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There is good evidence that more midazolam was ordered (and / or other drugs with equivalent modes of action)
There is good evidence that shortages of the drug (and related drugs) ensued
There are written protocols in existence which encourage its usage
These protocols are inappropriate and represent huge changes from established clinical practive for the treatment of respiratory infections
In the UK, midazolam usage is strongly correlated temporally to excess deaths, and the excess death curves are tightly synchronised across the UK in a pattern which is not consistent with pathogenic spread.
There were changes in laws in some places to facilitate its use where euthanasia had been previously illegal
There are disturbing eyewitness reports on various media AND also at Official Inquiries under oath, eg at the Scottish Inquiry
There is precedent for healthcare professionals being capable, in extreme circumstances, of carrying out what would ordinarily amount in law to homicide while thinking they are doing good. In this regard, I suggest reading this article which I wrote last year with Jessica Hockett.
In summary, I believe the weight of the evidence suggests that the lives of large numbers of people worldwide were ended prematurely as a result of the administration of certain medication.
The way in which those directives came about is, at this time, unclear.
The extraordinary spike in UK excess deaths in April 2020 was not
due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because there were relatively few
infections and there was no “high consequence infectious disease”,
as officially declared in March 2020.
The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic, created with
widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all
regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic
policy of euthanasia.
A clinical adviser paramedic, Robert Pollock, told the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry that healthcare workers received a letter stating they “would be given full support” if they allowed Covid patients over the age of 70 to die without resuscitating them.
Scottish health officials in March 2020 told paramedics they would be fully supported if they did not “try too hard” to resuscitate patients over the age of 70, Pollock testified.
If someone wants to talk about Gain of Function a lot, why don’t they mention the fact that end of life protocols were used around the world in the spring of 2020?
These protocols amount to murder. This murder was used to sell a “pandemic”.
Corrupt people want to have another “pandemic” the sooner the better. Beware of the tactics they used last time.
And let others know about what you learned in this video.
An eminent investigative author has warned that the vast majority of deaths attributed to COVID-19 in official government figures have been faked. ...
He reveals that the vast majority of people who have COVID-19 listed as their cause of death actually died from “drug overdoses and car accidents” in addition to old and sick people who were “mistreated by hospitals.” ...
“They weren’t given antibiotics when they had a bacterial infection in their lungs.
“These things all combined through a coercion of doctors from the American Board of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, the state licensing boards, the federation of state medical boards, the NIH, FDA, CDC, all said the same thing: ‘You will use this protocol or we’re going to suspend your license.’ ...
“So with regard to all of the hospital protocols, I call it murder,” Beaudoin declares.
“Because, at some level, somebody knew what they were doing.
“More than half a million people killed by hospital protocols,” he explains. ...
Jensen received a 7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.
“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000,” Jensen said.
“If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. ...
In addition, Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) added a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill if doctors administered Remdesivir.
Remdesivir, an alleged Covid treatment injection, is a drug so toxic it earned the infamous nickname, “Run Death Is Near.”
Heidi Bond lost her best friend, Guadalupe “Lupe” Espinoza in Clovis Community Hospital, Clovis, CA on 9/28/21 due to the deadly government incentivized hospital protocols, Lupe was only 48 years old. Since then Heidi has been fighting a very public uphill battle in her home town to try to warn her community about these lethal treatments, but are protected by the Federal PREP Act, giving the hospital and doctors immunity from liability. Several times a week she and other people who have lost loved ones stand on the sidewalk at the hospital with signs trying to get the word out.
Heidi is a pioneering member of the FormerFedsGroup-supported COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project Street Teams initiative, and runs the @CACHBMP account on X.
Below is her speech to the CFC Constitutionalists for California, Clovis Chapter meeting, held on 6/20/24. Please watch and share to help raise awareness.
I am going to tell you a story about my best friend.
As I’m telling it, as difficult as it may be, please try to picture your best friend or a family member going through exactly what I describe.
My best friend was transported by ambulance to Clovis Community Hospital in Clovis, California because she was having difficulty breathing. Upon arrival they learned that she was not vaccinated and the discrimination began. She was put in a room and isolated. They performed a PCR test for COVID and the results came back positive. The use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, therapeutics know to heal, were denied and she was instead put on the first of three doses of the toxic and deadly drug remdesivir, without informed consent. Her family was unable to visit or advocate for her. She was restrained, dehumanized, put on a ventilator, and the damage to her body was so extreme that she bled from her eyes. She was administered high levels of fentanyl, morphine and other toxic drugs. After 57 days of fighting for her life she was discharged into the morgue. Are you mad yet? Well, I have been mad as hell for nearly three years and the journey I’ve been on to be a voice for my best friend is what lead me to be here in front of you today.
