Do You Want the Unfiltered Truth About the Status of the Ongoing Ukraine Conflict? Check this out ...

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2023 May 29, 2:24pm   26,753 views  179 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant.

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1   RayAmerica   2023 May 29, 2:37pm  

In case you are not familiar with Col. Macgregor, here's a short video you may find interesting and informative:

Terrible damage - The Russians are now extremely angry with us
2   richwicks   2023 May 29, 3:44pm  

The fact he is still allowed on youtube is a bit of a red flag.

The fact that he helped fight the Iraq war is another red flag.

Be cautious with ANYBODY that were EVER in positions of power in the government.

All the information is out there, if you can filter it, and find the nuggets. There's people who do it, and do it well. They aren't allowed to post on youtube, they are not allowed to be on Facebook, and only a handful were allowed back on Twitter.

Just be cautious.
3   Ceffer   2023 May 29, 3:59pm  

Obviously a Russkie infiltrator spreading propaganda that Ukraine is losing. He has the audacity to claim that Bakhmut was overtaken by Russians and that there were even Ukrainian casualties.
4   mell   2023 May 29, 4:04pm  

richwicks says

The fact he is still allowed on youtube is a bit of a red flag.

The fact that he helped fight the Iraq war is another red flag.

Be cautious with ANYBODY that were EVER in positions of power in the government.

All the information is out there, if you can filter it, and find the nuggets. There's people who do it, and do it well. They aren't allowed to post on youtube, they are not allowed to be on Facebook, and only a handful were allowed back on Twitter.

Just be cautious.

Don't be ridiculous. He was an army Colonel during that time, of course he "helped" to fight the Iraq war. It was his job. Not everybody knows everything and not everybody deserts because there are inaccuracies in the narrative. You have to have strong evidence of wrong doing or treason to desert. These days on patnet nobody who isn’t embodiment or reincarnation of Rosa parks and MLK at the same time can be trusted!
5   Onvacation   2023 May 29, 4:10pm  

mell says

These days on patnet nobody who isn’t embodiment or reincarnation of Rosa parks and MLK at the same time can be trusted!

You actually trust Rosa and MLK?
6   mell   2023 May 29, 4:15pm  

Onvacation says

mell says

These days on patnet nobody who isn’t embodiment or reincarnation of Rosa parks and MLK at the same time can be trusted!

You actually trust Rosa and MLK?

I trust most people setting out to better society with their plight. Some politicians have been eternally corrupt scumbags from birth on, many become scumbags as they move through the system, some stay at least net good and very few stay pure
7   richwicks   2023 May 29, 5:05pm  

mell says

Don't be ridiculous. He was an army Colonel during that time, of course he "helped" to fight the Iraq war. It was his job.

Look, this is definition of war:

"Open and declared conflict between the armed forces of two or more states or nations."


This is the oath he took when he joined the military

"I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

And here's Article 1, Section 8:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties [etc] .... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;


Is the Authorization to Use Military Force in Iraq a declaration of war? No, it's not.

Look, if I knew Iraq was bullshit, certainly Douglas Macgregor did. I'm tired of these people playing stupid, and pretending they are dumber than I am. I'm tired of treason, of violations of the law, and then being compelled once a year to pretend anybody whose been killed in the military "died for our freedoms".

Our freedoms are dead. Our Constitution is dead.

mell says

You have to have strong evidence of wrong doing or treason to desert. These days on patnet nobody who isn’t embodiment or reincarnation of Rosa parks and MLK at the same time can be trusted!

I'm saying be cautious about trusting anybody in the government has any moral or legal principles to stand on. I've listened to Macgregor and I think he's controlled opposition. He's the relief valve designed for people like me. "Oh, finally somebody is telling the truth!!" - yeah to the choir that already know it.

So far, I have been 100% right about the last 7 wars, and the (approximate) expected outcome. I hope I'm wrong this time, but I think this is a proxy war, it may very well destabilize NATO, it's going to get like 10% of the Western Ukrainian population killed (no idea on the Eastern side), it's going to cost at least 5 trillion dollars, and it will drag on for YEARS and the United States, as usual will get absolutely nothing out of it.

I know Putin isn't the cause of inflation, currently, but in time, he will be. We are going to spend an absolute fortune on this war, and we're going to lose it. Russia will get East Ukraine, what remains will be landlocked, and might even break up.
8   RayAmerica   2023 May 29, 5:06pm  

Just about everything I've heard from Col. Macgregor is the direct opposite of the propaganda narrative of the lame stream media, and, his predictions based upon his analysis have proven that he knows what he is talking about. Just one example: when the media was claiming that Russia would lose Bakhmut and that they were suffering enormous casualties, he emphatically stated that that was absolute rubbish, and, that Russia would prevail. They did exactly that, which Biden, NATO and their lackeys in the media immediately sought to diminish. Bakhmut was a disaster for Ukraine and a huge setback.

Macgregor was also the first one that I heard explain that Russia was not fighting a real war, and that if they were, Kiev would have ceased to exist within the first two weeks. IMO, the man is a very credible source.
9   richwicks   2023 May 29, 5:14pm  

RayAmerica says

Macgregor was also the first one that I heard explain that Russia was not fighting a real war,

They are fighting a proxy war, to exhaust resources of NATO and the United States. The purpose isn't to "win" the war in Ukraine, it's to deplete resources of the "true" enemy, which is NATO and the United States.

