Tucker out at Faux News

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2023 Apr 24, 9:43am   30,710 views  226 comments

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Last honest reporting gone at faux. They'll lose shit tons of viewers, prob. most popular segment together with the angry irish.

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53   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 11:18am  

RayAmerica says

Read more bunk here:

The Brooklyn Bolshevik Backward. The Haaretz of America. Like Salon, it's constantly going under but put back in business by a handful of dedicated assholes.

Tablet and Frontpagemag are much better.

I never thought the Great Replacement Theory was anything but Global Elites purging pesky Western Civ and Whites from the dominant paradigm in order to have obedient Orientals and Blacks who have less history of Free Yeomanry and Natural Liberties.
55   AD   2023 Apr 25, 11:22am  

BayArea says

My expectation is he becomes host of another major program very shortly

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

Newsmax is also broadcast for free on local airwaves in Panama City, Florida. I think it is on channel 26.2. Sebastian Gorka has a show on it, and has a following.
56   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 11:27am  

ad says

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

Real America's Voice. It's also on Pluto and streaming on Rumble and the website.

Newsmax has serious issues. Never got into OAN
57   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 11:40am  

ad says

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

He should simply go independent.

I have noticed a pattern in who I listen to, they are all independent. If you want real unfiltered information, you can't get it if they are under the umbrella of somebody else. I'm certain everybody here is aware that television news is VERY sparse, and it sucks. It's because they are all huge corporations.

AmericanKulak says

Newsmax has serious issues.

They were whores for the Iraq war, as bad if not worse than Fox News. Fox has serious issues themselves. Good riddance to them.

Follow a simple rule, if somebody lies in the "news" media, never listen to them again. They may tell the truth at some point again, but you can never trust them. There are people who will always tell the truth, and they'll cover what a propagandist covers, truthfully. There's nothing you can hear from Tucker Carlson, you can't hear from honest sources. Glenn Greenwald is honest, Jimmy Dore is honest, James Corbett is honest, Ryan Dawson is honest.

Ignore their politics, they will tell you the truth about what is going on. Corbett is entirely independent, he regards the left/right paradigm in the same way I do, as a false one.
58   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 11:43am  

Newsmax had a virtual blackout regarding the dangers of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' From the start, they were cheerleaders for the Ukraine war.
59   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 6:56pm  

richwicks says

It is bad now.

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here in 2023 USA economically. But they soon got the change they longed for.richwicks says

The first laws we need to follow is the Constitution.

Agreed, but we won’t get that by letting our Republic crash and burn and be replaced with something else. We won’t get that by tearing down what we have. We need to build on the constitution. Every day is an opportunity to make the changes needed to restore the republic. A good place to start is training lawyers and police, and other civil servants to understand and enforce the law.richwicks says

What do you mean "moderate success"?

COVID mandates, lockdowns, restrictions on first and second amendment rights. 60 million babies killed by their mothers and doctors. They won’t rest until they have stolen every God given right from every man woman and child. That is what they consider success, your complete subservient obedience. The globalists consider themselves superior to you, but more than that they consider you to be so beneath them that your liberty is an affront to their existence. They will seek to take every liberty you have and replace it with a nightmare choice between betraying everything and everyone you value or defying them and being made an example of in front of everyone else lest they defy the NWO satanist globalists as well.richwicks says

I don't want to live on the bones and blood of other nations.

Americans earned their place as the world power by the sacrifices of the Revolution and Civil War that established this country as a place of Liberty and Law. (Yes I know the civil war was about economics and states rights vs federalism but the end result of the civil war was one nation under a common law, with some room for states rights) We established ourselves as an economic super power during world War 2. By the early 1900’s the globalists plot to take over the world was already at a critical mass. It could not be stopped, only slowed. They killed Kennedy, King and Kennedy for threatening the globalists progress. the wars of the 20th century both enriched and put a target on our back. our government has oppressed people around the world for at least 100 years. We need to stop that. But if you hate what America has become you can either leave, or work to change it. Or you can just continue bitching on the internet, which is probably what you WILL do. The new world order is coming. We can maybe hope to slow it down but if you get what you want, crashing our system- just know that the one that replaces it will be far worse. We are the Weimar Republic now. What comes next is worse, so we might as well prolong our time as a Republic. When we lose it, any hope for continued peace on this continent will go with it.
60   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 6:59pm  

PeopleUnited says

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here economically. But they soon got the change they longed for.richwicks says

No, it was much worse here. People focus on the hyperinflation but that was a Weimar tactic to try to pay off big debts to the Allies. In terms of malnutrition, job loss, etc. the US was the worst effected, probably because we had started overexpanding production and credit way back in the 1910s for WW1 and never slowed down all the way through the 1920s.

