Vaccine Truth-Teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

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2023 Apr 5, 8:02pm   45,489 views  362 comments

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.


Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!

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283   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 5, 9:12pm  

Misc says

I would love to see him get a following of other like minded people to run as independents in races across the country. - That would be famous

And probably hand the election to the Dems.

284   Misc   2023 Oct 5, 10:13pm  

PeopleUnited says

Misc says

I would love to see him get a following of other like minded people to run as independents in races across the country. - That would be famous

And probably hand the election to the Dems.


Funny, just yesterday the media was saying that it would hand the election to Trump.
285   richwicks   2023 Oct 5, 10:18pm  

Misc says

Funny, just yesterday the media was saying that it would hand the election to Trump.

If the DNC starts pushing RFK to run as an independent, THEN you know it would help Biden.

Doesn't matter, they're just going to steal the election anyhow, again.
286   HeadSet   2023 Oct 6, 1:29pm  

richwicks says

Doesn't matter, they're just going to steal the election anyhow, again.

Yep, and an independent RFK gives them a new tool. They just need to shift enough Trump votes to RFK for Biden to win. No need for another unbelievable "81 million votes," Biden can win with less than a majority.
287   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 6, 1:54pm  

richwicks said:
"Doesn't matter, they're just going to steal the election anyhow"

HeadSet said:
"Yep, and an independent RFK gives them a new tool. They just need to shift enough Trump votes to RFK for Biden to win. No need for another unbelievable 81 million votes, Biden can win with less than a majority."

Except Biden has absolutely no support! None! And he is going to need millions of votes to win. Besides, any Democrats left will vote for RFK
288   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 1:55pm  

The_Deplorable says

Except Biden has absolutely no support! None! And he is going to need millions of votes to win.

Biden never had any support. In the next election, I expect another portion of the population to wake up.
289   mell   2023 Oct 6, 4:00pm  

richwicks says

The_Deplorable says

Except Biden has absolutely no support! None! And he is going to need millions of votes to win.

Biden never had any support. In the next election, I expect another portion of the population to wake up.

That's not accurate. Yes they cheated a lot and will try it again, but there is a big base of never Trumpers and never Republicans who would vote for a squirrel as long as it's pointing left and a member of the democratic party. If I had to estimate it's in between 40-45% of voters, the rest were strategicallly cheated/manufactured votes in swing states to beat the electoral college.
290   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 6:33pm  

mell says

That's not accurate. Yes they cheated a lot and will try it again, but there is a big base of never Trumpers and never Republicans who would vote for a squirrel as long as it's pointing left and a member of the democratic party. If I had to estimate it's in between 40-45% of voters, the rest were strategicallly cheated/manufactured votes in swing states to beat the electoral college.

I'm just going to go through a few numbers here:

2016: Trump: 62,984,828 Clinton: 65,853,514 - Total votes: 128,838,342
2020: Trump: 74,223,975 Biden: 81,283,501 - Total votes: 155,507,476

26,669,134 NEW voters showed up from 2016 to 2020.

There's other blatant pointers. For example, Biden lost the bellweather counties, they have been VERY good predictors of the winner, the last time they failed was when JFK "won", who really didn't, but narrowly lost.

Our population is 330 MILLION Americans. 1/2 of 330 million = 165 million. Do you think literally 1/2 the country voted? That's the best turn out we've EVER had.

If you believe we have a democratic republic, you're mistaken. You want to fix the problems in this country, you have accept just what kind of problems we have. Our intelligence agencies have betrayed this nation, so has the military. They aren't stupid. None of this math is hard, all you have to do is check some statistics, and find out this ridiculous.

See, the good thing is that Biden isn't just destroying people in the United States, he's actually destroying the country. Because of this inevitable loss in Ukraine, MAYBE the dummy asshole criminals that run this country MIGHT decide to allow an actual person that is competent to run. Maybe THEY will fire their underlings that are doing the day to day BS.
291   mell   2023 Oct 6, 6:43pm  

No we are all in agreement that they cheat(ed). But there are plenty of deranged leftoids in this country who won't vote Republican, even if their life or livelihood depends on it. Look no further than the covid clot shot
292   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 7:13pm  

mell says

No we are all in agreement that they cheat(ed). But there are plenty of deranged leftoids in this country who won't vote Republican, even if their life or livelihood depends on it. Look no further than the covid clot shot

There's always going to be people who are easily propagandized and manipulated. My point is they are finally outnumbered, but that doesn't matter.

