Simple Question: WTF Are We Doing In Syria?

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2023 Oct 24, 7:04am   3,681 views  105 comments

by OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

It is never discussed by Biden or the media.

I mean...ZILCH!

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42   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 4:07pm  

So, here is a detailed chart, to make sure you remain thoroughly confused about the situation in Syria.

So, the Turkish Ottoman ambitious thugs are trying to kill the Kurdish thugs and the Shia thugs. The Shia thugs are trying to kill all the other thugs. The Sunni Arab thugs are generally trying to kill the Shia thugs on principle and Iranian support Shia thugs. The Kurdish thugs are trying to kill the Turkish thugs. The CIA and Mossad thugs have established fake Muslim groups to kill all the other thugs, or see anyway that all the other thugs are always at each other’s throats so they can steal oil. The Russian thugs generally support the Shia thugs and Iranian thugs( who support the formal Syrian government thugs for convenience even though the Syrians are generally Sunni thugs) so that maybe they can get some stolen oil franchises, too. On top of it all, many Turkish Muslim thugs are crypto Sabbatean Frankist Jews pretending to be Muslims so they don't get their heads cut off.
The HTS thugs are currently stabbing the Kurdish thugs in the back after pretending to be sympathetic allies.

I hope that clears everything up, but don’t bomb me if I’m wrong.

43   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 3, 9:54am  

Erdogan got tired of waiting for Ass-add and his KGB master to hold their end of Astana agreements and relieve him from hosting several millions of Syrian refugees on his soil so he gave green light for his and Quatari proxies to do some enforcement.

But what's new here? Soviets have never held their side of any agreement with anyone. Ever.
44   Ceffer   2024 Dec 3, 10:29am  

Our tax dollars at work again. Syria was the next step on the 'march to Iran' series of intended state implosions from Libya in the Middle East. It's not cooperating with the implosion.


45   goofus   2024 Dec 3, 11:30pm  

Amazing, it’s like a blitz of bad State Dept and CIA plans, all hatching simultaneously because they know support is gone come Jan 20th. In one week we have pseudo-Maidan in Georgia, an attempted coup in South Korea, and “Syrian rebels” back in Aleppo. You can’t be cynical enough for these clowns. The theme as ever is to isolate Russia and remove politicians who might be neutral or favorable to Putin. Georgia, Korea, and Syria all have conservative presidents (including the winner of Georgia’s recent election), and border or have strategic interest for Russia.
47   WookieMan   2024 Dec 4, 4:12am  

goofus says

Amazing, it’s like a blitz of bad State Dept and CIA plans, all hatching simultaneously because they know support is gone come Jan 20th. In one week we have pseudo-Maidan in Georgia, an attempted coup in South Korea, and “Syrian rebels” back in Aleppo. You can’t be cynical enough for these clowns. The theme as ever is to isolate Russia and remove politicians who might be neutral or favorable to Putin. Georgia, Korea, and Syria all have conservative presidents (including the winner of Georgia’s recent election), and border or have strategic interest for Russia.

Don't overthink it. The global powerhouse, the USA, is a rudderless ship right now until Trump gets in office. Bad people are trying to take advantage of it while they can. Trump is literally trying to run the country as President elect as much as he can or is allowed. He can't run any federal agencies and I don't think Biden even knows who runs them at this point. Kamala is drunk.

Biden and Kamala will have the worst Presidential/executive legacy in our history. And there's still time for them to fuck it up more unfortunately.
48   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 4, 9:13am  

All warships have left the Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria. According to satellite images from Planet Labs, which were studied by the BBC Russian Service, they were there two days ago.
Usually, warships are moored at the large pier closest to the exit from the bay.
The satellite image from December 3 shows that there is not a single large ship at the pier.
Two days before that, on December 1, three warships were still at the pier. They differ from civilian ships in their gray color and narrower lines.
Earlier, military OSINT analyst H. I. Sutton wrote about Russian ships leaving Tartus. His analysis was published in the online publication Naval News. "One of the vessels [based in Tartus], the support vessel Yelnya, was seen leaving Tartus on the morning of December 2, 2024, and there is information that some or all of the other vessels also left the city," he wrote.
Judging by the silhouettes and sizes, the frigate Admiral Grigorovich, the corvette Mercury, and the frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov may have been moored at the Tartus base pier on December 1.
The Russian Navy's logistics base in Syria is important primarily because it is the only Russian naval facility in the Mediterranean.
Its value increased in 2022 after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, after which the Russian Navy could not send its ships to the Black Sea because Turkey closed the straits to warships due to the war. Military experts note that the withdrawal of ships and support vessels from Tartus may mean that the Russian command is not confident in the ability to ensure their safety. Another important facility is the Khmeimim air base.

Bonus simple question: what the fuck these fucks were doing in Syria?
49   WookieMan   2024 Dec 4, 9:27am  


Bonus simple question: what the fuck these fucks were doing in Syria?

Sounds like they're making sure to get out by Jan. 20th and the Baltic freezes. It's been cold everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Get the ships to St. Petersburg. Plus they don't want interaction with US ships likely coming to the Med in full force. Trump has a Jewish lean to him, so shit is gonna go down in Gaza and Lebanon. Russia can't lose more ships.

