There should be public honors and a large cash reward for anyone who captures and flogs a looter or shoplifter

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2023 Aug 2, 11:53am   2,492 views  32 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Sikh grocery store owner was told that "there ain't nothing you can do" repeatedly and that "ayy, just let him go" as they were being robbed. The Sikhs disagreed.

I'm going to add this to my platform

The police have been so crippled by Soros-funded woke idiots in Democrat-run cities that the public is forced take the law into its own hands, or there will be no law whatsoever.

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5   clambo   2023 Aug 2, 1:23pm  

good idea.
6   indc   2023 Aug 2, 2:55pm  

I wanted to share this and saw patrick shared it.
8   richwicks   2023 Aug 2, 3:15pm  

HeadSet says

The thief will likely sue and win.

If this happens: the solution is to murder the DA.

People don't realize where we are at. Our government, itself, is at war with us and our society is in denial.
9   HeadSet   2023 Aug 2, 6:14pm  

richwicks says

If this happens: the solution is to murder the DA.

It won't be the DA, it will be opportunistic lawyers that clamor to represent him in a civil lawsuit. Two issues they will claim. One, it is not shoplifting until he leaves the store with the merchandise, and two, the owner used violence to protect property and was not in physical danger. If a liberal court and jury tries the case, the shop owner will get hammered.
10   Tenpoundbass   2023 Aug 2, 6:33pm  

What kills me every time an immigrant does that, everyone gushes how America has so much freedom to defend yourself. Had that been two white store owners, that would have been framed nothing short of a lynching.
11   Robert Sproul   2023 Aug 2, 7:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Had that been two white store owners, that would have been framed nothing short of a lynching.

12   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 2, 7:44pm  

I agree.

PS. I also remember how the scene of looters being tied to lampposts and flogged generated a lot of hand-wringing and perl-clutching on part of some p.net "conservatives" about a year ago...
13   Bd6r   2023 Aug 2, 8:00pm  


I agree.

PS. I also remember how the scene of looters being tied to lampposts and flogged generated a lot of hand-wringing and perl-clutching on part of some p.net "conservatives" about a year ago...

14   Patrick   2023 Aug 10, 9:09am  


Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln announces that the Sikh 7-Eleven store clerks seen on a viral video dispensing justice to a shoplifter are not being charged or investigated.

“Any investigation going forward is to hold accountable the individual who threatened and attempted to rob the store clerks.”

A promising sign.
16   richwicks   2023 Aug 10, 9:36am  


PS. I also remember how the scene of looters being tied to lampposts and flogged generated a lot of hand-wringing and perl-clutching on part of some p.net "conservatives" about a year ago...

Why are you convinced they were looters?

Is this is pilot? Our "news" claims he is.

original link

Why do you assume COMPULSIVE LIARS, that lied about literally every fucking thing, are telling the truth about these people being looters? Possibly they were, but I've never seen any evidence they were, ever presented and I don't think you're particularly beholden to being honest and truthful either.

The reason that faggot Anderson Cooper is in "news" is because he's a faggot. You can't criticize that lying propagandist faggot, because if you do, well, you're just homophobic - it's not because he's a lying asshole no matter how fucking obvious it is.
17   HeadSet   2023 Aug 10, 2:12pm  

Patrick says

“Any investigation going forward is to hold accountable the individual who threatened and attempted to rob the store clerks.”

We'll see. When the story is no longer in the headlines, 7-11 may pull the franchise or fire those employees and the beaten guy may be filing a civil suit.
18   Patrick   2023 Sep 15, 8:53am  


Why are the police helping the criminals here?

There should be a large cash reward and public honors for anyone who flogs people deliberately blocking a road.

19   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 1:50pm  


Trump has offered an old-school solution to the out-of-control theft and looting going on right out in the open in cities across America: Shoot the thieves.

I agree.

Looters should be shot. All of them.
20   HeadSet   2023 Oct 1, 1:58pm  

Patrick says

Looters should be shot. All of them.

Even just salt rock would be a good deterrent.
21   Onvacation   2023 Oct 3, 9:07am  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Looters should be shot. All of them.

Even just salt rock would be a good deterrent.

Or a Sikh with a stick!
22   Patrick   2023 Nov 7, 8:32am  

And people deliberately blocking the road to "save the planet" should be run over.

23   zzyzzx   2023 Nov 7, 11:48am  

Onvacation says

Or a Sikh with a stick!

Or a rooftop Korean.

24   Karloff   2023 Nov 7, 1:07pm  

Patrick says

And people deliberately blocking the road to "save the planet" should be run over.

I simply can't understand the logic of people who protest like this. Do they really believe that inconveniencing and harassing me will result in me being endeared to their cause?

Go make life difficult for the government officials if you want action. Of course, they'll just get arrested for daring to oppose the establishment. Different rules depending on the target, and all that.
25   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 7, 1:11pm  

Yeah you get to keep their loot!
26   HeadSet   2023 Nov 7, 4:40pm  

Karloff says

I simply can't understand the logic of people who protest like this. Do they really believe that inconveniencing and harassing me will result in me being endeared to their cause?

Yes, it would be better if they blocked John Kerry's jet or protested in front of one of his carbon spewing mansions.
27   Patrick   2023 Nov 10, 6:10pm  


Is a man who uses his firearm to foil a crime a hero or a villain? According to New York City, people like John Rote, who saved a woman in a subway station by firing a warning shot to deter a robber demanding her purse, are vigilantes who deserve to be punished with potentially years in prison.

Matthew Roesch, a 49-year-old homeless man with a criminal record, demanded a woman pay him $1 for letting her through an emergency turnstile for free. When she refused, he threatened to snatch her purse.

John Rote, who appears to have lived in New York City for nearly two decades, saw the crime and didn’t hesitate to intervene on behalf of the woman.

“Get away from her!” Rote reportedly yelled before pulling his silver pistol — which he obtained legally 13 years ago, according to his attorney — out of his backpack and firing a shot near Roesch’s feet. After reportedly firing a second shot, Rote holstered his gun in his bag and exited the station after confirming that Roesch was deterred from bothering the woman. No injuries were reported.

The New York Police Department arrested and charged Rote on Tuesday night with criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a firearm, reckless endangerment, and menacing. Prosecutors told the New York Post Rote faces three and a half years in prison if convicted.

Roesch also faced arrest and one charge of attempted robbery. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of seven years.

Dude should be given a massive cash reward for protecting the public.
28   HeadSet   2023 Nov 11, 6:29am  

Patrick says

Matthew Roesch, a 49-year-old homeless man with a criminal record, demanded a woman pay him $1 for letting her through an emergency turnstile for free. When she refused, he threatened to snatch her purse.

Half of New York would say: "The problem would have avoided had she just given the $1. Instead, an evil assault pistol gun endangered the lives of countless subway riders over a trivial amount of money. Lock him up."
30   HeadSet   2023 Nov 17, 10:57am  

Patrick says


Did you hear such stories when BLM blocked traffic?
31   Misc   2023 Nov 18, 6:03pm  

So, if they charge the perps with conspiracy to commit murder...these protests will vanish.
32   HeadSet   2023 Nov 18, 6:54pm  

Misc says

So, if they charge the perps with conspiracy to commit murder...these protests will vanish.

No prosecutor will do that.

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