There are more people aware of the shitshow of this government than ANY time in my lifetime, absolutely no question about it. I can say what would have been the most "outrageous conspiracy theory" back in 2005 and get no pushback at this point.

In 2000, if I said "I think our government isn't controlled by those we elect, but some shadowy figures above them", that was crazy talk to everybody. Now if I say "the Deep State", less than 1/2 think that's just ridiculous nonsense. They might even argue the finer points of what exactly defines a "Deep State", however, very few think our politicians actually act on their own.
293   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 6, 7:37pm  

richwicks says

There are more people aware of the shitshow of this government than ANY time in my lifetime

But that doesn’t matter either. It matters not if people finally wake up to realize they are captive prisoners to a system of lies, they will remain in captivity because there are enough controls in place to keep them captive or eliminate them if they get too bold. Just ask Snowden, Brand, Trump, Assange, Seth Rich, the list goes on and on. And the prison walls are higher now than ever before. People lost jobs, lost family and friends due to COVID lies and vaccine mandates for a man made flu like bioweapon. We are not witnessing a great awakening, instead we are diving deeper into deception. Deception is the standard today, the currency of the globalists along with fear and war/lawlessness. The very idea that some believe we need to let this government fail in order to save civilization just shows how deluded people have become. America is the Apex civilization with the Apex form of government and based on Judeo Christian values. The reason America is failing is that we have turned our back on the truths that made our families, churches and government the envy of the rest of the world. It’s too late to wake up Winston, they may not own your soul, but they have essentially total control of your environment. You are a prisoner and don’t even know it. Your only course of action is to consider the predicament of your soul, for your body is doomed to fail, just as any government that does not honor the Creator.
294   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 7:55pm  

PeopleUnited says

Just ask Snowden, Brand, Trump, Assange, Seth Rich, the list goes on and on.

These are trailblazers. There's many more that weren't as bold to be very public about their dissent. More people are becoming public.

First wake up enough people so that it's relatively safe to be a dissident, THEN you can be a public dissident. It's even fashionable.

PeopleUnited says

People lost jobs, lost family and friends due to COVID lies and vaccine mandates for a man made flu like bioweapon. We are not witnessing a great awakening, instead we are diving deeper into deception.

That's not the way I look at it.

I can see the difference now between a principled person, and a pile of meat and bones now. I just had no idea how few people I knew with principles. I don't regret them being out of my life. These people are a mass of conflicting thoughts and contradictory actions. They actually drove me a little crazy to be around them trying to figure them out. You can't figure them out, because they don't follow any rules, they follow dictates.

You want to go crazy, try to find out what the driving principles of EITHER party is, there is no. It's just corruption. Like we had to hear for 4 years that Trump had to be removed because of the 25th amendment, that he was out of his mind, and here's Biden, who is clearly out of his mind. You might look at "liberals" and find them "crazy" - they aren't crazy, they just have no principles. But you see that in "conservatives" as well, say Hussein DID have a weapons of mass destruction program - so what? What does that have to do with the United States - why are we nation building? Don't "conservatives" oppose nation building and policing the world?

No - they don't.

PeopleUnited says

America is the Apex civilization with the Apex form of government and based on Judeo Christian values.

No no no no. It WAS perhaps that. It's not that now. We're over the hill.

And you're incorrect about "Judeo Christian values" - that's made up. Historically, Christians have treated the Jews much shittier than the Muslims did. Judaism, as practiced, has very little in common with Christianity. Usuary is banned in Islam, and Christianity, and Judaism - however usury is fine if a Jew does it to a non Jew. How do you think we ended up with the Rothschilds being so wealthy? They are a mafia family, one of the worst ones.

PeopleUnited says

The reason America is failing is that we have turned our back on the truths that made our families, churches and government the envy of the rest of the world.

The reason the country is failing is people can't even be bothered to care what the government is doing. They are propagandized and hypnotized. How many bills do you think have been passed this year in the federal government? 10? 50?


Something like 700. Isn't it weird our "news" doesn't even discuss what our government is doing? Nobody exercises their civic duty. Our government is fucking corrupt because people don't even pay attention to it.

You religious people, you just give up. You don't even try. That's what used to really piss me off with you guys. You make no effort at all. "It's all up to God..." - yeah what god? Lucifer? Zeus? Ganesha?

