
My Stance

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2023 Oct 10, 3:52pm   10,031 views  108 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

So I don't have to include it or retort if I'm accused.

- Let Israel do what it needs to do

- The US stays out of it

- Control the US border

- Fuck the UN

- Expel foreign students and H1B visa holders that gloat over terrorist atrocities with A/V proof or have posted them gloating on social media.

- Expel the Squad from Congress for Terror Enabling.

- Declare a Federal Emergency removing Mobile Home/RV/Manufactured restrictions from 1/4 acre or larger residential or general zoning plots until 2030 and require $100M/year fines for Counties/Cities refusing to implement. This will create US Jobs.

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42   Ceffer   2023 Oct 12, 1:53pm  

No point in talking with somebody suffering from sports team affiliation disorder.
43   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 1:57pm  

No decapitations, here's a burned one.

Can't tell if decapitated but definitely murdered.

47   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 5:46pm  

Booger says

South Korea was right to commit troops to the Korean War, but wrong to commit troops to Vietnam, wrong to commit troops to the first gulf war, wrong to commit troops to Afghanistan, wrong to commit troops to any efforts in Iraq, right to counter piracy in Somalia.
48   AD   2023 Oct 12, 5:50pm  

richwicks says

South Korea was right to commit troops to the Korean War,

South Korea is deployed as UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon.

49   mell   2023 Oct 12, 6:02pm  

I'm feeling sorry for the innocent in both sides, children growing up in war torn areas have such a hard life. Meanwhile kids here are being brought up like the entitled genderqueer useless privileged asstards they will become. Hearing ads about 'toxic stress'. Wtf?! They don't even have proper homework let alone detention anymore. 2 and 3 year olds throwing tantrums everywhere if not entertained by their monkeys 24/7, and it's being normalized. Same for looting and stealing. But it's hard knox with me, fuckers. lol
50   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 6:41pm  

Patrick says

Just pointing out that Hamas killed everyone they could find, including Muslim paramedics.

They are not easy to call apart and these animals weren't into thorough investigation of their victims identity anyway. The number of foreigners killed along with the Jews speaks volumes.
51   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 6:59pm  

ad says

richwicks says

South Korea was right to commit troops to the Korean War,

South Korea is deployed as UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon.


I don't know enough about the situation to make any judgement on it. I think it's best, generally, is for South Korea to work for the interest of South Korea, and I don't see how being deployed in Lebanon helps South Korea, but they may have economic interests there.

I largely believe that non-intervention is best. There ARE different cultures, let the cultures themselves and people of those nations figure out what they consider best.

I believe the best weapon is actually true information, even if it comes in the form of propaganda, but it has to be correct, and it has to be discoverable to be true. Fine - produce propaganda. True propaganda is just stating a conclusion without entirely explaining the logic outright, the logic can be convoluted and difficult to understand, that has to be produced as well but it doesn't have to be produced upfront. False propaganda is a lie, where there is no logic, and no possibility to explain the logic, because there is none.
52   komputodo   2023 Oct 12, 7:08pm  

someone please reminds us why israel is so important to the average working class american tax slave?
53   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 7:09pm  


Patrick says

Just pointing out that Hamas killed everyone they could find, including Muslim paramedics.

They are not easy to call apart and these animals weren't into thorough investigation of their victims identity anyway. The number of foreigners killed along with the Jews speaks volumes.

Look, the IDF kills Americans all the time. They are all the same. The IDF kills Palestinians and their children, all the time.

Where is the negotiation? Where are the diplomats? Gaza is 141 square miles, and has about 2.37 million people. 2,370,000 / 141 miles = 16,800 people per square mile. Imagine living in that density, and that's AVERAGE density. It really is an open air prison. A mile is just 5,280 feet. A square mile is 2,7878,400 square feet. 27,878,400 / 16,800 = 1,659 square feet per person.

Ever seen the film Dredd? It's as dense as that, and it's AVERAGE.

Maybe my math is wrong. If it is, somebody point it out. If it's not wrong, and I don't think it is, imagine living in that tiny space ALL YOUR LIFE. Many people born in Gaza have never left it, ever.

Imagine going through life, and never seeing a wilderness, never seeing a forest, or even a park. You ever look at Gaza on a satellite map? I don't think I could live in such density, and the density is even worse, you will find farmland in Gaza, but certainly that doesn't support all of Gaza. People condemn Hamas, understandably, but what is creating these conditions? I think the normal human human animal doesn't really have any empathy or compassion. If I was in similar conditions, and I'm certainly not, I'd be as violent, easily.
54   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 7:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

No decapitations, here's a burned one.

