
Confronting Shoplifters Ban passed by CA Senate

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2023 Jun 7, 9:12pm   9,252 views  97 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

The California State Senate passed a bill last week that would prevent employers from requiring employees to intervene to stop shoplifting — a growing scourge in the state since the enactment of criminal justice reforms.

SB 553, introduced by Silicon Valley’s State Sen. Dave Cortese (D-Cupertino), is described as a bill to prevent and monitor “workplace violence.” But it also includes a provision that “every employer shall establish, implement, and maintain, at all times in all of the employer’s facilities, a workplace violence prevention plan for purposes of protecting employees and other personnel from aggressive and violent behavior at the workplace” that “shall include … [p]rovisions prohibiting the employer from maintaining policies that require employees to confront active shooters or suspected shoplifters.”

As San Francisco Bay Area Fox affiliate KTVU reported, retail associations are furious, believing that the bill will tell potential thieves that they can steal goods at will:

[O]ver 50 organizations, including the California Retailers Association, (CRA) don’t support the bill.

“This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores.”

The CRA says if SB 553 becomes law, it will need to apply to all industries and not just retail. They also say most retailers already prohibit regular employees from approaching anyone about stolen merchandise and have some employees who are trained in theft prevention.

“It says no employee can approach someone who is shoplifting. So even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that, now they’re not allowed to approach someone. So, what does that mean? We are opening up the door to allow people to walk into stores, steal and walk out,” Michelin said.

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53   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 3:56pm  

BayArea says

For the record, I don’t give much of a shit about corporations and their profits. However, I’m seeing a lot more shit locked up in stores and store theft is all over nextdoor with people saying that so and so just walked right out without paying.

I don't give a crap about corporations, but if a corporation can't make a profit, they pack up and leave.

People might end up in neighborhoods where they simply can't purchase anything because there's no stores there. That's the threat.
54   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 3:59pm  

BigSky says

Kid's make mistakes, which is why it was my policy was never to prosecute anyone under 18 for shoplifting or pilfering

Dude, just give them community service. You don't have to screw them 6 ways from sunday, all you need to do is make them experience a consequence once.

Shoplifters aren't really stealing from the store, so much as they are stealing from everybody that goes to that store. Prices just adjust.
55   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 4:01pm  

WookieMan says

Integrity? This surely is in jest. How about the company stealing from my wife by not paying her what anyone with those sales numbers makes.

Then she can ask for a raise, or quit and get another job. You have an entitlement complex. If she's so valuable and indispensable, surely she can get a larger salary or leave.

WookieMan says

This is the classic response we get and I'm used to it. Jealousy of others is a tough pill to swallow.

This is typical. I'm disgusted with you, I'm not jealous of you.

You have any idea how easy it is to take advantage of the public? I could create an instant messenger that I CLAIM is 100% secure, and then make up a shadow company in another nation and sell any information I get off from it to the highest bidder.

It's trivial to make money, if you're a shitty person. If you're willing to be a piece of garbage, it's easy. I've been torn with this dilemma. I could EASILY go down the road of "well, these assholes are stupid, barely human anyhow, will believe any nonsense, they're gullible, fuck 'em". It's not a good existence to live with that attitude. Trust me.
56   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 12:11pm  

richwicks says

Then she can ask for a raise, or quit and get another job. You have an entitlement complex. If she's so valuable and indispensable, surely she can get a larger salary or leave.

You read nothing of what I wrote clearly. Congrats I guess? Please read.

richwicks says

This is typical. I'm disgusted with you, I'm not jealous of you.

You are though. You do nothing. You program computers/sites and do nothing else. Bitch here to an active crowd of 50 and maybe 500 active lurkers. You're not elected. You just like to bitch. You don't read anyone's comments. You repeatedly bitch about the same thing over and over. Let me know how this comment is about Iraq and WMD's and you know all. Or that you're the fucking dog whisperer or something and know it all. You know dick and you know it.

