Rin Wah using an AI

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2023 Dec 14, 2:06am   4,617 views  64 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

So here it is, I've given the AI my notions and it's written a nice summary statement ...

During the early stages of their lives, typically before turning 40, men often believe in the concept of love. However, once they reach the age of 40, their perception and attraction towards this idea changes significantly, regardless of whether they are in a relationship or not. It is common for long-term marriages to deteriorate between the ages of 40 and 55, leading to an increase in divorces. This trend often emerges when their eldest child reaches adulthood, usually around 18 years old, revealing that their primary reason for staying together was solely for the sake of their children.

In societies where divorce carries a social stigma, such as the period before the 1960s in the United States, individuals would remain married but avoid emotional intimacy. Instead, they would engage in social events and gatherings to maintain the façade of a contented union. This phenomenon was aptly portrayed in the 1967 movie "The Graduate" directed by Mike Nichols. The character Mrs. Robinson does not feel love or attraction towards Ben; rather, she rebels against her unhappy marriage and the fact that she was only with her husband for the sake of their daughter.

During this era, staying married for the sake of the children became a common practice. However, individuals started realizing this pattern and made a conscious decision to stop pursuing romantic relationships as they approached the age of 40. At this point, they lose interest in seeking conventional partnerships and instead turn to sugar babies or escort girls to satisfy their physical needs. In the 2020s, this trend has extended to using sex dolls and AI Chat Boxes, which offer virtualized interactions, making such experiences more affordable and easily accessible.

This lifestyle allows them the freedom to enjoy their social lives without the burden of a committed partner or the disappointment often associated with blind dates, which are typically arranged by well-meaning friends using social events as a means to introduce two single individuals.

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26   WookieMan   2023 Dec 14, 12:48pm  

Rin says

WookieMan says

Guys stick their dicks in other guys butt holes, so I suppose it could be worse

Yep, the typical gaydar fingerpointing. Nice try. Next time, try calling someone "Hitler"

At no point did I say you were gay. Never. Again, must have touched a nerve.

Rin says

WookieMan says

other people's flaws. Just saying

Actually, taking the vaccine is other people's flaw, not mine.

My wife took the vaccine. She's alive. Has terrific orgasms. I didn't agree. I didn't take the vaccine. As mentioned relationships take work and compromise. Not sure how to be much clearer. (Edit) Did I forget that my wife has terrific orgasms?

Rin says

Like I said, if your wife died as a result of the vaccine, you'd be here, balling your eyes out. The lonely person is you because you've never really lived alone and know how to deal with it.

I've had more death and in tragic ways in my life than you'd ever understand or have experienced. I'm not upset by your comment. You are a simple minded dude is all. I feel bad for you honestly. I have structure and family that backs me up. You have a doll. Really think about what you post here dude. I'm not trying to hurt you, but like I said, clearly struck a nerve and the response is attack me. Whatever...🙄
27   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 1:11pm  

Rin says

If anything, that 50% 'still' married has another unhappy 50% living within its bucket.

Minimum. I'd say it's 10-15% of the Married, so 85-90%. Generous, maybe another 10-15% are "Okay". Call it 20-30% of the marriages that survive are alright to good. And men have to do a shitload more to get to that point.

Even good women lose interest in sex and get bitchy in menopause/pre-menopause.

"Sometimes their drive goes up, hyuk hyuk hyuk." Yep, because in some cases their natch production of T is overpowering their ever-dropping E. That means the drive might improve, but that also means more unwanted hair, deeper voice, and other masculinization, ON TOP OF the wrinkles and sagging and aging.

Rin says

Sounds like a lot of needless drama, esp after the age when drama gets old.

And believe it or not but even the 'need for companionship' also gets banal.

"No, I'm tired and I have far better things to do than waste an hour watching Reba reruns. No I don't want to go away on a long weekend just to eat and sit by a hotel pool when I can do that at home with my own comforts just for the sake of going somewhere. You spent how much on a Lazy Susan?"

PeopleUnited says

But God did create men and women for the purpose of having families. Imagine a world without both men and women?

He also provided a map for society, which isn't being followed. It does not include women being in charge, in fact the opposite. Bible is PACKED with warnings about disrupting the balance and contentious women. Better to live on the corner of a roof... a dutiful, pious woman is a treasure (because most aren't)... etc. Paraphrasing from memory of course. No where in the Bible are men to consult women, there's barely a mention of any women in that volumnuous tome, certainly not nagging "advising" men.

