The US government is illegitimate because it does not enforce the law impartially

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2023 May 30, 11:11am   43,198 views  466 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

US law enforcement is horribly corrupt, prosecuting some crimes and ignoring others, depending solely on the power and political affiliation of the suspects.

The most flagrant example is Hunter Biden's being allowed to get away with smoking crack, owning a gun while being an illegal drug user, pedophilia, incest, and selling US influence to China, Ukraine, and Romania via Pedo Joe.

But the list is endless. Hundreds were prosecuted and imprisoned for being given tours of the Capitol on Jan 6th in an entrapment operation orchestrated by the profoundly corrupt FBI. At least the Buffalo Man was finally released when the footed indisputably showed that he was escorted by Capitol Police the whole time. All the others should be immediately released and given the US Medal of Honor for standing up to the election fraud of 2020, as well as several million dollars each, to be taken from the corrupt FBI budget. And all of the Jan 6th footage must be released.

Hillary Clinton used the corrupt FBI to fabricate a story that Trump colluded with Russia, as documented in the Durham report. Everyone involved in this slander and fraud should be prosecuted, but none of them have been.

Pfauci funded the creation of Wuhan Virus in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US taxpayer money, yet is not even being investigated for this open violation of US law and international law. Why not?

BLM was allowed to Burn, Loot, and Murder in cities all across the US in 2020, but has not received even a tiny fraction of the prosecutions meted out to the protesters of Jan 6th. Why not?

The US military must now honor their oath to defend the Constitution against America's domestic enemies at the FBI and other agencies by taking over and forcing prosecution for these crimes. Then they must return control to civilians.

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291   Patrick   2024 Feb 5, 9:34am  


In more appalling news from the two-tiered justice department, the UK Daily Mail ran an eye-watering story last week headlined, “Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi, Jr. dodges federal charges for the SEVENTH time after being linked to money laundering and mail fraud scheme involving San Fransisco flop house.”

Even more insulting than the fact Pelosi, 55, wasn’t charged, was that he had two co-conspirators in the same deal who were charged. Pelosi’s co-conspirators, apparently, do not enjoy first-tier treatment and became defendants, unlike Pelosi, whose real name was omitted from the government papers altogether and he was referred to in the papers by a polite acronymized alias to protect his privacy.

Those are only some of the benefits of tier one. Maybe if you work hard enough, someday you too can enjoys tier one rewards.

Among other things, the Daily Mail reported that documents proved Pelosi paid bribes to San Fransisco officials for building permits. Not only that, but Pelosi owned a fifth of a fraudulent building with the co-conspirators, who were charged with bilking investors of millions. Finally, Pelosi was sued individually by at least one of the defrauded investors, who alleged he masterminded the deal. But federal prosecutors weren’t interested.

The Daily Mail noted this is the seventh federal case linked to the junior Pelosi, with no charges ever filed against him in any of them. Maybe he’s got nine lives.

Paul Pelosi, Jr., provided a five-star rating for the service on “tier one”, and he recommends it, as do New York’s illegal border-jumpers. Alas, too bad for you! Enjoy your “tier two” accommodations, such as they are, and don’t ask for extra peanuts.

293   Ceffer   2024 Feb 5, 10:56pm  

You can take the spawns out of the mafia, but you can't take the mafia out of the spawns? Raised on larceny.Patrick says

294   Misc   2024 Feb 6, 2:44am  

About 43% of DC carjackers simply aren't prosecuted.

Try going without a mask during COVID.


There were about 940 carjackings in DC during 2023. About 2 to 3 a day. -- No Biggie ! ! !

Still a crapload safer than public transit.
295   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 6, 11:29am  

The big complaints about immigration are mostly coming from outside Texas, places like New York City where illegal immigrants beat police with impunity, being released without bail after being arrested. (The usual endgame for this sort of thing in other societies has been death squads, organized either by police or by police-adjacent groups, taking out those whom the legal system cannot or will not control; we’ll see what happens in New York City.)

296   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 2:03pm  


The big story yesterday wasn’t that citizens of the world learned for the first time that the President of the United States is mentally impaired. We citizens figured that out on our own years ago.

The huge story is that the mainstream press is broaching this taboo topic for the first time.

We don’t know why the press suddenly got the go-ahead to talk about this elephant in the room, but they apparently did.

Everyone, per the narrative, will say this is bad news for Biden, but it’s really not. All that will happen is Biden gets to retire to Delaware. Perhaps the most corrupt president in U.S. history won’t have to worry about going to prison - Nor will his train-wreck of a son, who’s even more corrupt and prurient than “Creepy Joe.”
299   Patrick   2024 Feb 14, 8:22am  


This Florida teen faces a FELONY charge for doing a burnout on top of a rainbow crosswalk

A teenager from Clearwater, Florida, has been arrested and charged in Palm Beach County because he did a burnout in his truck on top of a sacred gay-flag crosswalk.