When was the last time you even left California? Did anything of note? You sit here and bitch and moan yet do NOTHING about it. Informing people that aren't going to listen to you because it's an online forum is a waste of everyone's time. Have a fucking human conversation. I'd believe you're a bot/AI, but Patrick says he's met you. You don't bring any content to this site. Just whining and not reading.

Do something.
57   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:45pm  

WookieMan says

You are though. You do nothing. You program computers/sites and do nothing else. Bitch here to an active crowd of 50 and maybe 500 active lurkers. You're not elected.

We don't even live in a democratic system. You still don't realize that yet. We haven't been in any sort of democratic system since at least 1988.

You can't fix a problem if you refuse to acknowledge it.

I thought, naively, that when everything could be exposed by creating a world wide network, people would stop listening to propaganda, and bullshit, and finally see the obvious and acknowledge it and deal with it, but instead they double down on their error. The older the generation the more lost they are, the more denial they are in. The only hope is the younger generation, they are FAR quicker to realize they've been tricked, I have never gotten a boomer to admit they've been propagandized into something, ever. Much easier to do with a millennial, meaning, it's at least possible.

Look at this pandemic bullshit. CLEARLY it was bullshit. "The unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated" - I never imagined even 4 years ago, ANYBODY would be so fucking stupid as to believe that, but they do. My mistake, was DRASTICALLY over-estimating the intelligence of people. I am seriously at this point wondering if these "people" are people. Are they really human, if they just repeat what a television box told them? They don't even do cursory thinking.

You're oblivious yourself. You see absolutely nothing wrong with shitty things you do, even when it's pointed out to you. You're a thief, you justify it because your "wife is worth more" - well maybe, it's easy to put that to the test. Talk her boss, and let him know explicitly he pays for your transportation. Ah, I bet you're NOW thinking - "oh, that might be a problem, sure as hell won't do that!"

You come to a conclusion first, then you search for ways to justify it. You won't test your conclusion, that might mean you're wrong, and it could put you in considerable jeopardy.

WookieMan says

When was the last time you even left California?

About 8 months ago.

WookieMan says

Did anything of note? You sit here and bitch and moan yet do NOTHING about it.

Can't really discuss in detail what I'm doing.
58   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 1:04pm  

richwicks says

You still don't realize that yet.

You have to stop saying that to a person that IS doing something. Has done something. I get the system far beyond what you even think you know.

Listen, as much of a creep as he is, I know the former speaker of the House, Denny Hastert. Know him. 2nd in line to POTUS at one point. Literally the 2nd most powerful person on the planet. We're getting $1M from my federal house rep in a town of 2k people. I know the game better than anyone here. AND I'm elected and doing my part instead of bitching.

Instead of getting hung up on Iraq, maybe get involved at the county level. Move up from there. I'm sick of people bitching about national politics when they don't do shit locally. Town, city, county, state... And no, showing up to a meeting generally does nothing. They will say "we hear you and will decide at the next meeting" and no one shows up to the next one. YOU have to get on the board. YOU have to be the representative. Until then your words are shit.
59   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 1:31pm  

WookieMan says

You have to stop saying that to a person that IS doing something. Has done something. I get the system far beyond what you even think you know.

I doubt it.

WookieMan says

Listen, as much of a creep as he is, I know the former speaker of the House, Denny Hastert. Know him.

Oh good for you. You know an unconvicted pedophile who had one victim (Steven Reinboldt) commit suicide who was controlled by the intelligence agencies, and sold out the country to protect himself from exposure. Somebody that betrayed 300 million Americans so people wouldn't find out he was diddling kids.

I'm sure that some difference will be made when 99.9% of America doesn't even realize he was a fucking pedophile who the intelligence agencies protected because they controlled him...

To obtain power in the United States, you have to be blackmailable, which means you have no power at all. The Franklin Scandal alleged (probably correctly) that George H. Bush was a male child sex abuser.

original link

Oh look, an entire documentary was made, but shelved because some unknown people bought up all the rights, but some editor released it on to the Internet anyhow. I remember it being reported in newspapers at the time. Boys Town was heavily implicated.


