoke participants. Quick wipe down or they could replace the mic muff IF they actually take covid seriously. They don't.

The other comment is you guys/gals kept your cool. That's good and bad. The read I got on the board was they weren't really paying attention. Drama or sometimes being loud will influence people. Sometimes negatively, but it gets them thinking. Maybe have one speaker for the 2 minutes cite deaths or injuries of kids under a certain age.

My take away from watching some of that meeting is you're going to need numbers. It's possible you did enough, but you're talking about lifting restrictions at one government property, but they'd have to do it at all of them. I'd presume the library has the same restrictions. Parks and rec. You might want to get different parents of those kids involved.

My 2¢. Also, don't come to my board meeting. 6 f'ing hours! I presume they're paid. I'm not for mine. I'd flip the table and punch you guys. But you're doing the right thing. This level is where politics really matter. It's your community.
23   1337irr   2023 Apr 4, 4:37am  

The speaking seems to start at 54 minutes.
24   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Apr 4, 5:46am  

Old menopausal biddies and the requisite chubby Spanish Indian comedic foil. You can't leave it up to these people to decide the fate of your children. You have to run for their positions, or start alternate activities that do not require proof of transfection reagent injections, or move.
25   Patrick   2023 Apr 4, 6:22am  

Yes, I had that same thought. 11 out of 12 people on the council were women.
26   Ari   2023 Apr 4, 10:29pm  

Hi everyone,

We did get the Mountain View City manager to respond to our comments (which she rarely does):

The City Manager said the following:
"This is not a city requirement. The Manager (of Center For Performing Arts) will work with all of the renters that provide our summer camps and programs and make sure they provide the most up to date information."

We now REALLY need to follow up with both the City Manager and Peninsula Youth Theatre!

1. Everyone, please email Kimbra McCarthy, the Mountain View City Manager (city.mgr@mountainview.gov ) with the following message:

"When you were addressing the Mountain View City Council on April 3rd about COVID vaccination requirements, you stated that 'this is not a city requirement'. However, all of the current City of Mountain View job openings mention a COVID vaccination requirement. It is also mentioned on the main City of Mountain View jobs webpage:

'City of Mountain View requires all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.'

As you are aware, this is discrimination on the basis of medical condition, prohibited by the Unruh Act. Don't expose yourself to legal liability. Do the right thing and cancel all COVID-19 vaccination requirements for city employees."

2. Please also email PYT (Peninsula Youth Theatre) directly at info@pytnet.org and tell them to drop their COVID-19 vaccination policy. You can simply say this:

"I've been made aware that your theater requires children as young as 5 to receive COVID-19 boosters, unapproved by the FDA, in order to participate in camps and stage productions. Less than one quarter of children in Santa Clara County have received these boosters. You are excluding 75% of the population. Don't expose yourself to legal liability. Stop this medical discrimination immediately."

Thank you so much!
Ari (Alex's wife, homeschooling mom)
27   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Apr 5, 10:35am  

Ari says

Kimbra McCarthy, the Mountain View City Manager

28   Ceffer   2023 Apr 5, 11:22am  

Did you remind them that anybody wearing a Chinese Communist Slave Mask is retarded and should be be given a pacifier and remanded to first grade remedial education? You could empty those fat bitches out of there by saying there is free gall bladder screening down the block.
29   HeadSet   2023 Apr 5, 12:29pm  

Ceffer says

You could empty those fat bitches out of there by saying there is free gall bladder screening down the block.

Free Baskin-Robbins cones down the block would be more effective. They would peel out in those mobility scooters.
30   WookieMan   2023 Apr 6, 5:29am  

Ceffer says

You could empty those fat bitches out of there by saying there is free gall bladder screening down the block.

You don't have to be fat for the gall bladder. Got mine out when I was 20. Grew up thinking the pain and gut issues were normal until I had a legit blockage. The fucking pain is the worst I've ever had in my life by a magnitude of 10. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I was lean and ripped too. Just had a bad diet. 90% sure mine was calcium based gall stones. Eating shitty and popping Tums from 16 onward daily probably wasn't intelligent.
31   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Apr 6, 11:25am  

These folks are living in a liberal gulag, putting up with all sorts of nonsense. Hard to have any sympathy for them. The video sadly showed timid peasants, begging the seignures to listen to their grievances.


Mountain View opens application period for universal basic income pilot program
The 166 randomly selected families will receive $500 a month for two years

32   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 7:05pm  



"Thank you for your message regarding the topic of COVID-19 vaccination requirements during the Council meeting Monday evening. During the public comment section, several members of the public raised the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for youth to participate in the summer camp programs offered by Peninsula Youth Theatre (PYT) at City facilities. To clarify, when the City Manager addressed the public during the Council meeting and shared that the vaccine requirements in question are “not a City requirement”, this was in reference to the fact that the City has not imposed a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for youth participation in City sponsored recreation programs. Community Services Department staff has initiated communication with PYT to discuss their current vaccination requirements as well as any plans they may have to make changes to the current requirements.