'Law enforcement actively worked the case for more than a week,' police said. 'We received multiple reports from concerned citizens who witnessed Brewer engaging in these destructive acts. Several witnesses provided smartphone video of the crime.'

The young man did turn himself into the cops and was let go on a $5,250 bond, in a case the cops are calling FELONY Criminal Mischief.

Yeah, a felony!!

This is not the first time this exact crosswalk was vandalized in this fashion. The last guy did this in 2021 and was fortunate to get off with probation and community service with no jail time.

Why is it allowed to destroy the American flag but not the flag of sodomy and pedophilia?
301   Patrick   2024 Feb 16, 10:56am  


I was watching a bit of recent footage of some peasants in revolt, as they are at the moment basically everywhere across the West, and was suddenly struck by the recollection that I’d definitely read a wise saying about the general situation somewhere on a fortune cookie. No, wait, I realized, this time it must actually have been from Master Confucius himself! So I went digging through my copy of the Analects…

Lo and behold, right there in Book 12, Chapter 7, is this straightforward lesson:

A disciple asks Confucius what, fundamentally, it takes to govern a state without it collapsing.

Confucius says: “Simply make sure there is enough armaments, enough food, and that you have the trust of the common people.” (足食,足兵,民信之矣.)

“If sacrificing one of these three things becomes unavoidable, which would you give up first?” the disciple asks. (必不得已而去,於斯三者何先?)

“The weapons,” Confucius replies. (去兵.)

“If two things?” the disciple asks. (必不得已而去,於斯二者何先?)

“The food,” Confucius says, because while even death is a part of life “without the trust of the people, a state cannot stand.” (去食. 自古皆有死,民無信不立.)

What is most notable to me from this little dialogue from almost 2,500 years ago is how much, in comparison, our political leaders, in their hubris and absorption in grand projects (and graft), seem to have forgotten the very basics.

Indeed it strikes me that they already failed on maintaining enough armaments (at least in Europe, though even America now seems to be struggling to produce the most basic munitions). More broadly speaking, they can no long provide security for citizens or defend their own borders.

And now they’ve suddenly got the wise idea of going after the food too, which is a plan that will surely work out great.

Most importantly, however, they have at this point already completely lost the trust of the common people, and seem incapable of even attempting to begin winning it back the hard way.[1]

... Immediately following the passage above is, amusingly, a chapter where a duke asks Confucius what to do to save his overburdened state, and Confucius tells him to stop being a doofus and cut taxes in half (to 10% from 20%, the latter being portrayed as an unprecedentedly outrageous and inhumane imposition). His job is to make the people rich and healthy, not to enrich himself and grow the government, Confucius points out. Since apparently he had a based libertarian streak.
302   Onvacation   2024 Feb 16, 7:43pm  

Hunter Biden special investigation arrests FBI informant for lying that the Biden's took millions in bribes. This proves that the Biden's are innocent. Meet the Press:
304   Patrick   2024 Feb 17, 11:38am  


Two judges in two separate cases fined former President Donald Trump just under half a billion dollars.

The fines suggest that Democrats seek to bankrupt Trump as he campaigns once again to shake up Washington, DC, and oust President Joe Biden, who claims he is not behind the lawsuits or indictments against Trump — although several prosecutors reportedly met with Biden administration officials before three of the indictments.

Between two cases, the fines against Trump amount to more than $430 million:

New York civil fraud case: More than $355 million
E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case: $83.3 million
In both cases, Trump says he will appeal the rulings.

The criminals who are using the court system to persecute a political opponent must themselves be tried for their crimes against the justice system, and therefore against the legitimacy of the US government itself.

311   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 17, 5:11pm  

These Two Are losers.

312   Patrick   2024 Feb 19, 4:03pm  


I realize it’s difficult to keep up with the rogue’s gallery of politically-partisan judges and prosecutors pursuing President Trump, but by now you’ve probably heard plenty about the historic $354 million-dollar criminal penalty pinned on President Trump and his New York companies on Friday. The case started last year with an equally historic premise, using a statute that had never been used this way before against anyone, never mind against a President, and relying on a logic-defying factual allegation of financial fraud even though the banks that got Trump’s allegedly fraudulent financial statements said everything looked fine to them.

There are two major prongs in civil cases: liability and damages. You need to prove both to win a civil case. It is not quite the same way in criminal cases but it’s comparable, especially where, as here, the alleged crime (fraud) has a civil analogue. Proving criminal fraud everywhere but in New York requires proof of three things: an intent to deceive, a victim’s reliance on a deliberately-false representation, and an actual injury caused by the victim’s reliance on the deceptive representation.