Basically a tuck and run by Putin. Honestly a smart move by him to create leverage with Trump. I think Trump is secretly in charge at this point, at least with foreign affairs. If I had his number nothing is stopping me from calling Putin and it would be legal. Trump is already dealing with foreign affairs as president elect.
50   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 4, 3:08pm  

How is surrendering a port "creating leverage"? If ships are gone and port is undefended, the leverage goes into the toilet.
51   WookieMan   2024 Dec 5, 4:18am  


How is surrendering a port "creating leverage"? If ships are gone and port is undefended, the leverage goes into the toilet.

Putin is clearing the way for US ships. In Russian voice "You do what you need for Israel and I'll get out of the way." Russian ships are safe in the Baltic and there's no unintentional conflict. Putin knows we're not going to damage the base. They don't need ships there if they can't go through Turkey. There's nothing to defend and they know Trump is a Jew defender due to Jared and Ivanka. It's an early olive branch.

I don't care how callous leaders are, ultimately you don't want to see your citizens die. Putin's plan is to get the land he wants in Ukraine and pull back from European waters. So yes, he's creating leverage with Trump. Just as Trump is doing with Canada and Mexico without being in office yet.

Trump has been planning this for four years. The world knows. Domestically, would you have ever thought RFK or Tulsi would be cabinet members, amongst others? Globally he's been chatting with everyone. He's basically in charge right now with foreign policy.
52   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 6, 5:34am  

Latest battle map:

53   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 6, 7:22am  

I don't get all this talk about Baltics: nobody ever harrased Red Fleet warships there and nobody in current cucked-out West ever would. We're peeing our little pink panties at a mere thought of a thirs party lobbing Western-made weapons into the aggressor's territory, for fuck's sake! The only people who have balls to sink Red Fleet hulks are the Ukies, but they are not present there. So, sorry, not buying the whole Baltics angle.
54   HeadSet   2024 Dec 6, 7:38am  


Latest battle map:

Turkey wants to fu*k Syria?
55   zzyzzx   2024 Dec 6, 7:57am  

WookieMan says

I don't care how callous leaders are, ultimately you don't want to see your citizens die.

That never bothered Stalin.
56   HeadSet   2024 Dec 6, 8:27am  

zzyzzx says

WookieMan says

I don't care how callous leaders are, ultimately you don't want to see your citizens die.

That never bothered Stalin.

Never bothered Johnson (LBJ) either. Nor Zelinski.
57   WookieMan   2024 Dec 6, 11:48am  

HeadSet says

Never bothered Johnson (LBJ) either. Nor Zelinski.

Agree actually. But that's how you and your family dies. So by default I don't want to see citizens die.

Zelinski is likely dead in the next 2-4 years. Putin is going to make him an example. Might be sooner.
58   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 7, 9:40pm  

Et tu, Donald?

Tell me The Donald is not gloating over (minor and temporary, I'm sure!) misfortunes of OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER and his ... pet. Because it would break my conservative heart! 🤡
59   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 7, 9:42pm  

WookieMan says

Zelinski is likely dead in the next 2-4 years. Putin is going to make him an example. Might be sooner.


I'll steal it for the predictions thread if you don't mind.
60   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 7, 10:22pm  

New flag of the Ass-sadist armed forces:

61   Ceffer   2024 Dec 7, 10:27pm  

Assad's army stood down at every juncture. His generals pulled the plug on him?
62   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 12:25am  

It's pretty clear a deal was made and the regime members sold out Assad.

Trump is in France And it wasn't just Macron he met with, I'm sure.

No other reason how quickly the rebels advanced, with very little opposition, apparently. And probably under budget.
63   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Dec 8, 7:35am  

AmericanKulak says

It's pretty clear a deal was made and the regime members sold out Assad.

Trump is in France And it wasn't just Macron he met with, I'm sure.

No other reason how quickly the rebels advanced, with very little opposition, apparently. And probably under budget.

there was no stopping it anymore. we funded enough terrorist groups that syria was overwhelmed.
64   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 9:23am  

Everybody is such a Debbie Downer on this issue.

I think Trump helped broker a deal or his ascension made the deal possible.

Let's remember Assad funded plenty of Terror, just Terror the Iran and Fakestine shills consider Just Violent Liberation Operations.

In actuality, rebellion in Syria was never going to end because Assad was the NWO of his country


Yeah, Syria was ruled by minority Alawites, Shi'a, and Christians over a majority Sunni population not represented except for a few ass kisser tokens sellouts. (And the Kurds). Look at a Demographics Map - Syria looks a lot like the USA with a few Dark Blue Cities lording over the huge swath of the Red Country.
65   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 9:32am  

Maybe, just Maybe, slapping the shit out of Iran's Proxies and Syria WAS the correct move.

