Elon goes after the ADL, suing for defamation and Revenue loss. Minimum $4B

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2023 Sep 4, 8:49pm   7,277 views  73 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Wonderful news. I know the ADL personally went after a State Rep candidate who was Jewish and a Veteran, Because he was pro-2A. This was back in the 2010s before Trump so it wasn't because of MAGA. He ran as a pretty typical pro-Gun, Deregulatory Tea Party Republican.

This is the way. Lawfare their asses right back. Elon and X have plenty of lawyers already on staff. Every dollar the ADL spends defending itself is one less dollar they can use to smear and defame.

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7   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 9:03am  

Advertisers avoid controversy, so all that is needed for ADL to crush our US & European ad revenue is to make unfounded accusations. They have much less power in Asia, so our ad revenue there is still strong.

This “controversy” causes advertisers to “pause”, but that pause is permanent until ADL gives the green light, which they will not do without us agreeing to secretly suspend or shadowban any account they don’t like.

That is the relationship they’ve had with X/Twitter for many years. Presumably, they have that with all western search or social media orgs.
4:31 PM · Sep 4, 2023
12   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 10:17am  

I suspect that the whole "white supremacy" slander in recent years was organized by the ADL and Google.
13   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 10:35am  

Being Jewish is not enough to protect your company from the ADL racket.

15   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 10:47am  

Yet another Jew opposed to ADL censorship:

17   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 10:55am  


Basically, the ADL is angry that Substack won’t censor whoever the ADL tells them to censor. They hate anyone in any industry/media who makes substantial money and/or gains substantial influence while flouting their censorship rules.

I emailed Father Robinson and asked how he felt about being smeared by the ADL. He provided me with this response. I will let it speak for itself.

At first I thought this was unhinged. ADL start their list of 'Antisemitism, False Information and Hate Speech' with me, I am not antisemtitic, I do not spread false information, nor do I engage in hate speech. I then realised this content is worse than unhinged, it is dangerous. The ADL is attempting to paint particular worldviews as intolerable; certain opinions and beliefs as beyond the pale. This is a tactic of totalitarian bigots - it is the methodology of hateful fascists.

The examples provided are that I do not believe in gay marriage, I do no believe people can transition gender, race or age, and I believe the natural conclusion of unrestrained liberalism without boundaries is paedophilia and that is not a good thing.

Notice I said I believe, because these are my beliefs, informed by my Christian faith. I do not perceive them to be 'hate speech', I perceive them to be truthful statements, as believed by Christians for 2,000 years and Jews for much longer.

Marriage in a Christian context is between one man and one woman. The idea is that in a liberal progressive society grown adults cannot do whatever they want as long as they're not causing anybody harm - that is a liberal ideology I do not subscribe to. Two grown men or two grown women may live together as a partnership or a civil union, but as a Christian, I would not recognise that as marriage. It is not 'hate speech' to insist words have meanings. If anything, it is hate speech that the ADL is peddling, by proscribing mainstream Judeo-Christian beliefs as 'EXTREMISM & HATE SPEECH'.

I happen to believe God loves us, and he made us in his image. God loved us before we were born, and he made us male and female. Therefore, there are two genders, and whilst they are equal in dignity and worth, they are different in many other ways. Men tend to be faster and stronger, whilst women tend to be more nurturing and emotionally mature. These differences are complimentary, but also biological. Men are born with XY chromosomes, women with XX. Our sex is imprinted in ever strand of our being, in our DNA. Women are born with the ability to bear children, men are not. These are clear and important differences which should be respected. No surgical or chemical mutilation can make a man into a woman or vice-versa. That is not hate speech, that is biological and spiritual truth. If anything, it is hate speech to deny that. Hate against God and science.

You'll notice the ADL editorialised my statement in order to suit their political agenda, adding works I did not say. ADL says 'he writes, adding that “the natural conclusion [of a society that accepts trans people] is paedophilia.”' Now, I did not say a society that accepts trans people, my statement was clearly about unrestricted liberalism without boundaries - if someone can transition their sex and their race, why not their age? That is an important question we should be asking, because the results of which could be damaging to young people, whom it is our duty as adults - as it is in any civilised society - to protect.
18   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:08am  

In the world of switcheroos, the defamation struggle session lawfare and extortion methods are turned back on the perpetrators.