A Servant Leader makes the best decision for all, emphasis on LEADER. True Servant Leaders take care of their underlings as they decide is best, they do not kowtow to all their demands. Modern FauxTrads put the emphasis on "Servant". In practice, modern Servant Leader is "Servant to the Wife who is Leader".

You can't outalpha the entire government and society. You can only dodge it.
28   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 1:12pm  

WookieMan says

Not a surprise based on your relations with fake things.

Women have:

* Fake Hair
* Fake Nails
* Fake Eyelashes
* Fake Boobs (sometimes it's Silicon, too! Ha!)
* Fake Up
* Fake Filtered Pics
* Fake Lives (only showing the happy shit on Insta/Facebook, big debts to look affulent)
* Fake Communication ("Nothing's Wrong!"... "You didn't ask a 4th time!")

And we talk about "Real"?
29   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 1:17pm  

"Where's your wife?"

"I told her to go with her girlfriends to the Wine Tasting at the Vineyard. We've got a few hours, Svetlana."

All for much less than one wife on a 5-day cruise - with the inside room.

30   Rin   2023 Dec 14, 1:37pm  

AmericanKulak says

You can't outalpha the entire government and society. You can only dodge it.

Thank you AK.

And I want to add one other point. Even if one finds a high quality person, the so-called 'right one', at what point in time does that become someone else's plan vs one's own? I believe that after the age of 35 and just around 40, it starts to look like someone else's idea and not one's own.

At some point in ancient history, guys like us would not be wasting these hours, griping against each other on the internet, instead, we'd be developing new arts and sciences for the betterment of society just like in Pericle's Athens.
31   WookieMan   2023 Dec 14, 1:48pm  

AmericanKulak says

WookieMan says

Not a surprise based on your relations with fake things.

Women have:

* Fake Hair
* Fake Nails
* Fake Eyelashes
* Fake Boobs (sometimes it's Silicon, too! Ha!)
* Fake Up
* Fake Filtered Pics
* Fake Lives (only showing the happy shit on Insta/Facebook, big debts to look affulent)
* Fake Communication ("Nothing's Wrong!"... "You didn't ask a 4th time!")

And we talk about "Real"?

You guys have issues and clearly have been burned. Not how much clearer I can be. YOU picked poorly. Keep blaming the chicks when it's your judgement that led you away from the decent AND good looking chicks. Or you didn't bring it for them. It's one or both.

It's not about fucking 100's of chicks. Pick a good one and stick with it. You'll be rewarded. In the meantime I'm not certain why I even put myself in this conversation. I unfortunately believe you guys made bad choices, got on internet forums where dudes blame women for their faults and not know how to find good women.

Thumbs exist. Stop pointing the finger. Not all women are shit. Your choice in women is shit. Let that soak in. It's YOU.
32   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 1:52pm  

As the great Millennial Spinstership develops, there will be an unholy alliance between the Woke and the FauxTrads to ban dolls (but not dildos, transgender, etc.)

Amazing we live in a world where there are 100k's of gals on OnlyFans, but people are all upset there might be prostitution or dolls. Anything to keep the wealth transfer flowing to the Entitlement Princesses.
33   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 1:57pm  

WookieMan says

Thumbs exist. Stop pointing the finger. Not all women are shit. Your choice in women is shit. Let that soak in. It's YOU.

You're more upset than I am. I'm more in this thread to talk about how fun dolls are, and this other stuff is a sidetrack.

Here's my new persepective on things having lived a half-century: As a young guy, I was inordinately worried about getting laid and most especially female approval. That's not a good thing, though the drive to bang is of course natural.

To be a happy, healthy fellow I find is better for men to be interested in skill and the respect from other men for being competent or interesting and that a Femidolizing society is killing the West. Never in history have Western Men had such a huge obsession with making Women happy and judging themselves relative to women's acceptance.

"Happy Wife, Happy Life" is not simply not true. "Good Person, Good Life" is a better metric. That does not mean preening and grovelling before women and their wants all the time. It also doesn't mean you have to be an asshole.

I have had quite a few women - I wouldn't say I'm a Chad but I'm not Steve Erkel either - and time and experience has helped me see the funnel. It never gets as good as the first 6mos to 2 years if your lucky. After that, it's all work, no play, so no thanks. Balance must be restored, and only women can do that.

One of the reasons I suspect for the massive increase in divorce since women were "liberated" and pedistalized by society is that it's natural for women to have 2-5 year cycles where they get impregnated and supported by one guy, then move on to the next. Without firm laws and social control, we're going to have single moms and 50%+ divorce rates till the end of time. Only society can fix this, not men. BUT, in a way it's a blessing, because many old marriages were absolutely horrific for men, having to bear responsibilities to a shrew and have no option to ditch the witch.