People in the US 1930s complained of not having a job and going without food or being unable to sell the food they produced at ANY price; Germans in the 1930s complained of having a job but having to run out and buy groceries before the money inflated away.

The European world: a history (2nd ed 1970) 885 pp.

Per Capita income in the US had a much steeper dive percentage wise than most, including Germany.
61   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 7:12pm  

I think it's clear World War I was the greatest tragedy in Western Civilization since the 1600s, maybe long before.

It really fucked everything up from demographics to the rise of retarded Authoritarianism and Ideology and Internationalism at the expense of Liberty and Enlightened Nationalism everywhere.
62   Ceffer   2023 Apr 25, 7:52pm  

Fake news sicarios start their character assassination on Tucker, right on schedule.

63   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 8:10pm  

(NOT from Today, a few months back):

64   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 9:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

No, it was much worse here

Edited my comment to more accurately represent the intended message.
65   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 9:08pm  

PeopleUnited says

AmericanKulak says

No, it was much worse here

Edited my comment to more accurately represent the intended message.

Nevermind me, I was just riffing off the Great Depression ... I liked your post.
68   ElYorsh   2023 Apr 26, 6:15pm  

They want to keep him quiet throughout the presidential election season
70   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 26, 7:33pm  

ElYorsh says

They want to keep him quiet throughout the presidential election season

Yep. That’s a big motive to get him off the air. And the silence is deafening. As far as I know he has not made a single statement about his canceled show.

Do they have dirt on him that is about to come out?
71   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 7:45pm  

PeopleUnited says

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here in 2023 USA economically. But they soon got the change they longed for

You THINK you know what happened, and I'm telling you, you don't.

Do you know what Germany was like before Hitler took power? They were all destitute because of the Versailles Treaty. In order to survive, they went through horrendous degradation. If you think pedophilia is new, it's not.

Tell me, if your entire family was starving, and you had no hope for a job, and somebody offered you a small fortune that would get you through the month, if you allowed him to have sex with your 10 year old, would you do it, if the alternative is that you wouldn't be able to eat, your wife couldn't eat, and your 4 other kids couldn't eat?

That's what it was like. That's how desperate they were. This is what happens under sanctions.

It's going to be like that here.

PeopleUnited says

Agreed, but we won’t get that by letting our Republic crash and burn and be replaced with something else

The republic is GONE. It's been gone for decades. Do you really think Joe Biden was elected? Does ANYBODY want these fucking wars we're in?

I want the Republic RESTORED, not destroyed. It's already destroyed. In order to do that, we have to remove a BUNCH of traitors that are in our government. Step one is destroying trust in our media, which deserves no trust. They are propagandists. I think we're coming along just fine in that. Next is to destroy trust in our election system, which deserves no trust. Do you really believe half these assholes are elected? Why? Because the assholes tell you they were elected?

When you realize what is going on, you'll be just like me. You'll want a truth and reconciliation commission. You'd be like "fine, let the criminals walk, I just want to fucking understand what actually went on so we can prevent that from happening again". I'm telling you, you're going to be there.

PeopleUnited says

We won’t get that by tearing down what we have.

What do we have? What do you THINK we have?

OK, I'm going to give you a little piece of data. In the 2020 election, Joe Biden, supposedly, got 81,283,501 votes, Donald Trump got 74,223,975 votes. Do you know what the vote total was in 2016? Trump got 62,984,828 votes, and Hillary Clinton, supposedly, got 65,853,514 votes. Trump picked up 10 million new votes, but, supposedly, 26.5 million NEW people voted in 2020 than did in 2016. Do you believe that?

This is a banana republic, and these numbers, you'd know, IF we had a news media, we don't. We have propaganda. You can LOOK this shit up, but nobody puts it together for you. You have to listen to an asshole like me to explain this to you, NOBODY in our "news" can figure out what a bizarre discrepancy this is. Only I can, because apparently I'm just so fucking smart - or maybe, it's just because I'm not a bootlicking traitor. I'm not anything unique or special, I'm not the only person to figure this out...

PeopleUnited says

We need to build on the constitution. Every day is an opportunity to make the changes needed to restore the republic. A good place to start is training lawyers and police, and other civil servants to understand and enforce the law.

They know the law. Do you think the Capital Police that framed innocent protesters in the January 6th protest, didn't know they were violating the law? They knew they were violating the law, and if they wouldn't violate the law, they'd be fired. That is what they knew.