Across our nation millions of lives have been devastated due to the mandated, and government incentivized, hospital COVID protocol. Even worse, the devastation is intentional, and being covered up by a corrupt medical system, the media and our own government. It is an evil depopulation agenda that is targeting the entire western world. This death protocol, implemented by the HHS, CDC, FDA, and NIH, is being pushed by administrators in all hospitals across America. What is the motivation for hospitals to implement these genocidal protocols? Who benefits from such medical tyranny? Money has been a huge motivator for carrying out this evil agenda. Hospitals received federal bonus payments for a free required PCR test in the emergency room and an added payment for each positive diagnosis. A bonus is paid for a COVID admission into the hospital. Add to that an additional twenty percent bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for the use of remdesivir. And if that wasn’t enough, add another larger bonus payment if the COVID patient is ventilated. And to top it all off, a final bonus is paid if the cause of death is listed as COVID. A COVID death diagnosis also provides extra payments to the coroner.
You are probably wondering, how are they killing people? Remdesivir, also referred to as “run, death is near” by doctors and nurses throughout the United States, is still the only COVID drug approved for use in all hospitals. Remdesivir causes severe organ damage and death. ...
“Don’t you want to save the planet? There’s no better way to save the planet than to reduce the population of the world. Didn’t you read what Bill McGuire, volcanologist, climate scientist, writer, broadcaster, activist, socialist, best-selling author of HOTHOUSE EARTH: AN INHABITANT’S GUIDE, recently wrote on Twitter?”
If I am being brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.
In the backrooms of government buildings, the morally vacant state says, “And you’ll save us shitloads of money.”
“Did we mention that, ‘You’ll save the state shitloads of money?’ Especially you older people who want pensions and medical care during your declining years. Shitloads!”
“Mr. Jones, just think, you’ll unburden your family with any messy in home care, you’ll save the planet and the shitloads of money the state will save will go toward your grandchildren’s education in our state-funded propaganda centers so they can become effective working drones for the elites. It’s the right thing to do.”
They really want permission to do this. They want people to volunteer. Just like they want people to say, “A man can become a woman,” or ” A man can get pregnant.” Just like they want people to volunteer to get vaccinated to protect granny and the children. They want, they need permission, because it exposes weakness not only to them, but to those granting it.
With permission there is consent, with permission useless eaters have bent the knee to the bully and once they’ve done that, the state will ask them to do it again and again and again until finally they’ll ask for permission to kill them and they’ll agree for the good of the world and they’ll feel good about it….probably right up until the time they truly realize what is happening, but then it will be too late.
If they can get people to voluntarily abort their children, all the better.
If they can get people to voluntarily give up their freedoms, all the better.
If they can get people to voluntarily get vaccinated every six months, all the better.
And if they can get people to voluntarily end their lives…they’ll smile not with pity or remorse, but triumph. ...
If you’re not angry about euthanasia, you will be after reading this book.
Here a few more quotes:
Encouraging patients to kill themselves is much easier than having to bother diagnosing and treating them.
If you feel that I am being unkind to the once revered healing professions let me remind you, yet again, that during the covid lockdowns, huge numbers of patients were routinely murdered with ‘kill shots’ consisting of an opioid and a benzodiazepine. (Morphine and midazolam were the favourite tools of death.) ...
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
NICOLE LANDERS: Good afternoon. My name is Nicole Landers. I am the nurse advisor for [inaudible] at Truth for Health Foundation.[1] I've been a nurse for almost 30 years. For the last 14 months of my life I've become specialized with a team of volunteer attorneys and physicians to medically rescue patients out of the hospitals nation-wide, including many in the state of Florida.
There are some that represent the masses in the state behind me today that are going to share their stories.
I cannot describe the atrocities unfolding in the hospitals. It raises my blood to boiling to think about the abuse and torment that these patients and families suffer every single day. To date there are 1,085 patients dying a day in our hospitals nationwide. They are not dying from covid, they are dying from the hospital protocols that are not evidence-based, and don't save lives, they take lives.
I'm going to read just a few because I know these [inaudible] are not going to get in time, before this is over, I'm going to read the list that was forwarded to Florida Representative of observed patterns of behavior and actual events we saw in hospitals in the state while working to advocate and rescue these patients.
