Tucker out at Faux News

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2023 Apr 24, 9:43am   30,708 views  226 comments

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Last honest reporting gone at faux. They'll lose shit tons of viewers, prob. most popular segment together with the angry irish.

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34   clambo   2023 Apr 25, 5:02am  

I disagree a little bit with the premise that the media does everything because of their advertisers.

I believe that the media is entirely comprised of liberal do-gooder lefty zealots who would have supported forcing the shots on everyone regardless of ad revenue from Pfizer, Moderna.
35   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 6:00am  

richwicks says

RayAmerica says

Hannity is a puppet mouthpiece for the Neo-Cons and the establishment. He has a job for life.

I don't think so. The credibility of all our establishment institutions is dying and they control the nation, our nation is dying.

I've been looking forward and pushing forward for this change all my adult life.

When this government fails you are going to hate the one that replaces it. Your new government will make Hitler look like a slouch. There will be no inalienable rights, no republic. But the good news is that the world will be fooled into believing that the new totalitarian government is the best thing ever. Get ready for the new world order great reset.
36   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 25, 7:06am  

I'm glad he's gone, I wish they would do Sean Hannity next. That way, the dumb fuck Democrats wont blame our being fed up to here with their creepy evil commie Libby shit, on Tucker Carlson calling them out. They can shut up about Fox news now, as we can say. "Who in the fuck watches Fox news?".
Which is what I say now

I was in Home Depot yesterday, and over heard this older Black gentleman talking to another. I overheard the guy say...
"The Republicans, they got everything expensive right now, because they want to make it an election issue."
The other guy,
"That's right, they think that senile crazy old man is doing all of this, it's the Republicans."
the first guy again.
"That's right, they believe what ever Fox tells them.... They say Biden is doing bad, I've never had it better!"

I just walked away in disgust. But the sad thing, I have heard that conversation out of black people before.
A drummer I have been playing with for a few years. Has been Okey Dokeing me when we discuss politics, in pretty much in agreement with everything I would say. A few weeks ago, I called another black friend and brought a bass player. So when we took a break, and were sitting out back on the patio table. The guy that has been jiving it up with me, was fully engaged with the exact sentiment as above talking amongst them.
Funny when he then caught himself and realized he has been feeding me a different line.

You know I can deal with Liberals shouting you down, or someone who doesn't want to discuss politics. But to agree with you, when you really feel different.. I don't know what to do with that. Little does he know I would have much rather had intelligent debate with him. Perhaps deep down inside, he knows his party is indefensible. Other than yucking it up with fellow POC Big Guv handouts recipients.
37   Robert Sproul   2023 Apr 25, 7:38am  

clambo says

I disagree a little bit with the premise that the media does everything because of their advertisers.
I believe that the media is entirely comprised of liberal do-gooder lefty zealots

Largest institutional investor in FOX: BlackRock
Largest institutional investor in Dominion: BlackRock

So....BlackRock sued itself....and then fired their keystone news show host....
There does seem to be another agenda.
38   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 9:18am  

They've fired, deplatformed, harassed with lawsuits and BS charges:

James O'Keefe
Steve Bannon
Mike Lindell
Glen Greenwald
Matt Taibbi

They're going after the big communicators and their sponsors. They are developing Micro-targeted ads based on complex polling in specific areas: Abortion, Critical Race, etc.

The RNC is doing nothing as usual.
39   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 9:30am  

PeopleUnited says

When this government fails you are going to hate the one that replaces it.

I doubt it.

Everybody is like "oh it might be worse!". Maybe. This country is not a democratic republic, we don't have free speech, and our nation is the leading cause of strife and war in the world at this point. The ENTIRE world will be better off without our government.

The United States is responsible for the influx of refugees into Europe which is destroying Europe, because the United States creates the refugees. The United States is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine because the United States overthrew Ukraine sparking a civil war. I'm fucking tired of this.

American citizens are COMPLETELY CLUELESS, and even if you tell them, they shrug their shoulders.

Americans exercise absolutely zero control over their government, they don't even care, I'm fed with it. The US has bombed 7 nations, you wouldn't be able to find 1 out of 100 people that know what those nations even fucking are.

PeopleUnited says

Your new government will make Hitler look like a slouch.