A mistake people make, and I've made, is "I'm so smart" - nope. I'm just typical, I'm just not corrupt. If you're not willing to be corrupt, you are NOT allowed in our government. These people are neither smarter nor stupider than you are, they are just more "morally compromised". You're not playing on a even playing field.

PeopleUnited says

COVID mandates, lockdowns, restrictions on first and second amendment rights. 60 million babies killed by their mothers and doctors. They won’t rest until they have stolen every God given right from every man woman and child.

So what are you saying here? That we need to slow down and stop here?

How about we reverse it?

I'm willing to take the risk of getting something worse in the chance of getting something better. We've been in a slow boil for a LONG time, and Christ almighty, it's hard to get the frog to realize what is happening. Oh my god, it's so damned difficult.

Our criminal government now REGULARLY violates the law. If we applied the same rules to our politicians as we did to Nazi Germany's politicians, they would be hanged. I will NOT passively accept this. That's immoral. You pride yourself on your religion, right? There's no benefit of religion if you abandon morality.

PeopleUnited says

Americans earned their place as the world power by the sacrifices of the Revolution and Civil War that established this country as a place of Liberty and Law. (Yes I know the civil war was about economics and states rights vs federalism but the end result of the civil war was one nation under a common law, with some room for states rights) We established ourselves as an economic super power during world War 2.


To be a world power, you have to be a shining beacon, and we WERE once that, but we're not now.

I'd like to return to that. We have to get the criminals OUT of our government. Our government is a stain upon us all.

We can certainly be the greatest nation ever on this Earth, but not with the parasites in our government. We have to remove them, and the first step in doing this is to recognize they are even there.

I don't believe in using the stick either, I believe in the carrot. All we've been using for the last 35 years is the fucking stick. China uses the carrot. Not saying China's government is great, I would HATE to live under it, but at least they have actual diplomats, not fucking scum like we do. We have a 24 hour 7 day a week propaganda network, several of them. That's all that's keeping this bullshit together and that's going to be gone in just a few years and that's what we intended to destroy.

You've probably heard of Operation MKULTRA? Most people's conception of this, is turn a house wife into an assassin without her knowing it. That's not what it is. It's about controlling the ENTIRE US population. That's what television is. That's what they've turned Youtube, Google, Facebook, and Twitter into. The thing is, there's so many sites, they can't control it anymore. This is our intent.

I'm not some goddamned genius, but I am smart enough to realize that the majority is probably right, IF they have correct and proper information. IF they do. That is the entire effort of building the Internet.
73   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Apr 26, 8:12pm  

richwicks says

We don't have inalienable rights, we don't have a republic.

Jesus, you can't even fucking tell the truth without taking a risk. Do you realize it's DANGEROUS to tell the truth? Victoria Nuland picked out the next leader of Ukraine 2 weeks and 4 days before their so-called revolution. Do you realize me saying this is actually dangerous at this point? Doesn't matter if it's fucking true.

Stop being in this delusion that the country you grew up in, still exists.

PeopleUnited is warning that when the country really collapses it will actually create a government that is worse than the current situation. You claim it won't be worse but then try to bolster your claim by pointing out that the current situation is really bad. That doesn't bolster your claim, because it isn't comparing the current situation to what is anticipated by PeopleUnited in the future. I'm with PeopleUnited here, but could you substantiate your side by giving areas were current problems will actually be improved?
74   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 8:37pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

PeopleUnited is warning that when the country really collapses it will actually create a government that is worse than the current situation.

This is the fallacy "it will CERTAINLY be worse". Are the people of Russia worse off than the people of the USSR?

We don't go in only one direction. That's the propaganda, is that we do. France went through a revolution, a bloody one, is it worse off than what they had before? I don't think so.

SunnyvaleCA says

You claim it won't be worse but then try to bolster your claim by pointing out that the current situation is really bad. That doesn't bolster your claim, because it isn't comparing the current situation to what is anticipated by PeopleUnited in the future.

Well, I'm not a coward. You have been PROPAGANDIZED into thinking whatever comes next, will be worse. People will try to make it worse, and if Americans are a bunch of cocksucking cowards, it will be. I have faith in my fellow countrymen. I don't think they are cocksuckers, I think they are propagandized.

SunnyvaleCA says

I'm with PeopleUnited here, but could you substantiate your side by giving areas were (I think you meant "where") current problems will actually be improved?

End of open corruption, non support of criminals in our financial system and instead prosecuting them, end of endless wars for the profit of a few offense contractors, end of endless propaganda, end of a two tiered justice system, free speech.

It begins with free speech. That's the purpose of the Internet, so you can know. If you aren't aware of a problem, you can't fix it.

