by AmericanKulak ➕follow (9) 💰tip ignore
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Why didn't the #1 Warrior against the Deep State release those "so horrible you wouldn't believe it" documents?
Trump released 80% of it, including the proof that Oswald was trained at a Defense Langugage Institute in Russian
Who gives a shit anyhow? CIA, Mossad, Mafia, and who knows who else wanted him dead. They all cooperated.
Roger Stone is a partisan hack. I wouldn't believe anything he claims.
He's a partywhore.
He's been wrongly politically persecuted by one of the parties. Why would you want him to say something nice about Joe Biden?
I have met him a couple times, he's a genuinely humble person in real life when he isn't talking to you like a pundit or a pollical analyst.
I trust anything he says, before I would trust anyone on any cable news channel, from the right or left.
As somebody interested in the JFK Assassination since the Movie came out, and I've read every major book on the subject, I've never heard of Mossad.
But keep chasing your tails with "CIA killed JFK because he was ready to usher the heaven on earth for the people!" BS if it gives you the pleasure, lol.
The Shocking JFK Confession from Prison | Files On JFK (2 hours, 47 minute interview)
But keep chasing your tails with "CIA killed JFK because he was ready to usher the heaven on earth for the people!" BS if it gives you the pleasure, lol.
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