Like this nonsense. Almost everything you think you know about Hitler is nothing more than WWII propaganda.

PeopleUnited says

There will be no inalienable rights, no republic.

We don't have inalienable rights, we don't have a republic.

Jesus, you can't even fucking tell the truth without taking a risk. Do you realize it's DANGEROUS to tell the truth? Victoria Nuland picked out the next leader of Ukraine 2 weeks and 4 days before their so-called revolution. Do you realize me saying this is actually dangerous at this point? Doesn't matter if it's fucking true.

Stop being in this delusion that the country you grew up in, still exists.
40   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 9:31am  

"Democracy" out of Democrats really means "Our Technocratic Woke Bureaucracy"
41   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 9:37am  

Tenpoundbass says

You know I can deal with Liberals shouting you down, or someone who doesn't want to discuss politics. But to agree with you, when you really feel different.. I don't know what to do with that. Little does he know I would have much rather had intelligent debate with him. Perhaps deep down inside, he knows his party is indefensible.

Without getting angry with him, or showing any feelings whatsoever, just ask him - make it clear there's no consequences no matter what he says.

I've been in similar situations. Just be like, what are you true feelings about this matter? "Maybe I'm incorrect, but you're not helping me at all by just agreeing with me, there's not going to be an argument, I just don't understand your thinking, please explain it so I can understand it".

My experience is most people simply won't think.
42   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 9:41am  


The reason I love this episode, (besides Robert Kennedy Jr. as a guest) - I learned something new about my home town, Zaporizhzhya! Turns out, the US DOD is making nukes at the nuclear powerplant in my home city (@ around 4 minutes). Thank you, Tucker, for this information.

I already knew about the biolabs in Ukraine, 46+ of them, but that didn’t worry me as much - that stuff is not particularly dangerous. I already knew about Obama/Biden regime turning Ukraine into trafficking/laundromat for themselves and their criminal associates. I even knew about the US DOD flying military planes and drones for service into Zaporizhzhya’s Motor Sich aircraft engine manufacturing facility. I was informed of this by my friend who is a customs broker and serviced the US DOD account. But nukes within 150 miles of the Russian border?

What country do we live in, really?

43   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 9:48am  

I never knew Tucker was an antisemite! (Maybe because he openly opposed the never ending war policies of the NeoCons?)

From an article that appeared on the Forward:

Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox — will veiled antisemitism and the Great Replacement Theory go with him?

The news host is famous for promoting conspiracy theories and antisemitic dogwhistles on his primetime show. (REALLY?)

"He also frequently alluded to the great replacement theory, a conspiracy that Jews or other racial minorities are attempting to exterminate or replace white people, though Carlson’s references to it were always just veiled enough to maintain plausible deniability against accusations of racism or antisemitism. Dog whistles were frequently employed on his show; he repeatedly vilified George Soros while lauding the nationalist and antisemitic leadership of Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban."

Read more bunk here:
44   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 9:56am  

richwicks says

I doubt it.

It’s a pretty standard pattern. You think it is bad now. Just wait when you get your wish and we get a new government world order. They will perfect that tyranny they have only had moderate success with here in the Republic.

We have it pretty good, it’s about to get really bad.
45   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 25, 10:02am  

richwicks says

My experience is most people simply won't think.

Yeah but like the guy in the Home Depot isle, I could have engaged him to. And asked him who allowed BRIC to become the Petro Dollar, and who shut down pipelines, and blew up pipelines, and stopped production of Oil in our own country? But I knew it would have been like talking to him in Greek. All's he knows is what Rachal Maddow told him on the TV. And She damn sure hasn't enlightened her audience on the intricate global economic affairs. He thinks the Republicans raised the price on everything to fuck up Joe Biden.

You can't reach these people. BTW I haven't played nor talked to that drummer after that night over a month ago. We didn't have a falling out, I didn't even say a word as he exposed his true feelings. It was just all left unsaid.. .We used to call each other at least once a week to see if we were going to put something together or not. I got no room for Jive Ass Mother Fuckers.
47   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 10:09am  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

I doubt it.

It’s a pretty standard pattern. You think it is bad now.

It is bad now. We have a rules based system, which isn't being followed. We have a president that OPENLY sells access to his office, he will not be impeached.

