RFK Jr. announces he's running as an independent.

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2023 Sep 30, 10:35am   10,307 views  170 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

I bet DeSantis does the same thing just to level the vote shaving playing field. But I'll go one further, I bet it was DeSantis' plan all along if his failing campaign doesn't turn around by November, he'll run as Independent.

I don't think DeSantis will make a dent in either parties numbers. But I wonder what the Left/Right leaning Independent voters ratio will be that vote for RFK Jr in the general election.
If you ignore all else and just look at the D next to his name. You would assume that all of the voters he would shave off any numbers, it would be the Democrats that felt it the most. But I'm not sure, RFK Jr. is more Conservative and more Patriotic than anyone besides Trump on the Republican ticket.
People who are fed up or worn down with the Trump hysteria, might opt to vote Independent for RFK Jr.
Of course we all know, that without a Party representation and saturation in every voting district in America to make sure the Indy votes don't get shit canned, or (Cured) changed to a Democrat vote. Then no Independent or 3rd party will ever stand a chance. Especially not in this era of compromised complicit Judges that tells real victims they have no legal standing, while actively persecuting any and all that brings Voter Fraud to the light.

RFK Jr. could get 75% of the actual vote, but on election day they would say he barely got 5% of the vote. While the losing party wring their hands, blaming him for their loss.

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1   mell   2023 Sep 30, 10:57am  

He's just teased a big announcement, so we don't know yet, but likely it's going to be his independent run. All for it and would consider voting for him, pending his vp pick.
2   Ceffer   2023 Sep 30, 10:59am  

Bleeding votes from whatever Dem atrocity they choose would make election fraud rather more difficult.
3   Patrick   2023 Sep 30, 11:46am  


Reuters reassured readers by claiming more Republicans like Kennedy than democrats, according to polls, and that the ultimate effect of an independent run is unclear. But not everyone agrees with Reuter’s rosy assessment. Here’s Newsweek’s pessimistic headline from last week:

The Newsweek article began with this ominous warning: “A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new (Rasmussen) survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump.”
4   Tenpoundbass   2023 Sep 30, 12:15pm  

Ceffer says

Bleeding votes from whatever Dem atrocity they choose would make election fraud rather more difficult.

The 2020 and 2022 elections weren't stolen just by one process. Not only were there voter harvesting, and ballot stuffing. Large swaths of Trump votes were simply shit canned and hauled off to the dump. Especially in districts where Republican voters were intimidated by violent threats, and out right banned from participating in any capacity in the vote tallying process. An independent candidate, would be equally disenfranchised in RINO controlled districts. I'm sure Ron DeSantis would have no problem covering up RFK Jr. vote destruction in Red districts and Blue districts in Florida, to protect the Uniparty.
Team DeSantis will endorse the DNC if he loses the nomination or a RINO doesn't cinch the GOP Nomination.
5   Tenpoundbass   2023 Sep 30, 12:24pm  

Patrick says

The Newsweek article began with this ominous warning: “A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new (Rasmussen) survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump.”

Newsweek wants us to let our guard down. If they were being honest, they would report how RFK Jr. is more Conservative that most GOP candidates by todays Liberal standards. He's more aligned with MAGA voters than he is any Democrat voter, that has nothing bad to say about the current Democrat party.
Are there any real Democrats who were cut from the JFK cloth of the Democrat party, left in the Democrat party? I don't think so.. I think most of those Democrats has already converted to Trump voters. And most likely did so in 2016. They and the Right leaning Independent voters are what gave Trump his strength and staying power. If Trump's supporters were your typical pearl clutching conservatives. Trump would be polling in low teens by now, and would have never sought a second term in 2020.

