IDF Has Publicly Stated They Murder Children

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2023 Oct 8, 10:10pm   28,280 views  265 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If the shit Jews say was repeated by any other ethnicity they'd be ostracized as the most racist, bigoted, hateful group of people on the face of the earth. Think I'm exaggerating, watch the video.

I was in church this morning, and the preacher, a retired Marine specifically called out prayer for Israel during the service. Israel only, not Gaza. Zionist extremism is rampant in this country, and most people, especially conservative Christians are incredibly ignorant when it comes to Gaza and Israel.

Jews didn't become Jews until they murdered Jesus. Before that, they were Christians.

You want the truth, read antiwar.com. Or watch this video.


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237   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Dec 5, 1:22pm  

So thing is every point you just raised is true of the extremists on both sides. But if you only look at extremist viewpoints, will we ever find a solution both sides agree on? Of course not, it's a ridiculous proposition.

I haven't spent much time listening to the extremists, from either side. I don't see the point. I have heard from a number of Jews though, inside and outside of Israel, who strongly disagree with what the Israeli government is doing.

But you want to talk about only what the Israeli government should do? Stop blockading Gaza, let people leave of their own volition. Stop bombing civilians, stop killing children. Start listening the Israeli people, because they disagree with everything this government has done for over a year.
238   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 5, 4:07pm  

Reality says

How do you reconcile these two theories: (A) killing all Palestinians in Gaza would result in "an end to this once and for all"; (B) the Oct 7th attack "was coordinated with Israel's deep state ?

I didn't say kill all Palestinians in Gaza, I sad go street to street in a wide sweep and clear Gaza and West bank of all known HAMAS and other extremists trouble makers. And yes to everything nut boxer said. "Stop blockading Gaza, let people leave of their own volition. Stop bombing civilians, stop killing children. "
But we all know if the IDF does that, there will be ample brainwashed civilians and kids that will run up to the IDF forces with a suicide vest. The media will pull at your heart strings about their deaths, but not mine.

I'm old enough to remember before the GAZA blockade, every evening there were suicide bombers, bombing innocent Isaelis. Cafes, Buses, Stores everywhere they could find them. The wall went up and the blockade went into effect, and it stopped.

Israel needs to seize control of GAZA sort them out, make them form a legitimate government that is not full of vindictive revenge plotting maniacs, that has the best interest of the Palestinian people in mind. I don't want to see the same shit that has been going on Israel, and somehow used as an excuse to fleece the American tax payer out of Trillions of dollars ever few years. I'm fed up and done, just watching the dumpster fire it no longer an option.

Especially when this time, the Israel deep state establishment colluded most definitely with HAMAS on the Oct7th attack. It was a ploy to send Bibi out of favor. He has been harangued and persecuted just as equally as Trump has. Look at what happened as if Trump wins 2024, so the Deep State stages another 9-11 thinking it will make his MAGA supporters mad at him, and they can impeach him. That is what happened in Israel. The IDF is the most prepared and informed Military and Intelligence security force in the world. For HAMAS to have not been met with a prompt response and not a single one of them made it back to GAZA with hostages. Was done so, at the Deep State's bidding.
239   Shaman   2023 Dec 5, 4:17pm  

It was a triple conspiracy, where everyone gets what they wanted except for Hamas. Hamas was goaded into the attack by the upcoming peace treaty Saudi Arabia was about to sign with Israel. Hamas gets billions from Muslim charities for their “struggle against the Jews.” Having the Saudis who are the progenitors of Islam normalize relations with Israel their hated enemy would cut off that money spigot permanently.
So they had motive to do something big to derail the peace and prove their commitment to war with Israel.

Israel has wanted to clear out Gaza for decades, and allowing this massive attack to go forward gives the IDF justification to finally clear it out of all Philistines, and end the constant intermittent rocket attacks.

The USA wants the Israel situation to be finally resolved so this works to accomplish that. Also the neocons want war with Iran and they’re hoping to get a Causus Belli to declare war on Iran.
I mean, they spent all that money and propaganda on the Ukraine war for the sole purpose of tying up Russian military assets so they couldn’t come to Iran’s aid when the USA attacks.
240   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 5, 4:24pm  

Besides Bibi has to clear every last Gun, Bomb, Missle and Bullet out of Palestine that Joe Biden left in Afghanistan.

Do you know why? Because that sorry Fuck Joe Biden never will.