Now this war COULD end earlier, if the United States makes peace with Russia but I doubt that will happen. The election was stolen in 2020, and it will be stolen in 2024, even if a rotting corpse has to be elected.
10   mell   2023 May 29, 5:31pm  

richwicks says

Look, if I knew Iraq was bullshit, certainly Douglas Macgregor did.

No, you found out for sure after the fact like many others when the reports confirmed there were no WMDs. Sure one may have suspected that the initial "info" was doctored or inconclusive, but that doesn't justify deserting.
11   richwicks   2023 May 29, 6:43pm  

mell says

richwicks says

Look, if I knew Iraq was bullshit, certainly Douglas Macgregor did.

No, you found out for sure after the fact like many others when the reports confirmed there were no WMDs. Sure one may have suspected that the initial "info" was doctored or inconclusive, but that doesn't justify deserting.

Let me explain how I knew. First, there was Scott Ritter, who was chief weapons inspector of Iraq up until 1998. He was saying he didn't find any, not that there weren't any, he just didn't find any evidence of it.

There was the presentation that Colin Powell gave in front of the UN with CARTOON PICTURES of "mobile weapons labs" - I know what kind of satellite technology we had back then, they would have presented real pictures instead of artist renditions, if they had any, and they didn't.

There was "the anthrax" scare - remember that? So Judith Miller, the "reporter" that had all this inside information from somebody (turned out to be Ahmed Chabali - but it wasn't known then) reporting on all this evidence she supposedly had. She received a FAKE anthrax letter, the only one I know of that was fake, where everybody that received a real one in congress were in opposition to the Iraq War.

There was Colin Powell showing the infamous vial of anthrax at the UN, holding it up. That was certainly a prop.

There were the claims that Hussein worked with binLaden - remember that? Well, Hussein KILLED religious leaders, because he was struggling against them to stay in power. He wouldn't work with binLaden, besides, binLaden is a Saudi. They don't like one another. There was no evidence at all Hussein had anything to do with 9/11, because he didn't.

The yellowcake claims were false. The document that purported to support these claims of Hussein buying yellow cake from Nigeria was an obvious forgery, because in the document it listed officials that had LONG been out of power so "we can't wait for the final proof to come in the form of a mushroom cloud" were total bullshit and fear mongering. Took like a couple of days for people to start pointing that out.

Now I knew all this, before March 2003. I'm not some brilliant researcher either, all you had to do is listen to people trying to tell you the truth, verify they were telling the truth, and that was it. TONS of people were trying to stop the war from starting. People can and do lie, but anybody that makes a claim, it's EASY to verify. Here's the forged Niger documents:


Now I don't know who the long retired officials were now, but somebody back in late 2002 did, and told me, and I checked (that's pretty easy to do), and yup, the long retired people were out of the government, and they were in the document.

Now, I didn't know "for sure", but I knew my government was without doubt lying, and they knew they were lying. I fully expected that the US was going to plant weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the end of the war, shocked they didn't. I thought Bush was a particular special evil too.

It's not that hard to know, especially if you're interested in knowing.

The government only lies this hard, when they have to lie, this hard. Haha, in 2002 I was writing "the news" and trying to share knowledge with them back then. I was so naive. Filled up comments sections in news stories (they all had them back then), and I learned a LOT of information from those comment sections, and shared a lot of information in those comment sections.

How could military intelligence know less than I did? Or the CIA? The runup to the war was like, what 18 months? Macgregor didn't hear any of this, and he's about to go to war with Iraq, to kill 800,000 people - he had NO curiosity to find out? I'd make GODDAMNED certain if I was off to kill a bunch of people, that I was justified in doing it.

Let me give you a counter example of how to justify a war better: Putin has told Russians that the "intervention" in Ukraine is because Russian citizens are being killed in Donbass by Western Ukraine. This is true. I doubt Putin cares, but it's an excuse. Putin has also tried to reach a ceasefire for 8 years before he finally invaded, this is true, the Minsk Accords and it was the EU that prevented them from being implemented - the Minsk Accords would have ended the Ukrainian civil war. Putin has also said repeatedly that he believes Russia is threatened by NATO expansion - now maybe he doesn't actually feel that way, but the NATO has armed Ukraine, and they have defacto expanded. Putin, doesn't produce blatantly obvious propaganda. If he is lying (and he probably is), he's lying ONLY through omission.

I'm not saying that Putin's motivation for going into Ukraine are the reasons he's given, but he's not lied. His given reasons may not be the true reasons, but he's only given facts. That's what the US would do, if they had any facts to justify going into Iraq, and they didn't.

If the US did what Russia does to start a war, I'd still bitch about it - probably - but I wouldn't be able to say "Our government lied to start this war", and I can do that with Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Libya was hilarious "Qaddafi is taking viagra to rape little girls, we have to stop him!!!" Really? The US was going to go to war to stop one rapist? Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex offender in I think 2007 and he got a slap on the wrist, and HE was raping little girls, but we'll start a WAR to stop this.. Right. I believe Epstein built his own wing in the prison, and only had to be there to sleep for 3 years. "Oh! We're ever so concerned about Qaddafi raping little girls!!!"

