Israeli "leaders" must have known about the impending attack and let it happen

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2023 Oct 13, 11:34am   24,765 views  229 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The Wall Street Journal ran an intriguing story yesterday headlined, “Hamas Militants Had Detailed Maps of Israeli Towns, Military Bases and Infiltration Routes.” The sub-headline added, “Documents found on Hamas militants show scale of planning behind deadly attack.”

Nothing like this has ever happened before. Michael Milshtein, a former Israeli military intelligence officer and head of Palestinian Studies Forum at Tel Aviv University, confirmed “There is nothing close to this level of planning in any steps Hamas had done in the past.”

The newly-discovered plans suggest more sophisticated actors must have been involved. One 14-page document described in the article was labeled “top secret” in Arabic and dated June 15, 2023. It described a detailed plan for infiltrating Mefalsim, one of the small collective communities near Gaza (called a kibbutz), and taking its residents hostage. The document included maps and aerial pictures of the town, and disclosed intel that the kibbutz held 1,000 “civilians” guarded by a volunteer security force.

I expect it was allowed to happen to distract everyone from other issues (like the death of 8 year old Israeli toxxine poster boy Yonatan Erlichman from a heart attack) and to provide justification for stomping on Gaza.

Not that Hamas isn't guilty. The murder of random civilians for political reasons is the very definition of terrorism. Hamas must be wiped out.

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7   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 1:39pm  


Hamas practiced in plain sight, posting video of mock attack weeks before border breach
By Associated Press
Published Oct. 11, 2023

... “There clearly were warnings and indications that should have been picked up,” said Bradley Bowman, a former US Army officer who is now senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington research institute. “Or maybe they were picked up, but they didn’t spark necessary preparations to prevent these horrific terrorist acts from happening.”
9   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:18pm  


Did I read it correctly that someone seriosly suggested that the attack which left 1000+ civilians dead was "allowed to distract from the death of one vaxxed boy"? This is Looney-fucking- Tunes.

He's not the only boy that died from the injection.

Israel just poisoned their entire population. They don't give a shit about their citizens. Obviously.

What are the chances that the POSTER BOY for the toxxine died? It didn't just happen in Israel, it's happened in Argentina as well. Santino Godoy is dead:



socal2 says

Like taking crazy pills around here.

You two are STUNNINGLY naive.
10   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 3:24pm  


BTW, the idea that Isrealis wanted the excuse to go inside Gaza is also loony, because fighting in urban environment is the worst kind of fighting for the attacker. Nobody wants to engage in that if they have a choice. Actively seeking it out is a special kind of stupid. (Prigozhin did it and lost 40K by his own admission in a much smaller town, but that guy was not exactly an intellectual powerhouse).

Haha, Israel isn't going to go into urban environment and go house to house, they're just going to bomb it from the air. They INTEND to kill Palestinians, not Hamas.
11   Ceffer   2023 Oct 13, 7:03pm  

Something we will never see is a pawn to king flow chart on the 'invaders'. That would probably lead to Globalist Illuminati Inc., with 'Hamas' a consortium of British, City of London, CIA, MI6 and Mossad mercenary assets (maybe multinational) with a handful of eminently bribable Palestinian and Iranian leaders happy to be the sin eaters for the right price and fuck their own people except for show (as usual).

Word put out there was the six billion to Iran, aside from being the customary laundering asset, was an organized crime pre-payment aka. "We are going to fuck the pooch somewhere, and this is your compensation ahead of time for the damages and blame". Obviously, that six billion was not timely enough to train and equip the 'invasion', which was very high state management and logistics stuff with extended planning and implementation (and cooperation from all parties).

The drool bucket dynastic British are always the most likely source and origin of these planetoid mother fuckeries, with others investing in the IPO as they see their interests promoted by the outcomes.
12   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:08pm  

Patrick says

There are ballons and drones regularly patrolling the high regular wire fence - not wall - that surrounds most of Gaza.

I saw a video - didn't save - where an IDF who served on that very wall for most of her draft service said neglected and damaged equipment was not repaired or replaced for months and more were down when she left than when she came on duty.
13   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:12pm  


BTW, the idea that Isrealis wanted the excuse to go inside Gaza is also loony, because fighting in urban environment is the worst kind of fighting for the attacker. Nobody wants to engage in that if they have a choice. Actively seeking it out is a special kind of stupid. (Prigozhin did it and lost 40K by his own admission in a much smaller town, but that guy was not exactly an intellectual powerhouse).

