IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   29,470 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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134   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 2:15pm  

Patrick says

Booger says

No previous statement was made asserting decapitated babies by the Government. They never confimed the decapitated babies, not once.

It's all a distraction of course, from all the other footage.
135   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 2:17pm  

What happened:
AmericanKulak says

French reporter interviews officer cleaning up corpses:
"There's about 40 bodies... people are shot, burned... babies decapitated..." officer on the scene.

"ZIO Hasbara said 40 shot then burned then decapitated ALL 40 baby bodies!!!! Where are they, huh? huh? huh? See the ZIOLIES?!" - Usual Suspects.

"We don't have confirmation about any 40 decapitated babies" - IDF

"SEE! Even the Chief IDF Zioliars refuse to back the ZIO lie, lie, lie! We caught the Zionists lying!!!"

When nobody said 40 shot AND burned AND decapitated and ALL of them were babies in the first place. See how that works?

Then Palestinians put up a baby killed in Syria 5 years ago and the same hyperskeptics are like "See the Zio Violence in Gaza! No warning carpet bombings! The whole city is turned to ash!" when 99.9% of all Gaza buildings are still standing.

"I've tilted at the windmill! Die Windmill, die, you Giant Conspiracy IDF Dragon! I caught you lying about something you never said!"

Let's try this:

Show me an IDF or Israeli Government official announcement that there are 40 Decapitated Babies. They don't have to be burned and shot and decapitated. Just decapitated. And not a reporter for a private media company, not some guy on twitter repeated what he heard on twitter. An Israeli official announcing 40 (not one, and not just decapitated without baby qualifier) as a fact.
136   AD   2023 Oct 12, 3:48pm  

big difference between secular Jew kibbutz and orthdox and conservative Jew settlement ...

the kibbutz were easy targets for the Hamas terrorists ... they were made up of liberal Jews who likely were not as hardened and armed as the Jewish settlers...

137   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 12, 4:33pm  

Misc says

It has never before made this declaration.

Israeli's have, many many times over the years up to today. I doubt your statement is true if people on the street are saying it, as I've never known government to be more restrained than the general public when it comes to bloodshed.
138   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 12, 4:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

What's the solution?

Not to give anyone a pass who is ok with harming children. That includes you. None of those incidents are ok with me.

Epstein raped lots of kids, and before that Larry King did it in Omaha in the 80's. There, we have precedence, so cool if IDF starts raping kids right? That's your logic bro, and it's fucked beyond belief.

But more to the solution you're looking for(while you throw kids under the tank), I'd use the world's most heavily surveilled and secured border to actually do it's job. So my first step in fixing this is finding out who the fuck in Israel sold out their own people.
139   AD   2023 Oct 12, 4:45pm  

NuttBoxer says

AmericanKulak says

What's the solution?

Not to give anyone a pass who is ok with harming children.

The Israeli side for the most part wants two-state solution (which means status quo as far as Gaza ghetto)

The Palestinian side vastly wants Israeli Jew's dead if they remain in Israel and they want "their land back" (i.e. the land where the nation of Israel resides)

There are a few who want a one-state solution but the Israel Jews do not want this since they would lose the demographics war

140   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 12, 4:46pm  

Former Israeli ambassador to Russia Arkady Milman states: “Everything suggests that this country is against us.” Where, however, did his compatriots, again, in his words, get the feeling that “Russia is a great friend of Israel”? ...


Elena Rykovtseva: Today, our guests and I are discussing Russia’s role in this conflict, in other conflicts, whether it is possible to consider it at least in some way an ally. Former ambassadors to the Russian Federation in Israel and Ukraine are in touch with us. We begin a conversation with Arkady Milman. You publicly declared on the 9th wonderful Israeli channel that “in our country there was a feeling that Russia was an eternal friend, a faithful friend of Israel, but I explained to you: Russia is not a friend of Israel.” Why was there such a feeling in your country until now, before the start of this day, until October 7?