For a free country, we spend a lot of time worried how others live. I don't give a damn if somebody has a heroin addiction, wants to dress like a woman, or worship their wife like a Pagan Idol to be appeased lest the Tempest come and wipe away their fields of invested labor. As long as it doesn't bother me.

I found dolls and am happy to share.
34   WookieMan   2023 Dec 14, 1:59pm  

AmericanKulak says

Amazing we live in a world where there are 100k's of gals on OnlyFans, but people are all upset there might be prostitution or dolls. Anything to keep the wealth transfer flowing to the Entitlement Princesses.

I take no issue with dolls. No issue with prostitution. You do you. Not all women are wired like OnlyFan chicks. Not all are greedy. Not all are unfaithful.

I'm sorry you guys may have gotten burned. Not all of us have or will. We made good choices. Didn't poke the first meat curtains we saw and then continued to hunt that type. Choices are made when you're younger. I think you guys made some bad ones is all I'll say. Don't blame the good women of this world that will suck and fuck you for life and take care of themselves AND you.
35   WookieMan   2023 Dec 14, 2:06pm  

AmericanKulak says

I'm more in this thread to talk about how fun dolls are, and this other stuff is a sidetrack.

Dude, that's 100% false. It's a mental issue for sure. If not than you're a-okay with trans people using the other sex's restroom? That's the level sex dolls are at. You're mentally disabled if you think putting your dick into a doll is "normal" by any "stretch."

If humping a doll seems normal, you need to see a doctor. It's not. Maybe move into a motel so you don't have to register yourself as a sex offender. Because that's who fucks dolls and kids. It's 100% not normal. I don't care if you do it, but don't fucking push it on people like gays, trans and other fucking freaks. Something failed somewhere in life, it wasn't my comments on pat net.
36   HeadSet   2023 Dec 14, 2:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

Women have:

* Fake Hair
* Fake Nails
* Fake Eyelashes
* Fake Boobs (sometimes it's Silicon, too! Ha!)
* Fake Up
* Fake Filtered Pics
* Fake Lives (only showing the happy shit on Insta/Facebook, big debts to look affulent)
* Fake Communication ("Nothing's Wrong!"... "You didn't ask a 4th time!")

My wife, and I suspect many others guy's wives as well, have none of those things. At most, some use makeup when they go out, but that is light and really no different than a man shaving to get a "fake face."
37   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 2:08pm  

WookieMan says

I'm sorry you guys may have gotten burned. Not all of us have or will. We made good choices. Didn't poke the first meat curtains we saw and then continued to hunt that type. Choices are made when you're younger. I think you guys made some bad ones is all I'll say. Don't blame the good women of this world that will suck and fuck you for life and take care of themselves AND you.

50% divorce rate.

Either it was the laws and societal expectations, or men magically got really bad in the 1960s for the first time in world history. I'd say look at the variables that changed first.

And that's not qualifying the large number of the 50% of ongoing marriages that suck ass.

This is the "I have a PhD in one (some) women, you guys only have HS Diplomas in a lot of women." Narrow but Deep vs. Broad but Shallow argument. I'd argue the geologist who has surveyed varied terrain has a better grip on geology than the expert who has only researched at Pennsylvania Shale.

Tom Brady. Sly Stallone. Kevin Costner. And especially Stephen Crowder.

That Destiny was a guarantee, the dumb bastard.
38   WookieMan   2023 Dec 14, 2:46pm  

AmericanKulak says

Either it was the laws and societal expectations, or men magically got really bad in the 1960s for the first time in world history. I'd say look at the variables that changed first.

Internet. Technology. You kind of just answered it. Yes, they did get bad. And yes, a lot of women got bad. Partially because of men. Good ones still exist. I'll stand by that. Women are at fault, but you guys seem like the type to blame ALL women. That's simply not fact. It's laziness. You could just ignore the cunts, but it seems like you guys fell into their trap that is easy to spot. Whatever.
39   yawaraf   2023 Dec 14, 3:06pm  

WookieMan says

AmericanKulak says

Either it was the laws and societal expectations, or men magically got really bad in the 1960s for the first time in world history. I'd say look at the variables that changed first.

Internet. Technology. You kind of just answered it. Yes, they did get bad. And yes, a lot of women got bad. Partially because of men. Good ones still exist. I'll stand by that. Women are at fault, but you guys seem like the type to blame ALL women. That's simply not fact. It's laziness. You could just ignore the cunts, but it seems like you guys fell into their trap that is easy to spot. Whatever.

I completely agree with wookie and 10#.

