i’m such a fan of “coyote’s law” coined by longtime gatopal™ warren meyer of coyoteblog fame.
i shall paraphrase:
“before granting any new power or prerogative to the state, first imagine that power wielded by the politician you hate most, because one day it will be.”
I actually don't mind this. Is there waste, 100%. I'd rather have eyes and ears on the ground as much as we can. I don't even trust all allies we have bases in. Besides overseas maybe 1-2% of people ever have witnessed war personally. I don't want it here. You don't want to witness it either.
I have no problem with defense spending. While we import more than we export to an extent, we need a powerful military for shipping lanes. It also creates trustworthy allies short term that can sell goods in a shitty area. We also don't have to answer to anyone. Leverage.
What I don't like is Laquanda going full auto on pumping babies out and I have to pay to feed her and the kids, while dad is in jail getting fed daily and the government pays his child support. This is what's happening and I live it. I just don't get the benefits outside of a kid that is my own at this point, in my mind, even though I don't get the benefits and his mom does.
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