The open question now will be, will those Dems and Indies that sought political refuge in Trump, pivot to RFK Jr, now, or will they stay the course?
If all was equal and fair, I would be voting for RFK Jr, as well.. But like I said, he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell winning, even if he gets a plurality of the vote.
People who speak of independent and third party candidates chances of securing an election win. Don't have a clear grasp on just how corrupt and broken our Vote Tally Machine Elections really are.
6   AD   2023 Sep 30, 12:35pm  

Ceffer says

Bleeding votes from whatever Dem atrocity

Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton to win in 1992.

Notice the Green Party as non existent in 2020.

That was a deal they made with the Dems not to run at least a somewhat strong candidate like Dr Jill Stein. And this is why Birdbrain Biden has a socialist platform such as with oil and gas and student loan relief.

Dems and Green Party are one.

7   AD   2023 Sep 30, 12:36pm  

So the Dems budget for 2024 calls for an increase that is about 1.5% above annual inflation.

Why can't they just propose a budget that is just below annual inflation in order to reduce deficits over the long term ?

I wonder what RFK jr would proposed as far as a budget. Can't stop new aircraft carrier construction since they are in Democrat Virginia.

8   Tenpoundbass   2023 Sep 30, 12:41pm  

ad says

Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton to win in 1992.

Ross Perot not in the race in 1992, I would have stayed my ass home on election day. There was no fucking way in hell I was ever voting for H.W. Bush.
And my vote for Ralph Nader in 2000 did not cost Al Gore the election. People who claim so are full of shit. The problem with doing vote chop suey in elections where all of the candidates are of the Establishment variety. You can not claim a candidate cost them the election. Just like I don't think anyone who will vote for RFK Jr. would vote for Joe Biden or any Democrat on the horizon for that matter. I just don't see it, all sensible Democrats has already left the platform and walked away. I can see RFK Jr shaving votes from Trump, but only because in their minds. They would like to see someone else live rent free in the MSM, RINO and Democrats minds for the next 5 years. They are worn down defending their support for Trump.

The difference in them and me how ever. I wont blame them and accuse them of costing Trump the election. Their Votes are NOT MY fucking votes to tally before the eggs hatch.
9   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 9:26am  


You have to wonder what took Bobby Kennedy, Jr. so long to recognize that the Democratic Party was a home that he had long ago been turned out of, like a dog that has peed on the carpet too many times. At the end of last week, Mr. Kennedy intimated that he might run for president on an independent line. If he manages to get that line on the state ballots — and you can easily imagine New York and California trying to thwart him — it will change all the current calculations about the 2024 election.

As of right now, the Party of Chaos is living up to its name. They continue to present an obviously false and ridiculous consensus among themselves that “Joe Biden” is running for reelection. In fact, “the Big Guy” is about to get run through a wringer of the most abject public disgrace as his already-well-known crimes of bribery and treason get conscientiously laid out for all to see with cold and implacable decorum. Even the mind-fucked spawn of the Ivy League, toiling away on their CIA-owned newspapers and cable news networks, might find themselves forced to spin their narrative in a new direction.

“Joe Biden” is now a monumental embarrassment and a liability to our country, let alone to the degenerate party that owns him. Sub rosa efforts must be in motion to persuade him to resign before the impeachment inquiry spotlights all those telltale bank records, but they will fail to overcome his demented pride. He’ll ride this thing out to the bitter end, when he can use the last tool at his disposal to officially pardon everyone involved in his family’s racketeering operation. The longer the party pretends to support him, the closer the party itself skates toward self-destruction. Also consider: if allowed to play out, the impeachment inquiry will implicate the DOJ and the FBI in obstruction of justice — exposing many Deep State blob players to danger of prosecution.

Gov Gavin Newsom dangles himself above the fray as the deus ex machina who can touch down in DC and make all the Democrat’s problems go away. Such an attractive fellow! Great teeth and hair! Tall as a sequoia! And such a smooth talker! The woked-up suburban ladies who comprise the party’s main voting bloc grow moist in anticipation of Gov. Newsome landing on-stage like a demigod out of a Mozart opera. But how do you think he’ll make out in an election when the airwaves are filled with oppo ads showing his toothy and hairy visage inset against scenes of homeless junkies and looting flash mobs? Try blaming that on climate change. What else does he stand for? Censorship? Forced vaccinations? Child sex mutilations? Open borders? News-flash: these are increasingly unpopular, except among an easily-identified depraved elite.

