What's different about South African Apartheid and the Israel/Palestinian issue?

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2023 Oct 13, 5:49am   1,058 views  20 comments

by GNL   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Religion vs. Race?

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1   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 13, 6:12am  

Apartheid was a European White Jewish construct to steal the riches from non Jewish White South Afrikaners.
They agitated and instigated the situation until we have what we have today .Notice they don't give a fuck about the White Farmer genocide in South Africa going on today. Which the Whites in SA weren't killing blacks systemically like the blacks are killing white farmers as an official policy..

Two different things altogether, and the fact that the usual suspect Ass Fuckery Cabal is trying to conflate the two, is all there is to say about the two.
2   GNL   2023 Oct 13, 7:10am  

But there similarities, no? Dividing the population based on 1s and 0s.
3   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:32am  

GNL says

Religion vs. Race?

Arab Israelis are 100% citizens with the right to vote, buy land, travel anywhere, etc. plus exemption from the Draft but they can join the IDF if the want.

Jewish Israelis are barred entirely from entering parts of Palestinian Authority areas or buying land from Palestinians. Selling land to Jews carries the death penalty in the Palestinian Authority.

So the Palestinians have apartheid on the Jews, which is why one-state solution is impossible.
4   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:35am  

Israelis have to be sure not to fuck up like South Africa and never allow a unitary one state solution. Ever.

The Pali Bantustans can get more land and be independent, but never, ever one state.

It starts with Kumbayah and ends with Shoot to Kill The Boer being allowed as "mere rhetoric"
5   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 13, 7:39am  

GNL says

But there similarities, no? Dividing the population based on 1s and 0s.

If the Apartheid ever existed, they wouldn't be slaughtering the White Farmers today. If the Apartheid ever existed, the White Boer would still be in power today. SA was a classic story of White population being rolled by the NWO, to create social unrest to benefit their shareholders.

The Palestinians, chose to live in a divided State. That situation is two cultures, wanting two different outcomes, name and culture for the same State.
Has the Palestinians ever stepped up and demanded a one state solution to Israel? All they do is bitch about Jews building on the west bank. Why are they so bigoted against the Jews. Bigotry is a two way street, as we see with the Race canard here in America. They put that shit on the White guys for years, but when the rubber hits the road. They gladly flip the script with entitlement to do so.

Go bleed your heart out somewhere else. Israel is two stubborn cultures, that exclude everyone but themselves, coming to ahead.

Had Hamas attacked official government offices and targets, I could do a better job at backing them. But they targeted soft defenseless targets like cowards. I hate Cowards.
6   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:45am  

The answer to the world's problems is strong borders and a lot less immigration.

All the problems really stem from hypermigration and excessive international trade.
7   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 13, 7:46am  

AmericanKulak says

The Pali Bantustans can get more land and be independent, but never, ever one state.

It starts with Kumbayah and ends with Shoot to Kill The Boer being allowed as "mere rhetoric"

That's why you can't have Ivy League Europeans dictate the Constitution of those governments. Time and time again, when Westerners do State Building.
They tend to rush in hap hazard and just fulfil the Media's wish list on the creation of the new state and government, and never think about the long-term.
Notice out of all the countries America helped build, we have never installed a "Representative Republic" It's always a Democracy and it fails. Because the Alysky class architects behind it, know exactly how to bring it all down, after the power is taken from the previous structure and stake holders and given to the Citizens of the new country. Since the majority in many of those situations are people totally disconnected from day to day politics, they are easily manipulated to destroy everything and everyone from the previous State. And themselves in doing so.
8   GNL   2023 Oct 13, 8:10am  

Tenpoundbass says

Go bleed your heart out somewhere else.

I'm just trying to understand. It's not easy getting to the truth.
9   GNL   2023 Oct 13, 8:11am  

AmericanKulak says

The answer to the world's problems is strong borders and a lot less immigration.

All the problems really stem from hypermigration and excessive international trade.

And fiat.
10   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 8:17am  

GNL says

AmericanKulak says

The answer to the world's problems is strong borders and a lot less immigration.

All the problems really stem from hypermigration and excessive international trade.

And fiat.

And definitely fiat, which fuels the endless importing and outsourcing and busted budgets.
11   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 13, 8:52am  

GNL says

Religion vs. Race?

There's no religion to blame in SA, just hatred. But in the Middle East you getting a heaping dose of both!
12   stereotomy   2023 Oct 13, 10:14am  

When all is said and done, we'll be cooking by wood fires, hunting game for meat (if you're lucky enough to have firearms and ammo or reload supplies).

