Do You Want the Unfiltered Truth About the Status of the Ongoing Ukraine Conflict? Check this out ...

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2023 May 29, 2:24pm   26,735 views  179 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant.

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109   richwicks   2023 Sep 9, 5:13am  

RayAmerica says

It's not Macgregor, but it is well worth the time to watch:

This Counter-offensive Is A Complete Utter Failure


Larry Johnson properly identifies what the war is actually about. Ukraine allowed itself to be raped by oligarchs, and Putin won't allow that to be done in Russia. He put an end to it starting in 2000. Russia is FAR from perfect, but it's better off than Ukraine.
110   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 13, 7:04am  

The latest dose of reality and truth for those that believe the silly notion that Ukraine can win this war. Macgregor also covers a variety of related topics, including the future of Europe and the NATO alliance, what's really behind the continuing supplies to Ukraine, etc. Slightly over an hour in length, but well worth the time.

Col Douglas Macgregor: The Russians Are Breaking Through

112   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 15, 7:34pm  

Let's hear from a general instead of always-wrong colonel, shall we?

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce Gen. Gurulev:

Interesting from the Russian general and MP Gurulev who took it to Telegram to say that Ukrainians have changed tactics, that they effectively combat minefields, that their drones are endless, and that the Russian counter-battery fire is still ineffective.

We've actually heard these things many times before but it is curious to hear this from a top-level official who decided to share this over 3 months after the start of the CO, indicating that things are worsening.


This is how unfiltered AF looks like, folks.
113   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 18, 11:36am  

The following is provided as a public service as a means to counter balance the Ukrainian comedian's trip to America, in his quest of more $Billions for Ukraine's lost cause:

Latest interview ...

Col Douglas Macgregor: Eight Were Destroyed By The Russians


Along with a recent speech that Macgregor delivered at the Ron Paul Institute:

115   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 20, 2:15pm  

Latest truth from Col. Douglas Macgregor:

"The Ukrainian Face Of The War Is Over"

117   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 24, 10:35am  

Col Douglas Macgregor: "The Russians Will Finish This War” (video)

118   GNL   2023 Sep 24, 12:42pm  

RayAmerica says

Col Douglas Macgregor: Eight Were Destroyed By The Russians

8 what?
119   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 24, 12:55pm  

RayAmerica says
"Col Douglas Macgregor: "The Russians Will Finish This War” (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC_H1Y1GOGY "

This is one of the best interviews... Col Douglas Macgregor with George Galloway... very informative and well worth the time.
121   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 5, 12:25am  

Douglas Macgregor in The American Conservative:

"Washington’s globalist-neocon leadership assured Zelensky that he and his government would have the financial and military backing of the United States and its NATO allies "for as long as it takes..." Claims of Ukrainian battlefield successes from the popular "Ghost of Kiev" to the recovery of Bakhmut turned out to be flatulence on steroids. When NATO members met in Vilnius in July 2023, the mood had changed. Ukraine’s fate, let alone its membership in NATO, would be determined by the outcome of the Ukrainian Army’s celebrated counteroffensive.

As Ukrainian losses mounted and Ukraine’s counteroffensive failed catastrophically, things went seriously wrong for Washington... The hunt for an exit strategy from Ukraine without openly calling it such was underway...

Thus, the descent of the collective West into a Hell of its own making continues. Washington and its NATO allies confront a distasteful choice: Acknowledge Moscow’s legitimate national security interest in Ukraine and end the bloodbath, or risk dragging Europe into a devastating regional war for which Europeans and Americans are not prepared."

123   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 5, 2:35pm  

Looks like I will have to skip a step or two when I update this:

124   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 8, 10:30am  

The latest from Col. Macgregor:

Col Douglas Macgregor: The Russians Press On And Take Odessa

125   gabbar   2023 Oct 8, 11:18am  

WookieMan says

For all we know there is no war in Ukraine.

Yeah, this is not crazy idea, this is possible. No need to take Ukraine war reporting at face value. We live in a crazy world of propaganda and manipulation.
126   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 12, 8:13am  

Latest from Macgregor ... his take on Israel conflict and how it might lead to a broader conflict.