Especially when

* They know the world will be watching and it'll be "Horrible Israel" for each and every civ casualty from every Leftoid from Corbyn to Galloway to AOC to BBC to PMSNBC to RT to Al Jeezera to Stormfags like Latent Gay Nic and Torba the Monarchist
* The low population of Israel means every WIA and KIA is a major problem
* Urban ops are meatgrinders
* Impossible to achieve 0 civilian deaths in urban warfare.
* Civilian Deaths by Gazans will be blamed on Israel
14   mell   2023 Oct 13, 8:31pm  

richwicks says

Israel just poisoned their entire population. They don't give a shit about their citizens. Obviously.

Don't know whether some let it happen on purpose, but this is true. I was surprised by the rigidness of their toxxine mandates, for young and old.
15   Patrick   2023 Oct 14, 11:28am  


Israel Was On The Brink Of a Civil War In Recent Weeks, Netanyahu Was Going To Radically Revise The Constitution, There Were Mass Protests

Americans Had No Idea—We Never Get CONTEXT
16   Ceffer   2023 Oct 14, 12:44pm  

Israel tests the hypothesis that external threats, inflicted as fire breathing dragons perpetually at the gates, guarantee absolute control of the population and its thought processes. Of course, if it doesn't work as intended, they can always be sacrificed to Moloch early.
19   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 16, 2:02pm  

Patrick says


Israel Was On The Brink Of a Civil War In Recent Weeks, Netanyahu Was Going To Radically Revise The Constitution, There Were Mass Protests

Americans Had No Idea—We Never Get CONTEXT

So in order to save his position Bibi decided to recreate the 1973 clusterfuck? Remind me, how did that one ended for the sitting PM at the time?
20   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 2:40pm  

Patrick is full-on posting Communists now who say there is a "genocide" in Gaza.
21   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 2:42pm  


So in order to save his position Bibi decided to recreate the 1973 clusterfuck? Remind me, how did that one ended for the sitting PM at the time?

Their retardation doesn't have to make any sense.

They just need a steady supply of shit to throw against the wall.

Brains have been broken and they have become radicalized playing right into the Leftist, Commie and Islamist playbook to sow confusion and discord on the Right which papers over the massive failures of the Biden regime.
22   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 3:36pm  

socal2 says

Brains have been broken and they have become radicalized playing right into the Leftist, Commie and Islamist playbook to sow confusion and discord on the Right which papers over the massive failures of the Biden regime.

"The right" isn't entirely correct and "the left" isn't entirely wrong.

Remember, it's our "news" media (our propaganda) that determines what is "the left" and "the right", and they fucking lie all the time so we don't have accurate ideas about what the public actually thinks. The left thinks the right is a bunch of idiots, and the right thinks the left is a bunch of idiots.

Take for example the Israeli / Palestine conflict. "The left" is told that that "the right" unconditionally supports Israel, and "the left", we are told, unconditionally supports Hamas. That's not true. They are both shitty sides. Same with Russia and Ukraine, or the US and Russia.

There's a lot of people that just takes ALL their cues from the media as well, and they really are this simplistic. I'd say about 70% of the public are like this. Take the vaccine for example, there ARE people on "the left" that completely do not trust government, and refused the injection, but it's been politicized so only "the right" refused it - or so we are falsely told.
23   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 9:16am  

Patrick says

Hamas must be wiped out.

What you said about civilians, everyone should agree with that, but Hamas is the elected government of these people. You could make the same argument, for the EXACT same reasons for our own government, would you? You'd have my support if you did.
24   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 9:19am  


BTW, the idea that Isrealis wanted the excuse to go inside Gaza is also loony

Loony, fanatical, sociopathic(Bibby isn't going himself). They all fit...
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 9:25am  

Patrick says

Israeli "leaders" must have known about the impending attack and let it happen

Who's saying this? Mostly Jews living in Israel. Who doesn't want to invade Palestine? Mostly Jews living in Israel.

See, you aren't with the Jewish people if you support what's happened in the past weeks, you're with the Jewish government. The same government that force injected their population with a bio-chemical weapon. The same government that has endured protests for most of the past year. But this time it's different! This time they actually care about Jewish people!!

Same way our government cares for people in East Palestine, or Maui, or when they died suddenly. Is it sinking in yet..?
26   Patrick   2023 Oct 17, 11:53am  


Bibi then goes on to theorize about the possibilities of using his own people as lab rats for other clinical trials in the future, because the possibilities of combining a a population’s medical records and DNA database are endless. Think of the money to be made, the biotech companies flocking to the new biotech nirvana: Israel. The Future's So Bright - Bibi Gotta Wear Shades.

