Government should always be minimized

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2023 Jul 18, 5:56am   20,938 views  284 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


i’m such a fan of “coyote’s law” coined by longtime gatopal™ warren meyer of coyoteblog fame.

i shall paraphrase:

“before granting any new power or prerogative to the state, first imagine that power wielded by the politician you hate most, because one day it will be.”

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95   gabbar   2024 Feb 22, 10:31am  

Patrick says

The President is Trump
96   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 22, 11:24am  

You mean the guy who was bailed out by Rothschilds? Same guy who packed his cabinet with bankers, like every president has done for a long time. Same guy who made his fortune on NY real estate, in a city with probably as many deep state ties as DC.

Trump fucked up their timeline, he didn't try to bring down the cabal, because he's part of it. Next you'll tell me Elon with his pedo father, and witch mother is going to save free speech. Or that CIA Tucker is going to restore integrity to journalism...
97   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 22, 1:20pm  

NuttBoxer says

Trump fucked up their timeline, he didn't try to bring down the cabal, because he's part of it. Next you'll tell me Elon with his pedo father, and witch mother is going to save free speech. Or that CIA Tucker is going to restore integrity to journalism...

Dude, you're dooming big time. Trump just got his business siezed by the state for paying as agreed on a loan.
98   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 22, 1:22pm  

Patrick says

The singe polity in America that votes Democrat at a higher rate than any other in America is Washington DC, 92.5% Democrat, 5.4% Republican.

The American left IS the Faction of the Federal Government.

And they are well compensated for it. Of the 20 wealthiest counties in America 8 Are the Suburbs that immediately wring DC. Your enemies enriched of your dollars whilst they plot your demise.

And the only way to permanently defeat them and permanently crush the federal bureaucracy which has enslaved America, is to permanently destroy the Federal Government.

It's the Admin State working with Multinational Businesses.

Just like LBJ and Bell Helicopter and Brown and Root (later integrated into Haliburton.) and big Vietnam contracts.

Long before "Neocons" existed.
99   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 23, 7:28am  

AmericanKulak says

Dude, you're dooming big time. Trump just got his business siezed by the state for paying as agreed on a loan.

Actually you are. All of you who think Trump will fix anything in this country are stuck on the same treadmill that has brought us to the brink of collapse. Even if the President were Ron Paul, it's too late. Only thing that will fix our country, and our world is us. Decentralized resistance, leaving the broken system and returning to the farm.

These people are scared as fuck because they're about to lose 350 years of control, and many of them likely will face the gallows, or worse. They're lashing out at anyone who isn't lock-step with every little piece of their plan. You do realize the deep state is not a unified entity right? They're sociopaths, loyalty is only as long as they see a benefit to themselves from the alliance. Trump just wants a bigger piece of the show, Musk is lining up to be anti-Christ, and Tucker is trying to bury his roots so he doesn't swing. Putin wants USSR 2.0, Xi wants the US title of supreme super power, but none of them, none of them give a shit about you.

The world will be a better place, freer and more prosperous. But only when we're leading the parade of de-centralization, and leaving the figure-heads in the rubble of the mess they created.
101   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 24, 1:38pm  

NuttBoxer says

Actually you are. All of you who think Trump will fix anything in this country are stuck on the same treadmill that has brought us to the brink of collapse. Even if the President were Ron Paul, it's too late. Only thing that will fix our country, and our world is us. Decentralized resistance, leaving the broken system and returning to the farm.

I'm not dooming at all. All levels of attack towards bringing decentralization and destroying the deep state are on the table.

It's never too late.
102   AD   2024 Feb 24, 9:20pm  

AmericanKulak says

NuttBoxer says

Actually you are. All of you who think Trump will fix anything in this country are stuck on the same treadmill that has brought us to the brink of collapse. Even if the President were Ron Paul, it's too late. Only thing that will fix our country, and our world is us. Decentralized resistance, leaving the broken system and returning to the farm.

I'm not dooming at all. All levels of attack towards bringing decentralization and destroying the deep state are on the table.

It's never too late.

If the bureaucracy rank and file as well as senior executive leadership is that dominated by left wing ideologues and authoritarians then the only solution is to slowly defund it and count on attrition over an extended period such as hiring freezes.

So its doing the same with slightly less each year, which forces them to focus more and more on fundamental missions and its core functions instead of trying to figure out how to grow its budget at least 50% more than the rate of annual inflation.

This is the most palatable compared to shutting down the agencies and departments completely.

104   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 26, 6:33am  

AD says

If the bureaucracy rank and file as well as senior executive leadership is that dominated by left wing ideologues and authoritarians then the only solution is to slowly defund it and count on attrition over an extended period such as hiring freezes.

So its doing the same with slightly less each year, which forces them to focus more and more on fundamental missions and its core functions instead of trying to figure out how to grow its budget at least 50% more than the rate of annual inflation.