Col Douglas Macgregor Latest Update On The World War

127   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 1:55pm  

Here's the unfiltered truth about Ukraine.

The US is almost certainly getting ready to ramp it down and make a deal or freeze the conflict.

That's what I get out of this post, and reading some lamestream media today, all getting much more tame on Ukraine.

128   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 12, 10:04pm  

There are not enough arms for both wars.
129   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:23am  

AmericanKulak says

Here's the unfiltered truth about Ukraine.

The US is almost certainly getting ready to ramp it down and make a deal or freeze the conflict.

That's what I get out of this post, and reading some lamestream media today, all getting much more tame on Ukraine.

I believe that the claim that Ukraine has reclaimed more than 1/2 of the territory that Russia seized, as false. What territory did Russia have, and what was reclaimed?

I am sick and tired of government assholes lying to the public. I know Russia has drawn back in small territories, but it's small to my knowledge. I'm disgusted that it's now considered standard operating procedure, and acceptable, for government officials to lie to the public. If Blinken is lying about this, any statement he makes forward (unless he makes a retraction) should be assumed to be untrue. I'm tired of government officials lying.

What he's talking about is a measurable metric. If he's incorrect, it's provably incorrect. He has greater access to information than I do, I can smell bullshit here, so either he's right and I'm wrong and I don't have sufficient information because I have poor media, OR he's an idiot, OR he's lying.

If he's lying or an idiot, he should be fired, but he won't be. Liars are given promotions in our government.

Ukraine, IF I can trust the information I'm receiving is a bloodbath for the Ukrainians. The people that caused this bloodshed should be executed if I'm correct. I suggest Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt to be executed to start with. This war from its inception wasn't possible for Ukraine to win, and no war should be fought without a reasonable expectation of victory. Ukraine should have surrendered immediately in my opinion, but time will tell. I believe 100's of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed, but I know propaganda. Hopefully, I've been fooled. It's a tragedy if I'm properly informed.
130   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 13, 1:36pm  

richwicks says
"I believe that the claim that Ukraine has reclaimed more than 1/2 of the territory that Russia seized, as false. What territory did Russia have, and what was reclaimed?"

True. Russia is defeating NATO and the US in Ukraine massively and decisively.
131   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 14, 9:32am  

Latest from Macgregor...

Col Douglas Macgregor: "The Russians Are Annihilating Everything" (audio)

132   AD   2023 Oct 14, 10:48am  

richwicks says

I know Russia has drawn back in small territories, but it's small to my knowledge.

How do you know this ? What authentic sources are you referencing to know this ?

133   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 12:13pm  

ad says

How do you know this ? What authentic sources are you referencing to know this ?



Take it with a grain of salt but those two are the most accurate about the conflict. Macgregor is useless on predictions.

Basically Russia doesn't seem to be advancing or retreating, and of course the same would be true of Ukraine.

Ukraine I predict to fall out of the news and the war will go on for years quietly. The war should have never been fought.
134   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 14, 9:25pm  

richwicks says

Basically Russia doesn't seem to be advancing or retreating, and of course the same would be true of Ukraine.

Actually, Russia has started to advance. The Ukey offensive is officially dead and the Russians are pouring across the lines....all of them.

Hundreds of tanks and APCs involved. But mostly it is the massive amounts of mobile artillery involved that is going to make the difference.

So why aren't you hearing about this on the news?

Awfully convenient, this Israel thing eh?

135   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 9:30pm  

GasTheYoungTurks says

Actually, Russia has started to advance. The Ukey offensive is officially dead and the Russians are pouring across the lines....all of them.

Hundreds of tanks and APCs involved. But mostly it is the massive amounts of mobile artillery involved that is going to make the difference.

So why aren't you hearing about this on the news?

No way to know if it's true or false at least not yet.

I bet Russia will eventually get to the Dnieper river, but I also predict that's long in the future, like years. I also wouldn't be surprised if Russia takes southern Ukraine and make them landlocked. I think it would be a bit of a dick move for Russia to cut them off from the Black Sea.
136   HeadSet   2023 Oct 15, 6:29am  

richwicks says

I think it would be a bit of a dick move for Russia to cut them off from the Black Sea

Or a long-term strategic move. The whole annexation of Crimea and then the invasion was started to prevent the Black Sea from becoming a NATO lake.
137   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 1, 6:02pm  

Latest from Col. Douglas Macgregor:

"World War 3? Will the US fight the Muslim, Russia and China?"

