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The left is motivated by nothing but resentment. It is composed of people insecure about their own abilities who want only to destroy those who have succeeded, because the success of others has made them feel bad about themselves:
Man would fain be great and sees that he is little; would fain be happy and sees that he is miserable; would fain be perfect and sees that he is full of imperfections; would fain be the object of the love and esteem of men, and sees that his faults merit only their aversion and contempt. The embarrassment wherein he finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults.
Promoting a Cult, for the "Good" of Society
Another fifth generation warfare tool of governments, propagandists and intelligence agencies ...
In 2021, I edited Robert F. Kennedy’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. It was a huge undertaking. I was proud of my contributions but also horrified by what that book revealed, as was Jill. She posted a link to the book on her facebook page - just a link mind you, with a recommendation to read the book. An in-law of ours who lives in the DC area, someone we thought of as a personal friend, immediately blocked Jill permanently. The sin being that Jill was being critical of Anthony Fauci by publicizing RFKjr’s carefully researched and footnoted book. This branch of our family has literally not talked to Jill or I since. We are not invited to gatherings where they are in attendance. We are permanently banned from the “village” for the social sin of posting a link that that was critical of Anthony Fauci.
This is one example cult-like behavior. I suspect that you are familiar with many others.
It was at that moment when I really began to realize that what was happening with the COVID-19 propaganda and how it was affecting people was more than just a misunderstanding or absence of facts. After listening to Dr. matthias desmond’s brilliant lecture in 2021 on mass formation - I began to formulate the idea that this was a much deeper issue that had underlying roots in totalitarian movements, as the holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt had laid out so clearly long ago.
My thinking has evolved on this topic. Yes, mass formation (groups) and mass psychosis - and I do mean psychosis, because I am writing of the individual, is a real phenomenon. Despite the fact that it is not listed in the American “Diagnostics and Statistics Manual”, many psychiatrists, psychologists and (even public leaders such as the late Robert McNamara) recognize this disorder.
I personally believe that the US government, the “five eyes” intelligence community and many world leaders have come to understand the power of cults, as well as the power of the mass formation process, and have learned to harness these psychosocial processes for their own purposes through neurolinguistic programming and other methods. They now use that power to manipulate the masses for their own purposes, as evidenced by the over 6,000 peer reviewed academic publications available on pubmed concerning vaccine hesitancy and studies on how to overcome it. 1260 of those papers can be found here. ...
Cult followers tend to have the following characteristics:
have less spiritual or religious upbringing
Young adults searching for their own personal identity
need for companionship
Loneliness and isolation
A desire to belong
Unassertiveness (the inability to say no or express criticism or doubt)
Low tolerance for ambiguity (need for absolute answers, impatience to obtain answers)
Cultural disillusionment (alienation, dissatisfaction with the status quo)
Susceptibility to trance-like states (important for both neuro linguistic programming and hypnosis)
A lack of self-confidence
A desire for spiritual meaning
Ignorance of how groups can manipulate individuals
Cult leaders have the following characteristics:
obedience is demanded
They claim to have supernatural powers
They’re arrogant and boastful
Sociopaths/psychopaths (lack of empathy)
authoritative and controlling
What the government has come to understand is that cults have the ability to control people. And the government shares this objective- it has a vested interest in controlling people. Authoritarian governments in particular have an interest in controlling group behavior surreptitiously. ...
Of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci truly was promoted as the government’s head honcho, the cult leader of the COVIDcrisis. He was the talking head for the government’s policy on vaccines, mandates, masks and lock-downs. Anthony Fauci became the science for most people caught up in the narrative. The religion of masking, multiple boosters -even on babies and the utility of lock-downs, all for our own good, of course!
Anyone who questioned his authority or his facts was forcibly removed from the cult of Fauci. I was banned from Twitter for a year. In the case of some social media outlets, I am still banned. Linked-in for instance, still considers me dead to the world. Tiktok and Instagram shadow ban and have banned my accounts. Jill’s facebook page is literally unshared with others if she posts my substack articles. This battle with social media is far from over. ...
Many young girls from perfectly normal backgrounds are dressing like boys, cutting their hair, taking hormones, using chest compressors, taking puberty blockers and getting surgery to become boylike. This type of gender dysphoria is contagious, with groups of girls falling into the transgender cult almost simultaneously. It is important to note that up until a decade ago, girls were almost never presenting with gender dysphoria. ...
Of course, this is all very similar to the anorexia nervosa cult of the 1970s, with the big difference being that anorexia was properly recognized as a disease whereas Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD) in girls has now been labelled as a “right”. ...
I thought Colbert was funny at first, but less so as time went on.
Now I cannot stand him at all.
In the Craigslist office there was a picture of Craig with Colbert. Tells you all you need to know right there.
Colbert was just another Anti War, I hate Bush "Liberal" who was all about "Dissent is Patriotic" until the Mandatory Clot Shot and January 6th, or against War until "I support Ukraine". Probably loathed BigPharma until recently too.
- Pascal
Youth (by which I mean, say, college students and similar ages) are generally insecure about their abilities, and so tend strongly left, wanting to tear down others instead of building up themselves. Thus they tend to support socialism, communism, etc.
What ideology might youth support that would be constructive instead of destructive? They need something to believe in and hope for.
My wife says that religion was used to give people something to believe in and hope for so that they would leave more successful people alone, and that's true historically, but I'm looking for something else, something that would motivate the young to respect tradition, defend freedom, and eliminate the Federal Reserve among other organizations that oppress us all.