PeopleUnited says

Just wait when you get your wish and we get a new government world order.

MY wish, is to enforce the fucking law. The first laws we need to follow is the Constitution.

PeopleUnited says

They will perfect that tyranny they have only had moderate success with here in the Republic.

What do you mean "moderate success"?

PeopleUnited says

We have it pretty good, it’s about to get really bad.

Tell that to 800 political prisoners that were framed by our own intelligence agencies.

Tell that to Julian Assange who basically is going to die in prison for exposing our government's systemic corruption.

Tell that to the 800,000 dead Iraqis that our nation killed over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program.

Tell that to the slaves in Libya that the US created by blowing up that country

Tell it to the estimated 250,000 children that have died in Somalia because of our government's support of that war

Tell that to all the dead in Ukraine because the US overthrew that country.

I don't want to live on the bones and blood of other nations.
50   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 25, 10:55am  

I wonder how many people will start seeking out small independent media for their news now...
53   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 11:18am  

RayAmerica says

Read more bunk here:

The Brooklyn Bolshevik Backward. The Haaretz of America. Like Salon, it's constantly going under but put back in business by a handful of dedicated assholes.

Tablet and Frontpagemag are much better.

I never thought the Great Replacement Theory was anything but Global Elites purging pesky Western Civ and Whites from the dominant paradigm in order to have obedient Orientals and Blacks who have less history of Free Yeomanry and Natural Liberties.
55   AD   2023 Apr 25, 11:22am  

BayArea says

My expectation is he becomes host of another major program very shortly

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

Newsmax is also broadcast for free on local airwaves in Panama City, Florida. I think it is on channel 26.2. Sebastian Gorka has a show on it, and has a following.
56   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 11:27am  

ad says

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

Real America's Voice. It's also on Pluto and streaming on Rumble and the website.

Newsmax has serious issues. Never got into OAN
57   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 11:40am  

ad says

Yes, he could go to Newsmax or OAN which is readily available on free streaming like Pluto TV, hence he'll increase his audience since Fox News is not broadcast on free streaming.

He should simply go independent.

I have noticed a pattern in who I listen to, they are all independent. If you want real unfiltered information, you can't get it if they are under the umbrella of somebody else. I'm certain everybody here is aware that television news is VERY sparse, and it sucks. It's because they are all huge corporations.

AmericanKulak says

Newsmax has serious issues.

They were whores for the Iraq war, as bad if not worse than Fox News. Fox has serious issues themselves. Good riddance to them.

Follow a simple rule, if somebody lies in the "news" media, never listen to them again. They may tell the truth at some point again, but you can never trust them. There are people who will always tell the truth, and they'll cover what a propagandist covers, truthfully. There's nothing you can hear from Tucker Carlson, you can't hear from honest sources. Glenn Greenwald is honest, Jimmy Dore is honest, James Corbett is honest, Ryan Dawson is honest.

Ignore their politics, they will tell you the truth about what is going on. Corbett is entirely independent, he regards the left/right paradigm in the same way I do, as a false one.
58   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 11:43am  

Newsmax had a virtual blackout regarding the dangers of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' From the start, they were cheerleaders for the Ukraine war.
59   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 6:56pm  

richwicks says

It is bad now.

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here in 2023 USA economically. But they soon got the change they longed for.richwicks says

The first laws we need to follow is the Constitution.

Agreed, but we won’t get that by letting our Republic crash and burn and be replaced with something else. We won’t get that by tearing down what we have. We need to build on the constitution. Every day is an opportunity to make the changes needed to restore the republic. A good place to start is training lawyers and police, and other civil servants to understand and enforce the law.richwicks says

What do you mean "moderate success"?

COVID mandates, lockdowns, restrictions on first and second amendment rights. 60 million babies killed by their mothers and doctors. They won’t rest until they have stolen every God given right from every man woman and child. That is what they consider success, your complete subservient obedience. The globalists consider themselves superior to you, but more than that they consider you to be so beneath them that your liberty is an affront to their existence. They will seek to take every liberty you have and replace it with a nightmare choice between betraying everything and everyone you value or defying them and being made an example of in front of everyone else lest they defy the NWO satanist globalists as well.richwicks says

I don't want to live on the bones and blood of other nations.