Intel agency storefront doesn't care that 'genuine defamation' is lost in the bully pulpit subversion of the Constitution, which is the real target, just like feminism's target is destruction of the nuclear family, not supporting women's rights.

You have to look at the target of the subversion and it isn't defamation.

Weapon, target, virtue signaling premise to arm and disguise the weapon.
19   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 5, 11:26am  

What they're doing is taking Marcuse's theory of "Repressive Tolerance" and employing it: Anything not antinominan no-holds barred bullshit, is Evil Primitive Wicked Oppression. Post-marxists want NO Tolerance for anything traditional, conservative, etc. All culture and policy should only be looked through a secular progressive lens and other viewpoints actively repressed.

Read his pamphlet in pdf, "A Critique of Pure Tolerance". Herbert Marcuse and Barrington Moore II explain it themselves.

ALL of the Weathermen were into Marcuse, and his intellectual Heir, Antonio Gramsci and his "Cultural Marxism"

This is what Obama, his sponsor the wealthy Ayers Family and other Old Yankees, and their ethnically diverse (and heavily Brooklyn Bolshevik) lackeys and courtiers want. Greenblatt is a Obama-Weatherman.

Remember, these same people sterilized millions of non-criminal women for being poor without their knowledge or consent. "Three Generations of Idiots is Enough" was used to justify sterilizing a young girl that was a straight B student. You never hear about Eugenics because it goes straight to Minneapolis and New England Liberal Elite, the old Progressives of the 1920s.

(I do support sterilization for criminals with 3 violent felonies as a condition of parole or release, and as a requirement to get welfare after the 2nd out of wedlock child)
20   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 5, 11:44am  

Ceffer says

Intel agency storefront doesn't care that 'genuine defamation' is lost in the bully pulpit subversion of the Constitution, which is the real target, just like feminism's target is destruction of the nuclear family, not women's rights.

Yes. Post Marxists and Globalists know that if they're just one opinion amongst many without special treatment by Media and Government, their views will be subject to criticism, and will "Prevent" the coming Technocrat Expert Global Government leading to (near) Utopia. Since persons and firms and other organizations prefer their liberties to outside control, Globaloney/Post-Marxism can never take hold in such an environment under normal conditions.

Therefore, nationalism, populism, and especially Liberty-based ideas must be crushed by using the power of Culture and Government. NGOs underwritten by Corporations and Governments are a perfect mechanism to get around legal restrictions (Shareholder Interest laws, 1A and State Constitution Free Speech) to use the wealth of the latter to achieve the ends under the guise of concerned Public Interest Groups.

Like the ADL, but also the Brennan Center, or this vile Global-fascist Front group, Liberties.eu:
21   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 11:48am  

Patrick says

I believe the natural conclusion of unrestrained liberalism without boundaries is paedophilia and that is not a good thing.

Good summary.
22   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 11:53am  

AmericanKulak says

to use the wealth of the latter to achieve the ends under the guise of concerned Public Interest Groups

One problem is that there is nothing in the Constitution to protect the public from the power of extreme wealth to effectively censor free speech.
23   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 5, 12:17pm  

It's all about Globalism and Repressive Tolerance. Omidyar is a notorious globalist and anti-Zionist who fired Greenwald from the Organization he founded for not towing the Globaloney line.


24   stereotomy   2023 Sep 5, 12:44pm  

AmericanKulak says

It's all about Globalism and Repressive Tolerance. Omidyar is a notorious globalist and anti-Zionist who fired Greenwald from the Organization he founded for not towing the Globaloney line.


Globaloney - I like it.
25   richwicks   2023 Sep 5, 12:56pm  

Patrick says

This “controversy” causes advertisers to “pause”, but that pause is permanent until ADL gives the green light, which they will not do without us agreeing to secretly suspend or shadowban any account they don’t like.

If advertisers depend on advertisement to sell their product, wouldn't this hurt the advertiser?