Indeed, the whole Left-Right demon-driven psychodrama is proving impossible to live in as it throbs and pulsates toward something like civil war. And it has obscured the truly potent idea that the nation might actually be capable of solving its problems by facing up to them and changing how we act. That potent idea might be what voters will see in Bobby Kennedy if he can get their attention. Mr. Kennedy would dismantle the heinous partnerships between private corporations and the US government that loosed the Covid-19 op on the world and asset-strips the middle-class. He favors closing the border and a reevalution of immigration policy. He aims to negotiate an end to the ignoble Ukraine war project. He’s determined to disassemble the security state apparatus that’s destroying the US Constitution and citizens natural rights with it.

Mr. Kennedy says he can bring divided Americans together on these dire matters. It’s conceivable that his message might go over with enough rancor-weary voters to pull off a tour-de-force plurality in a three-way race, where nobody wins enough electoral votes to settle the contest, which then moves to the House, like in the old days of Jefferson and Burr. The rest is election mechanics, some of it very sinister when you consider all the election-rigging booby-traps already in-place such as mass mail-in ballot harvesting, no voter ID requirements, and the still-mysterious hookups of vote-counting machines to the Internet. But, at least, Mr. Kennedy running on an independent line will be a hard whap upside the Democratic Party’s thick skull, maybe even a death-blow to the party. They made a big mistake trying to un-person him. He’s on a hero’s journey at a moment in history when America dearly needs a hero.
10   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Oct 2, 3:42pm  

Patrick says

You have to wonder what took Bobby Kennedy, Jr. so long to recognize that the Democratic Party was a home that he had long ago been turned out of, like a dog that has peed on the carpet too many times

Imagine, if you will, a world where the Democrats cancel a Kennedy....

(Twilight Zone theme song now starts playing...)
11   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 5, 8:50pm  


Seems like an RFK 3rd party run would virtually guarantee Biden second (Barack’s 4th) term.
12   richwicks   2023 Oct 5, 9:08pm  

PeopleUnited says


Seems like an RFK 3rd party run would virtually guarantee Biden second (Barack’s 4th) term.

I'd love to see another term of Biden.

Something has to wake up the public.
13   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 11:33am  


Today, I declared myself an independent candidate for President of the United States of America.

And more than that, I joined my voice with all the people who are fed up and all the people who are hopeful, to make a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation.

Today, I declared my independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government to milk us for profit.

I declared independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the military contractors, and their lobbyists who now outnumber members of Congress 20 to 1.

I declared independence from the mercenary media that forever urges us to hate our neighbors and fear our friends.

I declared independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions.

And finally, I declared independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them, and the entire rigged system of rancor and rage, corruption and lies, that has turned government officials into indentured servants of their corporate bosses. If left unchecked, they will commoditize our air, water, food, labor, and children, and turn the American Dream into desperation and dust.

I declared my independence from these corrupting powers because they are incompatible with the inalienable rights that our original Declaration of Independence invoked in 1776: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How can we guard life when for-profit corporations have captured the public agencies that are supposed to protect us? How can we enjoy liberty when a surveillance state seeks to hide the truth and quash dissent to preserve its power? And how can we pursue happiness when our nation's families are imprisoned by debt and hunger and jobs that will never pay the bills?

And so today I declared my independence from the tyranny of corruption which robs us of affordable lives, belief in our future, and respect for one another. And to do that, I had to declare my independence from the Democratic Party and independence from all parties.
14   AD   2023 Oct 9, 11:35am  

richwicks says

I'd love to see another term of Biden.