Go Bibi, GO!
241   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 5, 4:27pm  

Shaman says

Israel has wanted to clear out Gaza

The Israel establishment deep state, would never want their cash cow cleared out. Their interest in the attack was to usurp Bibi and get rid of him.
Do you recall, or does anyone besides me, recall the Israeli Deep State critter that made an announcement hours after the attack, that HE was taking over Bibi's command of the Israel armed forces? That lasted an hour, because he was going to play patty cakes with HAMAS and not do a damn thing. Nor why should he, he helped implement the attack. In his mind the goal was achieved Bibi was out, until Bibi caught on, and said "Fuck THAT, Sally Forth!"
242   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 5, 4:29pm  

Shaman says

The USA wants the Israel situation to be finally resolved so this works to accomplish that. Also the neocons want war with Iran and they’re hoping to get a Causus Belli to declare war on Iran

The Israel cause is their hail Marry to cram a trillion dollar Omnibus package through. With out Israel's peril with Shit Fingers, that spigot would run out.
243   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 5, 4:33pm  

The Left in America now are using the 10-7 as an excuse to shit on Bibi, since they got no traction on pinnning the failure to stop it on Bibi.
They will now deride every decision he makes in his response and cleaning out Gaza to shit on him, and call him the violent aggressor.

Comically that's ripping the Democrat party apart and is fracturing it more than what the RINOs are doing to the Republican party.

Democrats are such dumb fucks everything blows up in their stupid faces.
245   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 5, 5:31pm  

Shaman says

end the constant intermittent rocket attacks.

But Gaza wants war. Gaza Government, Gazans, and their financial supporters which now includes the UN have done nothing to stop the terrorists. It seems Gaza wants war and everyone involved is giving them what they want.
246   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 5, 7:03pm  

NuttBoxer says

So thing is every point you just raised is true of the extremists on both sides. But if you only look at extremist viewpoints, will we ever find a solution both sides agree on? Of course not, it's a ridiculous proposition.

It's not the extremist viewpoint among the Arabs. There should be no Israel is their viewpoint, and Hebrews should pay the Jizya and be second class citizens IF they are allowed to remain is the vast majority South Syrian Arab viewpoint.

Two state was the majority Israeli viewpoint until a few years ago, when it was clear the Arabs weren't interested. The PA occasionally feigns interest when they're up against a wall, and only in the Western Press - never to their own - but that's just to buy time.
247   Reality   2023 Dec 6, 6:37am  

PeopleUnited says

6. Not every goal of the satanist banksters is about stealing money. They also secretly want to see the temple rebuilt in Jerusalem because they believe that they can defeat the God of the Bible. They think that when the temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt and defiled one last time by the Antichrist that finally even the Jews will bow to Lucifer. But just when they think they have gained the victory, Jesus will return and the true believers among Jews and all nations will be redeemed.
7. All the turmoil in Israel and the surrounding region is happening to set the region and the world up for a false peace treaty and a world government with a world religion.

So you are saying you support the building of this world government (and the temple in Jerusalem) because you think it is a trap for ensnaring all the satanists? Are you sure you are among the 14,400 or 144,000 that the scripture promises to raise to the heaven after that? Do you have your ticket stamped? That's at max 144,000 among not just the 15 million Jews (less than 1 out of 100) but 144,000 among 8 billion world population (less than 1 in 50,000!) How do you know this story is not written by satanists themselves to goad you into helping building their world government? Granted I too believe that a world government would not last long due to its bureaucratic inefficiency: all large bureaucratic governments in world history had to rely on external trade to sustain itself; when the entire world come under a world government, there wouldn't be any external trade to counteract the inefficiencies of the bureaucratic resource allocation process. However, the buiding process and the collapse would kill millions if not billions of people, just like all those communist regimes of the 20th century killed over 100million people. IMHO, that's precisely what the banksters are after: killing millions if not billions of account holders en masse; it doesn't matter if the nominal goal of the project is a communist utopia, heaven-on-earth, new Eden or Zion; all the same, it's the journey that they want, the perilous journey just like they goaded the gullibles to go on Pilgrimages (while parking money in their banks).