Look, I've told you many many many times I'm an atheist, or effectively an atheist at this point - I've softened my stance immeasurably. There's definitely without question a war between good and evil, and you're not helping. You're just sitting it out. YOU'LL be saved... You will die, and who knows what will happen. Maybe the creator of the universe will ask you "why did you do nothing, when you say evil all around you?". Who knows.

I even accept the possibility that God Himself is evil, and if so, I oppose Him. It's not religion that is all you have, it's principles. That's the only thing that matters.
295   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 6, 8:05pm  

Your understanding of what a Christian is is flawed, so until you discover the truth you will remain ignorant and self righteous. But God can lead you out of the darkness, even if you don’t believe the darkness surrounds you. One day, it will smack you in the face and you’ll no longer be able to deny what you need, a Savior.
296   richwicks   2023 Oct 6, 8:14pm  

PeopleUnited says

Your understanding of what a Christian is is flawed,

My assessment isn't based on what they say, and what they claim, it's what they do.

PeopleUnited says

But God can lead you out of the darkness, even if you don’t believe the darkness surrounds you. One day, it will smack you in the face and you’ll no longer be able to deny what you need, a Savior.

The savior complex is one of the worst. Trump is a savior.

The only thing that really changes you, is you.
297   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 6, 9:23pm  

richwicks says

My assessment isn't based on what they say, and what they claim, it's what they do.

It’s not what a person does that determines their salvation, if it were, we’d all be hopeless. A Christian is simply someone who believes what God says, agreeing with it and acting on it. God tells us that the majority of people who claim to be servants of God are actually not even acting out of faith, but rather self serving/self righteous. So if you are assessing what a Christian is by what they do, chances are most of your assessment is based on observations of false/fake “Christians”.

richwicks says

Trump is a savior.

No he’s a salesman. He is always selling something. And he can’t save anyone, not even himself.

richwicks says

The only thing that really changes you, is you.

It’s true that to make a change a person must act on the call from God, but to come back from the dead (Spiritually speaking as when a person becomes a Christian) takes a supernatural birth. A Christian gains the Spirit of God by acceptance of Christ in believing the gospel. So when you make that choice it changes everything. But it is not something that you can choose on your own, that’s why unbelievers who are not seeking God don’t believe it is even possible. Because God hasn’t shown it to them yet. He will though, if you will let Him. Most, sadly will reject the call of God, choosing rather to exist apart from the great I am. And in so doing they take the broad road that most people are on, the well traveled road which leads to destruction. So enter in at the narrow gate (Jesus) and live!
298   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 7, 8:20am  

Huge boost to RFK Jr.'s campaign. He'll have exposure to millions of conservatives that otherwise may not know about his populist platform.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Speak at CPAC in October

299   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 8:18pm  

PeopleUnited says

So if you are assessing what a Christian is by what they do, chances are most of your assessment is based on observations of false/fake “Christians”.

It's the utility of the religion that I judge. It's how you judge every group, but that group's actions - Christians, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals, Men, Women, SJWs, everything.

PeopleUnited says

It’s true that to make a change a person must act on the call from God, but to come back from the dead (Spiritually speaking as when a person becomes a Christian) takes a supernatural birth.

I told you before I envy your faith, but I can't have it. It's been destroyed in me.

I have told you, if god wanted to be know, if it exists, it would be innate in us. When you talk about the "word of God", you are talking about the words of MEN.

Do you know what the concept of the bicameral mind is? The idea is that 1000's of years ago, maybe longer, we all had an inner voice like a schizophrenic does today. THAT might be where the concept of god comes from. If there's something like the eternal soul, I think it's more likely that soul is a parasite within us, not a part of us. Maybe I should be less pessimistic, maybe it's not a parasite, but a symbiont.

To me, religion is nothing but the appeal to antiquity, a logical fallacy. The opposite is the appeal to novelty. I'm aware of both, so I avoid both.
300   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 7, 8:34pm  

If you don’t understand your past, you are ill equipped to prepare for your future.

The utility of faith in Jesus is forgiveness of sins and eternal life. If you don’t utilize Jesus, He will be your judge instead of what he wants to be, was born to be, your savior.
303   Patrick   2023 Oct 17, 7:47pm  

RayAmerica says

Deep State Assassination Plot Thwarted? Heavily Armed Man With U.S. Marshals Badge Tried to Infiltrate RFK Jr’s Detail


"If I Don't Make it Back Alive..."