I think what we are on the verge of discovering is that advertisement doesn't actually increase product sales for the most part, that something else is going on.
26   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 5, 1:14pm  

Ron Coleman: "The ADL Has Lost Its Way. Elon Musk Is Right to Stand Up to Its Censorship"

Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok): "The ADL tried to deplatform me on X after defaming me"

(She literally uploads TikToks of insane Trannies vowing to kill people who 'misgender' them)

richwicks says

I think what we are on the verge of discovering is that advertisement doesn't actually increase product sales for the most part, that something else is going on.

Whether advertising works, that's an issue - but advertising is the revenue basis for most Social Media. Punish with reduced advertising revenue to threaten social media into exercising Repressive Tolerance, which Speech is permitted is determined by NGOs underwritten by the Wealthy, by shadowy Foundations, and often Government grants. That way the secular, globalist corporate progressive viewpoint wins by default.
27   richwicks   2023 Sep 5, 1:22pm  

AmericanKulak says

Whether advertising works, that's an issue - but advertising is the revenue basis for most Social Media.

It's the CONDUIT to pay them off.

What I'm suggesting is that advertising isn't about advertising - it's about control.

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin doesn't have commercials on television in order to sell airplanes. They place advertisements there to guarantee that the "news" there promotes war.

Ever notice those annoying commercials where they are advertising a drug, don't tell you what ailment the drug treats, and just tell you to ask your doctor about it? Who the hell goes to their doctor to ask about a drug for which they have ABSOLUTELY no idea what the drug does?

Advertisement is mostly about controlling the propaganda and narrative, NOT about selling the product other than to have the narrative enable selling of the product. The reason that people concerned with vaccines were banned from Facebook isn't because "this is dangerous for children", it was dangerous for the bottom line of drug manufacturers. It doesn't matter a bit to Facebook if vaccines are dangerous or worthless or not. They don't care. They are bribed through advertisement to prevent discussion on that topic.
28   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 5, 1:29pm  

richwicks says

What I'm suggesting is that advertising isn't about advertising - it's about control.

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin doesn't have commercials on television in order to sell airplanes. They place advertisements there to guarantee that the "news" there promotes war.

Nobody is disagreeing with that. Advertising is revenue, and (Social) Media depends on Revenue. Hence getting advertisers to quit advertising until Media practices Repressive Tolerance on Speech-They-Hate is a form of social engineering.
29   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 2:08pm  

Thought exercise: say that the Federal Reserve can just increment the bank account of anyone the ADL suggests. Then boycotts have no effect. Advertisers will get whatever cash they need anyway - created on the spot.

So the people running the Fed can:

1. reward advertisers who comply with the agenda
2. protect advertisers who are boycotted for complying with the agenda

This is one reason we need hard silver metal coins as money, with everything else marked "Only a debt, may default."
30   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 2:12pm  


You’re not confused. The ADL Is Becoming as Bad as You Think.
31   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 2:13pm  


Pro-Trump Cartoonist Sues ADL for $10 Million for Calling Him Anti-Semitic

The lawsuit, filed on July 10, seeks $10.35 million in damages. It claims that the ADL caused Garrison "insult, embarrassment, humiliation, mental suffering, anguish, injury to his name and professional reputation, and loss of business" by alleging anti-Semitism in a 2017 cartoon featuring liberal Jewish philanthropist George Soros, a frequent figure of scorn by the far-right.

Whatever happened with this lawsuit?
33   richwicks   2023 Sep 5, 2:49pm  

Patrick says

Thought exercise: say that the Federal Reserve can just increment the bank account of anyone the ADL suggests.

When I say the Federal Reserve is our government, I'm not exaggerating or kidding.
34   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 4:46pm  

I go back to ADL being an Intel store front. The idea that they have an anchoring justification based on justice fades. The Intels operate according to psychopathy, that the ends justifies the means, whatever the methods or the people you beguile to execute those methods. The idea of financing such groups as boiler room covers is so common now, that any group with a nominally altruistic banner or name has to be questioned.

ADL from the get go trained and ran infiltration agents under false identities and false premises, classic legend creations and sheep dipping, into many organizations that they deemed as anticipatory intelligence gathering and rabble rousing. Those aren't the actions of a moral or philosophical organizational stance, they are tradecraft.