Prolonged isolation from loved ones, sometimes as much as two months.
Denial of basic food and of fluid for no apparent reason.
Patients denied access to FDA-approved medications, instead being told they must use Remdesivir with a proven track record of death at 53% in previous studies.
Patients denied treatment with basic hydration, antibiotics, corticosteroids, therapeutic doses of anticoagulants, all standard for pneumonia, all denied for those who [doctors] say they had covid pneumonia. I can tell you sometimes their white cell counts and lab data was out of control, and still these physicians would say, we don't give antibiotics for covid pneumonia, am I right?
NICOLE LANDERS: How often did you fight and beg for a physician to give your loved one an antibiotic?
FEMALE VOICE: Every day! Every day!
NICOLE LANDERS: Meanwhile, Fauci said in 2008 that it was evident in a pandemic that everyone should get antibiotics for secondary pneumonia since it was in the Spanish flu it was secondary bacterial pneumonia that killed most of those patients. Did you know that?
Denied treatment for existing diabetes and other common conditions that should have been treated while in the hospital.
Ominous threats for refusing Remdesivir and ventilation, including psychological traumatization with ongoing brow-beating and fear-based tactics after refusing these options. We have heard these threats our own selves. Some are recorded.
No informed consent. These patients accepted these treatments not understanding the risk to their lives.
Patients told they would die if they didn't agree to take it. They were threatened with withdrawal of ventilation and orders for no sedation if the patients wouldn't refuse to comply with [inaudible]
Patients being threatened with comfort care only and no lifesaving measures would be granted unless they agree to allow the ventilation.
Patients and family ridiculed by doctors for requesting FDA-approved, evidence-based, safe treatment. They were told it was voodoo medicine, horse paste. Well I am here to tell you, I have helped thousands of patients. I haven't lost one that I've helped get to treatment who received early evidence-based care.
Some we rescued out and their lives were saved because we got them out.
[Turns to speakers seated behind her on the stage] I'm so sorry that yours aren't included.
I fight every single day on behalf of the foundation to save these lives.
SPEAKERS SEATED BEHIND HER: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
NICOLE LANDERS: It is time to stand up! Please hear me! Victims, families across this country copy what we're doing here! Get out, inform the public, take a stand. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists! Contact Truth for Health Foundation. We can offer whistleblower protections. It's time to take a stand!
As we heard earlier, we have a good and just judge and He will not deny justice for those who go before his throne, and that's what we're doing today. And I ask you all to join me.
[1] https://www.truthforhealth.org/
Nurse Susan in South Africa Talks About Proning, Midazolam, and Remdesivir in the Covid Wards
"Whistleblower l Nurse reveals C19 patient mistreatment and vaccine injuries"
TrialSite News, postedAugust 7, 2022
"In this first episode of Whistleblower, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed speaks with a veteran registered nurse who has chosen to speak out because she believe medical practices "are killing people" and "we need to save lives". To protect patients, 'Susan' shares harrowing experiences of C19 patient trauma and post jab injuries including heart attacks, brain damage and death. According to Susan, 300 C19 patients who died could have been saved had the hospital changed their protocols and avoided drugs like Midazolam. Adding to the impact, is the targeting and victimisation of staff who dare to speak out for their patients."
NURSE SUSAN: Now I think the two years that I've seen 301 patients die unnecessarily, that was the thing that made me decide I have to tell what's going on so that more people can know what to look out for and even the relatives, if your loved one's in the hospital, open your eyes, be their ears, be their mouths, be their eyes, because they can't fend for themself. We have to fight back.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Very important opening message there from our whistleblower today. Susan, can you tell us how patients are being treated in your experience, patients that are coming in with symptoms of corona virus, what's happening to them inside the hospitals in terms of their treatment, in terms of what medication is being given to them, and in terms of their survival rate?
NURSE SUSAN: We had in the past two years 301 cases. None of them left our ICU alive. They all died. They came in, they were put onto CPAP what we call, it is noninvasive intubation where they put pressure through the lungs. Sometimes the pressures were so high that I think the patients actually were caused [?] trauma of the the lungs and they caused them to die. Those that were ventilated were put onto midazolam and morphine. Midazolam was earlier known to us as [?] and it apparently went off the market. This midazolam was also killing the patients. None of our patients left the ICUs alive. Then doctors introduced us to Schedule 21 medication.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Can you explain to us how the midazolam was causing patients to die? What effect did it have on corona virus patients?
