Daniel Penny 2nd-degree manslaughter

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2023 Jun 14, 8:11pm   945 views  16 comments

by seesaw   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

After seeing this, it makes me wonder how many private citizens will just no longer give a shit. Guess I'll wear a mask full time out in public, wear womens clothes and if theirs a problem, kick any nut case in the balls.

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1   Patrick   2023 Jun 14, 10:11pm  

Maybe someone wants big cities to turn to shit. Maybe they will buy up cheap real estate and then put the police back, raising land values.
3   richwicks   2023 Jun 14, 10:32pm  

Patrick says

Maybe someone wants big cities to turn to shit. Maybe they will buy up cheap real estate and then put the police back, raising land values.

This is exactly what they are doing. They did this in the 1970's. Only after the city becomes a nightmare, and the property is bought up on the cheap, will they start making it livable again.
4   WookieMan   2023 Jun 15, 4:49am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

Maybe someone wants big cities to turn to shit. Maybe they will buy up cheap real estate and then put the police back, raising land values.

This is exactly what they are doing. They did this in the 1970's. Only after the city becomes a nightmare, and the property is bought up on the cheap, will they start making it livable again.

Nope. We weren't meant to live in cities as humans. Insects like ants and some others are the only living creatures that lives in one small space, not many. Just because we have words doesn't mean we're any different than a horse. We're still an animal.

Why do people think we expanded westward? Gold? Free land? No, they wanted to get the fuck out of the east coast and at that time urban areas. You cross an Ocean to leave a shit hole just to move into another? No, you get on the fucking wagon and get the hell out. That's why demographics around the globe are collapsing. Urban density. It's a miserable life. That includes large suburbs. The most urban area for centuries, Europe is the cause of our biggest wars.

There's a reason most wealthy have land in places like Montana, Colorado, Utah, Idaho out west. It's to get away from people. It's the same in IL. You can pick up 10 acres in WI for next to nothing. Most people don't WANT to be in urban areas, they HAVE to be there for money so they get a camping or cabin property up north.

Being forced to live in a place is pure misery. I've done it. I moved in state and couldn't be happier. All the family I'd want to see is within an hour or so. No traffic or worries about other shit drivers. No light pollution. No noise from traffic/roads. Two cops that I know. Have drinks with the village president at their house frequently. I don't trust everyone, but at least I know them.

Point being cities are always shit. They just put lipstick on a pig occasionally when they get the support to raise taxes and create a new "entertainment" district or something similar to take you to a place where you can't see the absolute shit that city living is.
5   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 5:08am  

WookieMan says

Being forced to live in a place is pure misery. I've done it. I moved in state and couldn't be happier. All the family I'd want to see is within an hour or so. No traffic or worries about other shit drivers. No light pollution. No noise from traffic/roads.

This is where I grew up:


That was ABSOLUTE misery for me. My nearest neighbor was about 1/2 mile away. It was pretty. The nearest movie theater was 45 minutes away. Our "library" was this little building with just children's books. We had ONE school, and 1/2 my teachers were WORTHLESS or worse than worthless. There was no internet. I couldn't even call outside of that town without long distance. Our phone numbers were 4 digits long, not 7, 4. That's how small it was. A PRISON has more people in it.

I might be able to deal with it now in the modern age, but I despised being there. I went to school with the same people for 12 years. The nearest OTHER school district was over 20 miles away. I didn't have Chinese food until I was over 18. Pizza was considered exotic.

It was so confining to be there. Want to learn something outside of the scope of knowledge offered by your crap school? It was impossible. One of the first things I did when I got my license, was drive to a library. I taught myself boolean logic and binary mathematics. I didn't realize until I got to college that I wasn't taught SHIT in either history or English all my "history" knowledge was government propaganda.

It wouldn't be bad today, but it sucked 50 years, well, 20 years ago it sucked. Internet makes is possible today, but it wasn't 20 years ago. The only information you could get was from television and print media, and those are as bad today as they were then. All I could know, is what other people claimed was true. Original research was absolutely impossible. Going to Buffalo for college, getting on the Internet, having MASSIVE libraries at my disposal - being able to actually meet NEW people, not just the same people I knew my ENTIRE LIFE. It was a prison for me.

My Dad loved it. It's entirely isolating, and that's fine for somebody, but not a kid that's trying to learn anything about the world. I couldn't learn anything at all that wasn't offered to me. Highly restrictive.
6   Robert Sproul   2023 Jun 15, 7:23am  

Patrick says

Maybe someone wants big cities to turn to shit. Maybe they will buy up cheap real estate and then put the police back, raising land values.