I myself have made bad choices and have not been able to build a healthy marriage. On the other hand, my parents are still married and my grandparents were married until death. My parents seem to enjoy each other's company. So did my grandparents.

Rin says

At this point, they lose interest in seeking conventional partnerships and instead turn to sugar babies or escort girls to satisfy their physical needs. In the 2020s, this trend has extended to using sex dolls and AI Chat Boxes, which offer virtualized interactions, making such experiences more affordable and easily accessible.

Physical needs are water, food, heat and shelter from the elements. Whores and blow-up dolls are luxuries, though I myself find both distasteful.
40   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 3:20pm  

Well, for all you guys trying to outalpha Society, the great Millie Marriage Collapse is here.

Men aren't wifing up the 30-somethings who spent their 20s hoing it up on Tinder with near 100 Body Counts and a list of demands so long they have to put it on spreadsheets.

We're at the point where 33-year old single moms driving dented Kia Sorrentos are whinging they get taken to Cheesecake Factory for a first date, sight unseen, as "beneath" them.

Or the chicks so batshit they've never had an LTR by 35. If they are, they're divorcing in a few years. The predicted post-Covid marriage boom isn't just not coming, the marriage rate is dropping yet further. David's Bridal is going into bankruptcy again.

I hear Styxhexenhammer is going back to the States, and it doesn't sound like his wife is coming with him. Mild fame, certainly enough income from his ad rev and book sales to live at least a very comfortable middle class life, not bad from a guy raised in rural Vermont with no degree.

I remember in the 90s, you could still criticize single moms, in fact it was everywhere. Now in Churches they are defended and "protected" from "Incels and Misogynists".

Tune out and drop out, don't serve a system that hates you and makes you a slave: Final Responsibility without the Power and the Final Say is Slavery. Society is tilting at windmills at the reverse, which hardly exists in the post-modern west.
41   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 3:26pm  

AmericanKulak says

I hear Styxhexenhammer is going back to the States

Haven't watched his vids in a while, but he is an interesting divvy empath of sorts. Last I heard he was in Amsterdam, following his wife there.
42   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 3:37pm  

Patrick is hyper rational about Real Estate, Rin is hyper rational about the pitfalls of sex and relationships. Both wind up on a road less travelled outside of the (sometimes biologically) mandated storms of delusional societal emotion that are designed from some communal rather than individual purposes.
You never really 'own' real estate, it is 'owned' at the pleasure of the government. A few missed tax payments, and up it goes on the auction block.

Relationships are some contract of mutual extortion sealed by a brief period of oxytocin delusional hallucination on each other and some sexual pleasure and bonding, usually followed by a variable period of involvement in reproductive narcissism. Alienation after the extortion contracts have passed is common. Society has parasitically attached itself to this with the 'marriage contract', which is a license for lawyers to plunder the marital assets but helps with order in the succession process.

Nobody has a lock on what makes a 'successful' marriage, except it seems to have something to do with staying friends through thick and thin and having the decency to commit to taking care of at least one person also through thick and thin. It is nice to have shared history, too. Nobody knows fuck about you like your marital partner, and even the marital partner only sees what is usually convenient.
43   yawaraf   2023 Dec 14, 3:51pm  

HeadSet says

AmericanKulak says

Women have:

*Fake Hair
*Fake Nails
*Fake Eyelashes
*Fake Boobs (sometimes it's Silicon, too! Ha!)
*Fake Up
*Fake Filtered Pics
*Fake Lives (only showing the happy shit on Insta/Facebook, big debts to look affulent)
*Fake Communication ("Nothing's Wrong!"... "You didn't ask a 4th time!")

My wife, and I suspect many others guy's wives as well, have none of those things. At most, some use makeup when they go out, but that is light and really no different than a man shaving to get a "fake face."

As far as I can tell, most women color their hair and put paint on their faces. If men would show strong preference for women who don't pretend to be something else, then women might stop pretending.

AmericanKulak says

Men aren't wifing up the 30-somethings who spent their 20s hoing it up on Tinder with near 100 Body Counts and a list of demands so long they have to put it on spreadsheets.

Then we have to teach our girls and our boys the value of chastity and the importance of commitment when forming a family.
44   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 14, 4:03pm  

AmericanKulak says

You can't outalpha the entire government and society.

Actually you can. Or I should say with God’s help you can do anything.

Look at Jesus. He is the original Alpha male. He had thousands of followers, literally threw the bankers tables while they did business and publicly castigated the religious leaders of His day. He started a movement that continues to this day.