I just want an honest system. We have all the nuts and bolts in place, we just allow our government to ignore criminality. If we enforced the law, Nancy Pelosi would be in jail, so would James Clapper, William Bar, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, many others. The problem is there's open criminality and our DOJ does nothing about it.

We have a government of men, not laws - it's been this way forever. Look, we just had Alec Baldwin kill a person because he's a fucking idiot. If that was you or me, we'd be in prison right now. He actually killed a person, and faces no consequences. I don't want this sort of system, do you? Even worse, we have presidents that ENDLESSLY lie us into wars, millions killed - you support that? You pay for it.

Our system is so fucking corrupt, that the military is having a difficult time of recruiting people into the military, because they don't believe that this nation is worth defending, because our military doesn't defend the nation. I'm 51, I have been on the Internet since 1989. I'm probably ahead of you in this engulfment of knowledge by at least 10 years. Kids today, they grew up with it, they can see the corruption. What war has the US been in within the last 20 years that was in any way justified? EVEN IF YOU IGNORE IF IT WAS JUSTIFIED, how has it helped this nation?

If I can see this, you think an 18 year old kid can't? They may not be able to verbalize it, but they subconsciously knew, just as I did when I was 18.
75   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 26, 8:48pm  

Tucker's first video since Fox.


He waited until one minute after his old show began, the devil, ha!
76   AD   2023 Apr 26, 9:07pm  

Newsmax usually just has 150,000 viewers during prime time slot.

Calrson should go there and set his terms and conditions. They'll bend for him, and won't feel pressure from the left wing mob and establishment.

It helps Newsmax is not owned by jerk offs or sell outs like the Murdoch klan.

He'll increase that slot audience from 150,000 viewers to at least 1 million viewers. He use to have about 3 million viewers.

77   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 26, 9:10pm  

ad says

Newsmax usually just has 150,000 viewers during prime time slot.

Calrson should go there and set his terms and conditions. They'll bend for him, and won't feel pressure from the left wing mob and establishment.

It helps Newsmax is not owned by jerk offs or sell outs like the Murdoch klan.

He'll increase that slot audience from 150,000 viewers to at least 1 million viewers. He use to have about 3 million viewers.


Newsmax has had issues with cucking

78   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 9:18pm  

AmericanKulak says

ad says

Newsmax usually just has 150,000 viewers during prime time slot.

Calrson should go there and set his terms and conditions. They'll bend for him, and won't feel pressure from the left wing mob and establishment.

It helps Newsmax is not owned by jerk offs or sell outs like the Murdoch klan.

He'll increase that slot audience from 150,000 viewers to at least 1 million viewers. He use to have about 3 million viewers.


Newsmax has had issues with cucking


Carlson should go entirely independent, if he's not already cucked now.

I have some small amount of hope he's not controlled opposition, but we'll see.

Let's not forget that Newsmax were cocksuckers for the Iraq War. They've peddled propaganda before, they are dead to me. They will knowingly lie. If they made mistakes, they would have produced retractions, and they didn't. We live in a world where we can cut off liars. People and organizations make errors, I know that, but if they don't acknowledge them, they are active liars, and that's what I consider Newsmax.
79   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 26, 9:23pm  

richwicks says

It's going to be like that here.

Yes, when our republic dies it will be worse than Weimar, and worse than what came after.richwicks says

Next is to destroy trust in our election system

Elections are run by your neighbors. If you don’t trust the results then you are saying your neighbors are corrupt. Sounds like you need to change your neighbors or change your neighborhood.
richwicks says

supposedly, 26.5 million NEW people voted in 2020 than did in 2016. Do you believe that?

I believe ballot harvesting and mail in ballots where people had months to cast votes did add millions of ballots in 2020 that would never have been cast had there not been widespread extended mail in and ballot harvesting operations. 2000 Mules documentary demonstrated there was enough illegal ballot harvesting in key districts to swing the electoral college. And I believe the states where ballot harvesting occurred and mail in ballots were sent out failed to do their job to run a secure election. Elections should be in person, on a specific day with very few exceptions. Most states did not follow that simple election security principle. However, I do not believe that the constitution gives any recourse for a candidate, state or citizen against a state that fails to run a secure election. (But I’m willing to learn otherwise if a constitutional lawsuit can be filed to establish secure elections as enforceable somehow vs being more of a states rights issue.) Therefore it is the responsibility of the citizens of each state to hold their own state and their own neighbors accountable. If elections are fraudulent then your neighbors are complicit in the fraud. And if people are not willing to spend their time and money to ensure elections are secure, they will find that evil doers will continue to deprive them of their rights. Biden was elected by the electoral college. Of this there is no debate. But all the failures happened at the precinct and state level where votes are counted and certified by your neighbors. If a state decides to allow people to write their votes on a gum wrapper or to have online ballots I don’t think there is anything the other states can do to counteract the obvious election security concerns those type of risky open ballots would represent. But that is why local and state elections matter more than national elections in many ways. So get involved people, only you can prevent forest fires, and only you can prevent election fraud.richwicks says

They know the law.

