This is a documentary I've seen many years ago and I make it a point to rewatch it once and a while. Aside from a few quote misattributions, it is a valuable and easy to understand telling of how the financial system we currently grind in has come to be. I'm sure some of you might be familiar with it, and others I believe would benefit greatly from the knowledge found within.
Yes, this is a great documentary. All fiat is a (CON)fidence game. The only other con that would outdo fiat in audacity is if God himself were a ruse. IMO.
It would be crazy enough if they knew 90% of deposits weren't going to be claimed at any one time, and so lent out a big chunk of deposits at interest as if it was the bank's.
Yet, they're so greedy they create 10-20x more money than deposits.
And yet that would work most of the time UNLESS they weren't so extra crazy, they simply had infinite cheap money on top of that to borrow from the Fed.
One interesting idea is to make money the equivalent of a fraction of the total electricity generated by the country. Money would then naturally grow and contract relative to the economy, with maybe a small fudge factor (ie average of past decade).
This is a documentary I've seen many years ago and I make it a point to rewatch it once and a while. Aside from a few quote misattributions, it is a valuable and easy to understand telling of how the financial system we currently grind in has come to be. I'm sure some of you might be familiar with it, and others I believe would benefit greatly from the knowledge found within.