Something has to wake up the public.

That means he goes for Woke Broke because he is not campaigning again, just like Obama did during his second term.

15   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 12:16pm  


I Read RFK Jr.'s Entire Announcement Speech: Here Are His 5 Best Quotes, In My Opinion

#5 - "Instead of two parties, we have a uniparty, a monster with two faces loudly bickering with itself as it lumbers over a cliff. At the bottom of that cliff lies the destruction of our country."

#4 - "People suspect that the divisions are deliberately orchestrated, and that getting us to hate each other is part of the scam. And they’re fed up with being fooled, and they are ready to take back their power.

#3 - "Americans are angry at being left out, left behind, swindled, cheated, and belittled by a smug elite that has rigged the system in its favor."

#2 - "MY sacrifice is nothing compared to the risk our founding fathers took when they signed the Declaration of Independence 247 years ago right over there. THEY knew that if their revolution failed, every last one of them would be hanged. They chose to place everything on the line. When John Adams put his pen down after adding his signature to the Declaration, he turned to those present and said, 'Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, from this day on, I’m with my country.' I make that same pledge today, so that I may stand before you as every leader should — free of partisan allegiance and backroom deals — a servant only to my conscience, to my creator, and to you."

#1 - "I am here to declare myself as an independent candidate for President of the United States. And that’s not all. I am here to join all of you to make a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation. We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government. We declare independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the military contractors, and their lobbyists. We declare independence from the mercenary media that fortifies corporate orthodoxies, and urges us to hate our neighbors and fear our friends. We declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions. And finally, we declare independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them, and the entire rigged system of rancor and rage, corruption and lies, that has turned government officials into indentured servants of their corporate bosses. We declare our independence from these corrupting powers because they are incompatible with the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our original Declaration of Independence invoked in 1776."
16   HeadSet   2023 Oct 9, 1:16pm  

Patrick says

And finally, I declared independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them,

Blarney. RFK will now be calling for a closed border and accountability for the Covid con. His real purpose is to pull votes from Trump so that Biden can win in a plurality among swing states like PA, WI. and GA. Otherwise, the cheat would be too blatant. The Dems will make sure RFK gets on the ballot in those swing states.
17   AD   2023 Oct 9, 1:25pm  

HeadSet says

Otherwise, the cheat would be too blatant.

Yeah RFK Jr is revisiting the role of Ross Perot in 1992 who handed the election to Bill Clinton. Clinton only won about 38% of the vote in 1992.

18   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 10, 2:05am  

At least now we know how they intend to steal the election this time. They will just let Trump and RFK duke it out while the dim nominee skates to electoral college victory. Assuming that the country survives until November 2024.

It seems we have entered a new phase of world violence/war. It’s not likely that America will escape without attacks on the mainland this time. And there are plenty of Domestic enemies like Richwicks that want to see our country burn. We live in perilous times.
19   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:12am  

PeopleUnited says

At least now we know how they intend to steal the election this time

Wasn't it widely known they were going to try to steal the election with Clinton? They just didn't have an excuse to count for weeks.

If it was RFK versus Democratic Drone A versus Republican Drone B, I'd vote for RFK. I remember not caring who won the presidency in 2004, 2008, 2012, having hope with 2016 and was dumbfounded that Trump won, and expecting the election to be stolen in 2020 when the polls didn't close until weeks after the election.

It really doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, or whomever is elected. They treat it as an ornamental position and will put the strings on themselves to be puppets. If they are establishment, maybe the "culture war" will change, but it's not really that much of a war. It's not like a republican is going to end the department of education, or a democrat is going to give universal basic income or student debt relief.
20   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 10, 2:51am  

richwicks says

It really doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, or whomever is elected.

Then why are they pulling out all the stops to prevent Trumps re-election?

Elections matter.
21   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 3:25am  

PeopleUnited says

Then why are they pulling out all the stops to prevent Trumps re-election?

