Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   68,714 views  1,043 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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74   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:17pm  

"So, how should we determine the course of American foreign policy today? I think a nuclear false flag is in order, but where? When one false flag doesn't work, then stacking is in order while the fog of war favors us."

75   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:18pm  

Silly, weren't wearing your Satanic Inversion Decoder ring, were you?

76   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:28pm  

What is it that the Israelis don't understand about stealing the oil wealth of the Middle East through conquest? Did they really think that the Pharaonic Royals of Britain, the Rothschild Messiahs, and the Kmaf Nazis had purely religious and humanitarian motives?

77   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:30pm  

How you gonna keep them down on the farm when they realize they are destined as sacrifices to Moloch? Maybe shouldn't have tipped them off with those vaccine mandates?

78   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:33pm  

They should have told Shrubbie to STFU. New World Order Nazi endorsements don't exactly help the situation.

80   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 3:53pm  

Ceffer says

They should have told Shrubbie to STFU. New World Order Nazi endorsements don't exactly help the situation.

What I find shocking is this kindergarten propaganda worked on most people.
81   HeadSet   2023 Oct 16, 4:47pm  

richwicks says

What I find shocking is this kindergarten propaganda worked on most people.

"Support BLM or you are racist."
"Support open borders or you are racist."
"Support gender reassignment or you are a transphobe."
"Support males in women's sports or you are a transphobe."
82   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 4:53pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

What I find shocking is this kindergarten propaganda worked on most people.

"Support BLM or you are racist."
"Support open borders or you are racist."
"Support gender reassignment or you are a transphobe."
"Support males in women's sports or you are a transphobe."

I know - isn't it amazing it works?

I really, honestly, am seeing a division of humanity. A lot of people, aren't really people. They are complex animals, but animals.

When I first saw the NPC meme, I literally laughed for like 1/2 hour on and off. It explained it all, and I never noticed it. People who take all their cues from television and other propaganda outlets. Remember when "covid" was the big thing 24 hours a day 7 days a week on television, then Russia invaded Ukraine and within a WEEK, covid was a background story - hardly ever mentioned?

These were people who denied me entrance into their home, demanded I wear a mask when around them, etc - only took 7 days for them to forget all of that. It was astonishing.

They aren't human. I never realized it. I'm some sort of aberration. Too stupid to recognize what is around me, too timid to take advantage of the situation - maybe too moral. Who knows?
83   HeadSet   2023 Oct 16, 5:32pm  

richwicks says

They aren't human.

Oh, they are very human. Humans are pack animals, and as such the majority of people are beta sheep following an alpha leader. One of the manifestations of that herd instinct is religion and related mass following of norms. For example, the sheep subconsciously think they must wear a mask or get excluded from the group. As for a leader, that is just an alpha who can convince the herd members to suborn each individual's personal best interests to instead serve the best interests of the leader.
84   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 5:48pm  

HeadSet says

Oh, they are very human. Humans are pack animals, and as such the majority of people are beta sheep following an alpha leader.

Then, I'm not human. I can accept that.

HeadSet says

As for a leader, that is just an alpha who can convince the herd members to suborn each individual's personal best interests to instead serve the best interests of the leader.

I don't recognize any leaders. I recognize criminals.

Like I said, I may be an aberration. These things around me, I have tried to model them from my perspective, but they aren't like me. They don't fit into logic or thinking. They are animals. They don't think, but I do.

I know for a fact that there was 30 years of work for DNA and mRNA vaccines, that failed, and FOUR companies "found the solution at the same time". They didn't find a solution. I know how difficult technology is, and so do all my colleagues - they are engineers just like me, they accepted it.

What The Fuck?

We go through incredible effort to detect defects in early products, and we always fuck up, but we remove the worst of them, but the early adopters are beta testers. We really try, but we can't imagine every possible error and there is always an error. I know why the original XBox had the ring of death, but I'll never tell you despite the fact I'm no longer under NDA.

How likely was it that the vaccine manufacturers didn't make an error? I'll tell you, zero.

This is a new, untested technology in BIOLOGY, infinitely more complex than engineering. WE can't avoid errors, certainly they cannot.

Every engineer knows this but I'm a midwit among others, they cannot see it. They cannot apply their experience to something outside of their field. It's bizarre.
85   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 7:51am  

Propaganda targets specific groups of people. A lot of us didn't fall for the Scamdemic. Many of us didn't fall for war in Ukraine. We pretty much all recognize the overt racism being pushed around blacks in this country. But Jews... a lot of people have giant blinders when it comes to Jews..
86   Shaman   2023 Oct 17, 8:16am  

Read Ezekiel 37.
All this has been planned for over 2600 years.
They are currently dry bones, but God promised to raise them to life.
The Arab world doesn’t have a chance with their false moon god Allah.

Jesus warned his followers that after him would come false prophets, and his followers would “know them by their works.”

I think it’s pretty crystal clear that the works of Mohammed and his moon god Allah are evil.
87   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 12:52pm  

Mohammed is a false prophet, but no more than Budda, or leaders in Hinduism or Judaism(the ones who deny Christ). And I can tell you from a lot of years growing up in mostly Baptist church's, protestants have plenty of their own as well. Good thing God doesn't change just because someone believes they've had a revelation.
88   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 17, 1:21pm  

NuttBoxer says

Good thing God doesn't change just because someone believes they've had a revelation.