New York’s novel criminal statute (never used this way before) strips two of the three elements, dehydrating the age-old ‘crime’ down to a new-age essence: the mere intent to deceive. Judge Engoran — a partisan democrat from way back — had no trouble finding that Trump intended to deceive the banks. It doesn’t matter whether the bankers said they were deceived or not, that’s reliance, an antique element jettisoned from New York law after State Attorney Letitia James woke up one morning with her brain hurting on the left side.

In other words, they’ve reduced the crime to the democrats’ absolute favorite: a thought crime. The only wrinkle under the statute is that the intent to deceive must be financially-related and written down. The fact the crime is only based on Trump’s intent is democrat partisans are proud of. For example:

Next up is the damages, or the lack thereof. Under our Constitutional system of criminal justice, punishments must be proportional. That’s basic Eighth Amendment law going back to the very beginning. There can be no cruel or unusual punishment. Which includes excessive fines. That is undisputed.

Here’s what the New York Times reported about the damages back in November:

So how did Judge Engoran calculate that his $354 million fine was proportional? Proportional to what?

The judge buried that calculation in a mind-numbing array of complicated hypotheticals, such as imagining that — despite what the bankers said — Trump might have paid a higher interest rate on the loans if his financials had looked different. That got the judge part of the way, and then he imposed a massive $250-million clawback of what he decided were “unjust profits.”

All the judge’s complicated calculations elided the requirement of proportionality to the damage actually caused.

So what comes next? An appeal. Unlike the $83 million civil verdict against President Trump in the bizarre sex assault case, there is no remittitur available for a criminal fine. So Trump will proceed directly to appeal — an appeal demonically calibrated to inflict the most possible pain, since under New York law, in order to appeal Trump must first post a bond in the full amount of the fine plus interest — over $450 million dollars.

President Trump can either put up the cash or buy a bond. Appeal bond fees cost around ten percent of the total, or $45 million dollars, which Trump would never get back. If he ultimately loses, the bonder would pay the fine but keep $450 million in Trump’s collateral, which the President was required to pledge to secure the bond. If Trump wins, he pays nothing further, but the bonder still keeps the bond fee.

Trump’s appeal now must work its way through New York’s liberal court system. Ironically, the state names its courts backwards — the trial court is called the “supreme court” — but the basic idea is the same as everywhere else. Trump must appeal first to the appellate division, and from there to New York’s supreme court, and from there to the U.S. Supreme Court — but he can only appeal to the USSC on Constitutional issues, of which there are several.

Everyone wants a prediction, but the case is a unicorn, which makes it utterly unpredictable. The one predictable part has already occurred, which is that the hyper-partisan judge and prosecutor reached this result. It was inevitable, everyone knew it, the threat of this judgment was meant to dissuade Trump from running for President. Now the unpredictable appellate part begins.

It is literally unthinkable that any court of appeals would uphold this decision. The criminal statute that the judgment was based on is Constitutionally infirm because it is vague; businesspeople in New York can’t accurately predict what conduct is prohibited. The judgment itself is Constitutionally infirm because it is wildly disproportionate to any legitimate harm caused to victims, despite Judge Engoran’s best efforts to find the victims’ testimony not credible and to calculate injuries they denied having.

Trump has excellent arguments for each of the legal aspects of the case. It’s almost an understatement to say the facts favor Trump, not least that the banks testified they weren’t harmed. The case itself was always tailor-made for an appellate court, with its high profile nature, political implications, celebrity defendant, and media interest. ...

Celebrity cases like this one break the rules. There’s nothing to compare them to. But the good news is that Trump’s lawyers have everything they need to win. It might’ve been the other way, with Trump facing difficult law and hard facts. But he’s in the best possible position to win, which should be encouraging.

Lately I often hear people complain about the use of donor money to pay Trump’s litigation expenses. That seems wrong-headed to me. Trump is only facing the litigation because he’s running for President. Donald J. Trump is the one taking all the risk — risk of bankruptcy and prison. If people don’t donate, he’s a dead Donald. So his litigation costs are campaign expenses. It’s that simple.
313   HeadSet   2024 Feb 19, 4:52pm  

Patrick says

Lately I often hear people complain about the use of donor money to pay Trump’s litigation expenses. That seems wrong-headed to me. Trump is only facing the litigation because he’s running for President. Donald J. Trump is the one taking all the risk — risk of bankruptcy and prison. If people don’t donate, he’s a dead Donald. So his litigation costs are campaign expenses. It’s that simple.