NURSE SUSAN: When the patient gets midazolam they sedate the patients with the rate of 20. That is a very high dose because it like suppresses your whole central nervous system. And they give high rates of morphine which suppresses your breathing. So these patients couldn't cough. They did not have the ability to cough out the phlegm. So what happened? The phlegm stayed in the lungs and it got worse and worse, more infected.
Eventually they decided to prone the patients, which means they turned the patients on their belly. And they put them in the swimming position, every three hours you change the position of the head and the arms. The physiotherapists would come along and then we would help them. They couldn't suction the phlegm out. Some patients were left on their stomachs for 7 to 14 days. When they were turned back, their lips, their faces, the eyes were swollen to such an extent, the families couldn't see them.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Can I ask you a very important question on the subject of the proning. And that is, is it normal practice for patients to have breathing difficulties to be proned? And if it's not, why were they kept in that position for such a long time?
NURSE SUSAN: This was the position that they decided on which would save corona virus patients. It was never done before. Never. This was a new move that came out with corona virus. So that is what also worried me a lot.
Because remember, families weren't allowed to see the patients in the beginning. When patients passed away, they were just told, your family member passed on.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: What effect did that have, Susan, on some of the staff who were seeing what was going on? And on these families who were given this shocking news about their loved one? What kind of mental effect or mental trauma was felt by the staff and the families?
NURSE SUSAN: The families were outside the ICU. And we'd just go out and tell them, sorry, your loved one's passed away. Just tell us who are the people that [?] collect the corpse. And then we had to put the bodies into three plastic bags. That was terrible. Many frontliners, I was one of them, we cried while doing this. And then we were told, it's part of your job, just get it over with. It was as if they had no mercy for us. Then I think in the two years only twice somebody came to talk to us so that so we can just blow down and get rid of the stress. But it didn't work at- all.
And then the other thing, because morphine suppresses your breathing, they also could not cough to get the phlegm out. And I'm telling you, those faces, when we turned them back.
I went to Google one night about proning. And you are supposed to prone a patient 12 hours, de-prone, in other words put them back on their back for 12 hours. Then, 12 hours later, again, for a time of 72 hours. These doctors are doing it for up until 14 days. People were dying in the prone position. When they were turned back, we that saw them when we proned them, we couldn't recognize their faces. Their noses has burst open, they were bleeding out of their mouths, out of the ears, out of the eyes. It was a face that haunts you some nights. You can't sleep.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Susan that is a very powerful imagery you've shared there from experiences within the hospital. Surely doctors could see that proning together with the midazolam and the morphine was actually harming these patients. Did they at any point try to change the treatment regiment? Did they raise it with management at the hospitals? Do you know anything about that?
NURSE SUSAN: No they never did. I did rounds with the doctors. You know what? They didn't even examine the patients. They used to come on rounds, stand at the feet of the patient. Oh, OK, carry on. No [?] and they'd leave the bed, go to the next patient. That's how they were working.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: What other Section 21 medications were given to these patients that you think might have been problematic?
NURSE SUSAN: Remdesivir is one of them. Now when remdesivir came out we were told, family members must be told they have to sign the forms or else the medical aid will not pay for the medication. So we are innocent. We tell the family, you have to sign these forms, remdesivir is the only thing that can save this virus. So now you let them sign. Until one afternoon I was asked to help with the drugs and I saw the form in the drug cover. It was not supposed to be there. But I still say, that's what also made me speak up. Because why on that day was that form there? And then I read the form and then I saw. Schedule 21 is a trial medication. And then I started realizing that everybody that I've given remdesivir to, they went into renal failure, 72 hours later they passed away.
But while giving it, this didn't make sense, until I saw that form. And then I wondered, what's happened that I've seen this form? And now the forms have just disappeared. And they're not giving it at this present moment because we haven't had covid cases now for I think five or six months.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: So no covid cases over the last five or six months, but prior to that, remdesivir as an experimental drug was being given to patients, and families were asked to sign some sort of a consent form.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: And you're saying that this medication did absolutely nothing for the patients, in fact it may have harmed them. Did the doctors decide to change the medication protocol from remdesivir to something else that could help the patients? Did they notice what was happening at all?
NURSE SUSAN: They didn't—If they noticed they didn't speak up. But then the other hand I don't trust many doctors anymore because it seems as if they were all in it for money as well. That's why. My big question, if you're a doctor, you get medication, don't you go and read about it to see what are the side effects? What are the adverse effects?