Suppose, the infamous Austrian painter with a mustache (aka Hitler) told you that he himself was 1/4 Jewish and the purpose of his Holocaust program was to drive European Jews to Palestine to build the temple in Jerusalem and a world government so that the prophesies would come (robbing and killing his Jewish victims so that himself and his sponsors would get rich was just a side-benefit, so he claimed when talking to you), would you support his Holocaust program? Soros said yes, because Soros said if he didn't do it someone else would; most normal people would call that psychopathy. You seem to embrace an even more "compelling reason" to support the Holocaust because it would bring forth the apocalypse promised in the scripture sooner!

Please accept my apology on behalf of the modern/western rational world: here we consider Iranian Mullahs who (allegedly) embrace "apocalypse is near" as the root cause of their suicical terrorism!

With these fundamental points resolved, the rest of your points become quite easy to rebutt:

1. Gaza is a haven and household of terrorists.

So is DC, City of London, Qatar and Tel Aviv. IDF was literally derived from the Irgun gang, which were literal terrorists against what they alleged as British occupation. Yet, at each of those locations (DC, London, Qatar, Tel Aviv and Gaza), the innocent far out-number the terrorists. If you want to drop a nuke on any of those places, you are a terrorist! and a very stupid one at that: how would dropping a nuke on Gaza, turning it into the proverbial glass parking lot (like many Zionist lawmakers in Israel and in the US suggested), not turn the nearby Israel itself uninhabitable due to radioactive fallout? Are they really that stupid or being on the take to kill as many people/bank-account-holders as possible?

2. You can believe that Israeli leaders had prior knowledge of the 10/7 attack but it doesn’t change the fact that Gaza militant terrorists funded by Iran through globalist bankster manipulation killed raped and kidnapped innocent Israelis and other people working in and visiting Israel on 10/7.

Iranian mullahs are Shiites, and they may have some degree of control of Hetzbollah north in Lebonan, whereas the Hamas in Gaza is nominally a branch of Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni organization (at one time democratically elected to Egyptian presidency, a few years ago, before being toppled by military coup) funded in recent years by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the latter of which as a banking outpost recently received the $6 billion from the US pretending to be for Iran but in reality just sit in Qatari banks got franctional-reserve multiplied into funding for Hamas, which was originally founded by Israeli intelligence.

3. Gaza militant terrorists have stated, repeated and acted on their goal to destroy Israel.

As have many religious Jews objected/objecting to the existence of the political entity called Israel. As you have pointed in points (6) and (7), according to the scriptures, the (re)building of Israel, the temple in Jerusalem and the world government would signify the end of the world! They are objecting to the human effort at building towards it, whereas you are calling for the bring-on of the end of the world! Who are the terrorists now?

4. If you misuse genetics to determine the most purest “Semites” it is a slippery slope to eugenics. If you want to live in a world where your genetics determine your standing, you are first of all deluded, (do you really trust scientists to prove/tell the truth as if they are the high priests?) and second of all setting yourself up to be dominated by some “superior “ blood line which will inevitably claim only they are the rightful heirs of power and everyone else is inferior.

There was no misuse of genetics involved. The genetic evidence is quite obvious: the blonde girls wearing IDF uniforms featured on numerous videos put out by Zionists are far more removed from the Torah Jews and Biblical Jews than the "Palestinians" who are really direct descendants of the Torah Jews and Biblical Jews who over the thousands of years nominally converted to Christianity and Islam but kept their Torah-based local traditions. While I love blondes and hope people of all origins and all faiths (and no faith at all) can peacefully co-exist in the middleast (and any other parts of the world), it's quite outrageous to witness a largely atheistic population of mostly European and North Asian origin (with a splash of Jewish blood) pretend they are entitled to kill and evict a population that had far more and far deeper Jewish ancenstry who had never left their ancestral land.

PeopleUnited says

5. The true religious Jews are the ones looking to rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount. Establishment of the nation of Israel is politics/a decree of the USA and UN to recognize the government that Israel established in the wake of the Balfour agreement when Britain handed over control to the region and a new local government was established (look up Balfour Declaration to understand the situation where essentially Britain relinquished control and a new government rose up in its place which was recognized by USA, UN and a bunch of other world powers) https://mosaicmagazine.com/essay/israel-zionism/2017/06/the-forgotten-truth-about-the-balfour-declaration. But establishing the new temple with the daily sacrifice as in the time of Jesus and before all the way back to Solomon is the end goal of true Jewish religious leaders who are looking for their messiah. If you claim to be Jewish and don’t long to rebuild the temple, you are Jewish/Semitic in name only.