Arkady Milman: In recent months there has been no such precise, unambiguous understanding of the relationship. But in the interview that one of the Hamas leaders gave to the Rossiya Segodnya channel in Arabic, he clearly said that Russia knew about the impending terrible, brutal, bloody operation against Israel. They produce Kalashnikov assault rifles under a license that Russia gave them. After half an hour of this terrible massacre, which they carried out in kibbutzim near the border with the Gaza Strip, they reported this to Russia. What do you think was Russia's reaction? Russia reacted, according to these Hamas activists, with great sympathy. Considering that the interview was given on the Russia Today channel, an absolutely pro-Kremlin, not even a pro-Kremlin, but a Kremlin news service, accordingly, our conclusion is very simple: as always, Russia behaved like a real criminal. It’s not for nothing that I call it the “axis of evil” - Russia, Iran, North Korea, the terrorist organizations Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.

And now what concerns Israel. The Israeli establishment and especially Benjamin Netanyahu, I feel embarrassed now that there is a war, I have to criticize our Prime Minister, I have no doubt that after the war we will have a very serious investigation, this man will have to resign because he He did this to both Hamas and Russia. One of his main billboards, which is in Tel Aviv ... Netanyahu shook hands with Putin, above this was the slogan “This is the major league.”... Probably, the residents of the country, the entire establishment, lived in the understanding that Russia is a normal country, Putin loves Jews. The fact that he is an anti-Semite, starting in September, simply opened another anti-Semitic campaign, no one wanted to believe. Those who study Russia deeply know it from the inside, like me, they had no doubts, so we expressed our point of view. Now after the start of this terrible war and terrible massacre, I want to emphasize that since the Holocaust it has not happened that more than 1,200 Israeli citizens were killed in one day, now people began to speak differently. They already understand that the country is in shock. Of course, after the end of the war, our victory over Hamas - this will definitely happen, we will have to do a very serious internal investigation, very seriously figure out where our mistakes were at the national level, and then decide how we will live further.

Elena Rykovtseva: As for the first interview on the Russia Today channel, you don't consider it a bluff precisely because it would have been refuted? Since it was presented like this, without refutation, it means it needs to be taken seriously. And secondly, you said that this is the end of illusions, October 7, Saturday. When the aggression happened, the war between Russia and Ukraine, were illusions still preserved?

Arkady Milman: Your clarification is absolutely correct, that this is a Kremlin channel, a public service. The weapons that our soldiers took from the killed Hamas terrorists were made in Russia or under a Russian license. There is direct evidence, so there is no doubt.

141   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 12, 4:55pm  

I started this thread because I'm for kids. For protecting them in our schools, on our streets, and around the world. I don't care who is fighting who, I will never, EVER change that stance. I don't care what the sides do, there's no justification for murdering children. If Epstein had kids, and we were the ones who caught and hanged him, I wouldn't hang his kids next. I wouldn't shoot his kids to take him out. I mean fuck, even Scareface drew the line at kids.

Why are so many people today worse than the depiction of a sociopathic 80's drug kingpin? What the fuck is wrong with people...
142   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 6:07pm  

"Cover! Cover!" – evidence appeared that Russian-speaking instructors within the Hamas terrorist organization gave orders and coordinated the actions of mercenaries during the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

The order in Russian "Прикрывайте! Прикрывайте!" ("Cover! Cover!") can be clearly heard from 12 seconds onwards.

Video at:

143   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 6:17pm  

NuttBoxer says

Israeli's have, many many times over the years up to today. I doubt your statement is true if people on the street are saying it, as I've never known government to be more restrained than the general public when it comes to bloodshed.

Are you kidding me?

Daniel Penny was arrested and is being tried for killing a mad man on a NYC subway in the United States.

You may be confusing restraint with corruption. Israel wants war. The purposely create this conflict, and fan the flames so they can play "victim". Hamas and the PLO do as well. These are deeply corrupt governments.

Because people refuse to recognize a sociopath when there is one running their government, we're stuck with sociopaths. That's a problem all throughout the west now.

If you trust your government and politicians, you're guaranteeing it will go corrupt. Well, people have mostly trusted this government all my life, and FINALLY they are starting to be suspicious - after they forced 75% of the population to play Russian Roulette with a "vaccine" that NOBODY needed in an obviously NOT pandemic.

