I am all for China flooding the US with Cheap electric cars, and for a great reason.

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2023 Nov 4, 6:58am   3,055 views  52 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

It has long been my assertion, well scientific fact! That if a community or multi unit building had every residents there, buy electric cars and install charging stations, it would blow the transformer and crash the grid for the whole neighborhood. Then the companies that are going to accommodate them, can you just imagine the petty rules, and elitist merits, that companies will allow or not allow their employees to use the limited charging stations at the office?
People seem to think or envision a future where a charging station is in front of every parking space. That will never be the case.
Next issue is the fires that are going to burn out of control, at work, at home, in the garage, there will be carnage. Especially with cheap Chinese battery operated devices. I don't expect EVs to be any different, than the fires caused by those hoverboards, that were a fad 5 years back. Now you never ever see them, they were a menace.
At least the price is right for a failed experiment, people wont be getting tax dollars to piss away on a Fait accompli.
I give it another 5 years, and EVs will be an embarrassing footnote to History.


How ever if it's a success and everything Im saying turns out to be nonissues. Then at least these dumped Chinese EVs will end the subsidies, and elitist status symbol that Tesla and other US EV models has become. They will be forced to make EVs that people can buy without a check from the government.

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12   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 6, 2:18pm  

PumpingRedheads says

I want the cheap Chinese EVs to flood the market so I can watch peeps have gunfights over the charging stations.

At my apartment laundry, if some asshole leaves their done laundry in the machine for more than 20 min, I pull their crap out and put on top of the machine so I can start my laundry. I expect the same treatment if I leave my clothes in there too long.

EV geeks are already doing the same with parked EVs that are done charging. Only the spoiled EV owners are used to having their own laundry machines so go ballistic.

"The same" meaning they put EVs of spoiled owners on top of the chargers? 🤡
13   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 6, 2:29pm  

So China is striking while the Iron is being submerged in ice water. I think the tech challenges, failures, hazards, and charging logistics, is what is going to do it in. Even if they sold EVs for $3500, eventually local fire safety and electrical codes, will put the brakes on it


14   HeadSet   2023 Nov 6, 5:36pm  

PumpingRedheads says

I want the cheap Chinese EVs to flood the market so I can watch peeps have gunfights over the charging stations.

I do not think it will get to that point. If we have a flood of EVs, they will come equipped with electronics that will limit when you can charge, such as Tuesdays between noon and 4 PM. Also how often, such as once every two weeks. The goal of the EV mandate is not to get less carbon than ICE, it is to curtail driving by the public.
15   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Nov 6, 8:27pm  

HeadSet says

If we have a flood of EVs, they will come equipped with electronics that will limit when you can charge, such as Tuesdays between noon and 4 PM.

They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world.
16   HeadSet   2023 Nov 6, 8:41pm  

PumpingRedheads says

They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world.

10 years ago we would not shut down the country for a cold and force injections. If everyone has an electric car and the corresponding demand on the grid, we will have charging restrictions.
17   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 7, 4:37am  

I think ultimately they want Government controlled on demand EV's that you don't actually own yourself. But a taxi or government self driving Uber.
Or even all electric buses.
18   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 7, 4:40am  

As that would be the ONLY way electric vehicles for the masses will be feasible. A scenario where local Electric companies can set up power stations, that's sole purpose are to charge hundreds or thousands of EVs, and can control the wattage without it bringing down the grid.
The best place for Charging stations would be right outside the gate of an FP&L power plant.
20   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 5, 8:19pm  

PumpingRedheads says

HeadSet says

If we have a flood of EVs, they will come equipped with electronics that will limit when you can charge, such as Tuesdays between noon and 4 PM.

They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world.

Didn't Swiss passed something along these lines recently?
21   HeadSet   2023 Dec 6, 7:11am  

PumpingRedheads says

HeadSet says

If we have a flood of EVs, they will come equipped with electronics that will limit when you can charge, such as Tuesdays between noon and 4 PM.