Some do, many don’t. But that is why I said that civil servants need to be trained to know and enforce the law. There is no law if it is not understood and enforced.richwicks says

So what are you saying here?

You asked what “moderate success” from the perspective of the new world order looks like. I gave a few specific examples. And the point I am making is that as much as things are trending bad now, when our republic falls, then you will see real tyranny. richwicks says

China uses the carrot.

Tell that to the Christians and Muslims in China.
richwicks says

I am smart enough to realize that the majority is probably right, IF they have correct and proper information. IF they do

In my experience the truth is almost always in the minority. The internet won’t change that, in fact as much as the internet can (if unregulated and that is a big if) provide a platform for the truth, it also provides a platform for literally unlimited lies and counterfeits along with the mechanism for tracking who sees and says what. The internet is being used to track everyone and control the narrative as well as the opposition to the narrative. Technology cannot save us, because every tool can be used for both good and evil, only people can make the choice of how a tool is used.
SunnyvaleCA says

PeopleUnited is warning that when the country really collapses it will actually create a government that is worse than the current situation. You claim it won't be worse but then try to bolster your claim by pointing out that the current situation is really bad. That doesn't bolster your claim, because it isn't comparing the current situation to what is anticipated by PeopleUnited in the future. I'm with PeopleUnited here, but could you substantiate your side by giving areas were current problems will actually be improved?

Well said Sunnyvale: I’m not encouraged by the direction our nation is heading. But I do know that if we can’t reform and reclaim our Republic, if our Republic falls and we get a new world order, we will look back at 2023 and remember when life was “good.”
80   AD   2023 Apr 26, 10:14pm  

PeopleUnited says

2000 Mules documentary demonstrated there was enough illegal ballot harvesting in key districts to swing the electoral college.

Yeah, Act Blue and Bend the Arc activated their ground troops to invade metro areas in key states like Georgia, Arizona, Las Vegas, and Wisconsin. They engaged in voter fraud via mail in ballots.

Look at how close Biden won those states. If Trump would won those states, then he would have won the electoral count.

81   AD   2023 Apr 26, 10:15pm  

richwicks says

Carlson should go entirely independent, if he's not already cucked now.

Yeah, he could go on Rumble. Fuck Youtube.

Have a 1 hour show a few nights a week on Rumble.

82   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 26, 10:16pm  

Ah, Bend the Arc, headed by a former Seattle anti-globalization Anarchist, an Astroturf group with few members but much strange and unusual funding and full time Anarcho-Staff

Great background piece on the mysterious rise and funding:
83   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 10:44pm  

PeopleUnited says

Yes, when our republic dies it will be worse than Weimar, and worse than what came after.

No. Was the killing of Ceaușescu of Romania better or worse for Romania?

Our republic is already dead. You just don't see this. I do.

PeopleUnited says

Elections are run by your neighbors. If you don’t trust the results then you are saying your neighbors are corrupt.

No, they are ignorant. I know how conspiracies work, the people involved don't realize they are involved.

PeopleUnited says

I believe ballot harvesting and mail in ballots where people had months to cast votes did add millions of ballots in 2020 that would never have been cast had there not been widespread extended mail in and ballot harvesting operations

Exactly. Joe Biden was not elected.PeopleUnited says

Elections should be in person, on a specific day with very few exceptions.

Yeah, blah blah blah, they aren't. That's what I'm trying to make you understand. We have the technology to absolutely secure elections, we don't implement it because we don't have a republic.

PeopleUnited says

Therefore it is the responsibility of the citizens of each state to hold their own state and their own neighbors accountable.

They don't. They don't realize they don't. They trust "authorities".

PeopleUnited says

Biden was elected by the electoral college.

Nope, he was "elected" through massive ballot fraud. Biden was not elected. He was installed, like a toilet and he sure is a toilet.

You talk about the responsibility of citizens, citizens don't engage in any responsibility. THIS is my frustration. Citizens have no fucking clue what is going on, and if you try to talk about it, you're a conspiracy nut, a tin foil hatter. I'm tired of these cattle that think they are human, they're not. They can't even make the most basic reasoning. "The unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated" - are these people human? If it comes out of the propaganda box, they believe it.

PeopleUnited says

Biden was elected by the electoral college. Of this there is no debate.