138   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 1, 11:47am  

Great information provided by Doug MacGregor:

"Get ready, we are going to ATTACK Iran" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted with Clayton Morris
139   WookieMan   2024 Feb 1, 12:25pm  

RayAmerica says

Great information provided by Doug MacGregor:

"Get ready, we are going to ATTACK Iran" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted with Clayton Morris

God damn, I don't like Biden at all. MacGregor is maybe one of the dumbest "pundits" on the planet. He knows nothing and is so full of shit for the last 3 years it's fucking hysterical anyone takes him seriously.

As dumb as Biden is we're not getting into a war with Iran. You're a common retard if you think that or believe what dip shit MacGregor spouts off about.
140   RayAmerica   2024 Mar 10, 9:48am  

For the REAL State of the Union ...

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: 3/7/2024 State of the Union Response

141   richwicks   2024 Mar 10, 10:03am  

RayAmerica says

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: 3/7/2024 State of the Union Response

Just embedding it:

original link
142   WookieMan   2024 Mar 10, 5:59pm  

richwicks says

RayAmerica says

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: 3/7/2024 State of the Union Response

Just embedding it:

Lol. Let's listen to a guy that was a career military guy about economy and politics that was wrong in 4 weeks with Ukraine. He has no clue what is going on. Biden sucks for sure. He just hits every right wing points. There's nuance to all leadership. He shows his bias. He's regurgitating what everyone knows. There's are dozens that have said what he did literally years ago. This is basically plagiarism on the back of a fake military "degree" and label.

Anyone that thinks this guy got where did in the US military without sucking dicks is insane. He literally just copied for 10 minutes what others have said for years. I can't stand this guy, yet dip shits think this guy is some authority. It would be like listening and believing Bill Gates about vaccines. Think about it.... Like really think.

I mean seriously, you guys do understand what this dude is doing right? Or am I the smartest person in the room?
143   RayAmerica   2024 Mar 10, 8:05pm  

Very good recent interview of Col. Douglas MacGregor:

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Gerald Celente

144   richwicks   2024 Mar 10, 9:10pm  

WookieMan says

Lol. Let's listen to a guy that was a career military guy about economy and politics that was wrong in 4 weeks with Ukraine.

Sure, let's listen to the government that has been wrong for 2 years about Ukraine. They're going to win any day now. Just have sent another 100 billion dollars and get another 200,000 Ukrainian conscripts killed.

At least he recognizes at this point there's no way for Ukraine to win this conflict, and that it should have been entirely avoided. All it's done is get a bunch of people killed and raised the price of energy in Europe, probably exactly the outcome our government wanted.
145   AD   2024 Mar 10, 9:15pm  

richwicks says

All it's done is get a bunch of people killed and raised the price of energy in Europe, probably exactly the outcome our government wanted.

Blinken said with a smirk that Germany can depend on the USA for LNG after the Nordstream pipeline explosion. I see how German Green Party types welcome the increase in natural gas prices because they think its going to cause a faster transition to renewable energy.

Did you all read or see on the news about the Pope calling for Ukraine to "raise the white flag" and negotiate with the Russians.

146   richwicks   2024 Mar 10, 10:13pm  

AD says

Did you all read or see on the news about the Pope calling for Ukraine to "raise the white flag" and negotiate with the Russians.

Nope, but I was raised Catholic, and any report about what the Pope supposedly said, is often just bullshit, so I ignore it. The pope supposedly has ordained gay marriage, according to the "news". No - that RCC doesn't change that quickly. It's a nearly 2000 year old institution, and they go for the long haul.
147   komputodo   2024 Mar 10, 10:35pm  

RayAmerica says


Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant.

I'll just ask ohomen and elena.
148   komputodo   2024 Mar 10, 10:40pm  

If anyone hurts her I'm going to be pissed:

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