A closer look at the armed man (disguised as a U.S. Marshal) who demanded a meeting with RFK, Jr. ...

A darker interpretation of the refusal to provide Kennedy with Secret Service protection is that the Biden administration isn’t concerned about the possibility that he may, on the campaign trail, suffer the same fate that befell his uncle and father.

The darkest interpretation is that the Biden administration welcomes the possibility of Kennedy being assassinated on the campaign trail, and therefore does not wish to prevent it.
304   Bd6r   2023 Oct 18, 4:43pm  


Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supports issuing reparations to the black community, making him the most prominent 2024 candidate to favor the controversial policy meant to atone for slavery and legal segregation.

Nice candidate we have there.
305   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 18, 4:48pm  

Bd6r says

Nice candidate we have there.

As long as he siphons off votes for Biden, who cares?
306   Bd6r   2023 Oct 18, 4:54pm  

GasTheYoungTurks says

As long as he siphons off votes for Biden, who cares?

Will he siphon off also Trump votes due to being anti-vaxx? if not then it is OK jus he should not be portrayed as some Savior and fighter against the System (TM)
307   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 18, 5:09pm  

The Conservative Treehouse is trying to claim it will siphon black voters away from Trump.
It's in their blog posts today. I lost a lot of respect for their opinion, I don't think they really truly understand the Trump MAGA movement.
Nor what the people expect from Trump when they flip over to the other side. They damn sure don't understand the Walkaway voters, if they think they are after "Reparation'" at this point. The Black people that has been with Trump since the beginning, never were the type of people who are asking or want reparations. They have always been self efficient self reliant, self providing people who don't want taxes going to crap they don't beive in, and don't support Democrat policies. I'm sure none of them support GOP RINO polices, they aren't in it for them.
Then there's those that walked away after Trump got elected. They got turned off by the Reparation push, that was building up to the 2018 and 2020 elections. They thought they were Democrats, which meant the Democrats are the good guys, that stood for equality. But they saw more and more than it's not about equality with the new Democrats. Now there are those in the Hood in America. They have seen they have been used as patsies, pawns and stooges. They are repulsed by not only the actions of the Democrats and the factions they support and egg on to hinder and upend Society. They are repulsed at themselves for falling for it and believing it. They finally see the writing on the wall.

Those black people aren't going to go running to the next person who offers them reparations. Especially one that would be running as a Democrat if Democrats were honest enough to let him. They are crooked, and anyone who offers you a free ride if you give him power over you, is being more than dissentious.

This will siphon Black voters who are still waiting for their payday from the Democrats, from Biden. But it wont siphon Black folks who sees Trump for what he is, what he stands for and what is at stake. Trump black base that he has won over, trust him to not only be the right man, but the only man that can right this ship. They are just as concerned about the State of America as we are.

This will only take more black votes from Biden. Especially if the Democrats act like they own them and start calling him out like Rob Riener is doing there.
I sure hope Trump doesn't get involved in those kind of petty race ownership squabbles. It's not a bad look. Let he Democrats bemoan RFK Jr.'s efforts to court the black vote. Trump never had and never needed to. He just let's them step in when their ready, when they realize he's the man.

The Conservative Treehouse has lost ground with me.

308   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 11:44am  


Conservatives are discovering RFK’s less well-known policies now that he’s running as an independent. For example, the New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left.”

According to the Post, RFK’s campaign website pretty clearly advocates for reparations, which are deeply unpopular with Republicans and sane people. RFK’s website explained:

“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure. These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution. RFK Jr. will find ways to offer this redress that are legal, fair, and win the approval of Americans of all races.”

RFK is amazing on vaccines and medical freedom. Can conservatives can overlook his far-left policy positions? For me, I’m just glad RFK is in the race so the vaccine issue stays on the table.
309   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 2:40pm  

But on the other hand, this he says this:

“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.”
310   stereotomy   2023 Oct 19, 2:58pm  

It is true that during the great depression, federal programs to help farmers were nearly 100% racist. Many black freeholders lost their multigenerational farms.

The thing I like about RFK junior is that, if you ask him about something, he can go as deep as you need him to go in order to first understand, and then possibly approve his position. He's not an NPC soundbite at a time candidate.
311   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 19, 6:20pm  

Patrick says

We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.

“Black infrastructure”?

Sounds racist.