William Clinton was a rapist and ran drugs for the Iran Contra Scandal. George W. Bush was also alleged to be a male pedophile. Barack Obama was widely known to be a homosexual BEFORE he ran for president, rumors about him and Steven Reinboldt abounded before he even ran. Joe Biden is a pedophile.

I'm sure you can change the system by being involved!!!

WookieMan says

Instead of getting hung up on Iraq, maybe get involved at the county level.

Yeah, I need to forget 800,000 Iraqis were killed over a weapons of mass destruction program that didn't exist, and was known not to exist, as exposed by the Downing Street Memos. I have to get over that trifling matter. I have to forget the US brought civil war and slavery to Libya. I have to forget about Syria being blown up so Genie Energy could steal energy resources from the Golan and Israel could expand. I need to forget about the estimated 250,000 children that have died in the Yemeni and Somalian war the US is waging still. I got to forget that Afghanistan more than doubled their opium production under US military occupation.

I have to get over that fact the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, which led to civil war, which has now gotten 300,000 (estimated) Ukrainians killed in a fruitless war so that a few people in congress can make money having their crackhead kids taking bribes for them.

Why should any of this bother me? Live and let live.

WookieMan says

I'm sick of people bitching about national politics when they don't do shit locally.

The snake rots from the head down, not the tail up. If the head isn't cut off, it's just going to infect everything downstream.

The Federal government is killing the whole country, and even if every single town and county magically gets angels in power, that won't stop it.
60   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 1:43pm  

richwicks says

You know an unconvicted pedophile who had one victim

Unconvicted??? What the hell are you talking about? Shows me you have no clue WTF you're talking about and all future comments should be treated as bull shit.

I'm not going to address all your other crap and basically spam at this point. It's the same thing over and over and over. You can't even get facts about the Speaker of the House being convicted of fucking around with a kid. Who cares if it was 1 or 10? You got the facts wrong. You won't own it. Post a link as you say. Prove me wrong. Hastert went to jail for christ sake. He should have, but you just ate shit on this one.
61   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 12, 1:45pm  

So now we can take all the kids groomer shit out of the Target store without paying for it and burn it in the parking lot!
62   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 3:52pm  

WookieMan says

Unconvicted??? What the hell are you talking about? Shows me you have no clue WTF you're talking about and all future comments should be treated as bull shit.

He went to jail for evading bank reporting requirements and lying to federal investigators.

He wasn't convicted of RAPING CHILDREN which he was guilty of, because of a statute of limitations. He did 13 months in jail and fined $250,000.

WookieMan says

I'm not going to address all your other crap and basically spam at this point. It's the same thing over and over and over. You can't even get facts about the Speaker of the House being convicted of fucking around with a kid. Who cares if it was 1 or 10? You got the facts wrong.

Maybe I do have my facts wrong. Please point them out. Saying to me "you are wrong" doesn't tell me HOW I'm wrong, so I just remain wrong.

WookieMan says

Post a link as you say. Prove me wrong. Hastert went to jail for christ sake.


In May 2015, Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals to evade bank reporting requirements and making false statements to federal investigators. Federal prosecutors said that the funds withdrawn by Hastert were used as hush money to conceal his past sexual misconduct.
In court submissions filed in April 2016, federal prosecutors alleged that Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age during his time as a high school wrestling coach. At a sentencing hearing, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys whom he had coached. Referring to Hastert as a "serial child molester", a federal judge imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.

Think that's enough of a punishment of a man that raped 4 boys?

Joseph Rosenbaum raped five boys, and only did 2 years and 6 months for that. He was in a psych facility when it was released to riot.
63   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 4:17pm  

richwicks says

Federal prosecutors said that the funds withdrawn by Hastert were used as hush money to conceal his past sexual misconduct.

richwicks says

Oh good for you. You know an unconvicted pedophile who had one victim (Steven Reinboldt) commit suicide who was controlled by the intelligence agencies, and sold out the country to protect himself from exposure.

