Turtle dove

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2023 Dec 27, 7:48pm   1,600 views  37 comments

by Falcons12   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We convicted her husband of second degree. Sentencing is March 15th 9:00 a.m. courtroom c-40 10th floor

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1   Falcons12   2023 Dec 27, 8:43pm  

I forgot to mention after the trial producers from 48 hours and Dateline are going to set up interviews next year for a jury panel.
2   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 8:57pm  

Guys, this is one of the jurors from Turtledove's trial. You can ask him anything about being on the jury.
3   KgK one   2023 Dec 27, 9:02pm  

What evidence was convincing that he did it?
Lot of pretty gals marry ugly guys. Him being doctor would make it easy for him to get many girls. Looks are temporary n relative. what was his motive?
4   Falcons12   2023 Dec 27, 9:41pm  

A motive is not necessary for a conviction. But there was turmoil in the marriage argument that night 3 to 4:00 a.m.
5   WookieMan   2023 Dec 27, 9:57pm  

KgK one says

What evidence was convincing that he did it?
Lot of pretty gals marry ugly guys. Him being doctor would make it easy for him to get many girls. Looks are temporary n relative. what was his motive?

Are you joking? Dying from falling down stairs under the age of 50 doesn't happen. Maybe in an extremely rare case that's obvious. I've cracked my head on a table, taken to the ER and was fine. Falling down the stairs doesn't kill the majority of people. It's usually elderly and they sit there and bleed out. There were red flags all over this from the word go.

And who cares about taste in men or women? That's a choice they made that shouldn't result in death. That's what happened here and 12 people agreed.
6   stereotomy   2023 Dec 27, 10:19pm  

WookieMan says

KgK one says

What evidence was convincing that he did it?
Lot of pretty gals marry ugly guys. Him being doctor would make it easy for him to get many girls. Looks are temporary n relative. what was his motive?

Are you joking? Dying from falling down stairs under the age of 50 doesn't happen. Maybe in an extremely rare case that's obvious. I've cracked my head on a table, taken to the ER and was fine. Falling down the stairs doesn't kill the majority of people. It's usually elderly and they sit there and bleed out. There were red flags all over this from the word go.

And who cares about taste in men or women? That's a choice they made that shouldn't result in death. That's what happened here and 12 people agreed.

IIRC Turtledove was strangled by her husband, then he staged the "falling down stairs" thing.
7   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 10:24pm  

Two answers from the juror, emailed to me:

One of the major points was the perfect symmetrical literature strangulation sorry for the misspelling

There was also crime scene upstairs
8   clambo   2023 Dec 27, 10:26pm  

Guys who are ugly know it.
That doctor was ugly and his wife was hot.
Deep down he knew he would not find another like her; or at least he believed it.
Sometimes guys flip out if the object of their desire wants to leave them.

We all know that a guy who has enough money could find a girl interested in his money, but he wasn't thinking straight at the time.
9   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 27, 10:29pm  

@Falcons12 was there evidence presented that the perp was in financial worries, and there was insurance involved?
10   stereotomy   2023 Dec 27, 10:30pm  

Turmoil at 3 - 4 AM? Was there evidence that the husband had been consuming either alcohol or other substances? Sheesh, strangling one's wife indicates major levels of rage/fear/betrayal. I've been married for many years, and have been very angry at times, but I have never imagined, let alone attempted, to strangle my wife.

It sounds like he was walking wounded from his first marriage, but never took the time to seek help to process his trauma. Deep emotional trauma is a form of PTSD - one is damaged, and it takes time to understand what happened and how that has broken oneself. You wouldn't try to run on a broken leg; why try the family thing again if you're still broken? That doesn't absolve him; rather it highlights that this man was probably a powder keg of rage waiting for the fuse to be lit.

People put themselves in peril when they interact with someone/something but are unaware of how dangerous this interaction can be.
11   Falcons12   2023 Dec 27, 10:36pm  

Financial yes some. Insurance was not proved
12   Falcons12   2023 Dec 27, 10:50pm  

I'm not sure if you caught a major crime scene upstairs.
13   Falcons12   2023 Dec 27, 10:57pm  

No sobriety test of the husband the night of the murder. Toc screen on the wife.
14   stereotomy   2023 Dec 27, 11:01pm  

Falcons12 says

I'm not sure if you caught a major crime scene upstairs.

Are you referring to the location of turtledove's strangulation?
16   WookieMan   2023 Dec 28, 4:32am  

stereotomy says

Turmoil at 3 - 4 AM? Was there evidence that the husband had been consuming either alcohol or other substances?

At their age they likely would have been out sleeping if they were drinking. Hung out with a buddy in town last night, had some drinks. I was out by midnight.

3-4am probably indicates she was sleeping and he woke up early in a fit of rage for whatever reason. Woke her up and there was a physical interaction in the bedroom. I don't want to be disrespectful to the family, but my guess is he choked her out and tossed her down the stairs. And police would have smelled booze on him. Likely he could self prescribe opioids or narcotics to himself. He could have been on anything. My friends wife was stealing samples at a hospital as a nurse for years. Got fired and needed to go to rehab. Docs and nurses get fucked up.