It's very important to use the Puritan metric (maybe others have a rubric but I know this one): If any revelation or prophecy counters the Word, it's immediately false.

That's how we know Beth Moore is a false prophetess, as was Anne Hutchinson.
89   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 18, 7:46am  

Bombing a hospital is terrorism.
90   socal2   2023 Oct 18, 8:37am  

NuttBoxer says

Bombing a hospital is terrorism.

Wait - it is 10/18 and you STILL believe Israel bombed the Gaza hospital?
92   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 18, 9:02am  

NuttBoxer says

Bombing a hospital is terrorism.

Yep. Hamas is a terrorist organization.
93   socal2   2023 Oct 18, 9:07am  

Patrick says


The entire Israeli/Arab conflict going back decades has suffered from anti-Israeli garbage reporting like this.

It is called "Pallywood".

I am sure Patnet's 9/11 Troofer brigade, Russian boosters, old school Anti-Semites along with nutter Islamic world will believe Israel bombed this Gaza hospital to their dying days.

Hamas and Iran got what they wanted in cancelling the summit meetings between Biden and the local Sunni/Arab states and got all the Muslim fanatics all worked up and out in the streets protesting.
94   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 18, 9:10am  

Michael Moore sets priorities straight:

No one ever wants to wake up on a Saturday morning to a thousand dead Jews in the street. Anywhere.


I still have not been able to process this and I still can?t believe this is the world I live in. I was born 8+ years after the Holocaust. And now I sit and wait for the mass slaughter of Palestinians, a Semitic tribe, cousins to Jews.

Not one Palestinian helped build Auschwitz.

Not one Palestinian led a Spanish Inquisition.

Not one Palestinian in New York City turned away a boatload of Jewish refugees trying to dock here to escape the Nazis and not one Palestinian escorted those Jews back to their death in Germany.

And yet they, the Palestinians, will now be exterminated like something less than insects by the descendants of the very people who have suffered one extermination attempt after another for 5,784 years! Cousins! Cease! The Madness! Your only true enemy for the past 2,000 years has been and still is the White Christians! Ask the Native Americans. Ask any Black American. Ask the Mexicans. Ask the Indigenous Peoples of the British Empire, the Vietnamese under the boot of the French, and on and on.
95   Blue   2023 Oct 18, 9:13am  


NuttBoxer says

Bombing a hospital is terrorism.

Yep. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Its well know in Islamic world, men must keep women and children as a shield whenever they need it as their value is zero and get more women, children and wealth by killing non Muslim men in Jihad.
96   stereotomy   2023 Oct 18, 9:22am  

Blue says


NuttBoxer says

Bombing a hospital is terrorism.

Yep. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Its well know in Islamic world, men must keep women and children as a shield whenever they need it as their value is zero and get more women, children and wealth by killing non Muslim men in Jihad.

Hmm . . . maybe that's why the early Crusaders were so successful in their initial conquests - just kill all women and children, so that the musselmen have no human shields, and then you can slaughter the remaining male cowards.


NOTE: I'm not mocking, just wondering if this, if true, was the motivation.
97   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 9:51am  

Blue says

Its well know in Islamic world, men must keep women and children as a shield whenever they need it as their value is zero and get more women, children and wealth by killing non Muslim men in Jihad.

One reason Islam became expansionist is that allowing 4 wives each meant that young men had no option but to raid surrounding areas for women. So the older guys who already had 4 wives decided that Islam says it's perfectly OK to steal women from non-Muslims. That gets the young guys to leave the area and not bother the older guys.

The Mormons actually had a similar problem, and still do among the pockets of Mormon fundamentalists. Older guys with lots of wives meant that young guys had to be sent away.


"Lost boys" is a term used for young men who have been excommunicated or pressured to leave polygamous Mormon fundamentalist groups, such as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS).[1] Although sometimes officially accused of apostasy or disobedience,[2][3] it is thought that they are mainly pressured to leave by older adult men to reduce competition for wives within such sects,[2][3][4] usually when they are between the ages of 13 and 21.[5]
99   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 18, 9:55am  


Michael Moore sets priorities straight:

Wow, severe obesity didn't shorten his life yet? What an assho
100   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 18, 9:58am  

socal2 says

I am sure Patnet's 9/11 Troofer brigade, Russian boosters, old school Anti-Semites along with nutter Islamic world will believe Israel bombed this Gaza hospital to their dying days.

They'll believe it if multiple digital cams caught the rocket launch to the slam in the hospital from Gazans themselves. "It's just Hasbara!"

Patrick says


Well how about that. It either blew up on the nearby launchpad or blew up shortly after launch.

I won't hold my breath from a retraction from Woods, Torba, MintPress News, etc. If it's mentioned, it'll be "That's of a different place. Hasbara!"
101   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:09am  


The developing story and Israel’s persuasive videos, argument, and audio caused newspaper editors’ heads to spin faster than John Fetterman hanging for dear life onto a whirling childrens’ merry-go-round. Here’s one great example: What would we do without the New York Times and its stealth editors? Behold, three papers in one day!