Do you read what you're typing?? He was jailed for fucking around with a kid. You can split hairs all you want. I can give you $15k a day for fun and see what happens. Guess what happened to Hastert? He was fucking arrested and jailed for diddling a kid and buying him off. They used banking laws to charge him. I get that. No, they didn't charge him with child rape as the cash payments were current. He skirted the law and didn't get charged with what he should have been.

I'm sorry. You act like an authority of knowledge but know dick to be honest. Do you know one person in federal government that you could call? One? You don't know the system at all. Your sources are generally bull shit artists trying to monetize a channel. They and you have no clue. You don't for sure. Let me know when you're elected to something of relevance and maybe we can have an adult conversation. You think you know, but you don't.
64   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 7:13pm  

WookieMan says

Do you read what you're typing?? He was jailed for fucking around with a kid.

No, he was jailed on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals to evade bank reporting requirements and making false statements to federal investigators.

He's a child rapist.

WookieMan says

You can split hairs all you want. I can give you $15k a day for fun and see what happens.

Do it!

WookieMan says

No, they didn't charge him with child rape as the cash payments were current. He skirted the law and didn't get charged with what he should have been.

Doing time in prison for bank fraud is a LITTLE different than doing prison time for raping kids.

WookieMan says

I'm sorry. You act like an authority of knowledge but know dick to be honest. Do you know one person in federal government that you could call? One?

For what? For a "favor"? What would I want with the mafia? Get my wife out of a DUI? Make certain my kid escapes his possession charge? Have my tax assessment lowered? Get that no bid contract? The only reason to contact a person in federal government is corruption, nothing else - something you have shown a willingness to engage in.

Level with your wife's boss - you said he knows, he doesn't care. Test it. THANK him for overlooking it. That would be the proper thing to do, since he knows, and he doesn't care. It's proper to express thankfulness, don't you think?

WookieMan says

You don't know the system at all. Your sources are generally bull shit artists trying to monetize a channel.

Who do you think my sources are? Name them.

WookieMan says

Let me know when you're elected to something of relevance

We don't have an election system. Maybe for city dog catcher, that's it.

It's so trivial, so VERY TRIVIAL to validate the vote, yet they are "???? I don't know how to do it!!! It's TOO EXPENSIVE, it's too HARD!!!!!"

No it's not.

You can get actually elected to a position that doesn't matter, but a position that does matter, you're not elected, you're placed there. If you and the contender are BOTH owned by the same people, yeah, the election can be fair, doesn't matter then who is placed in power then. No favoritism or ballot fraud needed.

WookieMan says

You think you know, but you don't.

Haha - what have I said you disagree with? Point out my errors. I might be in error, and I could improve if I knew how I was in error, but it's SUPER SECRET INFORMATION isn't it? You have to hold that close to your chest, because it advantages you, and FUCKS society and the country. Who cares about the rest of the nation? You don't.

It's not like you need "insider information" to figure out what the fuck is going on, you don't need friends in high places to put the puzzle pieces together. You just need to think A LITTLE bit. If you can't do that, you have to join the mafia to know what the mafia is doing. It's blatantly obvious what the mafia is doing. When you join the mafia though, lips are sealed aren't they? There's retribution, and people don't have any fucking balls or guts. Well, some people do, they die in accidents.

$60,000 (or is it $90,000 now?) a year is spent on homeless in San Francisco. Still, they live in tents. I wonder why... Seems like you could get an apartment with that much money, a decent place to stay.. So weird isn't it, like all the money is being stolen or something...

But I don't have any idea what is going on! I'm clueless! If only I knew people in the inside that could tell me the "duh, isn't obvious to you, stupid?" - yeah, well, it's pretty obvious. People just are too trusting. Too innocent. You're not innocent.

And you could help, you won't. You could actually explain it to a wider public, rather than "oh, it's mysterious, you need to know people to know what is going on..." - but you don't. I would never want to be like you, and I don't need to be like you. You just have to be cynical enough to understand what a sociopath is or be one.

