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PeopleUnited says
The chickens care coming home to roost. And great will be the fall of this Republic.
The Republic is already dead. We need to restore it.
Apparently you cannot appeal to reason, morality, or anything. People need to suffer to get off their asses. The MIC has bankrupted this nation in collusion with the banking system.
Iowa isn't exactly the Rap Capital of the World, but apparently Ramaswamy thinks it is. I hate this kind of mindless pandering from politicians. The more I see, the more Ramaswamy reminds me of Beto O'Rourke.
Watch: Vivek Ramaswamy Raps Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ at Iowa State Fair
But he actually did a decent job. Why not? Better than yurtle the turtle freezing out on the mic while leading the US into uniparty disaster
The problem is that less and less people believe in it every day, and more and more people want to tear down the Constitutional framework. So we are headed towards destruction unless these tides can be turned.
So far with everything he has said I like Vivek. He got into politics after having to deal with woke shit running his company. His only challenge will be getting people to look past his name and that his parents are from India.
We'd see the worst recession of anyones lifetime outside of someone that was 5 during the great depression. Government is bloated, but this is frankly one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of. Guess what happens 40% of restaurant close. 50% of those suppliers close. 20% of truck drivers lose their jobs. The chain reaction would be devastating.
So take 500k federal employees paying say $10k/yr in federal taxes. Erase that.
at this point i just want to create a christian califate, because nothing short of that will put that faggot genie in the bottle. alphabet people are fucking insane, sick perverted dumbasses. wood chipper.
at this point i just want to create a christian califate, because nothing short of that will put that faggot genie in the bottle. alphabet people are fucking insane, sick perverted dumbasses. wood chipper.
But you know, I still have not heard even one presidential candidate talk about the harm that the Federal Reserve does and why it should be disbanded.
The federal reserve is the #1 problem. Government power comes from endless $$.
Patrick says
But you know, I still have not heard even one presidential candidate talk about the harm that the Federal Reserve does and why it should be disbanded.
Ron Paul did.
God bless Ron Paul.
For those who don't like rap, Vivek also plays classical piano, quite well. He's pretty educated and talented, and Trump's most ardent supporter. They should run together imo.
Bill Maher with full blown TDS interviews Vivek and looks like a retard.
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
Federal Reserve IS the government.
I only watched a few clips on YouTube and Ramaswamy did well on TV.
He alone defended Trump.
Those other loser assholes up on stage were only slightly less ridiculous than the Fox dickheads.
I suspect that Brett is a flaming undercover fag.
Anybody in the orbit of the Yale-Oil-Skull & Crossbones-Nazi axis is guilty of being a Manchurian pretender until proven otherwise. Like DeSantis, Vivek is controlled opposition until proven decisively otherwise. The Napoleonic Code of guilty until proven innocent stems from Yale=Bush, Clintons, Rhodes, Chatham House, CFR, Trilateral etc. He's already lied about taking his Law School scholarship, when he absolutely did not need it.
Of course he will pretend not to be a Globalist, but already emulates the fake front of being a non-dynastic meritocrat just pulling himself up from his bootstraps with pluck and ambition. Look at all of the ilk. Scratch a bit and you will see the Pharaonic underpinnings beneath the masks.
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
Patrick says
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
Amazes me how so many so-called Conservatives or Libertarians are glomming onto this charlatan. This dude is such a phony. We are not talking ancient history with all of his terrible Leftist and Authoritarian positions.
It's all style over substance with some people on the Right.
Kind of like the unthinking Liberal Wine Moms or Affluent White Female Liberals (AWFL's) who complain about crime, COVID lockdowns and dysfunctional schools but keep voting straight ticket for Democrats.
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
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If he's all in on harsh prosecutions for everyone involved in creating the virus and mandating the toxxine, then I'd be all in on him.