With Syria, SOMEHOW ISIS continually got caught in US made vehicles and with US weaponry. The official story was that they were raiding armories in Iraq. Even if they weren't guarded, to prevent this, you just need an explosive that can be set off if they're breached. Is the US that dumb, not to take SIMPLE MEASURES to keep military weaponry out of the "wrong hands"? Ghouta, I don't know what happened (that was the first chemical attack) - it may have happened, but if it did I think it was a false flag. Douma didn't happen, but that was after the war began, two OPCW whistleblowers from the OPCW blew that up. Obama was warning Assad against using chemical weapons as far back as 2011, and said if he did, that would invite US intervention. So why would Assad use the ONE WEAPON that guaranteed a war with the United States? It's easy to bomb civilians, just as easy as it is to poison them, he had an airforce and a military. I somehow found out about Genie Energy's oil exploration in the Golan Heights (Syrian land, Israeli occupied), and then found out who was on the "Strategic Advisory Board" of Genie Energy:


Anybody seem familiar?

There's SO MANY people who blow the whistle. I don't know if these people are credible until I check them, but then a strange thing started to happen. All the comments sections of all the news section were moving to facebook, and Disqus. My posts were being deleted, or shadowbanned. Disqus would put a post of mine into moderation permanently, and I would take screenshots, and post those, because it was an automated system, and it was being censored based off from keywords, but they didn't implement OCR for images. People would FREAK OUT when I proved "yeah, I did answer your question, why do you think it's being flagged for moderation?" with the picture of my post "in moderation". Good times. So many people who were die hard supporters of the Syrian war JUST COULDN'T UNDERSTAND why, when I'm being polite, just explaining the situation as I knew it, giving them sources, my original post would never show up. I wasn't naive by the time we started bombing Libya, and I was absolutely cynical by the time we started bombing Syria.

That was a good trip down memory lane probably NOBODY will read. Got through to more than a few people. Most people ARE good people, they just lack information, and that doesn't make them stupid. I was always careful not to make them feel stupid just because that hadn't heard or known something. These people were NPR and PBS diehards, or read the NY Times, or whatever. I blew a lot of minds, it was fun. I used to post to Jimmy Dore's page before he started getting red pilled on Obama. I wonder if his staff read anything I wrote? If I was careful, I could sneak in a message to lead him to water.

Part of the reason I'm like this is when I got onto the Internet, RAW NEWS FEEDS would show up on USENet, and I got to read unfiltered articles before they showed up in newspapers. I guess they did this for distribution, and it's not like it mattered much, hardly anybody was on the Internet. News was heavily curated back then, but we all thought USENet would be around forever back then. I figured by 2000, everybody would have direct access to information, and was quite shocked they didn't. I used to believe in the media, and I figured once they didn't "have to cut down articles for size" all the full stories would be available somewhere. Nope, USENet was just shutdown. I remember thinking "why don't they post links to documents?" - that used to confuse me "I guess they just don't know how to use hyperlinks" - NOPE. I was so naive.
12   PeopleUnited   2023 May 29, 8:17pm  

mell says

Don't be ridiculous. He was an army Colonel during that time, of course he "helped" to fight the Iraq war. It was his job.

Exactly. We don’t have to trust everything the guy says just because he was an Army Col. but just because he was in the Army, especially at the relatively low level of colonel doesn’t mean he knew anything about the false narrative of WMD. And besides that, imagine he did and tried to blow the whistle. He would have been treated worse than Charles Lindbergh who opposed getting involved in World War 2. Learn your history. Most people who oppose the narrative end up paying a huge price for opposing the new world order globalists. Just ask Charles Lindbergh.
13   richwicks   2023 May 30, 5:53pm  

PeopleUnited says

Exactly. We don’t have to trust everything the guy says just because he was an Army Col. but just because he was in the Army, especially at the relatively low level of colonel doesn’t mean he knew anything about the false narrative of WMD.

How could I know, and he couldn't?

Tired of this. They always play stupid and dumb and ignorant. For me to gather information is work, but I do it, in my SPARE time. These assholes don't? They don't even CONSIDER that they are going off to kill people over a LIE? Seriously? Killing people is a serious thing, they think nothing of it?

PeopleUnited says

imagine he did and tried to blow the whistle. He would have been treated worse than Charles Lindbergh who opposed getting involved in World War 2.

I would have respected him then.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing, and I'm starting to wonder if there are any good men?

Ehren Watada had some balls, at least. None of these neutered, pathetic, fops seem to have any.


These people don't show any courage, because they don't believe they can surmount evil. They are complete cowards. Ehren Watada was not a coward.

Yeah, there's a cost to being honest, there's a far greater cost to colluding, for future generations. 10% of the population at BEST aren't pussies.

The current generation is always bought out, bribed, enticed to betray their children, and most of them do.
14   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:02pm  

McGregor hasn't been right about a single thing in that war since Feb-24, 2022. He is, to put it simply, a stupid cunt.
15   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:04pm  

McGregor in interview with Fox news on Feb 27, 2022:

"The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over, all of the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the Southeast of 30 or 40,000 of them, and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them."

16   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:07pm  

McGregor in early March, 2022:

"The first five days Russian forces I think frankly were too gentle," he said. "They've now corrected that. So, I would say another 10 days this should be completely over."