Sociopaths have no problem joining the mafia do they? You ought to know. "Oh, people are just a bunch of fools to take advantage of" - isn't that what you think?

Am I incorrect? It's not fucking that difficult to know what is going on, when you just drop your emotions and look at this as a game. A NORMAL person would say "Oh, I can't get 300,000 Ukrainians killed to make a few million dollars and force taxpayers to pay 100's of billions of dollars for this bloodshed" - but they can. If you can view the "people of Ukraine" as pawns, literal pawns, pieces, you can. If you can view US citizens only as "human resources" you can.

Just completely abandon any pretense of morality. It's just a game. Nobody is being killed. If you can think of it that way, and you can if it's merely a game, everything falls into place - no mystery.

And you know it. You think I want join the cesspool that is "our government"? Be part of THAT? I'd seriously would prefer to be dead, and probably, I'll eventually end up being dead for just being aware of how it actually works and speaking openly about it.

Keep climbing that ladder of corruption and filth. We're all jealous of you, if only we could degrade ourselves. You know Dennis Hastert, a child rapist. Good for you. Isn't it weird he was still employable after that. I wonder why?
65   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 12, 7:58pm  

Ceffer says

Otherwise known as the 'Destroy The Remaining Businesses That Haven't Already Bailed Out' Law.

not a bad law this time, employer shouldn’t be able to force employees to fight shoplifters. hire security for that.
66   tomtomtom   2023 Jun 12, 8:12pm  

They need to pass another law that all Californians who voted Democrats must remain in the state. They can not leave.

Every lesson comes at a price.
67   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 9:15pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Ceffer says

Otherwise known as the 'Destroy The Remaining Businesses That Haven't Already Bailed Out' Law.

not a bad law this time, employer shouldn’t be able to force employees to fight shoplifters. hire security for that.

It's just a way for small businesses to be forced to stop accepting cash for one, and be victim to theft for another.

Yeah, it sounds like a GREAT idea, until the only place you can shop at is Walmart.

It's just giving fucking criminals a pass. I wish I was 20 years older closer to death. Think for a moment. We've had this system for over 200 years, and you're like "oh, this sounds like an improvement" - IS IT? What are the consequences?

Small businesses can't compete or even operate, anybody they hire has to be a cashier AND a security guard, or have 2 people, and if a thief gets stopped, the government will sue the business on behalf of the owner [EDIT_MISTAKE: I meant: "behalf of the thief" - HeadSet pointed out this error].
68   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:50pm  

richwicks says

the government will sue the business on behalf of the owner.

I believe you meant "on behalf of the thief.
69   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 12:51am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

the government will sue the business on behalf of the owner.

I believe you meant "on behalf of the thief.

You're right. I will correct this in include EDIT_MISTAKE in it.
70   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Jun 13, 4:27am  

tomtomtom says

They need to pass another law that all Californians who voted Democrats must remain in the state. They can not leave.

Every lesson comes at a price.

There are a lot of people that know this as truth but don’t want to accept it yet. The answer is for moderate and right leaning people to leave California. My countdown has started. I wish I could go now.

The people still holding their lotto ticket and saying “oh the weather” are missing the boat badly. Pre pandemic was the time to leave. Now every day you stay you risk a higher level of danger from crime and will continue to pay escalating taxes and fees, not to mention all the other quality of life issues. Even in the “safe” suburbs.

And it’s only a matter of time before the California govt makes an attempt to take your property.
71   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 13, 5:24am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

There are a lot of people that know this as truth but don’t want to accept it yet. The answer is for moderate and right leaning people to leave California. My countdown has started. I wish I could go now.

The people still holding their lotto ticket and saying “oh the weather” are missing the boat badly. Pre pandemic was the time to leave. Now every day you stay you risk a higher level of danger from crime and will continue to pay escalating taxes and fees, not to mention all the other quality of life issues. Even in the “safe” suburbs.