Because, it's POSSIBLE he's not part of "the club".

BUT he might be part of "the club" too. Maybe he's setup for false persecution and is being setup to be a strongman dictator. If he is somehow re-elected, and starts doing really crazy shit, oppose him.

We are constantly given false dichotomies. "A is good B is bad". Well, it's more commonly A and B are both bad. Be on your guard.

Judge him on what he does, not what he says. If we have a "temporary" radical change in our government to "take care of the bad guys", be suspicious. I'm not unaware of the possibility he is being setup as a dictator. Remember, the Patriot Act was temporary, we still have it. All electronic communications are monitored. I'll have to ask @Patrick if he's using Let's Encrypt EDIT: I see he is. Supposedly the key is generated offline, but I don't know, I can't be certain. This secures communication to a website.

Maybe Patrick is an intelligence asset, but I doubt it, and I know it's an insult to even suggest it's true, that this site is a honey trap. I mean no offense to him but I'm aware of the possibility. I don't entirely trust anybody, I trust what is possibly true.

My mission is to make trust absolute, and independent of the person, that even if the person you are talking with cannot be trusted, you're still safe. I don't know if it's possible, but I work on it. The problem is that you cannot hide metadata which is connection information - being able to tell who talks to who else. The NSA or some other intelligence agency CERTAINLY knows I connect to this site (but likely don't care, but it's stored), but I don't know if they are aware of what I write here, but I bet they are, and they don't need Patrick to collude with them to do it. They can see when I submit a comment, and just match up the times and trace that to my IP address, which traces me to my Internet account which traces me to my address.

Security and anonymity is amazingly difficult. I think it's an insolvable problem but maybe there is. Maybe it's not possible with the Internet, but possible with a mesh network, but a mesh network requires adoption of use. HAM radio is SORT of like this, there is an Internet over HAM, but it's super slow and limited to basically text.
22   Misc   2023 Oct 10, 3:46am  

Well, Patrick has added a feature onto his website that makes it easier for the intelligence agencies (both foreign and domestic) to track what we say here. That would be the "Follow" feature. Even I picked up a "Follower". It seemed like it was a nobody user that I've never seen on the site. I assume it is from some intelligence agency. Maybe Patrick can run down when it became a member, whether it did anything other than "Follow" me.
23   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 4:10am  

Misc says

Well, Patrick has added a feature onto his website that makes it easier for the intelligence agencies (both foreign and domestic) to track what we say here. That would be the "Follow" feature. Even I picked up a "Follower". It seemed like it was a nobody user that I've never seen on the site. I assume it is from some intelligence agency. Maybe Patrick can run down when it became a member, whether it did anything other than "Follow" me.

No. Just assume wherever you post is infiltrated, and be fearless.

Remember, these assholes, despite being assholes are still human, but you better understand how a sociopath thinks as well. I assume EVERY group is infiltrated.

The goal is to agitate the population to such an extent, that infiltration is irrelevant.

When I was a child I hung out with an immensely popular kid, and a lesser popular kid, and I was below the lesser popular kid. My strategy was to interact entirely with the lesser popular kid and ignore the "really popular one" and make the middling the center of attention and it worked very well - he was tired of being treated poorly. That's our government, a high school clique. It's pretty easy to destroy, you just elevate status of the lower rung, and entirely ignore the higher rung.

I was able to be quite sociopathic at one point.

This is Hillary Clinton's bitching of "Why Aren't I 50 Points Ahead In The Polls" Remember that? They are very entitled, and they have no idea why they are in this position.

I mean, she did all the superficial bullshit to get there, right?

original link

By god, she's in the upper echelons of the clique!!! VOTE FOR HER!!!

It's just highschool bullshit, in my opinion. There's no competency involved. It's all a cult of personalities and it's the media that determines how you are supposed to evaluate them. Did anybody that voted for her care she voted for the Iraq War over non-existent weapons of mass destruction? Did they care she was Secretary of State when Libya was bombed "to prevent a humanitarian crisis", and was left in civil war with slavery markets?