Americans earned their place as the world power by the sacrifices of the Revolution and Civil War that established this country as a place of Liberty and Law. (Yes I know the civil war was about economics and states rights vs federalism but the end result of the civil war was one nation under a common law, with some room for states rights) We established ourselves as an economic super power during world War 2. By the early 1900’s the globalists plot to take over the world was already at a critical mass. It could not be stopped, only slowed. They killed Kennedy, King and Kennedy for threatening the globalists progress. the wars of the 20th century both enriched and put a target on our back. our government has oppressed people around the world for at least 100 years. We need to stop that. But if you hate what America has become you can either leave, or work to change it. Or you can just continue bitching on the internet, which is probably what you WILL do. The new world order is coming. We can maybe hope to slow it down but if you get what you want, crashing our system- just know that the one that replaces it will be far worse. We are the Weimar Republic now. What comes next is worse, so we might as well prolong our time as a Republic. When we lose it, any hope for continued peace on this continent will go with it.
60   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 6:59pm  

PeopleUnited says

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here economically. But they soon got the change they longed for.richwicks says

No, it was much worse here. People focus on the hyperinflation but that was a Weimar tactic to try to pay off big debts to the Allies. In terms of malnutrition, job loss, etc. the US was the worst effected, probably because we had started overexpanding production and credit way back in the 1910s for WW1 and never slowed down all the way through the 1920s.

People in the US 1930s complained of not having a job and going without food or being unable to sell the food they produced at ANY price; Germans in the 1930s complained of having a job but having to run out and buy groceries before the money inflated away.

The European world: a history (2nd ed 1970) 885 pp.

Per Capita income in the US had a much steeper dive percentage wise than most, including Germany.
61   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 7:12pm  

I think it's clear World War I was the greatest tragedy in Western Civilization since the 1600s, maybe long before.

It really fucked everything up from demographics to the rise of retarded Authoritarianism and Ideology and Internationalism at the expense of Liberty and Enlightened Nationalism everywhere.
62   Ceffer   2023 Apr 25, 7:52pm  

Fake news sicarios start their character assassination on Tucker, right on schedule.

63   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 8:10pm  

(NOT from Today, a few months back):

64   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 25, 9:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

No, it was much worse here

Edited my comment to more accurately represent the intended message.
65   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 9:08pm  

PeopleUnited says

AmericanKulak says

No, it was much worse here

Edited my comment to more accurately represent the intended message.

Nevermind me, I was just riffing off the Great Depression ... I liked your post.
68   ElYorsh   2023 Apr 26, 6:15pm  

They want to keep him quiet throughout the presidential election season
70   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 26, 7:33pm  

ElYorsh says

They want to keep him quiet throughout the presidential election season

Yep. That’s a big motive to get him off the air. And the silence is deafening. As far as I know he has not made a single statement about his canceled show.

Do they have dirt on him that is about to come out?
71   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 7:45pm  

PeopleUnited says

It was bad in Germany in 1930. Much worse than here in 2023 USA economically. But they soon got the change they longed for

You THINK you know what happened, and I'm telling you, you don't.

Do you know what Germany was like before Hitler took power? They were all destitute because of the Versailles Treaty. In order to survive, they went through horrendous degradation. If you think pedophilia is new, it's not.

Tell me, if your entire family was starving, and you had no hope for a job, and somebody offered you a small fortune that would get you through the month, if you allowed him to have sex with your 10 year old, would you do it, if the alternative is that you wouldn't be able to eat, your wife couldn't eat, and your 4 other kids couldn't eat?

That's what it was like. That's how desperate they were. This is what happens under sanctions.

It's going to be like that here.

PeopleUnited says

Agreed, but we won’t get that by letting our Republic crash and burn and be replaced with something else

The republic is GONE. It's been gone for decades. Do you really think Joe Biden was elected? Does ANYBODY want these fucking wars we're in?

I want the Republic RESTORED, not destroyed. It's already destroyed. In order to do that, we have to remove a BUNCH of traitors that are in our government. Step one is destroying trust in our media, which deserves no trust. They are propagandists. I think we're coming along just fine in that. Next is to destroy trust in our election system, which deserves no trust. Do you really believe half these assholes are elected? Why? Because the assholes tell you they were elected?