He calls on every Christian to follow in his stead and continue the growth of His kingdom. The reason men are having sex with men and dolls is not so much the fault of women, but the fault/failure of the church/Christians to create disciples and train up men and women to live for God. If men spent less time with sex dolls and whores and more time learning and teaching God’s word, in one generation you’d see things turn around. (Look what happened in one generation when they took bibles out of schools, legalized the genocide of the unborn and put women in the workplace instead of encouraging them to be keepers at home).
45   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 14, 4:24pm  

Rin says

At some point in ancient history, guys like us would not be wasting these hours, griping against each other on the internet, instead, we'd be developing new arts and sciences for the betterment of society just like in Pericle's Athens.

Let’s be real. Guys like most of us in ancient history would have had to work the majority of our time to serve whichever tyrant was wielding the sword at the moment.

And even those who had time and resources for pursuit of art and science, wasted their time as they gave us a world filled with beautiful things and powerful technology but failed to pass on the wisdom that would create a society where men know how to be men and women know how to be women. It is so basic and yet it is one of the most perverse and corrupt aspects of human activity today. When men don’t know how to be men and women don’t know how to be women, and the church, government and family don’t work together to train and encourage men to be men and women to be women.... we get purple haired cat lady spinsters and men bragging about their sex dolls.
46   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 15, 10:37pm  

PeopleUnited says

Actually you can. Or I should say with God’s help you can do anything.

What does Paul say the purpose of marriage is?

What is the ONE reason Jesus (and Paul repeats) for divorce?
47   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 15, 10:39pm  

yawaraf says

As far as I can tell, most women color their hair and put paint on their faces. If men would show strong preference for women who don't pretend to be something else, then women might stop pretending.

In survey after survey, despite the change of fashions and style, men report little to no makeup as being ideal.

This screenshot comment is somewhat exaggerated:

FB and Meta temporarily ban picture filters after TX AG Paxton lawsuit, hilarity ensues:

I don't have it, but there was a study done showing the more women looked at filtered/AI optimized pictures of themselves, the more they came to believe they really looked like the improved image. Men, unsurprisingly, acted like guys, they said "Hyuk, hyuk, I was a hunk back when I was a size 30" and made fun of themselves depreciatingly or went over the top making themselves into the Hulk and laughing about it.

yawaraf says

Then we have to teach our girls and our boys the value of chastity and the importance of commitment when forming a family.

What and when are girls educated about being good wives? When was the last time you heard of girls being instructed as to what a good wife is?

The last time I recall seeing any mention of women as good wives was probably in the 60s, maybe 70s. Since then it's been about being a Servant-to-the-Wife-Who-Is-Leader. More inverted by Satan natural order.

Don't cooperate with an inverse satanic system.

Also, the NT not only doesn't mention things about having large families, it actually says you should try NOT to marry, but only to marry to prevent ... What, PeopleUnited? What does Paul give for the reason to marry? To have kids? NOPE. To serve God? NOPE. He gives a reason to marry... what is it?
48   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 15, 10:41pm  

Ceffer says

Haven't watched his vids in a while, but he is an interesting divvy empath of sorts. Last I heard he was in Amsterdam, following his wife there.

Styx sure left back for the US in a hurry, despite his wife and child, and he seemed pissed but isn't talking. I find it hard to believe he had trouble with the authorities either without mentioning it, or without bringing his wife and child. Certainly not around holiday time.
49   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 16, 6:46pm  

AmericanKulak says

PeopleUnited says

Actually you can. Or I should say with God’s help you can do anything.

What does Paul say the purpose of marriage is?

What is the ONE reason Jesus (and Paul repeats) for divorce?

Paul had special permission from God to give his perspective on marriage. Paul’s perspective is valid and is worthy of strong consideration by every person, both single and married.

But Paul did not issue any new commandments. The fact that God made Adam and Eve, and created the mechanism for male and female children, and the fact that every human life is an essential part of God’s creation, is all evidence that even today in 2023 we still need men, women and children in order for Gods will to be done. God has also made it clear that children should be part of a family unit. Jesus was part of a family unit. Joseph was part of a family unit. Noah had a family. On through the ages God designed the family as a unit to train up children in the way they should go. In that regard the failure of families (divorce, infidelity and single mothers/fornication) and the attack on families by the devil becomes clear. Satan hates families because he knows families are the foundation of proper child rearing. We don’t need to reproduce to populate the earth, but we reproduce anyway because God is not done saving souls for His eternal kingdom. Every child could be a child of God, and that is why Satan hates families and children. The child of God will know life in eternity and Satan knows his life is finite. It must just destroy him to no end knowing that a baby born today might live forever in heaven while he himself has a destiny in the lake of fire.

