What happened to ApocalypseFuck?

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2023 Oct 4, 5:39pm   1,474 views  36 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Did he die?

Or he just moved on to something else? What?

ApocalypseFuck was a great poster.

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11   AD   2023 Oct 4, 9:19pm  

richwicks says

I regret he left actually, I was wrong to want to get rid of him. HOWEVER, I don't understand why he appealed to anybody. A person that won't respond, what use are they? If I cannot engage in their thinking, my conclusion is they aren't actually thinking.

I think ApocalypseFuck offered some amusement even though he engaged in nonsensical rants that were not that low on the adult autism spectrum.

12   richwicks   2023 Oct 4, 10:31pm  

ad says

I think ApocalypseFuck offered some amusement even though he engaged in nonsensical rants that were not that low on the adult autism spectrum.

Again, I entirely don't understand why he appealed to anybody. I'm actually asking. He wasn't funny in my opinion, he just produced nonsense in my opinion. I am honestly completely perplexed that anybody found him appealing, and nobody will point out why he was appealing to them. I'm utterly dumbfounded.
13   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 10:51pm  

I'm pretty sure Iwog is literally a pedophile.
14   AD   2023 Oct 4, 10:55pm  

richwicks says

he just produced nonsense in my opinion.

He was obnoxious and overboard as far as nonsense. It was that bad to the point it was amusing.
15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 5, 7:28am  

At least he never spouted opinions with zero research and tried to pass them off as facts. His comments were intentionally humorous and over-the-top. We need humor, and because of the style you never knew if he was serious or not. Which meant he never preached, postured, or attempted to appear as an expert. But he did provide laughs, and provoke thought.

I'd rather have Apocalypse then all the zero research, refuse-to-read opinions that I see far too often on here today.
16   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 5, 7:59am  

richwicks says

He never engaged with anybody.

I think I am the reason he's gone. I used to complain about his nonsense, because it was only nonsense.

I think he was Coast Guard, the only serious thing he ever said. was "Fuck You" to me, after I said They should get rid of the Coast Guard.
17   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 5, 8:01am  

Patrick says

I'm pretty sure Iwog is literally a pedophile.

I was going to post something along those lines.
18   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 5, 9:51am  

Somebody ate his face.
19   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Oct 5, 6:09pm  

Patrick says

I invited him to come back but never got a reply.

He will be greatly missed.

I am sad that he left.

His posts were epically funny.

He used to talk about taking a shit on someone’s face like a Realtor.
20   Onvacation   2023 Oct 5, 6:20pm  

NuttBoxer says

he never preached, postured, or attempted to appear as an expert

Yams? Fields of fire? Belt fed? Modifying a police auction beater into an urban assault vehicle?

A'fuck was a fountain of wisdom and knowledge. Was he not the one to warn us to prepare for the coming "cannibal anarchy"?

His TDS may have been caused by Trump postponing the disaster that Hillary would have been.
21   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 5, 6:32pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Patrick says

I'm pretty sure Iwog is literally a pedophile.

I was going to post something along those lines.

Afuck or Iwog?
22   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 5, 6:43pm  

he was funny, but at the end he was loosing it. anti trump propaganda really got him, i hope he’s ok. propaganda messes with all of us at times.
23   Patrick   2023 Oct 5, 7:21pm  

Iwog2 says

Afuck or Iwog?


Iwog personally told me about going to, I think it was the Dominican Republic and Philippines to engage in such activity. Not to mention material he posted on this site, which was legal, but definitely in the pedo direction.

And I'm pretty sure OH_love_thy_Putin is the original Iwog.

I've banned him again. Already talked to the police about him once. Looks like I have to go back to the police.
24   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Oct 5, 7:42pm  

Patrick says

I've banned him again. Already talked to the police about him once. Looks like I have to go back to the police.

Good job reporting him to the police.

I personally hate Pedophiles a lot since I was sexually abused as a child by an adult. (not lying or trolling).

Fuck iWog. Hope they have him arrested.
25   richwicks   2023 Oct 5, 8:11pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

I personally hate Pedophiles a lot since I was sexually abused as a child by an adult. (not lying or trolling).

Fuck iWog. Hope they have him arrested.

The government runs pedophile rings. You saw it with Epstein. Remember Laura Silsby? She was trafficking Haitian children after the Haiti earthquake in 2010. Hillary Clinton DIRECTLY INTERVENED in the case so get Silsby freed.