People really ARE stupid. I have been denying this all my life, but I still think "I must educate them". I have a calling there.
24   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 10:03am  

richwicks says

I'll have to ask Patrick if he's using Let's Encrypt

Yes, I am, but that in itself is a security hole, and I think that's why it's free.

The Let's Encrypt software could take over the website.

I've been thinking that javascript could be used to encrypt website traffic with no need for any 3rd party or for SSL.
25   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 10:05am  

richwicks says

Maybe Patrick is an intelligence asset, but I doubt it, and I know it's an insult to even suggest it's true, that this site is a honey trap. I mean no offense to him but I'm aware of the possibility.

Well, I'm not, but I agree that you should not trust any website too much.

All I have about most users is an email address and IP addresses in the server logs. I think that's about the minimum info necessary to run the site.
26   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 10:08am  

Misc says

Well, Patrick has added a feature onto his website that makes it easier for the intelligence agencies (both foreign and domestic) to track what we say here. That would be the "Follow" feature. Even I picked up a "Follower". It seemed like it was a nobody user that I've never seen on the site. I assume it is from some intelligence agency. Maybe Patrick can run down when it became a member, whether it did anything other than "Follow" me.

@Misc People can follow anything any user writes no matter what, even if I didn't have the Follow feature.

Just bookmark that user's page, like https://patrick.net/user/Patrick

And even if I didn't have a user page for each user, the whole site can be pretty easily scraped and indexed. I forbid Google from doing that via robots.txt, and actually block all the Google IP addresses I know of, but that's just so that I can sue Google if they index the site surreptitiously. Still, they could do it without my permission or knowledge.
27   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 11:53am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

I'll have to ask Patrick if he's using Let's Encrypt

Yes, I am, but that in itself is a security hole, and I think that's why it's free.

The Let's Encrypt software could take over the website.

I've been thinking that javascript could be used to encrypt website traffic with no need for any 3rd party or for SSL.

@Patrick, I don't know how much of a headache it is, but there are instructions on how to manually install a certificate. You could write your OWN script to do it. It has to be renewed like once every 3 months with a new certificate.

Patrick says

I've been thinking that javascript could be used to encrypt website traffic with no need for any 3rd party or for SSL.

I've figured out a way to eliminate the needs for 3rd party authentication and still have secure communication. Requires software though on both the client and server, but it would eliminate the needs for a lot bullshit we now put up with, including DNS.
28   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 3:15pm  

The problem with manually installing a certificate is getting one in the first place.

Let's Encrypt demands that you install their software to "prove" who you are each time you get a new certificate.
29   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 3:33pm  

Patrick says

The problem with manually installing a certificate is getting one in the first place.

Let's Encrypt demands that you install their software to "prove" who you are each time you get a new certificate.

@Patrick - nope. The certificate is generated on local hardware and you don't have to install their software, you have to install a file to prove who you are. The reason this option exists, is not all web browsers are compatible with the Let's Encrypt software. I had a talk with them because I wanted to run a server, but not have port 80 open (you do need port 80 open), and after a few exchanges, they convinced me this was a logical and reasonable thing to do.

You do not need to install their software, but not using it, is, well, tedious but I bet THAT could be scripted.


If your hosting provider doesn’t want to integrate Let’s Encrypt, but does support uploading custom certificates, you can install Certbot on your own computer and use it in manual mode. In manual mode, you upload a specific file to your website to prove your control. Certbot will then retrieve a certificate that you can upload to your hosting provider. We don’t recommend this option because it is time-consuming and you will need to repeat it several times per year as your certificate expires. For most people it is better to request Let’s Encrypt support from your hosting provider, or switch providers if they do not plan to implement it.