I cannot understand why people aren't angry, much more angry. We have murderers and sociopaths in government and this should have been obvious the SECOND we got lied into the Iraq War, as soon as that was clear, that there wasn't a weapons of mass destruction program, people should have known. I can forgive people for being fooled into that, but I cannot forgive them to continue to place trust in these monsters after that. Most people are willfully blind.

And it's not just true in the US, it's true in Israel too. The IDF and settlers murder Palestinians ALL THE TIME. They're never prosecuted, they are never held accountable, and NOW they are pretending "oh, Hamas did this for no reason". There is justifiable anger on both sides. I heard today from Glenn Greenwald that some Israeli said "everybody knows a person that knew somebody killed in this attack". That might be true, there's not a single Palestinian that doesn't know somebody PERSONALLY killed in this conflict. Israel kills far more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Israelis.

There's no good sides in this conflict and all governments involved are preventing resolution. It could have been resolved 40 years ago.
144   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 6:19pm  

ad says

The Israeli side for the most part wants two-state solution (which means status quo as far as Gaza ghetto)

No, this is an absolute lie.

If Israeli wanted a two state solution, they would declare their borders, and they won't declare their borders.

Israel claims "if only the Palestinians would lay down their arms, there would be peace" - that's a lie too. The West Bank hasn't done anything to Israel in 20 years, 2 decades, and all Israel does is keep expanding settlements in the West Bank.

It's AMERICAN PROPAGANDA that Israel wants a two state solution. Israel is quite open about simply wanting to get the Palestinians to leave, or kill them, but they intend to take over all of the West Bank and Gaza. MAYBE there will be some reservations for the Palestinians, but that's it.
145   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 6:33pm  

GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

Motorized hang gliders don't need any mountains - they can take off from
a field.
146   AD   2023 Oct 12, 6:38pm  

richwicks says

It's AMERICAN PROPAGANDA that Israel wants a two state solution. Israel is quite open about simply wanting to get the Palestinians to leave,

Yes, the Israeli Jews claim they want a 2 state solution.

But you are judging them by their actions, and it seems they want a 1 state solution such as create conditions where the Palestinian population dies off or dwindles significantly in size as many emigrate out to the Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Canada, USA, etc.

However, the exact opposite is happening as far as Palestinian population.

The problem is that the Israeli Jews do not breed like rabbits. So they are losing the demographics war.

147   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 7:43pm  

Igor Molotov, RT's Special Editor, wrote, "It was I who advised detonating a thermonuclear bomb over Siberia. I apologize. It should explode over Israel."

148   AD   2023 Oct 12, 7:45pm  


Igor Molotov, RT's Special Editor, wrote, "It was I who advised detonating a thermonuclear bomb over Siberia. I apologize. It should explode over Israel."

would have to be very low yield bomb such as over tel aviv ... if this is the case, then they do not want collateral damage to syria, jordan, lebanon as well as the israeli arab communities
149   socal2   2023 Oct 12, 7:46pm  

ad says

The problem is that the Israeli Jews do not breed like rabbits. So they are losing the demographics war.

Not really.

150   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 7:48pm  

Many Russian propagandists have simply decided that the best course is to openly side with Hamas. Igor Molotov, RT’s Special Editor, penned a piece for a Belarusian state paper, Minskaya Prauda, rejoicing about the attack on Israel. The article was eventually removed, but an archived version is still accessible.

Molotov took credit for the idea that was recently promoted by the head of RT, Margarita Simonyan, suggesting that a thermonuclear bomb should be set off over Siberia. He wrote, “My name is Igor Molotov. It was I who advised detonating a thermonuclear bomb over Siberia. I apologize. It should explode over Israel.”

He recounted speaking with the Palestinian ambassador in Moscow, who reportedly told Molotov, “Igor, brother, this is our common victory.”

Molotov said: “The victory of Palestine in the occupied territories is a victory for Moscow and Minsk. Even if the Palestinian resistance does not win the deadly battle with Tel Aviv now, Palestinian flags will fly over the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. We have already won. Hamas and Fatah are marching along the same road to victory . . . Today, we are all Palestinians. Today, all of us are winning.

151   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 7:56pm  

ad says

Yes, the Israeli Jews claim they want a 2 state solution.