This is what Catherine Austin Fitts says the 'Opportunity Zones' tax dodge is all about, I believe.
7   clambo   2023 Jun 15, 7:31am  

NYC is fucked; you have to be nuts to live there. The New Yorkers have largely left; about 50% of the population is foreign.
I feel sorry for the guy; I hope he gets off with probation or less.
The political reason for prosecuting him is obvious; the creep bothering everyone was black, and the guy is white.
"New York's alright until they push you in front of a subway." Fear
8   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 7:40am  

clambo says

The political reason for prosecuting him is obvious; the creep bothering everyone was black, and the guy is white.
"New York's alright until they push you in front of a subway." Fear

Well, the police won't protect you. The DA will prosecute you for protecting yourself.

We have complete criminals running our government.
9   NDrLoR   2023 Jun 15, 8:52am  

richwicks says

the 1970's
The garbage can of the 20th century.
10   WookieMan   2023 Jun 15, 10:05am  

richwicks says

My Dad loved it. It's entirely isolating, and that's fine for somebody, but not a kid that's trying to learn anything about the world. I couldn't learn anything at all that wasn't offered to me. Highly restrictive.

And that's why we travel. We're still within 20-30 minutes of a movie theater and big box stores. 60-90min from an airport. You don't have to go off the grid rural. Hell that's tough unless you're in the mountain west. There's generally a bigger town within 30-40 minutes of most locations. Again outside of the west.

My kids have seen more than most adults here on this forum. They hang out in town like you would a city and then go out to their farmer friends houses and fuck around on golf carts, atv's and utv's. Hell tractors. I'm writing this out to remember, but they've been to WI, MN, IN, MI, OH, TN, KY, AL, MS, FL, GA, AZ, MT, ID, UT, CA, NV, WA, OR, WY, CO, NC and TX. My oldest will turn 13 in 3 months. Also USVI, BVI, MX, PR, Jamaica, DR and Bahamas.

And yes, this comes across as a brag. But it wouldn't happen if I lived in Chicago and paid that cost of living and hell no in California. Nice to visit, but taxes and housing costs would prevent 90% of what I listed above.

Yes, internet makes it easier. Yes you drive more, but if I move 20 miles or so to the East where I'm at prices on everything are 20-30% higher. You sit at stop lights more than moving. I used to live 1 mile as the crow flies from a Home Depot. Could take 15 minutes to get there.

And never rely on schools. Public or private. Teach them life lessons that they'll actually use as parents. School is about learning reading, writing and basic math. To expect anything more is ridiculous from a flock of mostly female teachers and no I'm not sexist. You get into teaching because you suck at doing the stuff you teach. I had fun teachers, but never a good teacher. Most male teachers just got by and are the coaches for sports to get the extra money. They're mimbos.

I was raised by an attorney and a teacher. So I saw how my dad interacted with my mom. So that's how I treated teachers. Maybe it comes across as being an ass hole, but my dad wasn't wrong even though he was an ass bag. I made the teachers lives growing up a living hell. They were so dumb. Age can give you wisdom, but it doesn't mean you're smart. I was still top 25% of my class and I literally did nothing, especially senior year of high school. Graduated college with a degree I don't use. Education is crap in cities as well. You need to be in a suburb where the entry level home would cost $2-3M to get into good school here in IL.

2-5k population is perfect in my opinion. As long as there's a small market, a few restaurants bars and a gas station, you really don't need to leave town. Odds are you'll still be within 20-40 minutes of higher population area with all the shit that goes along with it. Home Depot, Chilis, Kohls, Walmart, etc.

Your link points to a town smaller than mine, but not by a ton. We don't even have the classic dollar general.... yet. And yes I know that was probably after you left. I'd love to live there. Although I'm guessing you might have gotten some lake effect snow? That would suck.
11   HeadSet   2023 Jun 15, 7:35pm  

Patrick says

Maybe someone wants big cities to turn to shit. Maybe they will buy up cheap real estate and then put the police back, raising land values.

In the Mirror Universe, the Patnet blog members are facilitating this scam and setting themselves up to reap the profits. Patrick scopes the best properties, Richwicks hacks the voting to keep lenient DAs elected, WookieMan makes sure the targeted areas are awash in 'shrooms and fentanyl, Clambo supplies the honey traps and Booger keeps the agitprop going. Eman will be the front man to buy when the seriously distressed priced hit. Oh, the Mirror Patnet whacked Soros long ago, they hate competition.

How would other Mirror Patnet member contribute?
12   Karloff   2023 Jun 15, 7:56pm  

clambo says

The political reason for prosecuting him is obvious; the creep bothering everyone was black, and the guy is white.

There's a deeper reasoning for it.

They want you entirely dependent on the system. People who demonstrate to others that the system is useless and that you can do things on your own are dangerous to their messaging. That's why they try to make examples out of these people.

Look at how they tried to railroad Rittenhouse. That kid's lucky he got some justice. In DC you'd never get that. In NY it's unlikely.

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