So, I know how to do this. Your computer, at home, would have to have port 80 running on it, running Certbot. You then send the certificate to Let's Encrypt, then they give you a file, and you put that file on your server, but you have to do this like 4 times a year, but you could automate it.

You'd still have the Certbot software, but it wouldn't be running on YOUR server, it would be running on a disposable computer at your home.

It's funky, but it's possible.

This actually seems silly to me, having the certificate on the server should prove you own it. I need to think about this, and maybe contact Let's Encrypt again.
30   AD   2023 Oct 10, 3:45pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Maybe Patrick is an intelligence asset, but I doubt it, and I know it's an insult to even suggest it's true, that this site is a honey trap. I mean no offense to him but I'm aware of the possibility.

Well, I'm not, but I agree that you should not trust any website too much.

a way for the admin state and AntiFa operatives within the bureaucracy to monitor their political targets and unruly ones ?

31   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 9:11pm  

ad says

Patrick says

richwicks says

Maybe Patrick is an intelligence asset, but I doubt it, and I know it's an insult to even suggest it's true, that this site is a honey trap. I mean no offense to him but I'm aware of the possibility.

Well, I'm not, but I agree that you should not trust any website too much.

a way for the admin state and AntiFa operatives within the bureaucracy to monitor their political targets and unruly ones ?

I don't believe Patrick is an intelligence asset.

But if he was, it would be a way for the government to monitor dissidents. Most of us are, to varying degrees. I would bet I'm the greatest dissident here. I hate my fucking Federal government. Just a group of fucking criminals, and my frustration is I'm one of the very few that see it.

Let's see, Joe Biden had his son setup in a job at Burisma - a Ukrainian energy company - a job he had no qualifications for, who was paid $50,000 a month (maybe 80 grand) who is now having his son sell "artwork" which is called "blow painting"


For 1/2 million dollars a painting and none of our criminal shit government will question it...

I don't even care that Hunter Biden is a crack addict that photographed himself with teenage prostitutes, or his sister wrote about having to shower with the asshole at a point. He's clearly a criminal, and our GOVERNMENT WON'T DO SHIT.

I'll end up as a political prisoner, unless I can make enough money to bribe my way out of it, but I'm never going to cooperate with this mafia criminal cartel. I'm working against it.

You have no idea how evil people are. These people are the scum of the scum of society and either people are oblivious to this, or don't care about it. I can't live in this society, it's just too disgusting. Either these "people" are too stupid to see what is going on, or they are too corrupt and evil to care.
32   AD   2023 Oct 10, 11:25pm  

richwicks says

You have no idea how evil people are.

There are different levels of any cult or authoritarian bureaucracy ....

its like Freemasons, based on what degree or rank you are at ... obviously the more you subscribe to the cult or organizations ethos, the the greater the chance of reaching a higher rank and gaining more knowledge and insight to the dirty deeds of the organization ...

look at Pumpkin Head (Thad Allen) ..he threw himself out there to be the self-identified hero of Hurricane Katrina (and surrounded by a small cult following or inner circle of sycophants)... the real hero was General Honore and the Army / National Guard with restoring order...

all those Pumpkin Head sychophants vying to be promoted to Captain or Admiral ...

no different in the FBI but there its more of a left wing authoritarian mindset aligned to Democrat Party...

33   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 3:14am  

ad says

a way for the admin state and AntiFa operatives within the bureaucracy to monitor their political targets and unruly ones ?

I am working on a few methods for removing 3rd party trust, which is what we currently depend on. Basically, when I connect to this website, another authority is saying "yes, this really is Patrick.net, and not somebody else pretending to be".

What I don't think is possible is removing meta data. That means, there is no way for anybody to prevent a 3rd party from knowing you have communicated with somebody, or vice-versa. Something like this would require hardware changes. You'd have to do radio broadcasts and not using a network which is point to point (at best) or a server at worst - which is an easy way to collect metadata. I suppose it's possible with a network, sort of. I've seen attempts with it.