Can't tell if decapitated but definitely murdered.

If you like I can show you countless examples of Palestinian babies killed. I don't see why people only present one side. It's psychopathic.
55   AD   2023 Oct 12, 7:32pm  

richwicks says

Imagine going through life, and never seeing a wilderness, never seeing a forest, or even a park. You ever look at Gaza on a satellite map? I don't think I could live in such density, and the density is even worse, you will find farmland in Gaza, but certainly that doesn't support all of Gaza. People condemn Hamas, understandably, but what is creating these conditions? I think the normal human human animal doesn't really have any empathy or compassion. If I was in similar conditions, and I'm certainly not, I'd be as violent, easily.

The Palestinians in Gaza are a prisoner also of the past. Because of the past (and very recent as in the last 5 days), no other country wants to take them in. Its a risk and its not all economic risk as well.

So they are stuck there in their prison like the inhabits of Manhattan Island in the movie Escape from New York, or the penal colony on Australia about 220 years ago.

Richie, if Mohammed never existed and Islam never became a religion, would there be much difference between the Palestinians and the Sephardi Jews of today ? A lot of those Sephardi Jew could pass as offspring of Yasser Arafat.

56   AD   2023 Oct 12, 7:41pm  

my guess is that once the Palestinians control Israel if it becomes a one-state solution then they would put gradual pressure on those non-white looking Jews to convert to Islam ... the same pressure over the last 1300 years with "converting" the population to Islam (i.e., "submit" under jihad)

that is why Israeli Jews are worried about demographics war and tries its best to support a two state solution, at least superficially
57   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 7:42pm  

ad says


Grow up. Show me some amount of respect, even if you don't respect me.

ad says

if Mohammed never existed and Islam never became a religion, would there be much difference between the Palestinians and the Sephardi Jews of today ? A lot of those Sephardi Jew could pass as offspring of Yasser Arafat.

Who knows? Who cares?

They have similar skin color, that's not the problem. It's cultural differences, and there's no attempt to bridge the gap. Fuck them both at this point. Neither side will do honest negotiation.

I hope the Samson Option is done. Fuck them all. I'm tired of this bullshit. Both cultures are a drag on the world. Make all of Israel a prison. Bomb their airports, put up a wall around all of it, kill anybody that tries to get out, and just completely isolate them. All that has to be done is Egypt, Jordan (the largest) Syria, and Lebanon needs to build a wall. Blow up all the fucking airports, put an embargo on the Mediterranean Sea and forget about them.

There - problem solved. This stupid shithole nation shouldn't be a world concern.

I'm tired of their fucking whining, their kvetching, all their bullshit. It's nothing but endless bullshit. It's 10 million people, and I'm supposed to care? It's a population smaller than NYC. I'd rather worry about NYC. I'm tired of this squeaky wheel.

My nation is obsessed with this shithole country. Fuck 'em. It's not our problem.
59   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 8:25pm  

AmericanKulak says

No US Flag at Trashida Taliban's office.

Thanks, this makes a good meme:

60   AD   2023 Oct 12, 9:03pm  

Patrick says

Thanks, this makes a good meme:

someone should wrap the gay pride flag around the Palestinian flag

61   komputodo   2023 Oct 12, 9:04pm  

AmericanKulak says

Leila Khalid, First Female Hijacker. Soviet-backed militant socialist 'liberation' group: Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine. She also hijacked planes for the attempted PLO coup against Jordan's King Hussein.

that was before they prevented all that by searching your shoes
62   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 3:11am  

komputodo says

that was before they prevented all that by searching your shoes

For decades after those hijacking there was none of that shit.

The shoe searching and the liquid checking is all security theater.
63   Misc   2023 Oct 13, 7:10am  

Israel has the right to defend itself.

After the 10/7/23 terrorist attacks, it certainly will. I think they will track down and kill every member of Hamas. Deservedly so.
64   komputodo   2023 Oct 13, 8:14am  

AmericanKulak says

The shoe searching and the liquid checking is all security theater.

no shit? thanks for clearing that up...you put my mind at ease
65   komputodo   2023 Oct 13, 8:15am  

komputodo says

someone please reminds us why israel is so important to the average working class american tax slave?

I guess nobody wants to chime in
66   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 8:19am  

komputodo says

I guess nobody wants to chime in

It's marginal. It drives the Jihadis to focus on Israel and less in the West. Dumping Israel entirely will be taken as a sign of weakness and encouragement for more Jihad. In that region of the world, only strength is respected. Ask any Hindu Indian or Kurd or exile Lebanese Christian.

HOWEVER, that's less important if we're letting them immigrate in droves.