17   richwicks   2023 May 30, 6:09pm  


McGregor hasn't been right about a single thing in that war since Feb-24, 2022. He is, to put it simply, a stupid cunt.

I agree.

He makes bad predictions in order to demoralize people who actually understand this war.

Who states this war is a proxy war, and will go on for years? It will demolish the Ukrainian population, but it's not about to stop anytime soon. Russia will ultimately "win", but the purpose of this war is to create a Pyrrhic victory for Russia and I don't think the US or NATO can even achieve that.

We either have the stupidest mother fuckers possible in the Offence Department, or a 5th column. Russia will walk out of this murderous disaster fine, the US won't. Victoria Nuland, due to either her traitorousness or stupidity, should be at least executed. Why do we allow these fucking stupid assholes (or traitors?) to control our foreign policy?

We've gone through 20 years of their stupidity or treason. Find the weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? Victoria Nuland was part of that, what did that war gain us? What has any war in the last 70 years gained us? They are all purposeless, no advantage at all by engaging in them.
18   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:10pm  

Same stupid cunt in interview with Cucker Tarlson on the 3rd week of March, 2022:

"The war is really over for the Ukrainians,they have been grounded to bits. There's no question about that despite what we report on our mainstream media. "

The guy is a fucking genius.
19   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:18pm  

McGregor in July 2022:

"The war, with the exception of Kharkiv and Odesa, as far as the Russians are concerned is largely over. ."

20   RWSGFY   2023 May 30, 6:19pm  

McGregor in September, 2022:

“This war may be over soon"

"The Ukrainian army is bled white, tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded, Ukraine is really on the ropes".

So yeah, listen to McGregor if you want your IQ to go below your body temp, LOL.
21   Eric Holder   2023 May 30, 6:23pm  

richwicks says

Who states this war is a proxy war

McGregor does:

Macgregor: Washington’s proxy war with Russia is the result of a carefully constructed plan to embroil Russia in conflict with its Ukrainian neighbor.
22   richwicks   2023 May 30, 6:24pm  


McGregor in September, 2022:

“This war may be over soon"

"The Ukrainian army is bled white, tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded, Ukraine is really on the ropes".

So yeah, listen to McGregor if you want your IQ to go below your body temp, LOL.

You've never shown any level of intelligence, so you shouldn't attack that. Probably you're not stupid though honestly, you're dishonest.

Macgregor I believe is controlled opposition. You have no ability to recognize nuance. He makes incorrect predictions and his job is to discredit himself. That's what he does.

The war will go on for years, and Trump will not be allowed to be elected, he might not even be allowed to run. This is a stupid proxy war, that will go one for years, and it will ultimately damage the United States with little to no damage to Russia.
23   Eric Holder   2023 May 30, 6:36pm  

richwicks says

You've never shown any level of intelligence

Look who's talking: a stupid cunt who's still looking for Nord Stream in the Black Sea. The same stupid cunt who was convinced that Maidan events of 2013-14 were instigated to shut down Nord Stream, which wasn't even conceived until 2015. LOL. Go listen to some more McGregor, amoeba: he's your kind of intellectual giant.
24   richwicks   2023 May 30, 8:01pm  

Eric Holder says

Look who's talking: a stupid cunt who's still looking for Nord Stream in the Black Sea.

What are you talking about? Did I say Black Sea instead of Baltic at one point? Perhaps. I'm not above making mistakes or error.

Eric Holder says

The same stupid cunt who was convinced that Maidan events of 2013-14 were instigated to shut down Nord Stream, which wasn't even conceived until 2015. LOL.

Haha, what makes you think plans aren't conceived before they are implemented? I bet Nordstream II was in the planning before 2010. It wasn't a trivial project. I've worked on large projects that take YEARS to implement, and Nordstream II was an extremely large project.

Eric Holder says

Go listen to some more McGregor, amoeba: he's your kind of intellectual giant.

I said I agreed with you, he's not useful. I said it here. It's the post you are responding to.

I don't believe you are stupid, I think you're dishonest, and I'll reiterate that. I've come against so many fucking propagandists in my lifetime. I was surprised 20 years ago, not now. Or perhaps you really believe what you are mindlessly repeating. It's hard to tell. You can't find nuance in text, or sarcasm or discern lies from sincere belief. That's Poe's Law.
25   PeopleUnited   2023 May 30, 8:02pm  

richwicks says

Tired of this. They always play stupid and dumb and ignorant. For me to gather information is work, but I do it, in my SPARE time. These assholes don't? They don't even CONSIDER that they are going off to kill people over a LIE? Seriously? Killing people is a serious thing, they think nothing of it?

What did you do to stop the war?richwicks says

The current generation is always bought out, bribed, enticed to betray their children, and most of them do.

Every generation was bought out, bribed and betrayed their children to the new world order.

And you are included. You helped built the infrastructure to enable them to control everything they want to control, information, transactions and record keeping/tracking.

Complaining that people collaborated while you yourself collaborated is hypocritical.
26   richwicks   2023 May 30, 8:08pm  

PeopleUnited says

What did you do to stop the war?

I pointed out that the government was lying, relentlessly. What more could I do? Assassinate the "president"? That wouldn't have stopped it.

PeopleUnited says

You helped built the infrastructure to enable them to control everything they want to control, information, transactions and record keeping/tracking.