When people discourage men/women from becoming husbands and wives, they should consider that God created some men and women specifically for that purpose. Perhaps many were created to live single, but if God did not want us to reproduce and form families he would not have written these words:
Genesis 2:18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.... (verse 23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
50   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 16, 7:15pm  

Did No Fault exist in the time of the OT or NT? Could a Hebrew, Greek, Roman, etc. woman decide she was not haaaapy anymore and get half the goats and acerage?

PeopleUnited says

Satan hates families because he knows families are the foundation of proper child rearing.

Yep, and is method is female emancipation and divorce 'reform'. Instead of "Mannity Man Uppity Up that 30 body count hoe (often single mom) as a wife", the religious should be working on marriage reform and disciplining women, much more so than men. Restoring the order where the Servant Leader actually is a Leader, and not a Servant to the Wife who is Leader, which is clearly against Biblical Order that has the man in charge of the household.

"But men are the key to society". Yes - IF they have reason to invest and have a reward. Not to risk it all to be used and abused.
51   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 16, 8:31pm  

AmericanKulak says

the religious should be working on marriage reform and disciplining women, much more so than men.

God calls all sinners to repentance. Men, and women, and children.

remember Adam sinned because he was NOT deceived. He knew full well that God did not lie. The scripture implies that Eve was deceived, which is why Adam takes the blame for the fall of man even though Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit. The fact that you’re laying blame on women more than men is consistent with Adam’s excuse, when he basically said to God “the woman you gave me, made me do it.”

It didn’t fly then and it doesn’t fly now. Men, if they are to be servant leaders, must understand that their responsibility is greater.
53   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 8, 6:35pm  

PeopleUnited says

There are two types of men in this world. Those that have sex with dolls and those that don’t. But every one of us will give an account to God of what we did.

Nothing in the Bible prohibits sex dolls. Remarks about contentious women are vast, and modern laws are 180 from Biblical Laws. The Romans and Greeks were more compatible with Biblical laws than modern.

Paul instructs men to avoid marriage if they can do so. In Modern Marriage, you don't even have the right not to burn, which is the only purpose for marriage in the NT. Marriage for the sake of having kids and buying a 3/2 in the burbs is not in the Bible. In fact, a declining population is inferred for the approach of the Second Coming.

PeopleUnited says

It didn’t fly then and it doesn’t fly now. Men, if they are to be servant leaders, must understand that their responsibility is greater.

Modern men are not Servant Leaders, they are Servants to the Wife who is Leader. They have no ability to enforce jack shit in a marriage, except with psychological manipulation, and who wants to do that for an entire lifetime? And most men are amateurs compared to women at emotional blackmail, it's feminine energy.

Men are given no enforcement tools over marriage, so calling them "Leaders" is absurd. Leaders have authority over what they are leading.

50% of marriages end in divorce - a number that will go higher once the boomers and silents and the handful of Greatest die - and those that stay married, perhaps 20% are decent. I'd say 4/5th of marriages are failures.

Until the laws change, I advise young men to avoid marriage as there is not way to control or discipline a wife. Compatibility is a joke because women have stages - on of the few tools men have to protect themselves and women are legendary for "She's never wrong, she just changed her minds".

After the 50s, when their pussy dries up and their hormones taper down, they can become perhaps a not-too-bad roommate. The only ones whose sex drive goes up after menopause is because their T-levels are increasing, along with their body hair and masculinizing face, and that's a small minority.

Ancedotes are not data, and the numbers of Marriage in the West dovetail better with the Wokinization and De-Patriarchization of Laws than any other factor
54   WookieMan   2024 Jan 8, 6:39pm  

AmericanKulak says

Ceffer says

Haven't watched his vids in a while, but he is an interesting divvy empath of sorts. Last I heard he was in Amsterdam, following his wife there.

Styx sure left back for the US in a hurry, despite his wife and child, and he seemed pissed but isn't talking. I find it hard to believe he had trouble with the authorities either without mentioning it, or without bringing his wife and child. Certainly not around holiday time.

Styx has good takes on some things. He's kind of off and comes across as a know it all most of the time. I agree with his takes much of the time but petting cats and letting your hair grow out is kind of creepy. Energy drinks are god awful for you as well. He's stuck in his 20's.

UkraineIsFucked says

Can't compete with AI girls or just suck at getting hot ones in real life that aren't scum bags? There is a difference.
55   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 8, 6:47pm  

WookieMan says

Styx has good takes on some things. He's kind of off and comes across as a know it all most of the time. I agree with his takes much of the time but petting cats and letting your hair grow out is kind of creepy. Energy drinks are god awful for you as well. He's stuck in his 20's.