MUSLIMS will tell you we're taking in their worst trash - the Imam of Peace and "Aurelius" on Twitter keep banging away at that.
67   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 8:22am  

Booger says

Good thing South Korea doesn't keep tabs and a sour heart for over half a century on all the times we accidentially strafed them in the 1950s.
68   Misc   2023 Oct 13, 8:23am  

komputodo says

komputodo says

someone please reminds us why israel is so important to the average working class american tax slave?

I guess nobody wants to chime in

American exports to Israel are about $12.8 billion. Our imports from Israel are about $18.7 billion. They have lots of neat high tech stuff that we like, and they like American made stuff.
69   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 8:29am  

Smart Palestinians - with all their Cars because it's not an open air prison - ignoring Hamas calls to stay put and driving to the more open Southern Parts of the Strip per IDF Request.

70   WookieMan   2023 Oct 13, 8:38am  

richwicks says

I'm tired of their fucking whining, their kvetching, all their bullshit. It's nothing but endless bullshit. It's 10 million people, and I'm supposed to care? It's a population smaller than NYC. I'd rather worry about NYC. I'm tired of this squeaky wheel.

Same boat. The whole conflict has been so unimportant to me that I've never really researched it. It's on the other side of a god damn planet that has nothing to do with me. Palestine is not a world power. Neither is Isreal without US money and weapons. They would be a Middle Eastern shit hole with "religious" value to those that are brain washed. The Crusades are done and over with. It's war over fictional characters on both sides. We should just nuke it all at this point.
71   komputodo   2023 Oct 13, 12:31pm  

Misc says

komputodo says

komputodo says

someone please reminds us why israel is so important to the average working class american tax slave?

I guess nobody wants to chime in

American exports to Israel are about $12.8 billion. Our imports from Israel are about $18.7 billion. They have lots of neat high tech stuff that we like, and they like American made stuff.

So you are saying that the number 1 reason that the average american tax slave supposedly is worried about israel is because
he/she wants more high tech stuff from israel ? to me that sounds a bit ridiculous
73   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 1:33pm  

Misc says

American exports to Israel are about $12.8 billion. Our imports from Israel are about $18.7 billion. They have lots of neat high tech stuff that we like, and they like American made stuff.

This is military bullshit that being's traded.

The population of Israel is only 10 MILLION people. Do some math.

12.8 billion is 12,800 million. 12,800 million / 10 million = $1,280. Do you think, ON AVERAGE an Israeli is buying $1,2800 worth of shit from the United States, or selling $1,870 worth of crap to the US?

Israel is a money laundering HAVEN just like Ukraine.
74   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 1:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

Smart Palestinians - with all their Cars because it's not an open air prison - ignoring Hamas calls to stay put and driving to the more open Southern Parts of the Strip per IDF Request.

You have no idea where this was filmed.
78   🎂 AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 2:57pm  

Patrick says

Because it has "Deir Yassin Remembered" so it's Pro-Palestine, not just "America First"

What it means is "Forget Israeli Aid so we have a better chance of attacking it, but you better stil pay UN Dues, of which the US pays a huge chunk of, so we can get our $5-6B of Annual UNRWA Aid + billions more from Arabs, US Gov via NGOs, and hopefully more money like the $75M Biden sent last month."
79   Onvacation   2023 Oct 13, 3:33pm  

AmericanKulak says

The shoe searching and the liquid checking is all security theater.

Do you think I could have hijacked a plane with my Swiss army fingernail knife the TSA confiscated off my keychain?

80   Misc   2023 Oct 13, 4:59pm  

richwicks says

Misc says

American exports to Israel are about $12.8 billion. Our imports from Israel are about $18.7 billion. They have lots of neat high tech stuff that we like, and they like American made stuff.

This is military bullshit that being's traded.

The population of Israel is only 10 MILLION people. Do some math.

12.8 billion is 12,800 million. 12,800 million / 10 million = $1,280. Do you think, ON AVERAGE an Israeli is buying $1,2800 worth of shit from the United States, or selling $1,870 worth of crap to the US?

Israel is a money laundering HAVEN just like Ukraine.

You could try doing a search that takes 10 seconds

81   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 5:07pm  

Misc says

You could try doing a search that takes 10 seconds

No, it's bullshit.

I'm the guy that's been telling this board for YEARS that Google is entirely infiltrated by the intelligence agencies, and you cannot get accurate information from the search engine anymore. For example:


I make no effort with Google at all. It's a total waste of time. I got sick and tired of their bullshit about 8 years ago. Telling to do a Google search is the equivalent of telling me to ask the CIA. They lie. They lie all the fucking time.

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