You have to assume a global adversary - i.e. somebody that can see everything and monitor everything. Although they can intercept your data, that doesn't help them in seeing what data is being sent, but they can see you are sending data to a particular person. The ONLY way I can think of (still) to prevent this is send the data to everybody, and only have 1 person be able to decrypt the data. EVERYBODY receives the encrypted data, but only one person can use it. This is enormously wasteful.

This is the idea behind "Number Stations":


Basically you're broadcasting to millions of people, but only 1 person in that group cares about the data being received, to everybody else, it cannot be decoded to useful information.

Security is fucking hard.
34   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 12, 8:28am  

The worst disservice we can do to the truth is to quote a news source in every post.

I don't have any respect for a Democrat's opinion that can't articulate their understanding of the event they are telling me about, without always having to rely on their source. If it's news, and it's the truth. It will be out there. Your job is to pique internet in the subject you reported. it is then up to the listener to do their research. In doing so, they will spot the self serving interest in trying to spin that news another way. The problem with quoting your source in this day and age. Most truthful news sources, are considered fake news.
So when damning evidence is brought before a feckless Oversight committee and a corrupt DOJ official is forced to admit those truths, which of course the MSM never reports. So when you say you read it and saw the congressional hearing live stream. They don't believe you. Make the listener look up the video rather than going to Joe Hoft's website to get his Opinion on what happened.
35   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 8:34am  

I'd love an RFK vs. Trump election, but the DNC will never allow RFK to be a primary challenge by forbidding any and all debates.

What RFK will do is act as a minor spoiler. He's going to pull more votes from Trump, as all the diehard dems will still vote Biden. RFK is going to soak up the "Well, both are kinda right, but Trumps tone and tenor..." which might cost Trump some swing states. Also the Great Famous Family.
36   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 12, 8:41am  

Republican voters know more than anybody what is at stake. I don't think RFK Jr will take votes from Trump, running as an independent.

He damn sure would have taken my vote, had the DNC allowed him to be a legitimate contender, and won the Primaries.

I would have had to pay close attention to try to catch any clues, that RFK Jr was an establishment agent sent in to dupe everyone in gaining his trust.

Which I'm sure his Republican detractors would be saying every chance they got.
37   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 12, 8:45am  

Also historically Republican voters will not vote for an independent no matter how good their talk is.
People like to cite Ross Perot, but really his voters would not have voted for the establishment candidate.
Independents take the Republican protest vote, but those voters wouldn't vote for the GOP candidate anyway, once they committed to go that route.

I sat my ass home on election night in 2012, there was no fucking way I was voting for Mitt Romney. I would have voted for Ralph Nader or Ross Perot if they were the independent.
38   AD   2023 Oct 12, 10:42am  

Tenpoundbass says

Republican voters know more than anybody what is at stake.

yep, more open borders, more government handouts, more inflation, more weak national security and foreign policy, more war on oil and gas, more Woke and cultural wars, more weaponization of FBI and DOJ....

Green Party and Democrat Party have merged into a left wing authoritarian party ...
39   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 7:05pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The problem with quoting your source in this day and age. Most truthful news sources, are considered fake news

This isn't a problem. The problem is people believe propaganda. When you start seeing the truth, you will recognize it.

Tenpoundbass says

So when you say you read it and saw the congressional hearing live stream. They don't believe you. Make the listener look up the video rather than going to Joe Hoft's website to get his Opinion on what happened.

Give them a link to the livestream, they are archived. Give them the timestamps. People aren't going to work to find out you are right, and they are wrong. Make it as easy as possible.

A "news source" that cites a video, or a congressional report, that doesn't provide links, just skip them - or at least contact them and ask them to do this. 2nd party sources, should always provide references.

The corporate media is entirely useless, and a lot of independent media is as well. Alex Jones is pretty worthless in my opinion, and he used to be a lot better. Stew Peters started out of the gate as useless.

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