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Many questions arising here in this episode of Whistleblower, speaking to a registered nurse in South Africa sharing her experiences of what patients are going through, corona virus patients. And we'll get to vaccine injury patients a little later during the course of this interview.
Susan, how many of these patients do you think would have survived if they'd used other types of protocols, other types of treatments and other types of regimen that didn't for example include proning? Of the 300 that you said passed away, how many of them do you estimate would have survived with a different treatment, different approach, different regimen?
NURSE SUSAN: Know what? We would have got all of them out. We would have. Because they were all basically severe pneumonias. They just needed the right treatment, like we used to treat pneumonias all the years in ICU.
And the biggest mistake was the ventilation. Because once they were ventilated, they had to be sedated, and when they sedated, that is when everything just went boomeranging gone.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Did any of the families challenge the hospital management, you know, the directors, the shareholders, the staff, ask questions, talk about any legal action, anything of the sort?
NURSE SUSAN: No, they never mentioned it because the fact that they were told no autopsy can be done, they knew if they couldn't do an autopsy they never had a case.
SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Is that still the case 5 to 6 months later you haven't had any corona virus patients, are autopsies still disallowed at the hospital?
NURSE SUSAN: They don't talk about autopsies anymore because now we've had a few cases now like I was looking, I watched when the patient is admitted from the emergency room, so I know exactly who's vaccinated and who's not because I write it in my notebook I have in my pocket. And now recently everybody that's getting sick is fully vaccinated.
Suzie Shannon Shares What Happened to Her Husband John in the Hospital
FormerFedsGroup, February 21, 2023
"Suzie Shannon joins us to talk about what happened to her husband John in an American Hospital regarding the Covid Protocols. Learn more about this story and others at https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-fda-death-protocol/john-w-shannon/ "
CC BLAKEMAN: Hi, this is CC Blakeman with the Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation. I'm here with Suzie. She's going to tell us what happened to her husband John in the hospital on American soil. If you would like to see her interview or any others you can see them at chbmp dot org on bitchute or rumble.
Thank you, Suzie, for joining us. If you wouldn't mind sharing what happened to your husband.
SUZIE SHANNON: Good afternoon, CC. My husband John came down with a cold, we thought, or covid at the time. Covid was pretty prominent, and I'm, I'm sorry, I don't know if I'll be able to get through this. But and he [inaudible]—
CC BLAKEMAN: It's OK, take your time
SUZIE SHANNON: —for about a week. And he was, his oxygen levels, we got one of those finger things, were in the 80s, and he was wheezing really bad. So we just didn't know how to get oxygen. And so we went to the emergency room at the local veteran's administration hospital where he got all his medical care. And we went in the morning about before daylight. Got there at about 6:30 and everything was closed. And there was a door that we had to go to down this alley and there was a sheriff and we banged on the door for someone to come to the door.
From the get-go it was weird and eerie, to me. A nurse, a male nurse, came to the door and let John in and didn't make eye contact with me or tell me what to do or anything. And that was the last time I saw my husband, when he went through those doors.
I didn't know what to do so I stood at there in the alley and waited. And the sheriff was kind of looming large and another guy came walking up and he said, I'm not allowed to do this but I'll take you into the building where you can wait if you'd like.
I was familiar with the building and I knew where the emergency room chairs were for waiting and I went there. And there weren't any employees yet or anything. So I just waited and people started coming in and walking around. And then the coffee shop opened up. So I bought a coffee. And then two people came by and told me to put my mask on and quit drinking my coffee.
And, um, yeah, it was just, it was just weird and uncomfortable and eerie from the get go. I worked in hospitals a lot of my life, and nothing was friendly or comfortable at all.
So I watched the girls come to work and get behind their cubby for the ER. I gave them time to settle down and then I went up to the window and asked about my husband. And they said, he's not here. And I said, just take a minute and look, because he's here. [laughs] I dropped him off. And then they found him.
And a few minutes later two male nurses in red and yellow, it's all I can remember, is they had on weird clothes, and came out and simply said I had to leave the building immediately, that my husband had covid-19 and I probably did, too.
So I went home. And tried to start finding out what was going on. John had his cell phone, we were able to text back and forth for a couple of days. And I was able to drop off his battery charger for his phone.
So he, he— I saw him on his phone and he was ambulatory, but he wasn't making a lot of sense. He said he got up to go to the bathroom and that he was starting to drink Ensures. And he had, I thought, OK. And he didn't know anything about medication. He didn't know anything about that, and I didn't think to ask. I was really in shock and scared. Mostly I was just in too much fear to be any good.