Biden was not elected. He was installed.

PeopleUnited says

Some do, many don’t. But that is why I said that civil servants need to be trained to know and enforce the law.

They know the law, they just don't enforce it, like our FIB, which entraped 800 people for protesting a stolen election.

PeopleUnited says

You asked what “moderate success” from the perspective of the new world order looks like. I gave a few specific examples. And the point I am making is that as much as things are trending bad now, when our republic falls, then you will see real tyranny.

I'm seeing "real tyranny" now.

PeopleUnited says

In my experience the truth is almost always in the minority. The internet won’t change that

OMG, why do you think there is censorship now?

I've been on this system since 1989. Nobody gave a shit about us, because we were just a minority, until around 2003 or so. THEN we started to make an effect. You have no idea. The real purpose of the Internet was to destroy centralized propaganda. You have no idea, how much work has been put into this. We intend to decentralize information. You have no concept. It's been so much effort.

PeopleUnited says

Some do, many don’t. But that is why I said that civil servants need to be trained to know and enforce the law. There is no law if it is not understood and enforced

You've never been hassled by a cop have you? They don't know the law.

PeopleUnited says

You asked what “moderate success” from the perspective of the new world order looks like. I gave a few specific examples. And the point I am making is that as much as things are trending bad now, when our republic falls, then you will see real tyranny.

Like most people, you are fearful of change, any change.

PeopleUnited says

Tell that to the Christians and Muslims in China.

What do you care about them? You still buy slave labor products without a second thought.

PeopleUnited says

In my experience the truth is almost always in the minority. The internet won’t change that,

Are you kidding? We wouldn't have censorship if it could change it. You have no idea what you are talking about.

The internet was specifically designed to be impossible to be regulated. The assholes in power have no idea what they are up against, still.

You will never read this, but we have a common enemy - dishonesty. That's the rot at the core of our society, I'm not religious, but I oppose the prince of lies. We have a commonality in that.
84   AD   2023 Apr 26, 11:06pm  

richwicks says

The internet was specifically designed to be impossible to be regulated. The assholes in power have no idea what they are up against, still.

Doesn't the Chicoms have a lot of control over the internet in China ?

But you would have to set up tracking software on every server to regulate any internet traffic. So if you tried to send a cryptic email, your ISP's servers would stop it based on the tracking software working.

If you tried to visit a foreign site that was prohibited in China, it would be blocked by the local ISP server. Look at how Facebook is blocked in China.

85   ElYorsh   2023 Apr 26, 11:30pm  

China controls the internet with fear. Over there they really punish the offenders, that makes people less likely to try to hack internet restrictions.
86   richwicks   2023 Apr 27, 12:12am  

ad says

richwicks says

The internet was specifically designed to be impossible to be regulated. The assholes in power have no idea what they are up against, still.

Doesn't the Chicoms have a lot of control over the internet in China ?

Yes, to some extent. It's not that hard to get beyond the firewall.

They KNOW they have a firewall, we don't. Don't you realize there's a firewall here? When is the last time you talked to a Russian, a Ukrainian, a Libyan, a Syrian? Isn't it odd you never have?

Why do you think that is...?

ad says

But you would have to set up tracking software on every server to regulate any internet traffic. So if you tried to send a cryptic email, your ISP's servers would stop it based on the tracking software working.

I wouldn't. I know there are people that would. You cannot stop meta information, that is, data that tells you who talks to who. I think this is impossible.

We however can allow people to talk privately, but we can't hide who we talk with.

ad says

If you tried to visit a foreign site that was prohibited in China, it would be blocked by the local ISP server. Look at how Facebook is blocked in China.

Look, sites are blocked in the US. I saw this with Al Jazeera. I saw it blocked. I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm telling you with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY I wasn't able to access their website for years.

I am not a person that easily consumes propaganda, and I know it happens from "every side", but I could not access them for years, during the Iraq War. Our government doesn't trust us to think, and this is principally because they lie to us.

Every side lies. I'm used to that, what I won't accept is any censorship. I trust the average person to identify the bullshit provided they are allowed to hear it all. We're getting smarter as a collective, finally, FINALLY, people are recognizing that choice A versus B is a false dichotomy. I've known this for 3 decades. Finally, I'm not alone.
87   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 27, 6:05am  

richwicks says

They don't. They don't realize they don't. They trust "authorities".

Basically your perspective is that people are ignorant of the law, ignorant that it is not being followed and ignorant of the fact that only they can act to fix it. Or they are just too lazy/trusting to fix it.