That is the next trap they will use. Trump will be hauled into court by another partisan judge who will say Trump violated campaign finance laws.
319   Patrick   2024 Feb 27, 12:26pm  


Billionaire businessman Joe Lonsdale has blasted the draconian nine-figure fine imposed on President Donald Trump by a leftist New York judge.

Lonsdale noted that the ruling, issued in New York Attorney General Letitia James’s civil “fraud” case, is “scary” for other businesses operating in the state.

The renowned American entrepreneur declared that the ruling was “obviously” political and “not how this country is supposed to work.”

Trump was fined over $450 million in “damages” by radical Judge Arthur Engoron for “fraud,” even as the judge acknowledged there were no victims in the case.

The verdict has led to shock and alarm even among Trump’s foes, including Jeb Bush, who co-authored a Wall Street Journal article with Lonsdale defending Trump.

Lonsdale told CNN host Michael Smerconish that the verdict is “obviously” excessive and politically motivated.

Echoing Trump’s own rhetoric about the Biden “regime,” Lonsdale said he fears the government is being “weaponized” against political opponents and business will suffer.

“It’s like basically what happens in these countries when you have a regime take over that’s going after its enemies,” he said.

“You weaponize it and you penalize people in ridiculous ways.

“This is an obvious example of that.”

Lonsdale said he and his friends in business are not fans of Trump, but they find the excessive punishment “scary.”

“This is why it’s scary to my friends who do business, who don’t even like Trump because it’s a $400,000,000 fine for something where there’s no victims is obviously a weaponization of government and everyone knows on its face.”

“They know that penalizing that much in business is clearly weaponization,” he said.
320   Karloff   2024 Feb 27, 4:50pm  

A perfect example of a court case that actually should have been tossed for "lack of standing" since there was no harm or victim.

But of course, in bizzarro corrupt clown world, everything is the opposite.

I hope this blows up in NYC's face. Hard.
327   Patrick   2024 Mar 8, 8:21am  


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) filed a complaint with the Department of Justice inspector general on Wednesday, accusing special counsel Jack Smith of election interference by resisting attempts to delay his criminal prosecution of former President Trump.

Smith has pushed federal judges not to delay his case against Trump, which alleges that the former president attempted to overturn the 2020 election. Trump’s attorneys have invoked the Supreme Court over whether Trump can be prosecuted at all, possibly pushing back trial past the 2024 general election.

Gaetz claims Smith’s work is intended to influence the election, violating DOJ policy.

“The witch hunt against President Trump by Attorney General Garland and Special Counsel Smith is a partisan exercise, and the American people know it,” Gaetz said in a statement. “The actions of the Special Counsel Smith to speed up the trial against President Trump violate the DOJ’s rules and the law.”

“His public comments and his office’s briefs before the Supreme Court demonstrate that he has no reason for his actions other than to unlawfully interfere in the 2024 presidential election,” he continued.

Unwritten DOJ policy generally forbids prosecutors from actions that could be seen as influencing an election within 60 days of Election Day. Gaetz argued in the letter that the logic of the rule should be extended to now because “it is indisputable that we are already in an election season.”

Gaetz’s letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz specifically claims Smith’s attempts to speed the case through courts is a “violation of law.”

“It is the core of prohibited conduct that a purpose (not the purpose) of any official action of a prosecutor be to affect any election,” Gaetz wrote. “It may be morally correct that the American people should see swift resolution of this case, perhaps with dropped charges or a Trump acquittal before the November 2024 Presidential election, but wielding Executive Branch authority in the service of this is a violation of law. Prosecutors must be held to a higher standard.”
329   Patrick   2024 Mar 11, 9:30am  


I was speaking at the VSRF Litigation Conference in Las Vegas on March 8th. I caught up with Brook Jackson at the conference, and she has informed me that she and her attorneys have received email communication from the Department of Justice stating that they are planning to intervene in her case (again) and move to dismiss it.

This comes after, finally, the oral arguments were scheduled for April 17th, meaning the US Government is desperate to squash the case before discovery can be made possible! They cannot afford the discovery, and thus will try to get rid of the case. The DOJ has to provide the rationale for the dismissal, and it remains to be seen what that will be. ...

As I said many times before, while this development is not really a surprise and was expected by me and by Katherine Watt . We think of Brook as an American hero. By bringing this case, as early as she did, and by being steadfast in her pursuit of justice, not as plaintiff but as a relator under False Claims Act, she speaks for all of us and for all victims. This case was instrumental in identifying the Department of Defense as a key “financier” behind the mass murder and biological weapons attack masquerading as a “response” to a “public health crisis”. Pfizer was cornered and had to point to the DOD contract in their first motion to dismiss in April 2022.

The case is not over, and I pray that Brook and her attorneys persevere and ultimately true justice prevails.

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