It seems like a pure psychosis situation on paper or drug use. Something wasn't right in the brain. I've been soooooo pissed at my wife before. You know what, you just walk away from the situation. You cool down and she cools down. This kind of seems premeditated based on what is being stated here. Catch her while she's sleeping. If that's the case, it's psychotic. I fear for the fallout. He was a doctor. Who knows what he did to patients if he did this to his wife.

Again sorry to the family if they lurk on the site. Just looking at the situation and the conviction. Not sure this is closure they wanted, but I wish the kids especially and anyone close the best. This is a messed up situation no one should have to go through.
17   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Dec 28, 5:42am  

Patrick says

symmetrical literature strangulation

symmetrical ligature strangulation
18   Kepi   2023 Dec 28, 7:06am  

Falcons12 says

Falcons12 says

I'm not sure if you caught a major crime scene upstairs.

Are you referring to the location of turtledove's strangulation?
15   Falcons12   💰tip   ignore (0)   2023 Dec 27, 11:32pm    share   ↑ like (0)   ↓ dislike (0)   quote   flag      

If not the location of strangulation, please tell us about the major crime scene.
19   Falcons12   2023 Dec 28, 5:54pm  

There was blood on the end table and at the bottom of the curtain. His blood. Do not know exactly where strangulation took place. But the Blood in the daughter's bedroom where she was sleeping was the elephant in the room.
20   Patrick   2023 Dec 28, 6:17pm  

Holy cow. How did he end up bleeding if he strangled her? Did she cut or bite him?
21   Rin   2023 Dec 28, 6:50pm  

KgK one says

What evidence was convincing that he did it?

Here's the thing KgK, many DA offices, esp in affluent communities, are not going to launch a full-on prosecution, unless they have a highly feasible conviction on hand. Otherwise, the case would be a character trial of what ppl thought of Dr Sills and whether or not he was capable of murdering his spouse.

This Dr Sills was in effect, reckless, leaving evidence of a struggle and possibly [ I'm speculating here ], even prior domestic abuse (older dried blood from a previous fights, etc), all over his home. And any forensics detective, not just on CSI, can tell the difference between a fall and strangulation. I know that we're looking more and more like a Banana Republic by the year but these things are obvious to those in autopsy dept. I believe that with that in place, any DA would take the initiative to launch a full-on prosecution.

And if all the due process was done correctly, then it's safe to assume that Dr Sills was in fact guilty and will be facing a fair sentencing.
25   AD   2024 May 13, 4:32pm  


The California fertility doctor was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for her murder.


26   Patrick   2024 May 13, 4:40pm  

I see that they carefully avoided mentioning patrick.net.
27   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 5:02pm  

Is there any evidence that "Strategist" was actually an investigator checking Patrick.net out?

@Strategist are you out there?
28   AD   2024 May 13, 5:14pm  

Onvacation says

Is there any evidence that "Strategist" was actually an investigator checking Patrick.net out?

Strategist are you out there?

Did Strategist use to have a FBI logo for his profile ? I recall there was a Patnet member that did have an FBI logo for their profile.

Maybe Strategist is no longer here because they completed their snooping and investigating ?

But why would law enforcement snoop on Patnet ?
29   Patrick   2024 May 13, 5:17pm  

Yes, I recall he did have that logo. And there it is:

30   AD   2024 May 13, 5:39pm  

Patrick says

Yes, I recall he did have that logo. And there it is:


We can rule out Strategist was motivated to join Patnet as part of investigating Turtle Dove's death.

Strategist started a post in 2015 (the year before Turtle Dove passed away): https://patrick.net/post/1288040/2015-12-30-bill-cosby-charged

31   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 5:41pm  

Pretty smart guy, Strategist. Well spoken and I think he agreed with many of us.AD says

But why would law enforcement snoop on Patnet ?

To make sure were just a bunch of nerdy complainers and not a nascent far right terrorist organization.
32   WookieMan   2024 May 13, 7:26pm  

AD says

Strategist started a post in 2015 (the year before Turtle Dove passed away)

There have been other users here of interest that I've been skeptical of in the past. Might have been from during that time? I know Pat doesn't like talking about other users but Iwog asked to have his entire account removed/wiped. Might not have been TD is all I'm saying. There have been weirdos here as is common with any forum setup.
33   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 7:38pm  

turtledove says

lostand confused says

I just had a scary thought-what if Turtledove is trigglypuff????

As much as I would love to be the evil genius who could pull that off... I have to ask... Who/what is trigglypuff?

I'm testing out my camera and it appears to be working... I'm all set for the mid-July... AND... I've got my Canes shirt on tonight, so you know I'm super serious.

34   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 7:40pm  

You could always tell what a nice person she was in her posts.

turtledove says

Strategist says

How about a little appetizer?

35   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 7:46pm  


36   Onvacation   2024 May 13, 7:46pm  

Better Yet

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