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WookieMan says
I know EV's are going to be taxed and heavily in the near future. I
It may be that all cars, EV and ICE, will be paying mileage taxes in the future. May even be in the form of all major roads being toll roads charged with EXPass.
It seems those that keep getting "Covid" and seem in worse health since the scamdemic. Are the ones are still defiant and are glad they took it, and thinks their ill health is because we didn't take it.
My timeline might be off as I don't like to make predictions, but end of 2025-2027 EV owners will get hammered. Financially it will be even worse than it already is to own one.
An old car, you can take apart, refurbish the engine, even build engine parts. No normal person is going to be able to build a lithium ion battery, even an exceptional person. You can't service a battery. It's like servicing a computer chip, fortunately, computer chips last forever.
A car from 1950 still runs on gasoline, and the battery is the same as it was in 1950.
You won't be able to buy a compatible battery easily in 10 years.
How the F do you power these things with even another 20% increase? You can't.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secures enough signatures to get on Georgia and Arizona ballots
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secures enough signatures to get on Georgia and Arizona ballots
Your main point is valid, but a slight correction here - the 1950 cars had 6-volt batteries and electrical systems, and some required leaded fuel.
Maybe, it depends on the price. If someone develops tech for a cheaper battery then they will surely make it compatible with a market of many thousands of used Teslas. Sorta like how one can convert a 1950 car to a 12 volt system and do fuel additives to replace the lead.
The majority of MAGA have written off RFK Jr. as irrelevant, but he is polling anywhere from 9-14%, with Trump and Biden neck and neck.
Trump’s new slogan is “Too Big To Rig”. If we intend to outvote the steal, we are going to need all the help we can get. There is no room for error. ...
RFK Jr. also pulls 1% more from Trump voters than he does Biden voters. That’s 1% we cannot afford to be missing out on, with the fate of humanity on the line.
If Kennedy were to drop out entirely, that would give Trump an approximate net 1% boost against Biden. If Kennedy were to drop out and endorse Trump, we could see an even bigger bump. But if Trump were to offer Kennedy his VP seat, we would be able to bring over a substantial chunk of that 9-14%, and create a significant gap between the Trump/Kennedy ticket and the Deep State ticket.
As things stand now, Kennedy’s presence in the race is detrimental to Trump’s chances, meaning he is technically aiding Biden and the Deep State. And if the Dems switch Biden out for a better candidate, all the sudden Trump is in real trouble.
The only logical conclusion is for these men to align, unite under one banner, and ensure the Deep State do NOT win in November. We have to create a ticket that is TOO BIG TO RIG!
There’s only one way to make that happen.
I'd love to see Kennedy as Trump's VP pick,
I'd love to see Kennedy as Trump's VP pick, but it seems impossible, because they are such different personalities, and presidents traditionally pick comically incompetent VP's so as not to have any threat to their own power.
The Hill ran an op-ed yesterday asking the obvious question, “Why are the Democrats suddenly so petrified of RFK Jr.?” Probably because polls show Kennedy is peeling off more disaffected democrats than disaffected Republicans. ...
The gist of the article was that the trouble seems to be with younger voters, a staple low-information democrat constituency. ...
Who doesn’t like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? Trump supporters might not vote for the independent democrat, but they admire his courageous stance against biomedical tyranny. Blue-leaning independents, though, who can’t stomach Trump, but hate Biden, find a candidate to love in RFK.
In other words, an independent-running Kennedy is the dream candidate for a lot of left-leaning independents.
Cowardly Joe Biden won’t debate RFK, but he’ll sure slander the anti-vaccine campaigner behind the scenes.
Because he has been essentially blackballed by much of the mainstream media, Kennedy and his team have engaged in a powerful “get out the message” guerilla warfare media campaign by appearing on many of the most popular podcasts in the nation. Be it Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, the Chief Nerd or others, Kennedy — and his collective message — is now regularly being received by millions of Americans every week.
Keep in mind that the combined viewership of the broadcast network evening news programs averages about 18 million. Rogan’s podcast alone has surpassed 50 million streams multiple times, and Carlson’s as well. Kennedy has the potential to dwarf the viewership of the mainstream media while pounding home a message that seems to speak to many.
Team Biden and the DNC realize that the president seems to be losing more ground by the week. More than that, they also understand that presidential elections are won by shaving an eighth of a percent off of one district, a quarter of a percent off of one county and half of a percent off of one major city. To them, Kennedy’s razor surely appears to be getting larger and sharper by the day.
It's now official: RFK is gonna take waaay more votes from Biden than he is from Trump.
She's a Kamala Harris with a brain and command if sentence structure.
It's now official: RFK is gonna take waaay more votes from Biden than he is from Trump. Especially in the Bay Area.
She's a Kamala Harris with a brain and command if sentence structure.
Yes, I think RFK got some wonderful blow jobs from Nicole.
His credibility is completely gone now, and he will indeed pull many more votes from Biden than from Trump after this exceptionally poor choice in running mate.
Core Trump supporters were never gonna support RFK. He can't speak without you wanting to kill yourself. It's like someone sanding your skin.
This is the man's version of "he's not handsome enough".
Be less superificial.
Also to a minor extent his VP pick is major BLM and AntiFa supporter. Seems like more of a Green Party ticket than a Ross Perot 1992 ticket.
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubled down Tuesday on his warning that Democrat President Joe Biden “is a genuine threat to our democracy.”
Citing the current administration’s efforts to censor the political speech of the American people online, Kennedy declared that Biden is “much worse” than President Donald Trump.
After making similar comments on Monday, RFK Jr. doubled down on the remarks during a Tuesday appearance on “Fox & Friends.”
“President Biden has done something that no other president in history has done, which is to order media, particularly social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google to censor his political opponents,” the independent presidential candidate said on the Fox News show.
I don't think RFK is a very serious candidate anyhow. Political dynasties are shunned rather than embraced. Liz Cheney is out, the Bush family is done, the Clintons are done, and I think the Kennedys are done.
WookieMan says
Core Trump supporters were never gonna support RFK. He can't speak without you wanting to kill yourself. It's like someone sanding your skin.
This is the man's version of "he's not handsome enough".
Be less superificial.
You seriously don't get the point? Assuming a miracle happened. This would be the leader of our country? He can't fucking talk dude....
I swear you're anti-American at this point. Just admit it.
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I don't think DeSantis will make a dent in either parties numbers. But I wonder what the Left/Right leaning Independent voters ratio will be that vote for RFK Jr in the general election.
If you ignore all else and just look at the D next to his name. You would assume that all of the voters he would shave off any numbers, it would be the Democrats that felt it the most. But I'm not sure, RFK Jr. is more Conservative and more Patriotic than anyone besides Trump on the Republican ticket.
People who are fed up or worn down with the Trump hysteria, might opt to vote Independent for RFK Jr.
Of course we all know, that without a Party representation and saturation in every voting district in America to make sure the Indy votes don't get shit canned, or (Cured) changed to a Democrat vote. Then no Independent or 3rd party will ever stand a chance. Especially not in this era of compromised complicit Judges that tells real victims they have no legal standing, while actively persecuting any and all that brings Voter Fraud to the light.
RFK Jr. could get 75% of the actual vote, but on election day they would say he barely got 5% of the vote. While the losing party wring their hands, blaming him for their loss.