
Confronting Shoplifters Ban passed by CA Senate

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2023 Jun 7, 9:12pm   9,257 views  97 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

The California State Senate passed a bill last week that would prevent employers from requiring employees to intervene to stop shoplifting — a growing scourge in the state since the enactment of criminal justice reforms.

SB 553, introduced by Silicon Valley’s State Sen. Dave Cortese (D-Cupertino), is described as a bill to prevent and monitor “workplace violence.” But it also includes a provision that “every employer shall establish, implement, and maintain, at all times in all of the employer’s facilities, a workplace violence prevention plan for purposes of protecting employees and other personnel from aggressive and violent behavior at the workplace” that “shall include … [p]rovisions prohibiting the employer from maintaining policies that require employees to confront active shooters or suspected shoplifters.”

As San Francisco Bay Area Fox affiliate KTVU reported, retail associations are furious, believing that the bill will tell potential thieves that they can steal goods at will:

[O]ver 50 organizations, including the California Retailers Association, (CRA) don’t support the bill.

“This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores.”

The CRA says if SB 553 becomes law, it will need to apply to all industries and not just retail. They also say most retailers already prohibit regular employees from approaching anyone about stolen merchandise and have some employees who are trained in theft prevention.

“It says no employee can approach someone who is shoplifting. So even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that, now they’re not allowed to approach someone. So, what does that mean? We are opening up the door to allow people to walk into stores, steal and walk out,” Michelin said.

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91   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 14, 10:16am  

AD says

One thing is I do see federal tax increases on the near horizon which will impact Eman.

They will simply allow the Trump tax cuts to expire.

Taxes will go up for the middle class in states that still have middle class, while making California coasties richer because the full SALT deduction will be restored.
92   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 14, 10:40am  

AD says


Read the above about 1000 Dollar Tree stores being shut down.

Wow, that's wild. But it looks like it's the Family Dollar stores, not Dollar Tree, though the latter is the controlling corporation.

From Article:

Family Dollar will close 600 locations this year and 370 stores over the next several years as store leases expire.

If you're going to shoplift, Family Dollar seems like low on the totem pole.

I was told by staff that Dollar Trees are becoming Super Dollar Trees with expanded grocery and clothing offerings. They have boxed milk which is terrific at $1.25 and lasts for months if not years unopened.
93   AD   2024 Mar 14, 12:04pm  

AmericanKulak says

I was told by staff that Dollar Trees are becoming Super Dollar Trees with expanded grocery and clothing offerings. They have boxed milk which is terrific at $1.25 and lasts for months if not years unopened.

yeah the Dollar Tree across from Walmart Front Beach Rd in Panama City Beach has a bunch of refrigerated and frozen sections, and has that boxed milk also on its shelves

the Dollar General which is like every 1 mile in Panama City Beach and Panama City now have stores which have been set up as mini grocery stores, I walked in recently to the Dollar General on Thomas Drive and there is a section for fruits and vegetables on the left

95   komputodo   2024 Apr 11, 6:16pm  

Karloff says

RayAmerica says

The stated policy of management was to "let them go and do not confront them."

What is the point of checking receipts at the door then? Just to keep track of how many people stole things?

to keep white folks from stealing.
96   WookieMan   2024 Apr 12, 2:48pm  

komputodo says

Karloff says

RayAmerica says

The stated policy of management was to "let them go and do not confront them."

What is the point of checking receipts at the door then? Just to keep track of how many people stole things?

to keep white folks from stealing.

Lol. Yeah, if you got anyone just thinking they can walk out with goods and need a receipt to exit, you opened a store in the wrong fucking place.

These stores are moving to more rural areas the last decade anyway. Between theft and land value, it's not profitable in urban areas. You can put them in a small town at probably 70% less for real estate taxes and building cost. So it stays an actual dollar story or whatever companies are out there.

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