They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world.

Can you not see trends?

How about this:
It is the year 2010 and someone says that in the future, with all the "trans rights" push, we will have men who claim to be women competing and winning on women's sports teams.

Your answer "They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world."
22   zzyzzx   2023 Dec 15, 6:23am  


23   HeadSet   2023 Dec 15, 5:10pm  

Anyone think Ford could bring back the Pinto as an EV? Pinto-E.
24   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 15, 8:07pm  

HeadSet says

Anyone think Ford could bring back the Pinto as an EV? Pinto-E.

I was just thinking today, how Ford could resurrect the PInto with modern look and materials.
They almost could just put a Ford Badge on the Mazda 3 hatchbacks, and call them a PInto.
But definitely a 2 door coupe, and not 4 doors. I don't know about electric.
How about an AMC Gremlin EV?
25   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 15, 8:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says

HeadSet says

Anyone think Ford could bring back the Pinto as an EV? Pinto-E.

I They almost could just put a Ford Badge on the Mazda 3 hatchbacks, and call them a PInto.

Mazda is not under Ford's yoke anymore.
26   Onvacation   2023 Dec 16, 8:12am  

Back in 1950's Germany you could take your VW bug to shops that would pull your old engine and install a rebuilt one in a half hour. One solution for EV's is to have easily swappable batteries. You could pull into a station and they could drop your discharged battery and install a charged one in less time than it takes to fill up your RAV4 with gas.
28   Booger   2023 Dec 25, 2:59pm  

Onvacation says

Back in 1950's Germany you could take your VW bug to shops that would pull your old engine and install a rebuilt one in a half hour. One solution for EV's is to have easily swappable batteries. You could pull into a station and they could drop your discharged battery and install a charged one in less time than it takes to fill up your RAV4 with gas.

Good for fleets, but I don't want someone else's used battery.
29   HeadSet   2023 Dec 25, 3:51pm  

Booger says

Good for fleets, but I don't want someone else's used battery.

Yes, but they are also getting your used battery.
30   Onvacation   2023 Dec 25, 4:15pm  

Seems to me a charged and tested battery in minutes beats lining up at the supercharger station.
32   Booger   2023 Dec 27, 7:01am  


The EV Graveyard Reckoning, Hardly Anyone Wants To Buy A Used One
33   WookieMan   2023 Dec 27, 7:09am  

Booger says

lol. Not a joke, but always keep a roll of TP in your car. I've had to drop a #2 on the side of the road a few times. Back when the Boy Scouts weren't gay, be prepared was a pretty good slogan. I also would shit in our vacant listings if I needed to. Brought my own roll.

Such a derailment of the thread, but whatever. Kohl's if you're a dude is the best place to take a shit during working hours M-F. It's only women in the store. They keep their bathrooms clean. And 99% of the time it will be a solo dump with no one in there. All bets are off on weekends though.
35   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 27, 11:34am  

Onvacation says

Back in 1950's Germany you could take your VW bug to shops that would pull your old engine and install a rebuilt one in a half hour. One solution for EV's is to have easily swappable batteries. You could pull into a station and they could drop your discharged battery and install a charged one in less time than it takes to fill up your RAV4 with gas.


Plus some sort of automatic battery ejection mechanism for when the batteries catch on fire.
36   Booger   2023 Dec 27, 3:35pm  

just_passing_through says

Plus some sort of automatic battery ejection mechanism for when the batteries catch on fire.

Not going to happen. Not practical. Plus where are you going to potentially eject it to? I mean unless you can eject it to the ocean or a lake, what good is it going to do.
37   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 27, 6:56pm  

@booger I was just joking. I know my jokes aren't as funny as yours but I guess that one was unusually flat.
38   HeadSet   2023 Dec 27, 8:18pm  

just_passing_through says

Plus some sort of automatic battery ejection mechanism for when the batteries catch on fire.