All it requires is the arbitrary removal of rights of the Israeli people. Which Benjamin Netanyahu did by selling out the Israeli people to be the lab rats of Pfizer, so that Israeli citizens could be “first” to get the jab…
27   Patrick   2023 Oct 17, 2:56pm  


During his interview, Kirk said he is unconvinced that Hamas militants managed to pull off a sneak attack of such huge proportions, considering that Israel “is a fortress” and suggested that the attack’s success could be the result of a stand down order given to the Israeli Defense Forces.
“I’ve been to Israel many times, the whole country is a fortress,” said Charlie Kirk. “…I still have the same gut instinct that I did initially. I find this very hard to believe,” he went on. “I’ve been to that Gaza border, you cannot go 10 feet without running into a 19-year-old with an AR-15, or an automatic machine gun, that is an IDF soldier. The whole country is surveilled.”

“Let me just kind of go through this,” said Kirk, before giving a run-down on the Israeli political crisis that preceded the attacks.

“The last 9 months, Israel was on the brink of civil war. That’s not an exaggeration,” Kirk said. “This judicial stuff, there were hundreds of thousands of Israelis taking to the streets because Bibi Netanyahu was basically redefining the Israeli constitution.”

“There were protests planned this week against Netanyahu, where they anticipated tens of thousands of people to take to the streets. That’s all gone now. Netanyahu now has an emergency government and a mandate to lead.”

“I’m not willing to say, to go so far as to say, that Netanyahu knew or there was intelligence here, but I think some questions need to be asked. Was there a stand down order? Was there a stand down order?” asked Kirk.

“6 hours? I don’t believe it,” he said.

“Israel is the size of New Jersey. When I took a helicopter ride from Jerusalem to the Gaza border, it was 45 minutes.”

“[It took the IDF] 6 hours! [Hamas was] live streaming the killing of Jews. Did someone in the government say stand down? That is a legitimate non-conspiracy question. The whole country is the IDF, the whole country is! And you’re trying to tell me that they’re going to concerts, and kibbutzes, and schools?”
28   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 17, 3:19pm  

However, this isn't the first time Israeli Intel fucked up on Yom Kippur. Nor is it the first time it fucked up. The Hezbollah Raids of 2006 were a fuck up, as were the 1968 counter-terror raids into Jordan.

There's also been reports for 2 years by reservists and ex-draftees that surveillance equipment was defunct and not repaired/replaced at all at certain locations. Most of the Gaza wall is a simple tall fence with barbed wire. By distracting the concrete gateway outposts, then using paragliders and bulldozers to get through and over the regular fence, and not having a reserve force made available or in numbers to plug in gaps, Israel was caught pants down.

While a lot of bullshit is blamed on incomptence, nobody is 100% efficiency, 100% of the time.
29   komputodo   2023 Oct 17, 3:35pm  

This was probably planned as early as july when zelensky was ignored at the nato summit in Vilnius...they were done with him and it was time to move on.
30   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 17, 3:39pm  

Bibi is pulling in an emergency government not just because of the need, but because he's going to be in big trouble a few months from now when the Knesset holds hearings.
31   Patrick   2023 Oct 17, 3:50pm  

AmericanKulak says

While a lot of bullshit is blamed on incomptence, nobody is 100% efficiency, 100% of the time.

I agree, but this seems well beyond normal fuck-up levels. And I see political motives.

But I admit I don't really know.
32   AD   2023 Oct 17, 3:52pm  


See above link. Wall St Journal reports how the kibbutz Nir Am fought back successfully

What I think is that they did not send their most savage and hardened Hamas terrorists to attack the kibuttz's because they thought the kibbutz's were going to be easy targets.

They sent in likely their grad students from Gaza University with about 1 month of military training and a promise that they 'll go to heaven and fuck 100 virgins if they die for the cause.

33   HeadSet   2023 Oct 17, 7:21pm  

Patrick says

“I’ve been to that Gaza border, you cannot go 10 feet without running into a 19-year-old with an AR-15,

The IDF does not issue soldiers an AR-15, they issue actual military grade weapons.
34   richwicks   2023 Oct 17, 7:32pm  

HeadSet says

The IDF does not issue soldiers an AR-15, they issue actual military grade weapons.

In his defense, I think he just means a gun. I have a hard time believing that a 32 mile wall isn't continually monitored and that this happened without the Israeli government letting it happen.

But there's no way of knowing. What I do know, is whenever a government does something fucking evil, they always claim incompetence. If NOBODY is fired over this (and I doubt anybody will be), it wasn't incompetence.

People in the intelligence agencies that CORRECTLY pointed out that Hussein had no link to Al Qaeda, and wasn't involved with 9/11 - they were fired. The assholes that did claim they were linked, they got promotions. This is what is screwing our nation, instead of competent people, they are looking for competent ass kissers.
35   Patrick   2023 Oct 17, 7:41pm  


No one in the halls of government in the United States dares to admit that this attack on Israel may have been, probably was, planned by a desperate lot of rich Israelis as a way of making sure their corrupt administration stayed in power—but everyone in Washington knows that forbidden truth. They are just afraid to say it.