The majority of the worlds population is what liberals (aka racists) call minorities. https://infogram.com/world-by-race-1h7k2305rdmlg2x
312   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 8:01pm  

Kennedy supports war-mongering in the Middle East. Stop looking for saviors in man's government.
313   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 12:40pm  


About ten days ago I wrote about the Los Angeles DA’s office indifference to a heavily armed man, disguised as a U.S. Marshall, who attended an event for presidential candidate RFK, Jr. and—with the authority conveyed by his disguise—demanded a personal meeting with the candidate. In spite of the man’s violation of two state gun laws and one federal law (against impersonating a federal agent), the DA’s office showed no interest in the case, downgraded it to a misdemeanor and referred it the the LA City attorney’s office. The armed man posted $10,000 bail, was released, and the criminal proceedings were suspended when his attorney raised doubts about his mental capacity.

Now comes the news that an intruder was arrested at the Kennedy’s home yesterday not once, but twice. After his initial detainment, he was released from custody and returned to the Kennedy residence, where he was arrested a second time in the same day.
314   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 1:09pm  

Staged by RFK to get attention back to his campaign which has been fading out of spotlight recently?
315   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 26, 4:23pm  

Now RFK is claiming his Independent Environmental policy will unite America.
He's lost it and is out of touch with the fed up Americans that is sick of the pathological grifting at our expense.
How dare him talk about environmental issues, without rebuking this administration's polluting the Colorado River with toxic mining fluid, nor a nary mention of the toxic railroad scuttle the destruction of food processing plants, the list is exhaustive. He's going on about tired environmental issues that were issues in the 80's. Your average business and citizen on the street isn't capable of being a major polluter at the level that he's harping about.


He should have stuck with Dennis Kusinich. It seems his appeal in the first place was Dennis' coaching. After he ditched him, he's on track to skim voters from Biden and nothing else. I withdraw my consideration to vote for him as a plan B.
316   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 26, 4:48pm  

Young voters - which this meant to appeal to - don't know anything you are talking about.

In fact, they don't know shit reallly.
317   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 26, 9:01pm  

I liked Denis Kucinich for Presidennt in 2008, I'm convinced that RFK Jr. got on the radar because of his coaching. I think RKF Jr. threw him to the curb because the DNC out maneuvered him. That or Denis said I'm out when RFK's Wokey Doke staffers started ear fucking him to take on these nonsense issues.
318   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 27, 8:54am  

Yet, the low life Biden refuses to give RFK Jr. Secret Service protection:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Intruder Climbed The Fence At My Home”

“Yesterday an intruder climbed the fence at my home and was arrested. After being released from police custody later in the day, he immediately returned to my home and was arrested again,” RFK Jr. said.

“DHS Secretary Mayorkas has twice refused to grant Secret Service protection for our campaign. For full transparency, here are all the details, including the 3rd formal submission letter to Sec. Mayorkas,” he added.

319   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 8:50am  

Me too.
320   stereotomy   2023 Nov 1, 9:05am  

Patrick says

Me too.

Me three.
321   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 2, 7:44am  

I'm beginning to think we're being played ...

U.S. NEWSPoll: Kennedy Takes Almost A Quarter Of Votes In 3-Way Matchup Against Biden And Trump

Finds that Biden is more likely to beat Trump with RFK Jr. in the mix

A new Quinnipac poll has found that in a hypothetical three way matchup between Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden and Donald Trump the independent comes out with around a quarter of the votes.

The findings, one year out from the election, reveal that Kennedy gets 22% support among registered voters, Biden gets 39% and Trump gets 36%.

RFK Jr. received the largest share of independent voters with 36% support, with Trump on 31% and Biden on 30%.

In addition, more than a third of younger voters under the age of 35, 38%, favour Kennedy. Biden scored 32% and Trump just 27%.

The independent candidate also registers double-digit support among minority groups, including almost third of Hispanic voters.

Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy noted “With minority and younger voters seeming intrigued, Kennedy, for now, enjoys the kind of demographic support his charismatic father and uncles generated decades ago.”

More here: https://summit.news/2023/11/02/poll-kennedy-takes-almost-a-quarter-of-votes-in-3-way-matchup-against-biden-and-trump/
322   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 6, 11:41am  

Billionaire Bill Ackman ... originally thought Kennedy was a 'wacko,' but then started doing research...

Inspired by RFK Jr: Bill Ackman Announces Funding of Research Into Safety of Child "Vaccines"


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