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I'm probably into that thing $1,400 by now though.
Nice gun but too small for my hands. I bought a Ruger EC9s on a whim when I saw it online for $239. Too small but very concealable.
For me, I like the M&P 9mms.
GNL says
Nice gun but too small for my hands. I bought a Ruger EC9s on a whim when I saw it online for $239. Too small but very concealable.
For me, I like the M&P 9mms.
I bought CZ 75 P01 after clambo praised its virtues. I am not disappointed.
Yes, thanks for the correction. You're saying 410 won't deter an intruder?
Well, when you're a rich guy. :)
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First question to kick it off: Has anyone bought a Palmetto State Armory gun? If so, was the quality good? If you had any issues, did PSA stand behind it? As in, did they fix the problem? They have some decent package deals. An AR-15 and a 9MM with 4 15 round mags for $829.00 is a pretty good deal if they work great. I paid about that much for one of my ARs alone.