When you realize what is going on, you'll be just like me. You'll want a truth and reconciliation commission. You'd be like "fine, let the criminals walk, I just want to fucking understand what actually went on so we can prevent that from happening again". I'm telling you, you're going to be there.

PeopleUnited says

We won’t get that by tearing down what we have.

What do we have? What do you THINK we have?

OK, I'm going to give you a little piece of data. In the 2020 election, Joe Biden, supposedly, got 81,283,501 votes, Donald Trump got 74,223,975 votes. Do you know what the vote total was in 2016? Trump got 62,984,828 votes, and Hillary Clinton, supposedly, got 65,853,514 votes. Trump picked up 10 million new votes, but, supposedly, 26.5 million NEW people voted in 2020 than did in 2016. Do you believe that?

This is a banana republic, and these numbers, you'd know, IF we had a news media, we don't. We have propaganda. You can LOOK this shit up, but nobody puts it together for you. You have to listen to an asshole like me to explain this to you, NOBODY in our "news" can figure out what a bizarre discrepancy this is. Only I can, because apparently I'm just so fucking smart - or maybe, it's just because I'm not a bootlicking traitor. I'm not anything unique or special, I'm not the only person to figure this out...

PeopleUnited says

We need to build on the constitution. Every day is an opportunity to make the changes needed to restore the republic. A good place to start is training lawyers and police, and other civil servants to understand and enforce the law.

They know the law. Do you think the Capital Police that framed innocent protesters in the January 6th protest, didn't know they were violating the law? They knew they were violating the law, and if they wouldn't violate the law, they'd be fired. That is what they knew.

A mistake people make, and I've made, is "I'm so smart" - nope. I'm just typical, I'm just not corrupt. If you're not willing to be corrupt, you are NOT allowed in our government. These people are neither smarter nor stupider than you are, they are just more "morally compromised". You're not playing on a even playing field.

PeopleUnited says

COVID mandates, lockdowns, restrictions on first and second amendment rights. 60 million babies killed by their mothers and doctors. They won’t rest until they have stolen every God given right from every man woman and child.

So what are you saying here? That we need to slow down and stop here?

How about we reverse it?

I'm willing to take the risk of getting something worse in the chance of getting something better. We've been in a slow boil for a LONG time, and Christ almighty, it's hard to get the frog to realize what is happening. Oh my god, it's so damned difficult.

Our criminal government now REGULARLY violates the law. If we applied the same rules to our politicians as we did to Nazi Germany's politicians, they would be hanged. I will NOT passively accept this. That's immoral. You pride yourself on your religion, right? There's no benefit of religion if you abandon morality.

PeopleUnited says

Americans earned their place as the world power by the sacrifices of the Revolution and Civil War that established this country as a place of Liberty and Law. (Yes I know the civil war was about economics and states rights vs federalism but the end result of the civil war was one nation under a common law, with some room for states rights) We established ourselves as an economic super power during world War 2.


To be a world power, you have to be a shining beacon, and we WERE once that, but we're not now.

I'd like to return to that. We have to get the criminals OUT of our government. Our government is a stain upon us all.

We can certainly be the greatest nation ever on this Earth, but not with the parasites in our government. We have to remove them, and the first step in doing this is to recognize they are even there.

I don't believe in using the stick either, I believe in the carrot. All we've been using for the last 35 years is the fucking stick. China uses the carrot. Not saying China's government is great, I would HATE to live under it, but at least they have actual diplomats, not fucking scum like we do. We have a 24 hour 7 day a week propaganda network, several of them. That's all that's keeping this bullshit together and that's going to be gone in just a few years and that's what we intended to destroy.

You've probably heard of Operation MKULTRA? Most people's conception of this, is turn a house wife into an assassin without her knowing it. That's not what it is. It's about controlling the ENTIRE US population. That's what television is. That's what they've turned Youtube, Google, Facebook, and Twitter into. The thing is, there's so many sites, they can't control it anymore. This is our intent.

I'm not some goddamned genius, but I am smart enough to realize that the majority is probably right, IF they have correct and proper information. IF they do. That is the entire effort of building the Internet.

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