Are you even the same person who wrote the point (6) above? Are you trying to say that to be a real Jewish/Semitic one has to be satanistic? At least 97% of Semites do not wish to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem or world government. Many religious Jews are against human effort rebuilding the temple of Jerusalem (in their view, it should be up to God); as you pointed out in point (6) human effort rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem would be the work of Satan/satanists; many religious Jews actually object to the existence of the political state of Israel. Most Jews are atheistic/agnostic. The really smart ones are like Einstein, who essentially opined that there should be a safe place/places where Jews can flee to when under persecution, but a Jewish state would eventually become detrimental to Jews, when he turned down the offer to be the 2nd President of Israel.

As for Balfour Declaration, how does a letter between a bought-and-paid-for politician and his banker/pimp have any binding power on anyone more than 100 years later? It's as if someone tries to enforce in the year 2140 a pronouncement of Joe Biden in a letter between him and someone who paid him bribe money back in 2020. Irgun (precursor to IDF) fight against the British occupation force in the 1940's pretty much put an end to that piece of paper. Besides, the British diplomats promised both the Zionists and the Arabs their own countries in the middleast, promises of lands at that time under Turkish administration!
248   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 6, 7:02am  

This whole who was there first is stupid. The people who were affected by the Jews being settled and the formation of Israel are long dead. Or over 96 years old. Modern civilization, and ALL of Humanity, depends on every group of people who believe that deserve their own country or land. Must have a modern Modern government, that can represent themselves on a world stage without half of the world having an arrest warrant or kill order for that person.
They can't play rouge savages, then play innocent victims.

The PA, nor HAMAS are legitimate governments that represents their people, and strive to bring their living conditions to the 21st century.
We're not talking about nomadic goat herders out in the desert that wants to be left alone. We're talking about a disenfranchised people(with most everyone having a hand in them being so) that don't want a Government, thinks they are free to act out their feelz when they get upset with people they don't like. While at the same time wanting to be protected like they are a sovereign country, with laws and a functioning government.

What Hillary did to Libya and what Obama did to Syria, and George Bush did to Afghanistan and Iraq, is what everyone should be upset about.
They turned them into Gaza.
249   Reality   2023 Dec 6, 10:05am  

Tenpoundbass says

This whole who was there first is stupid. The people who were affected by the Jews being settled and the formation of Israel are long dead. Or over 96 years old.

What you said would normally be true in any other parts of the world, except in this case: when the Rothschilds financed the founding of the Zionist state, the explicit justification was the Right of Return, and limited to only the "returnees"; instead of setting up an International Free Territory welcoming all-comers fleeing from political/racial persecution, it was explicitly set up to be a state for the "returnees" only and justified it as a "returnees"-only state, driving out non-returnees, in effect excluding even the descendants of Torah Jews and Biblical Jews who stayed and nominally converted to Christianity and Islam while continuing Torah-based local traditions (aka "Palestinians"). Even the Jews who stayed (not "returnees" from Europe) were second class citizens. The population displacement policy is on-going: new settlements are being carved out in West Bank for alleged Jews from Russia (and other parts of the world), being funded by Likud, Natenyahu's party. That's why I don't agree with your analysis of Natenyahu. He is very much a core part of the Deep State, the same Deep State that founded Hamas, destroyed Beirut, and stole the election in 2020, as well as behind 10-7 and 9-11. They are doing the banksters' bidding to kill bank account holders, which means trying to kill a lot of Israelis and Jews in the long run; that's why they are behaving so blatantly to antagonize everyone in the world who is not suffering from the narscisistic superiority complex.

Tenpoundbass says

What Hillary did to Libya and what Obama did to Syria, and George Bush did to Afghanistan and Iraq, is what everyone should be upset about.
They turned them into Gaza.

Agree with you, and add to the list: Lebanon/Beirut, and Gaza itself. Lebanon/Beirut used to be "Paris of the Middleast" with a prosperous mix of adherents of all three religions (while the Christians were in charge of the coastal government and the capital); then chaos was unleashed on the country. Gaza and Palestine also used to be a relatively peaceful with co-existing Jews, Christians and Muslims (all three were mostly descendants of the Torah Jews and Biblical Jews), then the "Right of Return" was invented to displace those who never left, in the name of bringing them a new and modern society. Well, they had a decent modern society in Lebanon and in Palestine before the arrival of the modern equivalent of the Sea People (12th century BC reference) and what was essentially "modern" racism from Nazi Germany (with an appetite for "lebensraum" for the "volks"). Comes to think of it, with the refugees their policies generate, they are turning Paris, Chicago and NYC into Gaza and Beirut!
250   Reality   2023 Dec 6, 10:33am  

AmericanKulak says

It's not the extremist viewpoint among the Arabs. There should be no Israel is their viewpoint, and Hebrews should pay the Jizya and be second class citizens IF they are allowed to remain is the vast majority South Syrian Arab viewpoint.