Just do a "hot swap."
39   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 28, 11:49am  

Could always eject the passengers instead?
40   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Dec 28, 10:05pm  

EVs are piling up on car dealership lots. Car dealers report a six- to 12-month supply of EVs versus a month of gas vehicles. “We have a steady number of clients that have attempted to or flat-out returned their [electric] car,” says Paul LaRochelle, a dealership executive in the Washington, D.C. region. According to S&P Global Mobility, half of non-Tesla EV owners purchase an internal combustion engine for their next vehicle.

These meaningful EV costs come with only minor operational savings. “Over four days, we spent $175 on charging,” reports the four-day EV renter. “We estimated the equivalent cost for gas in a Kia Forte would have been $275.” Other analyses show a fast charge costs around $13 for 100 miles of range — the same amount as $3.25-a-gallon gas for a car that gets 25 miles to the gallon. EVs are also more expensive to maintain, with Consumer Reports finding they have nearly twice as many problems.

41   WookieMan   2023 Dec 28, 10:28pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

These meaningful EV costs come with only minor operational savings. “Over four days, we spent $175 on charging,” reports the four-day EV renter. “We estimated the equivalent cost for gas in a Kia Forte would have been $275.” Other analyses show a fast charge costs around $13 for 100 miles of range — the same amount as $3.25-a-gallon gas for a car that gets 25 miles to the gallon. EVs are also more expensive to maintain, with Consumer Reports finding they have nearly twice as many problems.

The charging thing is a joke. Utilities will get that "charge" money at the same level as pumping gas. This was always coming. 2025 it won't be cheaper to have an EV. Hybrids with electric for the first 30-50 miles are the future. We need 20-30 years to build nukes, which are regulation intensive. Early adaptors got lucky and the likes of Tesla will ultimately renege on the free super charging. It's coming. Raising rates on ALL customers is hard when there's more demand AND you need more output. Nukes or coal. Those are the options. They aren't cheap.
42   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Dec 28, 10:47pm  

WookieMan says

We need 20-30 years to build nukes, which are regulation intensive

That is entirely a political thing. Chinese build reactors in under 5 years. New Gen 3 ones, too.

We can do it in 7-10 if we cleaned out the NRC of the greentards that deliberately make the regs we have today.

Then there are SMRs.
43   WookieMan   2023 Dec 29, 4:09am  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

We need 20-30 years to build nukes, which are regulation intensive

That is entirely a political thing. Chinese build reactors in under 5 years. New Gen 3 ones, too.

We can do it in 7-10 if we cleaned out the NRC of the greentards that deliberately make the regs we have today.

Then there are SMRs.

I get we have the capacity to do it quicker. It's not going to happen. We will need to bring coal plants back online. They generally don't demolish them as the land is an environmental hazard pain in the ass. So new power capacity to "fuel" up everyones new cyber truck is the absolute complete opposite of clean/green energy.

Nuclear is also a classic NIMBY topic. It's not even about regulation. In my area people bitch and put signs about about a fucking solar farm. Sure they look like shit, but no one wants a nuke in their backyard as they charge their Tesla. The hypocrisy to amazing. People need to just admit they like a car that is fun to drive and does absolute damage to the environment. More than ICE vehicles. It's not even a debate.

The day of reckoning is coming. We barely have the capacity to handle current EV demand. Hell before Tesla was even a thing there are plenty of areas with brownouts and other power issues. We're adding batteries that take hours to charge and now cyber truck with larger battery pack. All I'm saying is the EV homers are gonna get a rude awaking. It's not like adding a freezer to the house that runs for 5-10 minutes an hour max. It's a power draw for 3 hours at home to "fill" up.

Also I wouldn't trust a damn thing the Chinese do. That covid hospital they built in 10 days... lol. Not the best source to mention as we've seen their building topple over.
44   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Dec 29, 9:41am  

WookieMan says

We will need to bring coal plants back online. They generally don't demolish them as the land is an environmental hazard pain in the ass. So new power capacity to "fuel" up everyones new cyber truck is the absolute complete opposite of clean/green energy.