I think he had one of those "Trad Wives" that can't even take care of herself. There also might be opiates or benzos involved.

Styx quit just about everything around when his kid was born, inc. cigarettes, so the talk of drugs is probably about the wife. Also, the wife was making "Am I still beautiful after having a baby" remarks on social media, so she may have strayed for Ego and that rightfully pissed him off.
56   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 8, 6:53pm  

WookieMan says

Can't compete with AI girls or just suck at getting hot ones in real life that aren't scum bags? There is a difference.

Of course they can't, AI Girlfriends are apparently interested in the guys. Modern women treat men as free therapists. "These gals said... my Facebook Moms group says that... Do you think..? I'm borrrred. Making sandwiches is oppression, I'm gonna use your credit card to doordash because I can't even right now, okay?"

I've banged a lot of hot broads in the past, but I tire of hearing them emote. When they talk to me, it's like playing a video game where the NPCs give the same lines all the time when you walk past.

"Then I took an arrow to the knee"

"My exboyfriend/husband was abusive."

(Translation from Womanese: He told her to shut up when she pounced on him after a 10 hour shift with a bunch of bullshit. Or, she threw herself at aguy out of her league who told it was fun only from day one, and she was unable to manipulate him into a relationship).

Another vaccuous line: "I love to travel" That means she's basic and expensive and wants pics for social media. And best it's the "I like to take long walks in the park" filler.

At almost 50, I don't have the high level of horny to push through the bullshit. About 35, my BS Tolerance began to decline, and took a nose dive a few years ago. I no longer have the ability to sit through a story about how somebody is very artsy and they met Creed once at a Hardees.

My give a dman button is busted, I still don't need Viagra at 50, I ain't signing up for step dad duties and I actively repel pension pirates with a cannon blast, but I like beauty and the feel of pussy. Solution: Technology and Rental.

Women have priced themselves way too high. Did you know financial firms don't bother marketing to women, not even 6 figure professional women? Remember they bombarded them with "open an account at Fidelity" ads in the 2000s and early 2010s? They stopped: Women simply don't save regardless of marital status or income. Almost no woman these days has a retirement to speak of unless she's a govt worker or widow and somebody did it on her behalf. Women carry a fraction of life insurance relative to men, though working women is now far and away the most common situation.

The best woman is about as responsible as a really well behaved teenager.

With a rental or a doll, you know the cost up front. Most guys who brag about never paying for pussy are paying alimony to their ex wife and lost a house - or will in a few more years.

TradCucks (as opposed to RealTrads who understand society and legal backing is necessary for Trad Marriage) and Simps have made everything more intolerable than it was. Women came with a dowry for a reason; they're a burden. Stop femidolatry.

If it floats, flies, or fucks, rent it by the hour. (Funny song, Not Doll Porn).

For me, it's hotness all night long, then back in the box when I have other shit to do.
57   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 8, 7:34pm  

Oh, forgot the #1 BS Line of all time, one that I knew was bullshit back in the 90s right after High School:

"I've only ever had 2-3 boyfriends".
58   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 9, 6:15pm  

PeopleUnited says

remember Adam sinned because he was NOT deceived. He knew full well that God did not lie. The scripture implies that Eve was deceived, which is why Adam takes the blame for the fall of man even though Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit. The fact that you’re laying blame on women more than men is consistent with Adam’s excuse, when he basically said to God “the woman you gave me, made me do it.”

This is a femidolizing complementarian excuse.

The Curse of Eve exists, and the biblical order of family is for the women to be under the guidance of the husband. Modern Churchians twist this into "Servant of the Wife Who is Leader". There is no XO or first mate role for the wife in the Bible, and even if there was, XOs who disobey the commanding officer get disciplined, no? And XOs don't have to be consulted or have their advice listened to, either.
59   stereotomy   2024 Jan 10, 3:01am  

AmericanKulak says

PeopleUnited says

remember Adam sinned because he was NOT deceived. He knew full well that God did not lie. The scripture implies that Eve was deceived, which is why Adam takes the blame for the fall of man even though Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit. The fact that you’re laying blame on women more than men is consistent with Adam’s excuse, when he basically said to God “the woman you gave me, made me do it.”

This is a femidolizing complementarian excuse.

The Curse of Eve exists, and the biblical order of family is for the women to be under the guidance of the husband. Modern Churchians twist this into "Servant of the Wife Who is Leader". There is no XO or first mate role for the wife in the Bible, and even if there was, XOs who disobey the commanding officer get disciplined, no? And XOs don't have to be consulted or have their advice listened to, either.