Is Jizya being collected in Syria? Is Jizya being collected in Lebanon? Is Jizya being collected in Egypt? Is Jizya being collected in Iran? None of them are collecting Jizya. There are around 8000 Jews living in Iran now, and they are not facing Jizya. The only states / pseudo-states even tried collecting Jizya in the last half century were Isis and Pakistani Taliban (before Taliban took over Afghan); what do they have in common? Both were/are founded/funded by western intelligence; can you say "controlled-opposition"?

Before the invention of banks creating money out of thin air to fund governments, Jizya was actually a very effective way of ensuring governments protecting (wealthy) religious minorities: because the government's finances depend on the income. Contrasting this with the alternative: slaughtering the wealthy minority (and everyone else with any money) for money (e.g. Mongols and Crusaders), it's actually relatively enlightened. The current modern tragedy seems to be that: while Jizya has been stopped, the business of governments slaughtering people for money (wiping out liabilities on behalf of banks holding the victims' deposits) hasn't.
251   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 10:34pm  

Reality says

So you are saying you support the building of this world government

No I do not. But it is happening.
252   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 10:38pm  

Reality says

Hamas, which was originally founded by Israeli intelligence.

Well, blowback is a bitch. But Gaza is still a household of terrorists. I don’t know any terrorists personally. But if I lived it Gaza my neighbors would be terrorists, because the neighborhoods are run by terrorists.
253   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 10:42pm  

Reality says

according to the scriptures, the (re)building of Israel, the temple in Jerusalem and the world government would signify the end of the world!

No the rebuilding of the temple is a precursor to the return of Christ. It does not signify the end of the world, but rather a new beginning, with the millennial kingdom of Revelation to follow.
254   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 10:46pm  

Reality says

it's quite outrageous to witness a largely atheistic population of mostly European and North Asian origin (with a splash of Jewish blood) pretend they are entitled to kill and evict a population that had far more and far deeper Jewish ancenstry who had never left their ancestral land.

Like I said, the true Jewish people are the ones seeking to rebuild the temple. Dark hair ain’t got nothing to do with it,
255   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 10:47pm  

Reality says

Is Jizya being collected in Syria? Is Jizya being collected in Lebanon? Is Jizya being collected in Egypt? Is Jizya being collected in Iran? None of them are collecting Jizya. There are around 8000 Jews living in Iran now, and they are not facing Jizya. The only states / pseudo-states even tried collecting Jizya in the last half century were Isis and Pakistani Taliban (before Taliban took over Afghan); what do they have in common? Both were/are founded/funded by western intelligence; can you say "controlled-opposition"?

Non-Muslims are Dhimmis, second class citizens, often refused service in the military, have extra taxes, and need permission to build or repair holy sites. ISIS, Hamas, the Taliban, and others collect the formal Jizya; modern Arab states like Egypt have other methods. Almost every single Arab Muslim country bans conversion FROM Islam. For example, Muslims cannot become Christians in Egypt by law:

Lebanon is very complex but if you're a Christian, as a huge minority is, good luck ever getting a leadership position in the military thanks to Hezbollah. Christians are persecuted heavily in Lebanon, in fact, the Lebanese Civil War began when the PLO, then forced into Lebanon by Arab Muslim political parties, began harassing Christian Churches.

The famous Damour Massacre by the PLO of Christians.

Fatah, Hezbollah are devoted to the extirpation of Christianity in Lebanon and the full restoration of total Dhimmitude there.

The Western Press refuses to publicize the fact that the Lebanese Civil War began because the PLO tilted the scale towards Arab Supremacy and Militancy against Christians there.

Reality says

There are around 8000 Jews living in Iran now, and they are not facing Jizya.