In regard to your email related to COVID vaccine requirements for City staff, the City recently revised the internal COVID-19 Workplace Prevention and Safety Policy to remove the vaccination requirements for employees and contractors. Human Resources is in the process of updating all job announcements and the website to reflect this recent update. Please note, this effort will take time to complete."


"Thank you for your thoughts. PYT regularly reviews COVID guidelines and data from the CDC, state and county health officials, Actors Equity, and other theater company policies when establishing our guidelines. We are currently in review of our policies in light of recently amended guidance from Santa Clara county that went into effect April 3. Please recognize that hundreds of families are already registered for many of our programs with the understanding, acceptance, and expectation of our current guidelines. Any changes made for summer programming currently enrolling will be made thoughtfully and with respect to those families along with potential new participants."

Call to action:

Please continue to email PYT (Peninsula Youth Theatre) directly at info@pytnet.org and tell them to drop their COVID-19 vaccination policy.

You can simply say:

"I've been made aware that your theater requires children as young as 5 to receive COVID-19 boosters, unapproved by the FDA, in order to participate in camps and stage productions. Less than one quarter of children in Santa Clara County have received these boosters. You are excluding 75% of the population. Don't expose yourself to legal liability. Stop this medical discrimination immediately."

With gratitude to be working alongside our community,

Free Now Foundation
(Re-branded & re-launched from the Original California Chapter of Children's Health Defense)

Exposing Truth. Defending Rights. Healthy Generations.
33   Patrick   2023 Apr 7, 8:44pm  

Many THANKS to all who sent emails, made phone calls, or showed up in person to convince the Mountain View City Council and the Peninsula Youth Theater to stop vaxx-carding kids!

They have now stopped!

This is how we win -- small, local, grassroots, and determined. Yay, us!

May Freedom reign.
In gratitude,


On 2023-04-07 17:41, Terry wrote:
> Awesome job everyone! Thank you, Jeff!!!
> Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Friday, April 7th, 2023 at 5:36 PM, Jeff wrote:
> Here's the latest response I got from PYT. At first I got their "we're being thoughtful" BS response, but this one states they've changed their policy:
> On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 04:57:42 PM PDT, PYT Info wrote:
> Thank you for contacting PYT. In light of recently amended guidance from Santa Clara county that went into effect April 3, PYT has amended its COVID policy and vaccination status will no longer be checked.

Looks like it worked.
34   WookieMan   2023 Apr 7, 10:46pm  

Patrick says

Looks like it worked.

Maybe. Might be some pissed off person that doubles down though. Demand masks mandates for performance arts. Where body language and the face play a major role in a character. It seems there's someone at PYT that wanted vaccines and basically were told it's not mandated by Mountain View if I'm reading between the lines. So I'd warn to expect a mask mandates after this. Keep up the show of force, but I'd expect something else in the future.

I wish you guys luck out there. This shit is over in flyover country. Sad something like this even had to be done. I'm sure you guys/gals had more productive use of your time.
35   Patrick   2023 Apr 7, 11:05pm  

WookieMan says

It seems there's someone at PYT that wanted vaccines

Yes, from what I understand, it seems like that person is trans. The trans mental illness is definitely related to the vaxxing mental illness.
36   WookieMan   2023 Apr 7, 11:33pm  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

It seems there's someone at PYT that wanted vaccines

Yes, from what I understand, it seems like that person is trans. The trans mental illness is definitely related to the vaxxing mental illness.

Ugh. I personally know 2 trans people. They're actually pretty normal. Two men changed to women and are married. Surprisingly it seems to work. They don't push their shit on anyone. 90% of people don't know they're men dressed up as women. Still a mental illness.

I think it's a regional thing. Like the midwest has the perfect broadcaster accent without any local influence. Whereas you can tell a Southerner or New Englander from a mile away. Probably just different trans regions.

Never got gay, trans or anal sex. I've seen what flies out of my ass in the morning. I also don't want anything inserted into it. And I don't want to insert my dick into a shit pit. Outside of getting off and not making a chick pregnant, there's zero benefit sticking it in the shitter. None.

I'd figure out what "thing" it is and just tell them to wear a mask and fuck off. Let the kids do their god damn hobby without bull shit interference. I'd get it if kids were stabbing each other on stage or something, but this sounds like someone with an agenda. Cooler heads should prevail, but you guys live in a fucking nightmare, so again wish you luck. My nightmare is slightly less.

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