No. This device gives you infinite access to information, this is Pandora's box.

They already had complete control before. Did you know there was censorship on television before 1990? Or that your phone could be trivially bugged? Did you know your pastor or reverend of your church was already under government pressure in 1990? Did you realize your school system was propaganda then?

When we build tools, we can't know how they will be used, but we can hope. We've always had a repressive government that lies to us, spies on us, kills dissidents, you're just beginning to see it now. Ignorance is said to be bliss, well, nobody has an excuse for ignorance now.

You have all the power some fuckhead in government does now. You had no power before, you're complaining about us dumping responsibility on you, too bad.

What you are experiencing now, is overtaking the gerontocracy in knowledge and information. Are you just realizing our "leaders" have no fucking idea what they are doing, and just follow orders? Poor you. We will disseminate information infinitely and if they try to stop us, point to point, end to end encryption. We tried to be nice.
27   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 May 30, 8:13pm  

Onvacation says

mell says

These days on patnet nobody who isn’t embodiment or reincarnation of Rosa parks and MLK at the same time can be trusted!

You actually trust Rosa and MLK?

I don't trust these comments.
28   richwicks   2023 May 30, 11:33pm  

Onvacation says

You actually trust Rosa and MLK?

I trust Rosa Parks, I'm shaky on MLK.

I'm always suspicious of who our government promotes. I have more respect for Malcolm X than MLK, he was a real intellectual and thoughtful person, before our government murdered him. X was against integration although I've heard he softened his stance. His position was that he didn't trust white people to police and care for black people. Seeing Detroit and Chicago - maybe he was right.

Institutionalized (government) racism DOES exist. Black communities are often under policed, they have access to welfare that encourages unwed mothers and broken families, they have SHIT education. They might do better without the "white man's burden" being imposed on them. Police, teachers, and politicians should have to come from and live in the areas they serve. I think that alone would fix a lot of problems.

Listen to Malcolm X, he had a great deal of suspicion of "the liberal". I have a great deal of respect for him, don't watch fiction of him (fuck Spike Lee!), there's plenty of interviews where you can see him speak, and he was obviously very intelligent and very thoughtful.
29   Bd6r   2023 May 31, 12:37am  


McGregor in July 2022:

"The war, with the exception of Kharkiv and Odesa, as far as the Russians are concerned is largely over. ."

No different prediction from “vaccine is safe and effective”. Yet some persons believed and still believe that contrary to all evidence, just like they believe McGregor after a trillion wrong predictions.
30   gabbar   2023 May 31, 12:40am  

richwicks says

Listen to Malcolm X, he had a great deal of suspicion of "the liberal".

The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives. - Malcolm X
31   gabbar   2023 May 31, 12:42am  

richwicks says

Trump will not be allowed to be elected, he might not even be allowed to run.

This is not impossible, we will know in the near future, they probably have plans for Trump already.
32   richwicks   2023 May 31, 1:36am  

gabbar says

This is not impossible, we will know in the near future, they probably have plans for Trump already.

47% of the ENTIRE population (supposedly) turned out to vote for Biden. 47%.

1 out of 2 people voted, supposedly in 2020, out of the ENTIRE population, not just eligible voters, the entire country.

I wouldn't be shocked to see 1 out of 3 in 2024..

It's already blatantly obvious, they'll just steal the election again. They already got away with blatant election theft, they will go further and the cows and sheep among the population with moo and baah that if there was wrongdoing, they would have heard about it on television and there would be whistleblowers. There are whistleblowers right now, but you won't find them on the propaganda box.

If the election system were actually fixed, we'd see something around 20% turnout, at best. They won't allow that.
33   PeopleUnited   2023 May 31, 5:36am  

richwicks says

I pointed out that the government was lying, relentlessly.

After it was already happening. And you did not stop, or even slow the war down. They started it and ended it based on their timelines. Your contribution was insignificant.richwicks says

What you are experiencing now, is overtaking the gerontocracy in knowledge and information. Are you just realizing our "leaders" have no fucking idea what they are doing, and just follow orders? Poor you. We will disseminate information infinitely and if they try to stop us, point to point, end to end encryption.

Who is we agent Epps?

My people have known since the 60’s the official narrative is lies, that world is run by globalists who influence corporations and governments to do their bidding. I grew up realizing this. The leaders though absolutely do know what they are doing. They know they are fundamentally changing our world to be antichrist and you are helping them. Congratulations. I hope you don’t have to live under the system you are building.
34   richwicks   2023 May 31, 4:51pm  

PeopleUnited says

After it was already happening. And you did not stop, or even slow the war down. They started it and ended it based on their timelines. Your contribution was insignificant

They weren't able to gin of the Syrian war, 1/2 the country realizes that ISIS is just a US proxy now, and that the US was arming Al-Qaeda. They no longer have the power to lie with impunity. I mean, they still lie, but it's debunked in minutes.

Remember the "white supremacist" that tried to attack the White House in a U-Haul van? All charges against him were dropped, I wonder if he was a Fed? Gee, is Ray Epps a Fed? Narratives and propaganda are destroyed within DAYS despite Facebook, Twitter, and Google being censored. Narratives on "the news" no longer have an effect. Agent provocateurs are identified in days, sometimes only in hours. People didn't believe they even existed 15 years ago.