And so, so, then he mentioned that they— We had agreed before he went to the hospital that he would not be ventilated. We were both, he was more aware than I was of what was going on, but we were both together on that and we knew that ventilation usually mean death, because, and we had agreed on that.
So then it was a few days. He went into the hospital on the 13th and they ventilated him on the 18th. But before they did they had to transfer him because he kept refusing. And he was at one VA hospital and he refused. And the nurse— there was some kind of an accident because he said, they let me choke, or something, and so they weren't treating him right. And I think they were trying to scare him into getting ventilated, but I couldn't say for sure. I don't know. But it sure sounded like it to me.
And so he was transferred to another hospital in another town, a VA hospital that could handle, the the nurse said, I don't know how to handle his care because he won't be ventilated.
And then when the, when I read the doctor's notes now they say he was transferred to be ventilated.
So whatever. To me it's like the camps.
So I don't know— I look at his— We lost communication. Mainly we just texted loving things back and forth.
The nurses were very hard to get through to. There's a, I used to do the job myself, it's like a ward secretary in a hospital, and this one got on the phone the first time I called and read me the riot the act. Maybe because it's military, I don't know, but they were just so hard and so, locking down the doors from the get-go. And, and so she did that, she told me, you can't call here and if you do you have to have this number, and you can't give to anyone else in your family, and only one person's allowed to call here, and all this stuff.
So of course my husband has three children. They're not my children. We have a good relationship, they live in another state, and they wanted the code. They wanted to talk to their dad. And I gave it to them.
And the chaplains were OK at first and would do FaceTime. I got to do one FaceTime with John before was ventilated. And then the kids I think got to do one. And we were, we would call and try, they would take the cell phone into the room they said and let us talk to him so he could at least hear our voice. And we were able to do that a few times. One night I fell asleep listening to the ventilator.
But trying to get in and talk to the doctors, I would call and they would hang up or they wouldn't answer the phone. It was just really, really not normal. It wasn't— it was just so strange to me.
And as I look back on it now, it's been 14 months and I can clearly see the trauma they put me through, or my fear put me through, or just something, but it's just very wrong and very hard to get over. It's definitely not normal treatment.
So we broke in to the hospital, me and my young— John's youngest daughter and her husband. We snuck in and we went upstairs and we found the waiting room, and we went in there and we started to sing and pray. And the chaplain came in and found us, and he showed us John's window and explained what the place looked like inside, and said he was going to try and get us in, but I'm, that was I think a stall, but maybe not. But we didn't get it and then they came they started telling us, you're not allowed to be here, this is not an open area, you've got to go. And they escorted us out.
The main thing other than that, I mean, I wasn't there, I don't know. I asked the doctors if they give high vitamin [inaudible] infusions, if they give [inaudible]-nisone, if they would give vitamin C, and they just really gaslighted me. One of the ladies says, how do you spell that? I'm like, what?
Aren't you a medical— Maybe they were students. They had a team, so you never got to talk to the same doctor. You always talked to somebody different and it was always late at night. So I don't know. Just a very traumatic experience.
God only only knows what John was going through. You know. This is what I went through on the outside. so God only knows what he was going through. I know he was alone a lot.
CC BLAKEMAN: And how many total days was he isolated from you?
SUZIE SHANNON: Twenty. Well, 16, 20 hospitalized days and 16 days. So he was isolated from me from the moment he walked through the emergency room doors. Twenty days before be died.
CC BLAKEMAN: He died on remdesivir and then kidney failure?
SUZIE SHANNON: Got remdesivir and some of the other medications as well. They didn't dialyze him. I read the progress notes and I have other friends, many other friends, that were going through the same thing in private things at the same time. We weren't talking, but I was reading their posts, like on FaceBook? And they were, a lot of them were dialyzed. And I did read John's notes. They didn't dialyze him. They didn't— forgive my cynicism, they didn't try that hard to pretend or get money for that treatment.
CC BLAKEMAN: Did they ask him or you if he was vaccinated?