People literally have no idea how fucked up our government is and if you tell them, they don't believe you, or think it's an aberration or something.
26   GreaterNYCDude   2023 Oct 5, 8:17pm  

There is some humor in the absurd. His post were so off the wall, they grabbed your attention. At first they were marginally funny (at least to me) but soon the sthick became repetitive and lost it's edge.

I appreciated IWOGs analysis on markets. Never knew he was a pedo but kudos to Patrick for doing the right thing.

Not sure if any of your remember EllieMae, but I enjoyed reading her posts.

Man I've been on this site a LONG time.

Anyone remember the early days when this site was hosing bubble centric and that dude BearMarket was always extolling the virtues of Oil City, PA?

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
27   Onvacation   2023 Oct 5, 9:10pm  

Patrick says

Iwog personally told me about going to, I think it was the Dominican Republic and Philippines to engage in such activity.

He also argued for a low age of consent.

As far as someone too young I have always gone by the "Half your age plus seven" rule.

The math.
When a boy is 14 a 14 year old girl is half his age plus seven.

When a young man turns 20, he should be careful about those 17 year old's but it is definitely not pedophilia. At 25, under 18 is a no no. If your 40 and your dating a 22 year old your a creep.
A woman in her mid thirties solves the equation for 50 to 60 somethings. After 40 age doesn't matter much

Children under 14 should not be sexualized and should not date. (HA! Tell that to your 13 year old daughter.)

The wogster wanted to go to places where the girls are turned out at 16 years old.

'nough said.
28   Onvacation   2023 Oct 5, 9:16pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

Not sure if any of your remember EllieMae, but I enjoyed reading her posts.

I liked one of her old posts during the plandemic. she rejoined the conversation for a brief time but I think she quickly judged us as a bunch of misogynist antivaxxer Trump supporters and quickly left.
29   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Oct 5, 9:21pm  

Onvacation says

my hero

Likewise, that guy was the best!
30   richwicks   2023 Oct 5, 9:32pm  

Onvacation says

I liked one of her old posts during the plandemic. she rejoined the conversation for a brief time but I think she quickly judged us as a bunch of misogynist antivaxxer Trump supporters and quickly left.

Anti-THIS-vax is only reasonable and logical. How did 4 companies come out with a new vaccine technology all at the same time, when this technology has been researched (without success) for 30 years? And of course, all companies have complete indemnification from any liability? This was a "duh" test. Basically the population was coerced into playing Russian Roulette.

I think most support for Trump is complete disillusionment of the establishment. Nobody that's been in the government for 8 years or more is going to lift a finger to do anything useful for this nation, so, carnival barker for president it is.
31   AD   2023 Oct 5, 9:34pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I think he was Coast Guard, the only serious thing he ever said. was "Fuck You" to me, after I said They should get rid of the Coast Guard.

Watched FoxNow app today on TV and saw your Governor DeSantis say that he has added Florida law enforcement boat patrols to stop illegal migration.

He said the Coast Guard needed to be supplemented as they were shorthanded.
32   Ceffer   2023 Oct 5, 11:23pm  

Onvacation says

us as a bunch of misogynist antivaxxer Trump supporters and quickly left.

Yeah, she exited stage left in horror it seems. Who knows, if she survived the vax, maybe she'll be back as a Trump supporter at last.
33   GreaterNYCDude   2023 Oct 6, 6:24am  

Onvacation says

As far as someone too young I have always gone by the "Half your age plus seven" rule.

I was just talking to my wife about this the other day. She has never heard of said rule, but generally agreed with it. Although the idea of an 80 year old dating a 47 year old weirded her out.

Once you get beyond 30, people are generally adults and can make their own dumb decisions.
34   porkchopXpress   2023 Oct 6, 6:39am  

I miss the yams and belt fed ammo posts, but that's about it.
35   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 6, 6:46am  

Onvacation says

Children under 14 should not be sexualized and should not date. (HA! Tell that to your 13 year old daughter.)

I have and I will. I always tell my kids if they want to be exceptional, they can't follow the crowd.
36   BayArea   2023 Oct 6, 7:00am  

NuttBoxer says

Onvacation says

Children under 14 should not be sexualized and should not date. (HA! Tell that to your 13 year old daughter.)

I have and I will. I always tell my kids if they want to be exceptional, they can't follow the crowd.

Or you follow the crowd but you have to be ahead of it.

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