PeopleUnited says

Who is we agent Epps?

Oh, we have no formal connection, not even informal. I don't know how many people are like me. It's between maybe 100,000 people and a million? in the United States.

Every now and then, I run across somebody who has similar knowledge that I do who want to propagate knowledge. We really are ships passing the night, we don't generally connect but we'll end up talking briefly. They know that Ukraine was overthrown for example, and they, just like me, can demonstrate this is true. Sometimes they know more than I do, or less, sometimes our knowledge has little overlap, so I can't always recognize them. You don't have to have security clearance to know what is going on now. I knew, for example, in 2005 that the NSA had infiltrated Google.. Around that year, I forget, it's been a long time ago. I couldn't prove it, but it was widely known, at least here. Snowden later exposed this, but I knew before he did, I just couldn't prove it.

There's a real effort to educate the public and I'm certainly not the only one. People in the know pass around recommendations and tips on what to look for and who to listen to and who to read, where to look. Do you think I'd know who Dr. Money, David and Brian Reimer were if somebody hadn't told me first?


There's the god of our current "gender" bullshit. He's maybe not the origin, but he's the most influential, he was a nutcase. All this LGBTQ bullshit (I think the new acronym is LGBTQ2+ (it's impossible to keep up with, even the weirdos promoting this "inclusion" can't keep up with it) was championed by him. He was a highly emotionally damaged individual, who was arrogant, and basically anti-human. His faith trumped his reasoning, his faith that men were by nature evil.

PeopleUnited says

My people have known since the 60’s the official narrative is lies, that world is run by globalists who influence corporations and governments to do their bidding. I grew up realizing this. The leaders though absolutely do know what they are doing. They know they are fundamentally changing our world to be antichrist and you are helping them. Congratulations.

In your religion, who is the Prince of Lies?

I don't see how exposing lies works in the favor of the globalists, or the current power structures, since they create them.

The expectation we had back in the 1990's, that if we could ONLY show that the government was lying through, for example, Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, to start the first war in Iraq, that the government would stop doing this, and have to make actual justifications for wars. The same of the Gulf of Tonkin, even Pearl Harbor, if just the majority of the population knew, they would resist. I feel badly for the people in the 1970 that had my mindset. How helpless do you think they felt knowing kids were being drafted to fight in Vietnam when the US faked a torpedo attack to star the war? There had to be people like me back then.

Well at first, we didn't know at the offset how few of us there were, but we're growing. There's no doubt we're growing. There are 20 year old kids that can rattle off government conspiracies as well as I can. The propaganda system is breaking down. US "news" is entirely untrusted. The Kyle Rittenhouse case blew up in their face, I feel badly for Derek Chauvin being falsely imprisoned, but we have the full bodycam footage, and that will NEVER go away. January 6th has already been exposed but people insist on the "official footage", which isn't needed, everybody has cameras, and there are 1000's of people that recorded the events of that day.

Storage is cheap, cameras are small. I can buy a pair of glasses with a video camera embedded in it, that will be able to record all day without a charge.


Can you tell that's a recording device by just looking at them? If we had the technology of today on November 22, 1963, the public would have known that the US news media lied, immediately, they would know that the Warren Investigation was bullshit. It's a lot harder for the government to get away with crimes today, than it was 60 years ago.

Is this a bad thing?

I don't think so, but now they are trying to resort to intimidation tactics:

30 years ago, it felt DANGEROUS to expose a government lie, and maybe it was. Today, we're starting to laugh at them. There's too many of us. Even if I stop doing this or am stopped, it won't make a difference. I think we're beyond critical mass, well beyond it, and I owe a lot of credit to Trump in that he demonstrated our media will just fucking lie. I knew before, but I didn't appreciate to what extent and uniformity they will do this. Well, millions do now. Find that Russian Collusion yet? Nobody will report on the Durham Report, but the majority of Americans no longer get their information from "reliable sources".

That's the whole purpose of this network. No gatekeepers. Gatekeepers protect criminals, they don't protect the good.

There is NO WAY I would know about much as I do now if not for the Internet. Sure there are drawbacks to this technology, but we'll surmount them. We're a resilient species.
35   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 May 31, 6:56pm  

don’t care much. but it is fact that our media is full of shit about this war. i truly despise media, they lie, manipulate, fool. faggots.
36   PeopleUnited   2023 May 31, 10:21pm  

richwicks says

They weren't able to gin of the Syrian war,

But they sure were able to gain support for the Ukraine fiasco.

richwicks says

They no longer have the power to lie with impunity. I mean, they still lie, but it's debunked in minutes.

Umm, they still claim the 2020 and 2022 elections were the most secure elections ever. And most people believe that BS. It doesn’t matter if you debunk it, if people don’t listen to it.

I can tell you exactly how to know for certain that you are a bought and paid for child of God, but if you won’t listen to the Gospel it will not bear any fruit in you. That is where most people are at, they might hear the truth but they won’t take it to heart. So they don’t change, and the truth is trodden under foot and forgotten or vilified.richwicks says

Narratives and propaganda are destroyed within DAYS despite Facebook, Twitter, and Google being censored.

Covid narrative, Ukraine Narrative, global warming narrative, J6 narrative, DEI/white privilege narrative, they are all alive and well. The deception is more prevalent today, and the lies more egregious today than ever.richwicks says

Storage is cheap, cameras are small. I can buy a pair of glasses with a video camera embedded in it, that will be able to record all day without a charge.