No one dares admit that this campaign to flatten Gaza is perfectly designed to spark a war with Iran, which will lead inevitably to a war with Russia, and then to a world war.

But everyone in Washington knows exactly what is happening, and they know why.
36   HeadSet   2023 Oct 17, 7:49pm  

richwicks says

In his defense, I think he just means a gun.

Certainly, but that careless phrasing just plays into the anti-Second Amendment types that claim an AR-15 is "assault rifle weapon of the battlefield."
37   Ceffer   2023 Oct 17, 8:01pm  

ad says

They sent in likely their grad students from Gaza University with about 1 month of military training and a promise that they 'll go to heaven and fuck 100 virgins if they die for the cause.

I think this is a little above and beyond that, although above and beyond is hard to evaluate with the propaganda war even hotter than the ground war. I wouldn't underestimate. That may have been a mistake to begin with.
38   richwicks   2023 Oct 17, 8:41pm  

HeadSet says

Certainly, but that careless phrasing just plays into the anti-Second Amendment types that claim an AR-15 is "assault rifle weapon of the battlefield."

I don't think the 2nd amendment is going anywhere at this point. People give the government a chance, then they abused their power.

They just poisoned 1/2 the country over a fake pandemic and an injection. I think their time is up. They've completely fucked up on that one. I'm actually surprised there hasn't been a revolution, and actually, there might be one going on right now - our media completely lies to us, and our major internet companies censor information.
39   HeadSet   2023 Oct 18, 6:04am  

richwicks says

I think their time is up.

No revolution around here. I do not see any recall petitions anywhere, and early voting and mail in ballots are still in play for Nov 7.
40   RC2006   2023 Oct 18, 7:10am  

Wouldn't be the first time Zionists killed their own for Isreal. US has done the same along with other countries, those in power don't care about civilians.
41   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 18, 7:30am  

Patrick says

“[It took the IDF] 6 hours! [Hamas was] live streaming the killing of Jews. Did someone in the government say stand down? That is a legitimate non-conspiracy question.

Actually, this is the very definition of a conspiracy. I think he meant to contrast the FBI created "theory" phrase.
42   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 18, 7:35am  

HeadSet says

Certainly, but that careless phrasing just plays into the anti-Second Amendment types that claim an AR-15 is "assault rifle weapon of the battlefield."

It absolutely is battlefield weapon. The Second Amendment isn't about hunting or home defense. It's primary purpose is country defense, which requires military grade rifles. They didn't fight the Revolution with pea-shooters. I believe Jefferson specifically invokes the idea of Revolution as a necessity to preserve freedom, that freedom is maintained only by the blood of patriots.
43   stereotomy   2023 Oct 18, 8:16am  

NuttBoxer says

HeadSet says

Certainly, but that careless phrasing just plays into the anti-Second Amendment types that claim an AR-15 is "assault rifle weapon of the battlefield."

It absolutely is battlefield weapon. The Second Amendment isn't about hunting or home defense. It's primary purpose is country defense, which requires military grade rifles. They didn't fight the Revolution with pea-shooters. I believe Jefferson specifically invokes the idea of Revolution as a necessity to preserve freedom, that freedom is maintained only by the blood of patriots.

Damn straight - colonial forces had rifles, while the english had smoothbore muskets. That's why guerilla sniping worked against english troops, who otherwise had to fire fusillades of massed musket balls, which provided stopping power, but not precision.
44   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:07am  


Israel made the mistake of using logic instead of emotion. It claimed that, number one, it did not conduct any air strikes in that area of Gaza yesterday. Two, it reported Hamas launched 1,500 rockets toward Israel right down the block from the hospital, a few seconds before the explosion. Third, the IDF said 40% of Hamas rockets normally malfunction and often hit friendlies by accident. Fourth, at least three local videos, two released by Hamas, appear to show the Hamas rocket launch with one fireball returning to earth along with an explosion. Fifth, Israel claimed the Hamas rocket actually fell into the hospital parking lot, and video evidence appeared to support that claim.

Then later, while hardliners nitpicked the first five pieces of evidence, Israel released an audio intercept between two Hamas operatives who appeared to confirm the explosion was caused by a Hamas rocket. One can be heard explaining, “It seems that they fired this from the cemetery behind the hospital, then the way that it failed and it landed on the hospital.”

It is weird how the IDF intercepted this particular discussion but somehow missed all the discussions that might’ve warned them of the original Hamas attack, but I digress.
45   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 10:11am  

Patrick says

It is weird how the IDF intercepted this particular discussion but somehow missed all the discussions that might’ve warned them of the original Hamas attack, but I digress.

It may be false. Palestinian rockets don't have warheads, but they can certainly blow up

Always be suspicious of conveniently intercepted communications.
46   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 5:20pm  

OK, mildly anti-Semitic, but funny.

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