When they are in the United States they make this claim, not in Israel. They can make a 2 state solution today, if they want, just declare the borders, whatever is left over, that's "Palestine" - they've been in this situation for over 4 decades now. Israel has the military power to unilaterally declare a two state solution, they don't need to negotiate.

ad says

But you are judging them by their actions, and it seems they want a 1 state solution such as create conditions where the Palestinian population dies off or dwindles significantly in size as many emigrate out to the Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Canada, USA, etc.

Of course I'm judging them by their actions. Judge them by their deeds, not words. People lie. I completely ignore politician's statements at this point. Remember when Biden was going to give student debt relief? Did that happen? Remember when everybody was going to get a $2,000 covid check? Ignore what they say but hold them accountable to their lies.

ad says

However, the exact opposite is happening as far as Palestinian population.

The problem is that the Israeli Jews do not breed like rabbits. So they are losing the demographics war.

There's R and K type reproduction, the future will judge which is superior because they will exist as a result.


Evolution supersedes morality. It will figure its way out.
152   GNL   2023 Oct 12, 7:57pm  


GNL says

Does the hang glider part of this story make sense? How many mountains do the Palestinians have access to? How close are these mountains to the border of Israel?

Motorized hang gliders don't need any mountains - they can take off from
a field.

Yes, but there's a disagreement on whether or not they were motorized.
153   stereotomy   2023 Oct 12, 8:13pm  

I guess the Ukie war was a push too far as far as Pavlovian American "defense" response, so let's burn a few hundred Jews and their children to gin up flagging war machine support.

Bravo. I'm sure those Jews who died appreciate the effectiveness of their involuntary sacrifice/martyrdom.

Hello WWIII - we'll all die, as well as our children and grandchildren. All you war mongering motherfuckers will get your wish.
154   AD   2023 Oct 12, 8:14pm  


Many Russian propagandists have simply decided that the best course is to openly side with Hamas.

Well there are a lot of Muslims living in Russia. I think it has a larger percentage of Muslims than almost France and Germany combined.

155   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:21am  

stereotomy says

Hello WWIII - we'll all die, as well as our children and grandchildren. All you war mongering motherfuckers will get your wish.

Palestine isn't going to cause WW3.

The Arabs have had enough after seeing Black September Coup Attempt, the Lebanese Civil War and use of PLO by Syria to overthrow Christian Lebanon, and what happens every time the Egyptians open THEIR Gaza-border.

The border everybody conveniently forgets about, since the Pakistinians, other Arabs, the Left, and Stormfags don't want people to know there's an alternative to Israel-Gaza border

Is some of this our MIC? Maybe. I don't think the Biden Regime is happy about this just after they gave Iran $6B via Qatar, though. This is also the RSIH Axis.

It's no accident that Putin demanded no civilian casualties He's not a dumbass, he's being a cynical smartass. He knows from Grozny as well as Mariopol and other cities it is utterly unreasonable to have 0 civilian casualties from urban warfare.
156   socal2   2023 Oct 13, 8:40am  

AmericanKulak says

stereotomy says

Hello WWIII - we'll all die, as well as our children and grandchildren. All you war mongering motherfuckers will get your wish.

Palestine isn't going to cause WW3.

Alot of Patnet -

"You better let all those Russians and Islamists butcher their way around the world without resistance or you will start WWIII you evil warmongers!!"
157   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 13, 8:44am  

Killed In Gaza By Israeli Bombing: 140 Kids, 11 UN Staff, 30 UN School Pupils & 4 Israeli Hostages
158   WookieMan   2023 Oct 13, 9:34am  

NuttBoxer says

Not to give anyone a pass who is ok with harming children. That includes you. None of those incidents are ok with me.

This is the world you live in. What are you doing to fix it? My guess is nothing. Not a knock, but likely reality. No one does anything but bitch. They bitch about politicians yet do nothing. They bitch about wars yet do nothing. They bitch about their neighbor and do nothing. Get the trend.