My perspective is basically the same, with one major exception. I know that if people don’t wake up and enforce the law, and ensure that the constitution is adhered to, it will be replaced by something worse. If people are so ignorant, lazy and powerless to ensure their liberty under our Republic, the powers that be will see to it that it is replaced with a system that offers them no liberty, no representation and no inalienable rights. If you don’t see that just look at China, that is their ultimate goal for the world. Government will be your god, your judge and your executioner.

In America the problem is not government, we still have a constitutional Republic. The problem is a lazy, ignorant and apathetic population distracted by lies and addictions, disconnected from God and God’s creation and therefore unwilling and unable to act in their own self interests.

If the tyranny was as bad as you make it out to be you would be in jail or dead. So either you are a Fed, spreading disinformation as part of some kind of controlled opposition campaign, or the Republic exists and you are simply tearing it down with your foolishness and wasting everyone’s time.

If the republic is dead, it’s only a matter of time before the new world order globalist satanists set up their 10 regions which will combine shortly thereafter into a one world government. The fact that they try censore people like Tucker by taking him off the air is evidence that the Republic lives, and that truth (even in the minority) is dangerous to the new world order.
88   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 27, 6:15am  

richwicks says

I'm seeing "real tyranny" now.

When the Republic fails, unbridled tyranny will be rolled out against you and me (unless you are a Fed conspirator then maybe you will be rewarded by your masters for tearing down the republic)
89   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 27, 6:22am  

richwicks says

In my experience the truth is almost always in the minority. The internet won’t change that,

Are you kidding?

No I am not kidding. Truth is almost always the hardest thing to find, almost always mixed with lies to the point of total confusion. Truth is almost always in the minority.

A majority of what you believe, regarding past present and future, is lies. That is evident in your words, tone and ranting on the internet. Basically you waste your time and everyone else’s time with your bitching about things you don’t even understand.
90   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 27, 6:24am  

ElYorsh says

China controls the internet with fear. Over there they really punish the offenders, that makes people less likely to try to hack internet restrictions.

Exactly. The internet is the last place anyone who wants to live as a free person under a tyrannical government would post truth. Just ask Julian Asange and Snowden how it worked out for them. The internet won’t save you, it is being used to track and enslave you.
92   richwicks   2023 Apr 27, 10:52am  

PeopleUnited says

Basically your perspective is that people are ignorant of the law, ignorant that it is not being followed and ignorant of the fact that only they can act to fix it. Or they are just too lazy/trusting to fix it.

My perspective is people are propagandized, don't realize they are propagandized, and will call you a fool when you attempt to explain it.

I told you what the vote totals for the last presidential election were. I have tried to explain this to an MIT graduate. To me, it's obvious that 25 million new voters is impossible, or at least HIGHLY unlikely, his perspective is that "Trump was awful". In an attempt to get him to think, I asked him what the worst things Trump did was. I got "he's corrupt". I asked him how was Trump corrupt, "he didn't pay for contracted work" - and I asked ok, even if that's true, what does that have to do with him being president?

I can't reach him. He can't think.

PeopleUnited says

In America the problem is not government, we still have a constitutional Republic. The problem is a lazy, ignorant and apathetic population distracted by lies and addictions, disconnected from God and God’s creation and therefore unwilling and unable to act in their own self interests.

Deprogramming people is hard, but it's possible, and we're doing it. Believe it or not, people are better informed and more knowledgeable today than they were 30 years ago.

Consider this "I don't trust the mainstream media" - you can take that at face value today. If I said this in 1990, it would be code for "I am crazy" but the "mainstream media" was as full of shit then as it is today. What was obvious to me when I was 20 is as obvious now. Progress is being made but damn is it slow.

The problem isn't lack of god, it's lack of thinking. 30 years ago, I blamed the religious for lack of thinking "oh, I'll pray" - oh you mean going to do nothing? That's what prayer is. You're even told this, "god helps those that help themselves". WHAT do you think that means? IF there is a god, god is not going to get involved.

PeopleUnited says

If the tyranny was as bad as you make it out to be you would be in jail or dead. So either you are a Fed, spreading disinformation as part of some kind of controlled opposition campaign, or the Republic exists and you are simply tearing it down with your foolishness and wasting everyone’s time.

I don't matter. It's as simple as that. I don't have a big enough effect to be worthwhile taking out. Plenty people are, they killed Gary Webb. They killed Seth Rich. You have to have enough balls to be willing to be killed.

PeopleUnited says

If the republic is dead, it’s only a matter of time before the new world order globalist satanists set up their 10 regions which will combine shortly thereafter into a one world government.