This is the most palatable compared to shutting down the agencies and departments completely.

Impossible because all government money is printed into existence. They don't make any products, or offer any services that are worth paying for, or get even close sustaining the public sector.

The agencies and departments you want to keep didn't exist when we founded this country, and are illegal under the 10th Amendment.

It is too late, the system is irreparably broken, time to go..
110   BeneTiberCato   2024 Feb 29, 9:21pm  

Patrick says

Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall?
113   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 7:38pm  


The Regime is parasitic, not symbiotic, on its host society. It is purely extractive, providing nothing of value, existing solely for itself. It is composed of people who are not brave, or honourable, or intelligent, or competent, or benevolent, or possessed of any of the virtues with which a ruling class is expected to be blessed. As such it is a curse upon humanity, and deep down it knows this. It understands perfectly well that everyone would be much better off if it simply shuffled away into the unlamented oblivion of history. It doesn’t care, mind you, because it sees people as livestock of no moral importance. But it’s self-aware about this disconnect between its interests, and those of the human species at large.

Which is why it must lie, about everything. It must make the society it dominates into a garden of lies: lies about race, about sex, about ‘gender’, about nutrition, about medicine, about history, about elections, about the causes and outcomes of wars, about the climate, about the very nature of existence.

Maintaining that artificial world picture against the immense pressure of reality imposes a heavy cost. The Regime’s vast apparatus of indoctrination centres, propaganda organs, and social media operations is absolutely necessary if the edifice is to remain intact. It requires great and ceaseless effort, immense ingenuity, and vast expense.

Despite all of this, it is repeatedly defeated by guerrillas hiding behind anime girl pfps, armed with nothing more than memes, spite, and the truth – the truth about race, about sex, about ‘gender’, about nutrition, about medicine, about history, about elections, about the causes and outcomes of wars, about the climate, about the very nature of existence.

They can only win by controlling the culture, by tilting the playing field steeply in their favour; we, on the other hand, need impose nothing. We need only loosen the controls, and allow water to find its own level.
125   Patrick   2024 Mar 15, 4:24pm  


How Did American Capitalism Mutate Into American Corporatism?

Here we sit a quarter-century later with documented evidence that the opposite happened. The private sector collects the data that the government buys and uses as a tool of control. What is shared and how many people see it is a matter of algorithms agreed upon by a combination of government agencies, university centers, various nonprofits, and the companies themselves. The whole thing has become an oppressive blob.
126   AD   2024 Mar 15, 11:08pm  


You can't just cut off someone who is fat from sugar. You go to ween them off slowly to an acceptable level of intake.

The same goes with the federal government and California state government, as it takes weening off

Cut spending increases to 1% below annual inflation for the first year, and then 2% the second year, and 2.5% the third year.

Evaluate how well that help with reducing the deficit and debt to GDP ratio and make adjustments for the fourth year.

127   Misc   2024 Mar 15, 11:24pm  

Tough to ween them off when they have mandatory spending increases greater than the rate of inflation.

On top of that government spending must increase if there is a recession (the government has never put one of these into any economic forecast they have ever made).

Government spending is now 37% of GDP. Drop government spending without a pickup in private sector spending (unlikely unless the private sector credit expansion is even higher than it is today), and blamo instant recession.

The way our economic system is created, there must be an ever expanding amount of cash and/or credit. If not the system cannibalizes itself.
128   Misc   2024 Mar 15, 11:50pm  

The big problem is all those goof-balls trying to save money. The savings rate in this country is about 4.1%. Then people want to earn a rate of return greater than inflation (it's running about 3%). Say they wanna earn 2% over the rate of inflation so today that would be about 5%. Now this savings and earnings on savings has been going around for quite a few decades by now. Suddenly it is 2024 and US household assets are about $188 trillion. So, 5% of that would be about $9.5 trillion. The country's GDP is only about $28 trillion. So, the magic money Faries have to come up with an increase of about 37.5% of GDP with only 4% of that being savings.

People today are living in such a state of mind bending unreality it is unfathomable.

People should really view the statements from their financial institutions with the same disdain as any other Wall Street propaganda.
129   AD   2024 Mar 16, 1:00am  

Misc says

mandatory spending increases greater than the rate of inflation

I copied below from CBO. So maybe cut the half of mandatory spending and not Social Security and Medicare.

How about cut back on student loans for starters ?

Maybe reducing disability pay for veterans by a 3% across the board for a one time cut, and then increase it at 1% below inflation for 4 consecutive years.

I wonder how the current state of immigration due to Biden policies is impacting mandatory spending such as major health programs.


Mandatory outlays by the federal government totaled $4.1 trillion in 2022; nearly half was for Social Security and Medicare. The largest increases over the past 20 years have been for the major health care programs and student loans.

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