Harsh take. I have kids. Guess what, they're fucked outside of what I can control. People in Gaza CAN move regardless of their bull shit claims. People escape extreme situations all the time. Leave. Let Israelis have it all. They will be judged in time and it will not likely be a pleasant ending. I moved out of Chicago because I knew it wasn't safe to raise my kids there. Adults need to adult from time to time. Fuck religion. My kid isn't dying over it and won't.

I don't think there's a panetter that agrees with anyone dying over this stupid shit on BOTH sides. So I'd be cautious of judging anyone here based on their take. There's no winner on either side at this point. Just get the fuck out and realize that the region will be nuclear glass at some point. No American has a pony in this race if they're not living there. Shut the fuck up and let them duke it out. That should be the stance. And yes, kids will die. More die daily in American urban centers than what's happened in 48-72 hours in Isreal. We need to stop worrying about other people's problems.
159   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 10:00am  

This captured Hamas terrorist admits they killed everyone, including children.

Oddly, he also admits that this is against the rules in Islam.


160   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 13, 10:01am  

Cui bono? They are not shy to admit it's them:

161   stereotomy   2023 Oct 13, 11:17am  

socal2 says

AmericanKulak says

stereotomy says

Hello WWIII - we'll all die, as well as our children and grandchildren. All you war mongering motherfuckers will get your wish.

Palestine isn't going to cause WW3.

Alot of Patnet -

"You better let all those Russians and Islamists butcher their way around the world without resistance or you will start WWIII you evil warmongers!!"

I didn't want to name names, but yes, you're one of them.

I hope you really don't mean what you say, because I would personally find it horrifying if my last vision, before my eyes were melted by the nuclear fire, would be that of my family writhing in their immolation, all in the cause of "freedom."

I don't think you have kids, because if you did, you'd be concerned about what type of meat grinder the gub'ment is planning to put them in
162   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 11:41am  

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's? Where are the peace lovers? Seems like so many people now days have become deranged for blood lust. They justify the worst atrocities by saying it will prevent something worse. This is literally what tyrants have said throughout history.

Stalin, Mao, Lincoln. This is the company you keep if you don't recognize violence against any civilian of any race is bad, and against children is despicable. Now that you've justified harming children if it's your side, you have joined forces with pedos. Abhorrent and shameful.

Self defense is always justified, nothing beyond that. Shelling Donbass, not self defense. Bombing Gaza, not self defense. Allowing raids over your secure border in order to justify genocide of people you hold captive, not self defense.

The people saying the Maui fire was a setup are mostly people from Maui. Those saying the Saturday attack was a false flag, mostly Jews in Israel.

Find a single independent source that agrees with you, someone who's been reporting the truth for years. Or admit you've been psyoped, and get help before they have you slurping roaches and taking your 27th booster.
163   GNL   2023 Oct 16, 12:45pm  

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's? Where are the peace lovers? Seems like so many people now days have become deranged for blood lust. They justify the worst atrocities by saying it will prevent something worse. This is literally what tyrants have said throughout history.

Are you not entertained?
164   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Oct 16, 12:49pm  

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's?

They became bankers, lawyers, lobbyists, bureaucrats, realtors, businessmen/women,…...
165   stereotomy   2023 Oct 16, 2:58pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's?

They became bankers, lawyers, lobbyists, bureaucrats, realtors, businessmen/women,…...

They experienced the inflation of the 70's, and the failure of their "communes," and the end of "free love" once they got their "main squeeze" pregnant (this was before Roe vs. Wade) and stuck with her. Once the 'Nam was over, what was left to fight over, except ERA, which perished in hellfire during the Great Inflation of the 1970's.

That inflation along with "the pill," more than anything else, changed our society, much like the more traumatic hyperinflation in the Weimar German Republic after WWI. We went from largely single-earner households to dual-earner households. I was fortunate to have a stay-at-home-mom. I remember the public service commercials that would run from 3 pm to 5 pm (when the latchkey kids were home from school but the parents were still at work). Commercials like "We're not Candy," which warned latchkey kids not to play around and grab shit from the medicine shelf because they were simply hungry. Less blatant messages were from Schoolhouse Rock, with "I hanker for a Hunk of Cheese" - this instructed latchkey kids to take crackers and cheese to fill their stomachs until their parents came home to make or order a more satisfying meal.