And it’s only a matter of time before the California govt makes an attempt to take your property.

I would expect this also to be the case in Maryland (and New York, NJ, MA) at some point, just in years, possibly decades (except for NY which is probably already just as bad as CA).
72   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 3:53pm  

WookieMan says

Jealousy of others is a tough pill to swallow.

@WookieMan - do you understand that people aren't jealous of how much you degrade yourself, that there are actually people who won't do what you do because they have a better set of ethics and values?

I want to know if you understand this. For example: nobody, sane at least, is jealous of Hunter Biden. He's a worthless piece of shit that makes money being a conduit for bribes through his father. He's very wealthy, lives a luxurious lifestyle, he has tons of sex, he's above the law - would you like to be him?

Often, people who think they are "climbing up" are actually "climbing down". I think you're in the mud and don't realize it.

It's usually PeopleUnited that goes on about god and morality, but I'm doing it now as an atheist. There's something to morality and good and evil. I just don't believe in the Christian faith, but evil exists. It's a real thing, either in people's minds, or it's an actual force. What are you doing? Have you thought about that?
73   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 4:01pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

The people still holding their lotto ticket and saying “oh the weather” are missing the boat badly. Pre pandemic was the time to leave. Now every day you stay you risk a higher level of danger from crime and will continue to pay escalating taxes and fees, not to mention all the other quality of life issues. Even in the “safe” suburbs.

I'm staying to watch it BUUUUURN.

This was a utopia once, 20 years ago. A meritocracy. I did well in that. You find another, you let me know where it is, and I'll be there.
74   WookieMan   2023 Jun 14, 8:12am  

richwicks says

I want to know if you understand this. For example: nobody, sane at least, is jealous of Hunter Biden. He's a worthless piece of shit that makes money being a conduit for bribes through his father. He's very wealthy, lives a luxurious lifestyle, he has tons of sex, he's above the law - would you like to be him?

What in the flying fuck are you talking about?? I get free gas the boss KNOWS about. Reading skills. Sorry I have perks in life I guess. I'm faithful and commit ZERO crimes. You've committed more crimes against humanity than I have. The internet is shit and you helped create the likes of Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos. That was you. I'm close to cutting the cord on that. You won't, because it's your job and you have no choice.

You talk a big game how you're knowledgable about everything. You know dick dude. Neither do I. All my stuff is anecdotal that I see with my own eyes. I don't need a fucking web link that is a lie out of the gate that you helped create. I'm involved. You're not. Bitching with links isn't being involved.
75   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 8:17am  

richwicks says

I'm staying to watch it BUUUUURN.

This was a utopia once, 20 years ago. A meritocracy. I did well in that. You find another, you let me know where it is, and I'll be there.

Maybe utopia for you is where you are at so you can watch it BUUUUURN. After that, move to a beautiful place like Shenandoah and remote work.
76   WookieMan   2023 Jun 14, 8:30am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

I'm staying to watch it BUUUUURN.

This was a utopia once, 20 years ago. A meritocracy. I did well in that. You find another, you let me know where it is, and I'll be there.

Maybe utopia for you is where you are at so you can watch it BUUUUURN. After that, move to a beautiful place like Shenandoah and remote work.

He's staying because he has to. There are tons of not shit hole states to live in. IL would be better. Could probably make more too on a cost of living basis. Watching it burn is worse than letting it burn and leaving. Either leave or STFU. CA drags down this nation with too many House Reps. Nothing gets done. My ink pen will cause me cancer.... That's the state you live in Rich. You guys are nuts.
77   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 14, 9:31am  

tomtomtom says

They need to pass another law that all Californians who voted Democrats must remain in the state. They can not leave.

Better: They cannot collect their state pension unless they live in the state 6 months of the year.

That will stop all the admins, schoolteachers, etc. from polluting Arizona and elsewhere with their nonsense while avoiding as much taxation and crime they voted for.
78   BigSky   2023 Jun 14, 9:36am  

richwicks says

Shoplifters aren't really stealing from the store, so much as they are stealing from everybody that goes to that store. Prices just adjust.