In other words, Adam had agency - the power and the responsibility to choose, and then live with the consequences. Eve had no agency - she was essentially Satan's foil to undermine Adam. She had no agency, no power other than to deceive, no responsibility for her actions.

God said, "Eat of this fruit, and you will surely die." It was true, man became mortal, and must surely die. Eve, that ignorant slut, thought it meant immediate death, because she is unto an animal and incapable of thinking more than 10 minutes ahead.

Why is there no prohibition in the Bible about women laying with women? Why do the 10 commandments essentially state "Don't even think about fucking another man's wife, let alone doing it." Where does this occur elsewhere in the 10 commandments? Nowhere. The seductive power of the pussy was well known to the ancients.
60   PeopleUnited   2024 Jan 10, 4:44am  

People don’t understand servant leadership. Jesus is a servant leader. Not every man is capable of being a servant leader, at least not without the help of the Holy Spirit. But every man justifies himself and his own actions even when they are wrong just like Adam did.

When people badmouth women they insult God and men. God created women, the first one was created from Adam’s own rib so in a sense she is part of Adam. Furthermore every man since Adam was born of a woman, just as God had planned. Women are hormone sensitive and emotional but other than that they are not so different than men. Anyone who breaks God’s rules and does things wrong is guilty and there are consequences for themselves and the world around them.
61   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 10, 9:16am  

PeopleUnited says

Jesus is a servant leader.

Jesus is the King of Kings over the Church, who must submit and obey him in all things.

I call this the "Ephesians 5:25 and 28-32, but ignore 5:22-24 and skip over 26-27" half-truth modern mentality.

Pastors deliberately skip over female accountability, lest they get shrieked at by rebels in their pews.

Does God do everything the Church asks for? Nope! Does he do things to the Church they don't want, for their own good? Yep! Against the objections of the Church? Absolutely!

Servant Leader has been corrupted by Churchians to "Servant of the wife who is Leader".

The relationship is clearly detailed in the Bible: Man is over the woman as Christ is head of the Church, and as the Church should obey Christ in everything. It's obedience and faith brings the Cherish. Modern Churchians emphasize the Cherish and disappear the Obedience and Submission.

PeopleUnited says

When people badmouth women they insult God and men.

Women were never given authority in all Christendom until now. Amazing how modern soft-handed, wire-framed glasses wearing theologians married to gluttons think they know more than Knox, Augustine, Aquinas, Melanchthon, Erasmus, and heck, Paul.

Here is rank simpery and rebellion about a man and wife from modern Churches - warning, take pepto before reading:

Great example of "Forget female submission and obedience, but men must Cherish" attitude.
62   PeopleUnited   2024 Jan 10, 4:09pm  

AmericanKulak says

Many pastors deliberately skip over female accountability, lest they get shrieked at by rebels in their pews.

Fixed it for you.

Many pastors fail to be good shepherds for various reasons. But even a good shepherd cannot force the flock to obey.

I understand and agree that men and women have defined Biblical roles and that today those roles are ignored by most churches and probably most men and women. But If the solution was as simple as becoming a grass eating doll owner then we’d have been given instructions on that by the Creator. The solution is, was and will always be the gospel. When men and women follow Jesus they learn their roles. When they don’t follow Jesus, it is chaos, which is where we are at today. Follow Jesus and teach others to follow Him.
63   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 3, 12:45am  

I already have two kids, and can avoid burning. It's simply too risky to engage, and "Just chose better bro" fails to take into account the onslaught of media and social messaging and prssure on women, who are generally much more vulnerable. Also, almost half of all women have NO regular male figure in their lives growing up these days AT ALL. Beyond Uncle Marty on the holidays. Finally, the indulgent, materialistic, and 'there's plenty of good men to settle in case of emergency everywhere" mentality women have - and the makework do-little economy set up for them, and then a huge welfare state underneath that should that easy street be untenable for them.

Not engaging is a viable strategy for older men. For the younger guys, it will have to be abroad until the laws are more compatible with Biblical Marriage.
64   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 3, 2:50pm  

stereotomy says

In other words, Adam had agency - the power and the responsibility to choose, and then live with the consequences. Eve had no agency - she was essentially Satan's foil to undermine Adam. She had no agency, no power other than to deceive, no responsibility for her actions.

God said, "Eat of this fruit, and you will surely die." It was true, man became mortal, and must surely die. Eve, that ignorant slut, thought it meant immediate death, because she is unto an animal and incapable of thinking more than 10 minutes ahead.

Yes, Adam ignored the natural order and instead of remembering his first duty to obey God, was more concerned with pleasing the woman.

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