ACCEPT you don't know. We've tripped them up, if they were in control like they used to be, we'd be in full scale war with Syria, and full scale war with Russia. We're stripping slowly, their power to convince and we are doing this playing the game where THEY made the rules. They are not gods or anything like that, they are dumb, simple beasts following an outdated plan. The problem I think is we play by the rules they setup, and they constantly change the rules, and break them.

The Neocons have no reverse gear, that's going to be their undoing. They never, ever, admit error, no matter how much they fuck up. Good. That works to our advantage.

PeopleUnited says

The fact that they try censor people like Tucker by taking him off the air is evidence that the Republic lives, and that truth (even in the minority) is dangerous to the new world order.

I'm suspicious about Carlson. His family history is questionable. We're constantly setup with false prophets. Having him fired though, and having people suspect he was fired for "telling the truth" though, is a good thing.

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

I'm seeing "real tyranny" now.

When the Republic fails, unbridled tyranny will be rolled out against you and me (unless you are a Fed conspirator then maybe you will be rewarded by your masters for tearing down the republic)

Look, I've said this to you a few times. If I'm a Fed, I'm scum. There are over 800 political prisoners in our nation today. They aren't prisoners because they are a genuine threat, they are prisoners to threaten the rest of the population. It's an intimidation tactic.

One of the hardest things to do 2 decades ago was to convince "a conservative" that the intelligence agencies were indeed the enemy of this country. Well, NOW they know it's true, FINALLY. We are lied into every war, and it's the intelligence agencies that do the lying. Remember the Office of Special Plans? 20 years ago I could be talking about that fraud, you wouldn't believe me then, but you'll believe me now...

Calling me a fed is an insult to me. You might as well call me a traitor. I think you know that at least subconsciously. The Federal government are criminals, complete criminals. You are free to think, and I won't complain about you thinking, and I won't even dissuade you from calling me this, IF you think I'm a fed. I'm not, but it's better for everybody if you can speak freely than to be silenced. THAT I will oppose. You're incorrect, I'm telling you that you're incorrect, but I respect suspicion.

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

In my experience the truth is almost always in the minority. The internet won’t change that,

Are you kidding?

No I am not kidding. Truth is almost always the hardest thing to find, almost always mixed with lies to the point of total confusion. Truth is almost always in the minority.

No, and this is where you are absolutely wrong.

Truth is easy to find, just get rid of your arrogance and pomposity and realize you can be fooled. I've been fooled, I'm embarrassed about this weakness of mine, but I know I can be fooled. I'm grateful to know.

A lie has many stories, the truth has only one. You've seen plenty of films, ever just sit back to find plot holes in the film? Turn your brain on instead of off to see what contradictions the story teller made in the film? It is INCREDIBLY rare that a film doesn't have a plot hole, it's really hard to tell a complex lie and that's what a work of fiction is, a lie.

PeopleUnited says

A majority of what you believe, regarding past present and future, is lies. That is evident in your words, tone and ranting on the internet.

God damnit it, if you're spotting errors in my reasoning, for god's sake point it out. Don't just tell me "you are wrong" - explain it. If you don't show me how I am wrong, I will just remain wrong.

I think you will find I am NOT wrong, but if I am indeed wrong, I will accept it, and thank you for the correction.

Now, what do you think I'm incorrect about, and why? Afford me the opportunity to correct incorrect thinking.

This is what @"mostly reader" did to me, he would scream I didn't know what I was talking about with regard to Ukraine, and MAYBE I didn't - but he wouldn't explain it to me. Mother fucker wouldn't EVER tell me how I was wrong, he'd just insult me and tell me how stupid I am. Maybe I am stupid, but I can't get better without having somebody explain how I'm wrong. I need to understand how I'm wrong before I can change, I can't be bullied into accepting an idea or a belief - 90% of the population can, I'm that weird 10%.

Oh, and BTW - if you think being in that 10% is some privilege that it makes me somehow "superior", it's not. It's a curse. I'm the asshole that stops everybody and says "well, we should think about this" only to have everybody in the room groan at me, and think I'm stupid. All my life I've gone through this, and if I'm proven right (which often I am) there's never an apology, ever. Nobody calling me a traitor to the country for opposing the Iraq War over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program has ever, or will ever, apologize. Same is true about Libya, Syria, the vaccines, the stolen election - it will never happen. There's no reward for being right, that's why so many people are willing to be wrong, but it destroys their soul. Remember, I'm still an atheist, but there's a simulacrum of a soul, something exists. I can't be dishonest with myself, no matter what the cost.

Anyhow, take it from me, being an outlier sucks. I can go along to get along like everybody else can, but it destroys a part of me. I've tried it, and that little part of me starts to scream. I'd have to kill a part of myself to be in that group. I can't remove it, and at this point, I don't want to.

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