I must politely interject here. When one steals or pilfers from a proprietorship or a franchise you are stealing from the owner, same as if you picked his pocket. Prices are determined by the market - if you raise prices you will lose sales. As an extreme example to make the point, a store that had half its sodas stolen cannot just double the prices of the remaining half to make up the difference as the customers will go elsewhere. How about a gas station that had its tanks pumped by a midnight thief, or had excessive drive-offs, think they can just raise prices? The owner eats the loss. Even a firms like Walmart or Walgreens cannot raise process to cover theft - they will just shut down stores in areas where theft eats too much into profits.

I believe the "shoplifting raises prices" is a myth perpetuated to get the public to feel they have a stake on preventing such theft. However, as I implied above, the public does lose both employment opportunities and good shopping when a retailer is pilfered to the point they close shop.

Also, should anyone think that a retailer could just raise the prices of all products across the board by a few cents to make up for theft, think again. If it were possible to raise prices without losing sales it would already have been done, theft loses or not.
79   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 14, 10:37am  

In the case of a publicly traded company, you're stealing from the stock holders, because there is no "owner" per se. You are also stealing from the people who patronize the store though, because like you said, endgame for a franchise is to shut down the location, which hurts the patrons, and the people in the community who depend on the store for employment.
80   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 14, 11:58am  

BigSky says

As an extreme example to make the point, a store that had half its sodas stolen cannot just double the prices of the remaining half to make up the difference as the customers will go elsewhere.

As an extreme example to make the point, a store that had half its sodas stolen cannot just double the prices of the remaining half to make up the difference as the customers in California will steal it instead.
81   BigSky   2023 Jun 14, 12:23pm  

NuttBoxer says

In the case of a publicly traded company, you're stealing from the stock holders, because there is no "owner" per se

Correct, and I assume you are implying that the loss from theft is spread out among the thousands of "owners" as to be below anyone's level of concern. However, local corporate owned stores still have local managers, and those managers are evaluated on profits and seepage. True, thieves do not impact the corporate manager's immediate bottom line as in the case of local ownership, but the manager's long term career can be damaged. This is why even cooperate managers consider shoplifters, under-ringers, and embezzlers as stealing from them personally.
82   richwicks   2023 Jun 14, 8:21pm  

WookieMan says

What in the flying fuck are you talking about?? I get free gas the boss KNOWS about.

Well, next time you see him, THANK him. Make certain he knows.

I don't believe you.

WookieMan says

Sorry I have perks in life I guess. I'm faithful and commit ZERO crimes. You've committed more crimes against humanity than I have.

I haven't commuted any.

I just find you to be distasteful. I don't hang out with pedophiles in power. You do.
83   richwicks   2023 Jun 14, 8:30pm  

HeadSet says

Maybe utopia for you is where you are at so you can watch it BUUUUURN. After that, move to a beautiful place like Shenandoah and remote work.

Look, this really was a utopia once. What's ruined it is that the people with ethics are gone.

When intelligence infiltrated us, we watched it happen and I knew it would destroy us, and not you us, YOU. Nest had a fucking microphone in it, it's for controlling the environment in your home. Why would it have a microphone? Why does Ring record video off site? Why isn't email encrypted by default? Why are there all these vulnerabilities on smart phones? Why do chips that are ENTIRELY different processors have the same exact bugs to gain internal access? How did a fake update for windows get signed with an invalid certificate and still get installed? Why isn't software signed so it cannot run unless it passes a certificate?

We can completely eliminate viruses, trivially. Did you know that? Email has been encryptable since the 1990's. Why don't people have the ability to sign their messages to verify that they aren't modified by somebody? Why was Dissenter taken down? That was a plugin that allowed you to comment on ANY website, any URL - why was that killed?

