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Wait, Ron Paul was robbed in 2016? To favor who? Trump, whom the GOP didn't want as a candidate then? Makes no sense.
Remember how Rand Paul was the first to come out swinging at Trump during the first debate - basically saying "What is this New York Liberal doing on the stage with us?"
Wait, Ron Paul was robbed in 2016? To favor who? Trump, whom the GOP didn't want as a candidate then? Makes no sense.
It's called politics.
we all know we are about to nominate the one guy that has the highest likelihood to lose again because he is so uniquely unpopular with a huge chunk of the population.
I think you're buying into the message of the mainstream media propaganda machine. Today's Iowa Caucus will be an indication as to how popular/unpopular Trump is.
He didn't lose in 2020 ... the election was clearly stolen in the battleground states, particularly in the inner cities/counties. I'm convinced that they will do the exact same thing again, and there is nothing within the infrastructure to stop it.
he is so uniquely unpopular with a huge chunk of the population.
Then why are we nominating the same fucking guy who could only win a squeaker election in the best of circumstances?
robbed by the GOP back in 2016
Trump is the greatest Republican popular vote getter in all US History
Ron Paul is said to have been robbed by the GOP back in 2016. This has always been very confusing to me. If they can do whatever it is they did to Ron Paul, how come they wouldn't or couldn't do it to Trump? Is this another example of how Trump is a player in the circus that is TPTB?
socal2 says
Remember how Rand Paul was the first to come out swinging at Trump during the first debate - basically saying "What is this New York Liberal doing on the stage with us?"
It's called politics.
Remember when Kamala Harris stated in one of the debates that she didn't believe Joe Biden 'was a racist,' and then went on to describe why he is a racist due to his racist votes that 'hurt' her as a 'little girl?'
And yet when Haley attacked Trump - it is suddenly not politics, but "meat curtain establishment something-something". 🤡
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