The good ole Peace Corps was used a spy front, which is why they wound up kicked out of countries. My ex BIL's(BIL was in Foreign Service State Department) brother was in the Peace Corps, starting in Africa and winding up in the Far East. When I saw a picture of him from Thailand, I thought, that's no hippy altruist, that is an obvious steely eyed spy dude.

Now, ADL manufacture the 'problems' to suit the agendas of their Intel patronage. The Intels don't care about credibility, they think they have won, and they only look at cause, effect and mapping of apparent 'success'. Maybe they are just running out the ADL as an expiring boiler room op milked for its last vestiges of useful bullshit, or it will become an established censorship and anti-Constitution branch enshrined in the Deep State.
35   richwicks   2023 Sep 5, 4:49pm  

Ceffer says

The Intels don't care about credibility, they think they have won, and they only look at cause, effect and mapping of apparent 'success'.

This is what "pride comes before the fall".

Their arrogance is actually wonderful.
36   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 5:04pm  

Yes, I think arrogance is really the core motivation for the ADL/CIA/NIH corruption.

They think that they are smarter, and thus entitled to rule over the lesser beings who are all mere cattle anyway.

Sam Bankman-Fried personifies this attitude.
37   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 6:37pm  

Yeah, this seems to be a little far afield from the defamation conceit.
PayPal’s Unholy Alliance With ADL Opens the Door to a Massive Security Breach"

"As will soon become clear, PayPal’s deal with the disgraced ADL ought to be treated as seriously as a massive data breach or hack of its users’ information. Earlier this year a hacker going by the moniker “God User” posted information on over over 700 million LinkedIn profiles on the DarkWeb; in 2019 Facebook experienced a devastating data breach concerning over 500 million users, whose information appeared online. Paypal sharing its user data with a radical political organization with a possible history of illegal activity must be treated with no less seriousness. In fact, the situation is far worse, as PayPal is intentionally inflicting this vulnerability on its users; unlike the data breaches described above, PayPal seems to have no intention of fixing the situation."

39   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 6, 12:09am  

Patrick says

Whatever happened with this lawsuit?

Dismissed by the judge for failure to make a claim.

BUT, I did see something that the ADL did pay somebody ~$10M recently for defamation, I'm trying to track it down.
40   Karloff   2023 Sep 6, 2:07pm  

ADL and SPLC have been extortionist scum for a very long time. I'm glad they've pushed things too far and people are finally waking up to the dishonest scam these slimy crooks are running.

Same goes for big pharma and their vaccine racket. They pushed it too far, now people have starting sharing evidence that not only these shots are useless/harmful, but other shots as well. I have great distrust for that industry now. The only vaccine I'll ever again take in my life at this point, or get my kids to take, is a rabies shot if we're bitten by some wild animal.
41   Patrick   2023 Sep 6, 2:18pm  

Karloff says

Same goes for big pharma and their vaccine racket. They pushed it too far, now people have starting sharing evidence that not only these shots are useless/harmful, but other shots as well.

@Karloff I agree.

The good news is that their truly outrageous demand that billions of healthy people get an experimental gene-modifying injection woke up a lot of people to the existing insanity of recommending ~70 injections for children, and barring children from schools if the pharma industry is denied a profit off of those children.
42   Ceffer   2023 Sep 6, 5:04pm  

LOL! Their mission is to lawfare, extort, infiltrate, disinform, spy on and bankrupt as many non-MSM owned non-propagada outlets and voices as possible.

43   Ceffer   2023 Sep 6, 5:05pm  

Be careful what you wish for. Big Mike always gets sloppy seconds.

44   Ceffer   2023 Sep 6, 5:07pm  

Wow! Paper Mache and curtain rods really last a long time on the moon.

46   Patrick   2023 Sep 6, 5:28pm  

Ceffer says

LOL! Their mission is to lawfare, extort, infiltrate, disinform, spy on and bankrupt as many non-MSM owned non-propagada outlets and voices as possible.

The building owned by Craigslist at 222 Sutter in San Francisco is landlord to far-left magainze Mother Jones, among others. Craigslist is on the top floor. I know because I used to work there.

Craig personally funds Mother Jones:


I wonder if the building with the ADL and FBI is owned by one or the other.

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