In a way, it will be a simpler time - eat or be eaten.

I've got my shotguns - probably need to get a 30-06 for long range - and reloading. We'll wait and see. . .
13   GNL   2023 Oct 13, 10:35am  

stereotomy says

I've got my shotguns - probably need to get a 30-06 for long range - and reloading. We'll wait and see. . .

300 Win Mag...it's also good for banging on infrastructure.
14   stereotomy   2023 Oct 13, 10:53am  

GNL says

stereotomy says

I've got my shotguns - probably need to get a 30-06 for long range - and reloading. We'll wait and see. . .

300 Win Mag...it's also good for banging on infrastructure.

I'd rather save my shoulder for the next few rounds, but that would be great for fixed emplacement on the front or back lawn.
15   HeadSet   2023 Oct 13, 11:29am  

stereotomy says

When all is said and done, we'll be cooking by wood fires, hunting game for meat (if you're lucky enough to have firearms and ammo or reload supplies).

You actually do not need firearms to hunt. Bow and arrow work just fine, as does snares.
16   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 11:31pm  

GNL says

Religion vs. Race?

Different implementation. I don't know much about South African apartheid now, but I'm pretty certain they were restricted to living in a segregated neighborhoods and were openly discriminated against in jobs, and where they could go.

In Israel, a Muslim (or Christian) and a Jew cannot marry, all settlements are exclusively Jewish, you cannot live in a settlement unless you are Jewish, I believe education is segregated for Jews and everybody else, Muslims and Christians are allowed in the government of Israel, but they are tokens.

It's hard to get answers on this because when you ask about it, you often get "NO! You're lying!!!" - like for example Jewish people aren't allowed to marry Christians / Muslims. This is true, same as Arabs aren't allowed in Jewish only settlements.

They have different license plates I think still for Arabs and Jews, and there's also some roads only Jews are permitted to use, which I think is mostly in the West Bank (if not entirely).
17   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 11:39pm  

Nothing beats a sack of YAMS!
18   GNL   2023 Oct 14, 1:16am  

Sounds like they share(d) similar elements, or did, of apartheid.
19   richwicks   2023 Oct 14, 1:52am  

GNL says

Sounds like they share(d) similar elements, or did, of apartheid.

It's hard to find out because those they know won't talk about it or will.lie about it. Many people say that intermarriage is allowed for example in Israel, even though it isn't.
20   Reality   2023 Oct 14, 7:43pm  

Apartheid in South Africa did happen, and also in Rhodesia (today's Zimbabwe) to the north of it. What most people usually don't realize is that Apartheid in South Africa and Rhodesia was not an existing policy that had been in place for hundreds of years (if not thousands of years) like black slavery in both Africa and the Americas (or white slavery for thousands of years near the Black Sea coast). Apartheid in South Africa and Rhodesia was a set of policies introduced in 1948! 3 years after the end of the supposed Allied victory against racism. Coincidentally, or not coincidentally, South Africa introduced Apartheid in the same year as the founding of Israel.

Apartheid allowed a tiny minority to exploit the overwhelming majority population, accumulating wealth (the favored minority was/is usually a population that has very high savings rate: both the Boers and the Israelis had savings rate above 30%; guess where they parked their money year after year . . . the globalist banks!) So after a few decades, the banks would have huge liabilities owed to the tiny minority population, so it is in the banks' interest to promote anti-Apartheid, encouraging the 95+% majority to rise up and kill the < 5% minority. It's the same as flooding investment money into Russia in the late 1800's and into China in the early 1900's, then hire communist revolutionaries to overthrow their governments and kill anyone and everyone who had significant savings . . . so the banks could keep the money! Likewise for India after Indians accumulated money in banks from export during WWII, had to have the massive communal conflict killing millions, also in 1948.

Similar operations also took place farming Tutsis (10% pop) vs. Hutus (90% pop), and farming British Colonialists in India then deliberately causing the Sepoy Rebellion of 1856 to mass murder thousands of white colonists (including women and children); guess where the British Colonist families parked their money?

We see some of the two-phase operations even in the US: the stand-downs of law-enforcement during the riots of 2020 was the opposite phase of the Giuliani cleaning up of streets in the 1990's. The two phases were designed to make urban real estate price go up and down drastically, sucking in middle class home buyers, taking their money then make the RE worthless and force them out, then rinse and repeat!

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