Go see how many were living in Iraq and Algeria. WERE.
256   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 10:53pm  

Rebuilding the temple is not promoting a global government. The globalists hate fundamentalist believers such as those that want to rebuild the temple. But the satanists will take the opportunity to embarrass the Jewish people and destroy the temple after it is rebuilt. Then Jesus will return and save the survivors who repent and turn to Him as their Savior. The rebuilding of the the temple is not Satanic. But Satan will take advantage of the opportunity to declare himself god. It’s going to be the most ugly time to be alive. But you don’t have to be here to witness it. All believers will be rescued before that time arrives. You can be a part of the rescue. https://patrick.net/post/1378973/2023-04-02-the-rapture-thread?start=54
257   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 10:55pm  

Reality says

So you are saying you support the building of this world government (and the temple in Jerusalem) because you think it is a trap for ensnaring all the satanists?

What city is the Antichrist's headquarters? It's not Jerusalem.
258   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 11:02pm  

Reality says

As for Balfour Declaration,


Great Britain moved its occupation out and left control of the land of Israel/Palestine to a new government. The new government took control in 1947-48. That government exists today, it is the Israeli government, the only legitimate government in Palestine/Israel. Palestine is not a government it is a territory. The government is Israel. But don’t take my word for it, take the UN’s word and the many many nations who recognized it in 1948. And now even Saudi Arabia and the other Arab nations are making nice with Israel. It’s the Gaza terrorists who want to stop the peace negotiations, because they won’t stop fighting until Israel is no more. But they will fail because Israel will not be defeated, God will rescue them in miraculous fashion.
259   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 11:03pm  

What part of Iranian-Syrian-Russian propaganda don't you believe?

For example, I notice alot of MintPress or MintPress-by-Proxy (Dawson) readers whinging about Houthis, who raided into Saudi Arabia and are Iranian backed. That's what started the current fight down there.

Alot of people repeat bullshit about the Shah, who was America's best friend in the Middle East and a modernizer and Iran was never richer or more powerful than under his rule. The Ayatollahs murdered thousands of kids in the late 80s that were children of opposition groups - by killed I mean not by bombing, but by taking them out of their houses and killing them, killed almost 200k teenagers sending them unarmed but for sticks into iraqi minefields, etc.

Hezbollah was formed to crush Christian power in Lebanon, Israel focus came after. Hezbollah's creation was inspired by the Iranian Revolution and the power to toss out "Westernization" which in Lebanon were the Christians.

All the MintPress readers can tell you (correctly) that Hamas was formed (in an attempt to weaken Fatah/PLO) by Israel. Most of them aren't told by their Irano-Syriac-Russian propaganda machines why Hezbollah was formed.

There are so many Tudeh/Shi'a Radicals/CAIR types being allowed into this country and operate unmolested. It's no coincidence that the Two Lovebirds, Strzok and Page, either were raised in Teheran (Strzok) or are children of Iranians (Page) and both speak Fluent Farsi.

Once you see the Iranian-CAIR influence, you can't unsee it. Esp. in the Obama's 3rd term.
260   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 6, 11:11pm  

Reality says

Natenyahu. He is very much a core part of the Deep State,

On this we agree. But the “religion of peace” is the reason there will never be peace in the Middle East until Christ returns. If Gaza wanted peace they would not be firing rockets or attacking Israel.
261   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 11:25pm  

PeopleUnited says

Great Britain moved its occupation out and left control of the land of Israel/Palestine to a new government. The new government took control in 1947-48. That government exists today, it is the Israeli government, the only legitimate government in Palestine/Israel.

Sorry @PeopleUnited.

The British left all their heavy weapons with the Kingdom of Jordan and left the country without settling anything, figuring the Arabs would drive the Jews to the sea (the "River to Sea" genocide phrase comes from that era).

The UN recognized Israel, then multiple Arab armies attacked, each seeking to add Fakestine to their territory. The Israelis pulled off a miracle and fought off 5 Arab Armies that outnumbered them in planes, tanks, etc. in both quantity and quality (a dozen old BF-109s against dozens of new Spitfires; no tanks at all against Cromwells and upgunned Shermans; a few stolen Enfields against hundreds of Sterling SMGs and Bren Guns).

East Palestine, aka Jordan, WAS created by the British from 2/3rd of the Mandate, for Arabs only - Jews were explicitly banned from living there, in 1922. The Jordanians seized Judea and Samaria ("West Bank" if you're King Hussein sitting in Amman) with their Arab Legion led by British volunteers kinda-sorta-not-but really working for the British Government that didn't want an Israel. Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia all tried to take a piece.