Remember all the child abduction horror stories (Etan Patz, Adam Walsh) and the terrors about poisoned Tylenol and homemade Halloween Candy? This was designed to terrorize the boomers and shut in their kids. I remember as the last generation, Gen X, to be set loose upon the neighborhood - we had the freedom of the streets - we could walk or ride our bikes as far as we wanted; just get back for lunch and dinner (in the summer). We would run in packs like wild dogs, and we always knew the way home.
I don't think boomer parents have really levelled with their kids about what they sacrificed in terms of family and the raising of their own children to deal with the massive 70's inflation. They will probably never admit the guilt they felt for failing in the most elementary way - do you remember your child's first few years of life? No, they don't, but grandparents, babysitters, and other childcare workers do.
166   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 3:29pm  

stereotomy says

I don't think you have kids, because if you did, you'd be concerned about what type of meat grinder the gub'ment is planning to put them in

I have kids, one is nearing draft age. I have lots of friends and work colleagues that are currently serving or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 20 years.

I married into a wonderful Jewish family (I'm Catholic) - so I am not down with Islamists, Commies and Anti-Semites. I recall how shocked I was several years ago when I first took my kids to the JCC pre-school and seeing all of the sophisticated fences and security guards around the school. So sad Jews have to live this way even in America because of Islamists and Western anti-Semite conspiracy assholes.

Have lots of Jewish friends and acquaintances that were able to get out of Russia and Iran in the last 3 decades - so I don't suffer from the retarded revisionist history the Putin and Islamist boosters are pitching here at Patnet.

The USSR and the KGB are responsible for turning this tiny border dispute into armageddon (and the advent of modern Islamic terrorism) by their propaganda and support of the Palestinians as a way to try and form a divide in the West.

And lots of folks here at Patnet are eager to be lead by the nose by Russia and Islamists to muddy the waters, just as they are being lead by the nose by US Democrats and our corrupt Media to go all MAGA and lose a winnable election.
167   stereotomy   2023 Oct 16, 3:49pm  

^^^^ This is a much more expansive answer - I've tried to properly quote but it seems the quoting feature is screwed up.

I too have a son that is a few years from draft age. I've interacted and dated Jews myself. Ultimately, I chose a wife who shared the faith I was raised in. We are both non-practicing as far as attending services, but I always remember Jesus' advice, "When any two are gathered in my name, I am among them."

Humanity, in the absence of a full-on nuclear "exchange," will abide. So will the Earth. I am slowly learning to detach from agitprop. All we can do is teach our children to learn from our mistakes, and try, by example, to learn how to get past them and perhaps even rectify them.

Peace, brother.
168   mell   2023 Oct 16, 3:50pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's?

They became bankers, lawyers, lobbyists, bureaucrats, realtors, businessmen/women,…...

This ^^
169   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 4:28pm  

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's? Where are the peace lovers? Seems like so many people now days have become deranged for blood lust.

Oh, they were for peace when their government was shoving them into the meat grinder.

Once they were no longer subject to having the government send them off to be killed in a pointless war, they lost their zeal for "peace".

I give the boomer generation a lot of shit, and this is the exact reason why. They didn't have principles at all. They never supported peace, they support their self preservation and they don't care about the younger generations a bit, not at all.
170   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 4:30pm  

socal2 says

I have kids, one is nearing draft age. I have lots of friends and work colleagues that are currently serving or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 20 years.

I fucking dare you to ask them why those wars were for, and how fighting them advantaged the United States.

They are glorified thugs. Murderers for hire.
171   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 7:58am  

I was raised by my Mom most of my life, she didn't work outside the house until high school. My daughters have all been raised by their mother. And we've taught them all better than we were taught. Wars are bullshit, hatred is self-sabotaging. Governments are mostly evil.

"If someone takes your cloak, give him your tunic as well. If he forces you to walk a mile with him, walk two. Love those who hate you, pray for those who persecute you."

- Jesus
173   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 17, 1:50pm  

NuttBoxer says

What happened to the hippy's of the 60's? Where are the peace lovers

They went to get grad degrees in the 70s and early 80s, read Foucault, Fanon, and Marcuse, and became Post-Modern Academics who churned out Wokies.

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