There's a surveillance state being setup, and we saw it being setup, but nobody believed us. Well, here is it, and it will destroy Silicon Valley, once people realize that we can't be trusted.
84   richwicks   2023 Jun 14, 8:32pm  

BigSky says

I must politely interject here. When one steals or pilfers from a proprietorship or a franchise you are stealing from the owner, same as if you picked his pocket. Prices are determined by the market - if you raise prices you will lose sales. As an extreme example to make the point, a store that had half its sodas stolen cannot just double the prices of the remaining half to make up the difference as the customers will go elsewhere. How about a gas station that had its tanks pumped by a midnight thief, or had excessive drive-offs, think they can just raise prices? The owner eats the loss. Even a firms like Walmart or Walgreens cannot raise process to cover theft - they will just shut down stores in areas where theft eats too much into profits.

I agree, but the result of closing down a store is decreasing availability that will drive prices up. Trust me, Walgreens isn't going to just eat the loss and it's not like JUST Walgreens is getting their merchandise stolen. Walmart, Walgreens, CVS - they are all in the same boat. They will just increase costs.
85   WookieMan   2023 Jun 15, 4:12am  

richwicks says

I haven't commuted any.

I just find you to be distasteful. I don't hang out with pedophiles in power. You do.

Seriously? You work in tech. You seriously must be joking? Everything you hate you have a hand in it if you did anything to advance it. You helped create platforms for pedophiles, porn, social media, news, etc. Do you think we'd have LGTQ+ or whatever without the internet? Kids thinking they're girls when they're boys? Places for people to post stuff about, trading ideas on their next victim? You had a hand in that whether you believe it or not.

Everything you complain about here is because of tech and the internet. You are your own worst enemy I just don't think you know it. Don't throw shade at me because I know someone. You have caused far more harm to humanity by a long shot than I have and I was in real estate at one point, so that's saying a lot.

You are a know it all that just complains about 3-4 things every comment. Example: richwicks says

We can completely eliminate viruses, trivially. Did you know that?

No one even asked a question about that.... You don't get sarcasm from other users here either, and what the hell does computer viruses have to do with watching CA buuuuurnn? If you're not fixing it, just leave and stop whining about it. Pretty simple.
87   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 22, 9:27am  

Onvacation says

Shopping with a blow torch

brb driving to california to do some shopping. looks fun
88   AD   2024 Mar 14, 12:43am  



Read the above about 1000 Dollar Tree stores being shut down.

This is major news and its about the socieoeconmic themes stated on Patrick.net.

CNN actually reports in the article about rampant theft at these stores.

Keep in mind CNN had the fortitude to publish this during an election year with a Democrat in the White House.

So that tells me CNN even is observing major economic failures.

These type of stories continue to become commonplace and are contrast to Eman's California economic prosperity narrative.

One thing is I do see federal tax increases on the near horizon which will impact Eman. That have to raise taxes if they do not cut the rate of spending increases

89   RC2006   2024 Mar 14, 5:34am  

People need to flash mob and rob legislators houses.
90   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 14, 10:12am  

AD says

contrast to Eman's California economic prosperity narrative.

You mean his Let them drive Teslas Queen Antoinette narrative.
91   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 14, 10:16am  

AD says

One thing is I do see federal tax increases on the near horizon which will impact Eman.

They will simply allow the Trump tax cuts to expire.

Taxes will go up for the middle class in states that still have middle class, while making California coasties richer because the full SALT deduction will be restored.
92   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 14, 10:40am  

AD says


Read the above about 1000 Dollar Tree stores being shut down.

Wow, that's wild. But it looks like it's the Family Dollar stores, not Dollar Tree, though the latter is the controlling corporation.

From Article:

Family Dollar will close 600 locations this year and 370 stores over the next several years as store leases expire.

If you're going to shoplift, Family Dollar seems like low on the totem pole.

I was told by staff that Dollar Trees are becoming Super Dollar Trees with expanded grocery and clothing offerings. They have boxed milk which is terrific at $1.25 and lasts for months if not years unopened.

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