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Is Jizya being collected in Syria? Is Jizya being collected in Lebanon? Is Jizya being collected in Egypt? Is Jizya being collected in Iran? None of them are collecting Jizya. There are around 8000 Jews living in Iran now, and they are not facing Jizya. The only states / pseudo-states even tried collecting Jizya in the last half century were Isis and Pakistani Taliban (before Taliban took over Afghan); what do they have in common? Both were/are founded/funded by western intelligence; can you say "controlled-opposition"?
There are around 8000 Jews living in Iran now, and they are not facing Jizya.
So you are saying you support the building of this world government (and the temple in Jerusalem) because you think it is a trap for ensnaring all the satanists?
As for Balfour Declaration,
Natenyahu. He is very much a core part of the Deep State,
Great Britain moved its occupation out and left control of the land of Israel/Palestine to a new government. The new government took control in 1947-48. That government exists today, it is the Israeli government, the only legitimate government in Palestine/Israel.
The British left all their heavy weapons with the Kingdom of Jordan and left the country without settling anything, figuring the Arabs would drive the Jews to the sea (the "River to Sea" genocide phrase comes from that era).
The UN recognized Israel, then multiple Arab armies attacked, each seeking to add Fakestine to their territory. The Israelis pulled off a miracle and fought off 5 Arab Armies that outnumbered them in planes, tanks, etc. in both quantity and quality (a dozen old BF-109s against dozens of new Spitfires;
During the First World War, long before 1947, Britain signaled that they were going to leave the land known as Palestine (which is part of Israel that God told the children of Israel was theirs to occupy indefinitely)
The British already took it upon themselves to give 3/4 of it to the Arabs as Jordan.
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I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.
Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.
You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.