So before 1947, the Arab Muslims already got exclusive ~77% of Palestine just for Arab Muslims, no Jews allowed east of the Dan River.

At war end Gaza was controlled by the Egyptians and flew the Egyptian flag and never revolted against Egypt, since it's not about Arab Palestinians, but Arab Supremacy not allowing non-Muslim Arabs to rule anywhere in the Middle East(like in Lebanon), and Jordan controlled Judea-Samaria.

Israel TRIED to give Gaza back to Egypt but the Egyptians don't want it as the Gazans help ISIS in the Sinai and terror attacks in Egypt, so it gives them an excuse to have a 3-layer wall with Gaza.

Propaganda Repeaters aren't told that Gaza shares a non-Israeli border with Egypt, so why is it never open but locked shut? Because the Egyptians don't want Palestinians entering Egypt and attacking tourists at the Pyramids or Red Sea Resorts with their Hamas Islamicist Terror.

When Arabs say Israel "occupies" Gaza and West Bank, they lie. Gaza and West Bank were taken from Egypt and Jordan, not from a "Palestinian State".

And in fact, the 1964 KGB-sponsored PLO constitution says that Gaza and West Bank BELONG to Egypt and Jordan. So when Palestinians say just those, they are lying. They want the whole thing.

Israel offered to only keep Tel Aviv and a few miles around, not even Jerusalem, and that was refused by Arabs, too back in the 1940s.
262   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 6, 11:28pm  

Kidnaped kid for convicted terrorist. Aka "Prisoner Exchange"

And of course since the adult on the right was "18", she'll be referred to in Leftist and Irano-Syrian Propaganda Mouthpiece as "Israel imprisons teenagers"
263   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 7, 9:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

The British left all their heavy weapons with the Kingdom of Jordan and left the country without settling anything, figuring the Arabs would drive the Jews to the sea (the "River to Sea" genocide phrase comes from that era).

The UN recognized Israel, then multiple Arab armies attacked, each seeking to add Fakestine to their territory. The Israelis pulled off a miracle and fought off 5 Arab Armies that outnumbered them in planes, tanks, etc. in both quantity and quality (a dozen old BF-109s against dozens of new Spitfires;

During the First World War, long before 1947, Britain signaled that they were going to leave the land known as Palestine (which is part of Israel that God told the children of Israel was theirs to occupy indefinitely). So when they left off occupation of Palestine it left a void in government/control of the region. The government that stepped in to that void exists today. It is called Israel. Yes the size/ borders of Israel have changed just like the borders of the United States and other nations have changed over time, the result of wars (started by Arabs primarily) new settlements just like manifest destiny in the USA, and treaties/unwritten agreements between nations and other powers that be. It is miraculous that a nation so hated by its neighbors and so outmatched in numbers, and armaments could fight off multiple enemies. Only by divine intervention could they achieve statehood and defend their state from such vicious attacks. But they did and will continue to do so until Christ returns.

Chances are decent that people alive today will someday miraculously see Israel expand its current footprint to occupy the full extent of the land known as “the promised land”. God specifically promised this land to Abraham’s descendants, and this promise was passed on through Jacob (aka Israel) and the children of Israel. Genesis 15:18 (From the Nile to the Euphrates. Probably includes all of Jordan and part of Syria all the way up to Turkey with parts of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and of course Egypt. But this might not happen until Jesus returns.
264   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 7, 9:35pm  

PeopleUnited says

During the First World War, long before 1947, Britain signaled that they were going to leave the land known as Palestine (which is part of Israel that God told the children of Israel was theirs to occupy indefinitely)

Yep, but the Mandate was a custodial responsibility: The British already took it upon themselves to give 3/4 of it to the Arabs as Jordan. They refused to divide the remaining quarter and just quit - leaving their heavy equipment deliberately in the hands of Jordan, who owed them for their creation.

And I'm an Anglophile.

Compare this with Malaya(sia), where the British refused to quit the country until the Communist Insurgency had been eliminated in the 1950s.
265   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 7, 9:54pm  

AmericanKulak says

The British already took it upon themselves to give 3/4 of it to the Arabs as Jordan.

Well the British didn’t see the value in keeping their occupation going and they wisely extricated themselves from the region. But, as we know the only recognized and defensible right any government has to claim control of a territory is political/military might.

Israel exists today as a testament to the political/military might of its people, and their God. Stay tuned because the final act in the story that began in Genesis and ends in Revelation is about to happen!

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