For what it’s worth, during his short visit yesterday, Joe Biden carefully* reviewed the evidence about the explosion and is siding with Israel. But of course, Biden mangled it, unaccountably referring to Hamas as “the other team,” as though the deadly conflict is some kind of sporting event:
(* results may vary)

Probably Biden just forgot Hamas’ name, and “the other team” remark was a sundowner technique to cover for the embarrassing gaffe.

Can you imagine poor Netanyahu having to smile through an entire meeting with Biden talking that slow? According to reports, the men met for “longer than expected,” which was just over an hour. I think we can agree the meeting was extended because Biden talked so slow and Bibi had to keep asking Joe’s handlers to explain what he just said.

To be clear: I take no position on who’s to blame for the hospital, because how could I? I don’t have access to the evidence. Neither does anybody else, and so nobody should be reacting emotionally (except perhaps over for the general tragedy of war). But at this point, Israel has presented a credible defense, and the burden of proof has shifted back to the Palestinians to prove that the explosion was not caused by one of their own rockets. They also need to explain why the hospital wasn’t reduced to a skeleton staff after the original Israeli evacuation warnings.
102   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 7:36am  

Patrick says


Hey Patrick,

So if you dive into the source for that video a bit you come to an account for OSINTtechnical on Twitter(the account that posted the video originally). When you go to their homepage on twitter they link to cna.org. If you go to that link you see what looks like a DOD think tank in the DC area.

Be sure to always vet your sources...
103   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 7:39am  


Yep. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Based on the that DOD tweet? I'm guessing this is the same level of scrutiny you've applied to all your Ukraine rhetoric...
104   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 7:43am  

The thing with JDAMs - they don't carry any fuel becase these are just dumb bombs converted with a wing kit. So if you see massive fire after explosion in the middle of parking lot it must be a missile, not bomb, and one at the early part of its trajectory, because this is when it has all the fuel still unburned. Simple logic, no "sources" needed.
105   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 7:44am  

Patrick says

To be clear: I take no position on who’s to blame for the hospital, because how could I? I don’t have access to the evidence. Neither does anybody else

But he did, in the post you linked in the other thread. Not sure anything changed on his end as he linked no sources. But he still claims to know people in Gaza have no evidence of what happened? Seems the whole world gets sucked into his oblivious outlook...
106   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 7:52am  

Eric Holder says

The thing with JDAMs - they don't carry any fuel becase these are just dumb bombs converted with a wing kit. So if you see massive fire after explosion in the middle of parking lot it must be a missile, not bomb, and one at the early part of its trajectory, because this is when it has all the fuel still unburned. Simple logic, no "sources" needed.

Well, you had a source for the fire, you didn't see that with your own eyes. Let me try my source:

Now according to this, a JDAM carries a warhead, and warhead's explode. Hmm, seems your logic overlooked the use of some source, and the fundamental function of a bomb, to blow up.
107   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 7:55am  

Patrick says

For what it’s worth, during his short visit yesterday, Joe Biden carefully* reviewed the evidence about the explosion and is siding with Israel.

Could you IMAGINE if a US president EVER sided against Israel? I have never seen that in my lifetime.
108   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 7:55am  

NuttBoxer says

JDAM carries a warhead, and warhead's explode. Hmm, seems your logic overlooked the use of some source, and the fundamental function of a bomb, to blow up.

Right. Blows up, but does not cause massive fires, unless the accelerant is present at the target location. Like at gas station, refinery, oil storage and such. But not in the middle of the city.
109   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 19, 9:11am  

A 2,000-lb bomb typically contains 945 pounds of tritonal, a TNT derivative that is about 20 percent more powerful than TNT. By comparison, the bomb that destroyed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on 19 April 1995, comprised approximately 5,000 pounds of ammonia nitrate mixed with fuel oil — the equivalent of nearly 4,000 pounds of TNT. The portable devices used by suicide bombers typically weigh between 10 and 35 pounds; these can carry a punch equivalent to 40 pounds of TNT if a plastic explosive (C-4) is used.


Averaged across different types of surfaces, a 2000-lb bomb will carve a crater 50 feet across and 16 feet deep; a 500-lb bomb will carve one 25 feet across and 8.5 feet deep.
[For sources and more information on blast effects see the note at bottom.]

110   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 1:13pm  

OK, where's the crater?

111   socal2   2023 Oct 19, 1:37pm  

Eric Holder says

OK, where's the crater?

No point in arguing with Gaza Hospital truthers......

Like arguing with Lefties on the definition of a woman. They are totally impervious to facts, data, logic, science and reason.
112   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 5:20pm  

More details wrt cui bono and whose fingerprints are all over this: https://youtu.be/tRymPk0bwFM
113   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 5:34pm  

richwicks says

Could you IMAGINE if a US president EVER sided against Israel? I have never seen that in my lifetime.

This is because of the enormous fund-raising abilities of US Jews.

The US electoral system represents donors far more than it represents citizens without money.

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