They are being converted to be nat gas plants. Some might be converted into geothermal because fracking tech can be applied to expand geothermal to most of the country.

So, better to build more pipelines than reopen coal plants.

WookieMan says

More than ICE vehicles. It's not even a debate.

My fav thing to do is tell Tesla owners that. Highest return-on-effort trolling out there presently. :)
45   HeadSet   2023 Dec 29, 2:38pm  

WookieMan says

In my area people bitch and put signs about about a fucking solar farm.

Same around here. Liberal voting despite being rural King and Queen County had county government viciously fight a Dominion Power solar farm. You would have to drive down some backroads to even see it.
46   WookieMan   2023 Dec 29, 2:57pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

My fav thing to do is tell Tesla owners that. Highest return-on-effort trolling out there presently. :)

I don't want to troll. I just want to point out how hypocritical they are. It's kind of not funny. EV's (government subsidies) and Musk are pushing this hard. There's no way we can handle a doubling of EV's without massive electric output "fueling" it. You have to restart coal. Nat gas is somewhat quicker as you say, but still 2-4 years for a single plant.

My concern is me. These people thinking they're green are going to cost me substantially more. We have to pay for it. I will fight though and make sure EV owners pay for electric increases and the new plants/nukes we'll need. This is classic government shooting itself in the foot. It's basic math. The electric has to come from something. It's not solar or wind. EV's are trash for the environment. Fun to drive though.
47   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Jan 5, 8:32am  

WookieMan says

I don't want to troll. I just want to point out how hypocritical they are.

Same thing as far as they are concerned.

WookieMan says

There's no way we can handle a doubling of EV's without massive electric output "fueling" it. You have to restart coal.

Restarting coal isn't going to increase the output. Not really.

Also, the real hangup before we get into the output issue (except in the bluetard states that do not produce enough power domestically, perhaps) is distribution. Electrical distribution infrastructure has to be expanded at least 4x. Not gonna happen.

Oh, and because we are massively re-industrializing and need to do even more, industrial growth will compete for insufficient electrical supply against other uses for the first time in over 60 years as well.

WookieMan says

These people thinking they're green are going to cost me substantially more

All the more reason to at least troll the fuckers. You can't reason with them. And they never even see hypocrisy when they look in the mirror. They can't allow it.

You and I have our rows. But I like to think we have more in common as far as how we are hardwired in the brainpan than we do with these libtards.
49   HeadSet   2024 Jan 5, 10:15am  

UkraineIsFucked says

Electrical distribution infrastructure has to be expanded at least 4x. Not gonna happen.

Correct. Not enough current will be the reason to force the public to about 1/4 of what they drive currently.
51   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Jan 6, 7:03pm  


PumpingRedheads says

HeadSet says

If we have a flood of EVs, they will come equipped with electronics that will limit when you can charge, such as Tuesdays between noon and 4 PM.

They don't have that here or anywhere else in the world.

Didn't Swiss passed something along these lines recently?

We have this here where I live already. It's called "time based use" cost of electricity. I know that my rates are cheaper outside the hours of 4 PM to 9 PM, so if I had an EV I'd program it to charge starting after 9. That seems pretty simple.

Taking this one step further (and I think it already is in some places), we could have an additional step-down in prices between midnight and 4 AM (or whenever).

Now that we're in the 21st century, it should be easy enough to have continuously variable electricity pricing and then I could program my car to optimize the costs. It would be a fun game for computer geeks until someone wakes up ready to commute in the morning to find out their car didn't charge.

Additionally, California has gone pretty far in solar voltaics. Charging from 10 AM until 3 PM (or whenever it is that the panels are making lots of electricity but A/C systems aren't yet working hard) would be a great way to even out the solar surge.

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