Bush the Elder didn't do it.
Clinton didn't do it.
Bush the Younger didn't do it, despite his rhetoric he was very light on Iran and working WITH Assad using him to run torture dens for which I'm sure Assad got compensated somehow.
Obama strengthened the Ayatollah by giving them the Shah's Money,
Trump got peace by letting Iran know he'd kick the shit out of them and doing what he wanted without giving a damn what Ayatollahs thought.
Biden against helped Iran.
Now that Trump is coming in, the Sunnis (Turks/Gulf Arabs) got together and came up with a plan. The aftermath of Oct7 weakened Hezbollah that picked a fight with Israel to help Hamas'.

Cooper, Dawson, PartisanGirl Double Stuffed Dominoes, etc. were all wrong.
66   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 9:37am  

Also: It's time for the Syrian Refugees to go back!

67   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 10:56am  

AmericanKulak says

It's pretty clear a deal was made and the regime members sold out Assad.

Apparently, Assad was the last to know. Yes, it seems likely that el-Trumpo struck deals some time ago with the Russkies pending Presidential ascension. Then, the Russkies did the work making backyard deals with the Syrian military and the officials.

Looks like partition time, with Russkies moving along from Syria but getting most favored partition status in Ukraine as part of the swap? Iran is probably not too happy. However, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, and the partition itself might lead to more years of abandoned chaos. Euro Swiss Octagon SPECTRE and City of London will no longer be able to direct our mercenary MIC where they don't belong to steal resources? The Israel card still remains a mystery, but they are already moving in through Golan Heights.

WOO knows but the Woo. I'm beginning to think Trump has that fortune telling machine after all.
68   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 11:17am  

Ceffer says

Looks like partition time, with Russkies moving along from Syria but getting most favored partition status in Ukraine as part of the swap?

That's what I think. The Turks go along with it because it makes it easier for them to deal with Syria without Moscow and less Russian warships in the Bosphoros. The Gulf Arabs liberate the Sunni majority from the Dictatorship of the Minorities. Israel gets Mt. Hermon.

"Our captain was very good to us,
He dipped his prick in phosphorus;
It shed a light all through the night
And steered us through the Bosphorus."

Reports that Assad is in Moscow
69   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 11:40am  

Butter wouldn't melt in the Russkie's mouths.


Looks like Israel took the Anunnaki Playground. Too bad the altars and portals were all torn down.
70   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 11:46am  

So, the alleged crashed plane was a decoy. I suppose Assad and dynasty et alia are useful as a potential future statehood gambit in case the negotiated secret deals and treaties are breached.

72   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 11:50am  

...And now, forward to a completely different brawl.

73   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 11:51am  

Assad in Moscow - Confirmed by TASS

Pretty clear this was a negotiated situation.
74   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 11:54am  

Ass chapped Iranians. Maybe a few cartons of Diddy Oil will help.

76   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 12:18pm  

I'm wondering what the Christian elements are planning to seize to exist. The plot thickens. Or does it thin. I'm confused.

77   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 8, 12:19pm  

"But the Assads brought peace to the region"

No they fucking didn't. Look at Lebanon in the 80s onwards. "Syrian Peacekeepers" What was 1973, too?
78   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 1:24pm  

Leo Zagami wrote a book about the Cairo Freemason Lodge and the creation of the freak in a sheet Muslim Hegelian antipodes (with the tutelage and participation of the British, of course). The Cairo Freemasons are considered the most important, being the closest to the Pharaonic force fields.

79   Ceffer   2024 Dec 8, 1:38pm  

Time to shoot the useful idiots and consolidate, or time to dis-consolidate and keep the brush wars boiling forever?

80   The_Deplorable   2024 Dec 8, 1:54pm  


"New flag of the Ass-sadist armed forces:"

No. My take is that the collapse of the Syrian government was the result of an agreement.
It is the only explanation that makes sense.
81   Tenpoundbass   2024 Dec 8, 3:14pm  

AmericanKulak says

Maybe, just Maybe, slapping the shit out of Iran's Proxies and Syria WAS the correct move.

Yeah it's always fun to kill off Kaddafi and have ISIS and Alqueada use the country as a terror breeding ground.

Assad is only bad because our CIA has plans for Syria but Assad was in the way. Having a leader for 24 years in that part of the country is not a bad thing. None of those countries will ever be a USA style democracy. What a load of rubbish to think so.

Like him or not, just like Putin. If not for Assad the options will be ten times worse. Assad, didn't have conquest asperations, he wasn't the head of a Caliphate hell bent on conquering the heathens and chopping all of their heads off. He didn't lead weekly mass beheadings at the local Soccer fields.
He was the only thing keeping a lid on a very volatile situation. They didn't fuck with Israel like all of the shit finger countries surrounding Israel does constantly. So they are buddies with the Mullahs, and Iran, so what? We're buddies with the French some of the most oppressive cocksuckers on the planet. Just look at how Macron is behaving, the whole government is collapsing, and he refuses to step down. He raised arms against the Yellow Vest movement that was fed up with him. You can't hate on Assad without recognizing Macron is cut from the same cloth. But far worse.

Trump will now have to drop 5 MOABs on Syria now between the time he takes office to the time he leaves. The ISIS wannabes in Syria that will seize control, will start attacking Israel non stop now.

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