SUZIE SHANNON: Very— More than once. More than once. And that was the, the interesting thing that, the chaplains would call, a couple of times. Oh we called to check on you. So why in the world do chaplains start calling you? Plan for a death— What religion is he? It was like they wanted to do their paperwork for things that— and I was in denial, I didn't want to believe that that was happening or he wasn't coming home, you know? But looking back you can clearly see it. And—
SUZIE SHANNON: —but the one chaplain really got on my case. We had a conversation. I was very verbal and I don't think that helped. I don't think they liked me. But, but anyway, I was very verbal, trying to be assertive, trying to advocate for him as best I could. This one chaplain was all about his daughter in the military and not being able to get out and visit, and he couldn't see her because of all these stupid unvaccinated people. And he really did, he said some things I wish I could quote. I may have it written somewhere, but he said some things—
CC BLAKEMAN: [inaudible]
SUZIE SHANNON: — that were horrible. Just horrible. And, and dumb. [laughs]
SUZIE SHANNON: Like a prejudice, there was prejudice against it, clearly in him.
CC BLAKEMAN: It wouldn't have been, it wouldn't have made a difference if you were super sweet or super aggressive. He had a target on his back, you know, and they already had a plan. Everyone falls in this trap. What did the hospital list as covid, cause of death?
SUZIE SHANNON: They listed three things. They listed the kidney failure, covid-19, pneumonia, and kidney failure.
CC BLAKEMAN: What do you think it was?
SUZIE SHANNON: I think it was, I think they killed him.
CC BLAKEMAN: Protocol.
SUZIE SHANNON: Yeah, with the medications.
CC BLAKEMAN: Were they feeding him, or cleaning him, or giving him other care that was good?
SUZIE SHANNON: Hard thing about—
CC BLAKEMAN: [inaudible]
SUZIE SHANNON: I have absolutely no idea. I listen to other people and try to imagine. I know the, the, when the— I couldn't get his body. It was a holiday, a Monday when everything closed. And he died on Thursday morning and I wanted his body out of there. And I asked the funeral home director if he would go and get him, and he said he would and he went on a Sunday. And because I was afraid he'd be there even longer, you know? And he asked me, the funeral director, asked me, he goes, what did they do to him? He looked terrible. So I can, I can— that's the problem, you can only imagine. If you'd been able to see there or be there, at least you'd have the closure of knowing.
CC BLAKEMAN: Right. So sorry, Suzie.
CC BLAKEMAN: So how does— for those watching, how's this affected your life?
SUZIE SHANNON: I know many people went through even worse in terms of time and treatment and stuff, I don't know. [overcome with emotion]
CC BLAKEMAN: So sad. I'm so sorry. Well I appreciate you sharing what happened. I mean, your testimony will help save lives and we'll work as hard as we can to get justice for, for John—
SUZIE SHANNON: The only reason—
CC BLAKEMAN: [inaudible]
SUZIE SHANNON: Because it seems like almost something a person shouldn't do.
CC BLAKEMAN: Oh no, we've got so many stories exactly like yours. I mean, it's obvious planned genocide. And we do have a remdesivir class action that I'll put you in. And there's some criminal stuff going on in Florida and hopefully we'll find some individual attorneys in Florida to take cases too. But in the meanwhile, I hope you stay strong and come to the support meetings, and speak out. And we have to educate the world about what's going on and stop these unnecessary deaths.
Patrick says
How will they find out?
"Memorializing My Mother’s Murder at the Dallas City Council Meeting" [11/03/21]
Prime Time with Alex Stein, November 3, 2021
Alex Stein is a comedian known for his protest improv performances spoofing covidianism. His YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/@PrimeTimeAlexStein and his rumble channel is https://rumble.com/c/AlexStein99 . On this occasion, however, he speaks before the Dallas City Council as a bereaved citizen.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Dallas City Council Speech
Kelly Fahey Stein Memorial
RIP Kelly Stein Fahey 1/2/61-10/25&21
Open Microphone Speakers
ALEX STEIN: Hello. Usually I come here to joke around or say something, you know, to highlight the absurdity and hypocrisy of our elected officials but today is not that day because my mom was murdered on October 25th at Baylor Hospital. She was given remdesivir[1] without our authority. We told them specifically not to give her remdesivir. Five days later all of my mom's organs shut down.
We showed them the studies. Over 30% of the people that were given remdesivir in the studies died. We told the doctor, the infectious disease specialist, do not give my mom remdesivir! Guess what they did? They gave her a 5 day cycle. And my mom is dead. She's dead. She died at Baylor Hospital tied to a bed with a ventilator stuck to her, taped to her face, with her hands tied to the bed, because she was ripping it off.