Let’s say someone snuck into Epstein island or some place like that, recorded some crime or atrocity perpetrated by globalist shills, and then posted it on the internet. It would be instantly discredited, labeled a deep fake and cast aside as the work of extremists. The problem is not that people don’t know the truth, it’s that they refuse to/are cowed into not believing what they see and hear.

richwicks says

There is NO WAY I would know about much as I do now if not for the Internet.

Information sharing is a good thing, as long as the information is good. Most of it is not.

And so while the internet allows people to see and know things they never could have, the majority of it is counterproductive. Worse than that it is full of gatekeepers and trackers. And ultimately they will begin to restrict access to only those who fall in line with the narrative. It is inevitable that totalitarians will take down any counter narrative sources and punish those who perpetrate and adhere to anything but the official narrative. Why is it inevitable? Because they can do it, that is why. They cannot be stopped.

You mentioned encryption in a previous post. It is a noble thought, but there is no way to hide from their surveillance. Sure you can share messages with those who have the key, but the message is still traceable, even if it cannot be understood.

(This is a different topic but did you know that the Word of God is encrypted? To most people it is gibberish, foolishness or worse. But that is because they are missing the key. Only God can even give you the desire to understand it, and lead you to repent. The Spirit of God is the key. For some reason though most people are not even interested in the key, because they prefer their sin over the free gift of salvation)

You said in another thread that AI and programming now days is based on evolution. That is interesting, but it is not exactly true. The source code for all evolutionary changes is written by the creator. So any model based on evolution is based on the creation, the design of the Creator!

The creation is amazing, we even see parallel adaptations from different kinds of animals. A platypus and a duck both developed bills and webbed feet, yet one is a mammal and the other a bird. The source code from the creator provided the means for each creature to adapt to similar available niches while still remaining the same kind of animals. The ducks offspring and ancestors will always be birds. The platypus’ offspring and ancestors will always be mammals. That cannot change, because creation was an event. Every thing that was created retains the blueprint from its creator and will until it is created anew or destroyed by the Creator.

We are a resilient species, but we cannot achieve our true potential apart from our Creator.

He promised that His Spirit will not always strive with man (Genisis 6:3), but that He desires that all men and women come to Him for salvation (1 Timothy 2:4)

That is the truth that every person needs to hear. And the most important reason to keep the internet free.
37   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 1, 8:36am  

In conclusion: if your source of "unfiltered truth" is a stupid cunt who hasn't been right about anything ever and still lacks self-reflection to stop going on teevee and embarass himself over and over again, your rants about unfairness of the world are completely justified. The world IS hostile to low-IQ individuals.
38   goofus   2023 Jun 1, 1:47pm  


McGregor in interview with Fox news on Feb 27, 2022:

"The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over, all of the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the Southeast of 30 or 40,000 of them, and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them."

Col MacGregor, along with many others, underestimated the Ukrainian govt’s willingness to fling its men into a meat grinder. Russia expected Zelenskyy to come to the table, and asked at minimum five times, most recently with China as peace broker, for an agreement.

What MacGregor has consistently been right in, is the heavy losses Ukraine has suffered both civilian and militarily, and the idea that any peace would be better for the Ukrainian people than a slow moving, lethal juggernaut. Most recently we learned that Ukrainian military losses outnumber Russian by a 7:1 ratio and, including civilian deaths, nearly 200,000 Ukrainians have been killed in the first year of fighting.

When MacGregor says Ukraine is losing, he means as a people and a nation. Now Zelenskyy is meeting with our 4th branch of government, BlackRock, to sell Ukrainian farmland and mineral resources. Are they his to give? This is not a United States with millions of hectares of BLM land to lease. The land has had peasant farmers on it. But whoops, they’re all conscripted (men ages 16-60 are required), and the women sent abroad as refugees.

What a tragedy for the Ukrainian people to have this US puppet, now enriched beyond imagining, entrench the country in war “until the last Ukrainian.” In fact I think he means it literally. He of course not being ethnically Ukrainian, and of a group that served as commissars and Holodomor enforcers in the 1920s and 30s. There is no love from Jewish Ukrainians for the modern descendants of Cossacks.
39   richwicks   2023 Jun 1, 2:38pm  

PeopleUnited says

But they sure were able to gain support for the Ukraine fiasco.

I think there would have been more support if the Internet didn't exist.

PeopleUnited says

Umm, they still claim the 2020 and 2022 elections were the most secure elections ever. And most people believe that BS. It doesn’t matter if you debunk it, if people don’t listen to it.

The election in 2000 between Gore and Bush was most likely stolen. Gore probably actually won. I would argue many more people have stuck to their position this time around.

Notice I'm not partisan. I believe it's also possible that Kerry won in 2004. I'm quite confident Obama actually did win in 2008 and 2012. Neither John McCain nor Romney really tried to win. We had to switch to a Democrat Neocon to maintain credibility in the election system.

PeopleUnited says

Covid narrative, Ukraine Narrative, global warming narrative, J6 narrative, DEI/white privilege narrative, they are all alive and well. The deception is more prevalent today, and the lies more egregious today than ever

They are more obvious than ever. Cold War narrative, Vietnam narrative, Qaddafi narrative, Lebanon narrative, WWII narrative, they are almost completely accepted. The ones you listed, are 1/2 accepted, any narrative before 1990 is almost completely accepted. JFK's murder by the CIA is the only one I can think of that isn't.

