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Can't compete with AI girls or just suck at getting hot ones in real life that aren't scum bags? There is a difference.
remember Adam sinned because he was NOT deceived. He knew full well that God did not lie. The scripture implies that Eve was deceived, which is why Adam takes the blame for the fall of man even though Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit. The fact that you’re laying blame on women more than men is consistent with Adam’s excuse, when he basically said to God “the woman you gave me, made me do it.”
PeopleUnited says
remember Adam sinned because he was NOT deceived. He knew full well that God did not lie. The scripture implies that Eve was deceived, which is why Adam takes the blame for the fall of man even though Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit. The fact that you’re laying blame on women more than men is consistent with Adam’s excuse, when he basically said to God “the woman you gave me, made me do it.”
This is a femidolizing complementarian excuse.
The Curse of Eve exists, and the biblical order of family is for the women to be under the guidance of the husband. Modern Churchians twist this into "Servant of the Wife Who is Leader". There is no XO or first mate role for the wife in the Bible, and even if there was, XOs who disobey the commanding officer get disciplined, no? And XOs don't have to be consulted or have their advice listened to, either.
Jesus is a servant leader.
When people badmouth women they insult God and men.
Many pastors deliberately skip over female accountability, lest they get shrieked at by rebels in their pews.
In other words, Adam had agency - the power and the responsibility to choose, and then live with the consequences. Eve had no agency - she was essentially Satan's foil to undermine Adam. She had no agency, no power other than to deceive, no responsibility for her actions.
God said, "Eat of this fruit, and you will surely die." It was true, man became mortal, and must surely die. Eve, that ignorant slut, thought it meant immediate death, because she is unto an animal and incapable of thinking more than 10 minutes ahead.
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During the early stages of their lives, typically before turning 40, men often believe in the concept of love. However, once they reach the age of 40, their perception and attraction towards this idea changes significantly, regardless of whether they are in a relationship or not. It is common for long-term marriages to deteriorate between the ages of 40 and 55, leading to an increase in divorces. This trend often emerges when their eldest child reaches adulthood, usually around 18 years old, revealing that their primary reason for staying together was solely for the sake of their children.
In societies where divorce carries a social stigma, such as the period before the 1960s in the United States, individuals would remain married but avoid emotional intimacy. Instead, they would engage in social events and gatherings to maintain the façade of a contented union. This phenomenon was aptly portrayed in the 1967 movie "The Graduate" directed by Mike Nichols. The character Mrs. Robinson does not feel love or attraction towards Ben; rather, she rebels against her unhappy marriage and the fact that she was only with her husband for the sake of their daughter.
During this era, staying married for the sake of the children became a common practice. However, individuals started realizing this pattern and made a conscious decision to stop pursuing romantic relationships as they approached the age of 40. At this point, they lose interest in seeking conventional partnerships and instead turn to sugar babies or escort girls to satisfy their physical needs. In the 2020s, this trend has extended to using sex dolls and AI Chat Boxes, which offer virtualized interactions, making such experiences more affordable and easily accessible.
This lifestyle allows them the freedom to enjoy their social lives without the burden of a committed partner or the disappointment often associated with blind dates, which are typically arranged by well-meaning friends using social events as a means to introduce two single individuals.