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Yesterday, the New York Times ran a startling story headlined, “Kennedy’s Running Mate Suggests They May Drop Out of the Presidential Race and Endorse Trump.”
During a podcast interview yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, said the campaign is considering dropping out and endorsing President Trump. Shanahan blamed the Democratic Party for sabotaging their campaign through ballot-access lawfare. The Kennedy Campaign has survived Democrat legal challenges and made the ballot in only 19 states, although a dozen other states remain undecided.
When asked for a response, Trump told CNN he would consider giving Kennedy a “position in the administration” if the third-party candidate endorsed him.
“The question,” Ms. Shanahan posed to the podcaster, was whether “the risk of a Harris-Walz presidency is worth us staying in?” The risk. They are still thinking about what to do.
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I don't think DeSantis will make a dent in either parties numbers. But I wonder what the Left/Right leaning Independent voters ratio will be that vote for RFK Jr in the general election.
If you ignore all else and just look at the D next to his name. You would assume that all of the voters he would shave off any numbers, it would be the Democrats that felt it the most. But I'm not sure, RFK Jr. is more Conservative and more Patriotic than anyone besides Trump on the Republican ticket.
People who are fed up or worn down with the Trump hysteria, might opt to vote Independent for RFK Jr.
Of course we all know, that without a Party representation and saturation in every voting district in America to make sure the Indy votes don't get shit canned, or (Cured) changed to a Democrat vote. Then no Independent or 3rd party will ever stand a chance. Especially not in this era of compromised complicit Judges that tells real victims they have no legal standing, while actively persecuting any and all that brings Voter Fraud to the light.
RFK Jr. could get 75% of the actual vote, but on election day they would say he barely got 5% of the vote. While the losing party wring their hands, blaming him for their loss.