PeopleUnited says

Let’s say someone snuck into Epstein island or some place like that, recorded some crime or atrocity perpetrated by globalist shills, and then posted it on the internet. It would be instantly discredited, labeled a deep fake and cast aside as the work of extremists. The problem is not that people don’t know the truth, it’s that they refuse to/are cowed into not believing what they see and hear.

I don't think there's many people that don't realize Epstein was intelligence working on behalf of Israel, Mi6, and some US intelligence agencies to blackmail politicians and business leaders. Prince Andrew is basically in disgrace now.

And of course anything coming out would be "discredited", but it wouldn't be discredited, it would be attacked, and people now think "I think the lady doth protest too much.."

PeopleUnited says

Information sharing is a good thing, as long as the information is good. Most of it is not.

I'd agree, but the more false and true information that is shared, the easier it is to recognize good information. There was no good information before 1990. The little tidbits you'd get was rare, and I remember what that was like. I remember when I first heard about MKUltra, everybody just dismissed it as a conspiracy theory. Well, it was in the Church Committee hearings of 1975. Operation Ajax and PBSuccess were called conspiracy theories until the late 1990s, and everybody thought that's what they were.

I am telling you though DIRECT experience we're getting a wiser population.

PeopleUnited says

And so while the internet allows people to see and know things they never could have, the majority of it is counterproductive. Worse than that it is full of gatekeepers and trackers. And ultimately they will begin to restrict access to only those who fall in line with the narrative.

No. The result of cracking down and trying to control the narrative allows people to instantly know what "the narrative" is. Fact checkers are propagandists, gatekeepers hide the truth, "Russian bots" are truth tellers, "reliable sources" are propagandists. Since Google, Facebook, and Twitter were censored, it's FAR easier to know what the government is lying about. If the "fact checkers" say that "the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation", they just told you it was true. That alone told you it was authentic.

PeopleUnited says

You mentioned encryption in a previous post. It is a noble thought, but there is no way to hide from their surveillance. Sure you can share messages with those who have the key, but the message is still traceable, even if it cannot be understood.

I don't think meta information can be hidden, that is, who you are talking to but you don't need a shared key. There are two methods, RSA and ECC. You can combine them as well to make them more complex to solve. Security is hard, meaning, you can understand it, come up with a "brilliant" implementation, only to find out that you make this LITTLE error, and severely compromised security. It takes a team, and my math isn't good enough to be an analyst in security. It's super hard.

PeopleUnited says

You said in another thread that AI and programming now days is based on evolution. That is interesting, but it is not exactly true. The source code for all evolutionary changes is written by the creator. So any model based on evolution is based on the creation, the design of the Creator!

Yes, this is true. Think of the start of a system as being abiogenesis. We have NO IDEA how life started, we just know it existed. I'm saying it doesn't matter how initial conditions formed, what matters is that it evolves from that point. Maybe the conditions to start life WAS created by some entity, could have been an alien species, but then how was THAT created? Say God created the initial conditions, but what created God? It's an endless series of questions. To me "God" as an explanation is "I don't know, but something had to do it", but ascribing a bunch of properties on this God, I think is wrong. We can't know if there's even a mind to a creator, or if it's just unfathomably intelligent.

Heck, we could all be computer simulations, that's in another computer simulation, that in another computer simulation, etc, etc, etc. There might be a BILLION levels to reality, or an infinite number. Maybe it's in every intelligent creature's makeup to create life, over and over and over again. Maybe intelligence is compelled to create intelligence. People can speculate all day, but that's it.

PeopleUnited says

The ducks offspring and ancestors will always be birds. The platypus’ offspring and ancestors will always be mammals.

"Bird" and "mammal", there are just human descriptions. In a billion years, a "bird" might not exist, a mammal might not even exist, but a descendant from one might.

You can't really say that the common ancestor of man and ape was "a monkey", it was neither.

Look at the design of a spider and dog. They are entirely different, maybe we had two entirely different starts of life, and that's why. Maybe 3? Who knows. I know I don't know and I never will.

I appreciate your faith, I share much of your morality (or at least stated morality). I just can't believe that the creator of all this creates all this life, man alone has a soul, and unless you suck up to God, he'll torture you for eternity. I can't think of anybody or anything I would torture eternally no matter what they did.
40   richwicks   2023 Jun 1, 2:53pm  

goofus says

What a tragedy for the Ukrainian people to have this US puppet, now enriched beyond imagining, entrench the country in war “until the last Ukrainian.” In fact I think he means it literally. He of course not being ethnically Ukrainian, and of a group that served as commissars and Holodomor enforcers in the 1920s and 30s. There is no love from Jewish Ukrainians for the modern descendants of Cossacks.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I think. I'm in complete agreement.

People who say "oh you have to support Ukraine" don't realize that by "supporting" Ukraine, they are helping destroy it. You want to support Ukraine? Broker a cease to hostilities as soon as possible. It's like "support the troops" - you want to do that - bring them home.

Everything is inverted. We bombed Libya to prevent a humanitarian crisis, and created one instead.

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