What they did to my mom, by slowly torturing her to death, will not happen to me, because I'm not going to go out like that, first of all, nobody should go out like that. Every single person on this council should hope and pray that you do not receive the same care that my mom received received at Baylor Hospital when she was murdered. You guys better hope and pray that when you are in a circumstance when you have the life-saving treatment[2] and you tell the doctor to do something, you'd better go to a hospital where they will listen to you, because at Baylor Hospital they wanted to ventilate my mom as soon as she got there, while she was walking and talking in the hospital they wanted to ventilate her because they get a 39,000 dollar federal funding every time somebody's on a ventilator.[3]
And now my mom is dead, given an experimental drug. And so now I have to live with this pain every single day for the rest of my life.
So I wrote a little poem to honor my mom.
I miss my mother more than I ever thought.
I've been to hell and boy it's hot.
Watching my mom die in front of my face,
it was more painful than a bottle of mace.
Sometimes you forget the world is so bad
until you go to Baylor Hospital and die before your son's dad.
I will never recover from this pain.
The memory of my mom dying is tattooed in my brain.
I don't wish this hurt on any mortal soul.
The feeling is empty like a shattered bowl.
I lost my number one fan on the earth
Without my mother I feel little worth.
Please don't let my mom die in worthless vain.
Baylor Hospital killed her with a side of extra pain.
My story is not unique in the slightest.
So hug your mom and dad while they're still the brightest.
Because my mom is dead and my heart is broken
you can lose a loved one before you finish that cig that you're smoking.
And I'm telling you guys, we told these doctors at Baylor Hospital, do not give my mom remdesivir. Five days later, tied to a bed, all of her organs failed and she died in my arms. I watched my mom turn grey. And now that I've been to hell and back, my mom will not die in vain. And the people at Baylor Hospital, they will know what did was wrong because I will bring and highlight the travesty of the murder of Kelly Fahey Stein by the hands of Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas. So my mom will not die in vain.
Alright, P mom, I miss you more than anything in this entire world and you shouldn't have had to die at 60 years old.
Thank you.
[1] Remdesivir (Veklury) https://www.veklury.com/
See also the US National Institutes of Healzth official guidelines:
Of note, many medical professionals, and patients and their families, have vociferously objected to this "official" presentation of remdesivir as a suitable treatment for covid, as they have found that remdesivir can cause organ failure, especially kidney failure and there are in fact alternative inexpensive, safe, and effective early treatments.
Remdesivir is in fact a failed ebola drug. See:
"A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics"
Mulangu et al, November 27, 2019
The New England Journal of Medicine
See also the investigational reporting on remdesivir by Del BigTree for the HighWire, October 27, 2022:
Episode 291: Deadly Protocols
In addition, there are also numerous transcripts on my List of Transcriptions addressing remdesivir, as well as covid protocols in general, and the deadly suppression of safe and effective early treatments.
[2] Stein refers to effective early treatment medicines such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. See:
Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion
Streamed on January 24, 2022
- Specifically, Dr. Pierre Kory's testimony on ivermectin.
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/146409.html
- And specifically, Dr. Harvey Risch's testimony about hydroxychloroquine.
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/144814.html
[3] For more on the financial incentives for hospitals to follow the covid protocol, see
"AJ DePriest on the Funding Driving the Covid Mandates"
by Mike Dakkak, April 3, 2022
Also at:
TruthforHealth.org, posted September 9, 2021
This same video is also available at:
DAN WATKINS: Well good morning. Thanks for having us today. I'm Dan Watkins, [gesturing towards his colleague at the podium] Michael Hamilton.[1] Michael's going to speak to you in a minute. But I am very, very pleased to announce that this morning we filed 3 complaints on behalf of 14 Fresno area families who lost loved ones at the hands of those health care providers who used remdesivir to treat covid. The remdesivir killed their loved ones and we're filing a lawsuit to seek redress for those wrongs.
The three hospitals that we filed against are Clovis Community Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, and St. Agnes Medical Center. There are several healthcare providers, individuals associated with the care that are also going to be named in lawsuits, have not been yet. And we're doing that to make sure they're held accountable for what they did.
[murmur from several voices in audience]
WOMAN'S VOICE: Thank you.
DAN WATKINS: The claims are based in two basic concepts. Pretty simple stuff. But very, very egregious and fundamentally wrong.
Medical deception. Deception of the patient who becomes a decedent. Deception of the loved ones who need to have the information to make informed decisions.
And then we have beyond that, we have actual unconsented to medical care. Unbelievable in this society, in this day and age with the trusted health care industry that's supposed to be doing these types of things.
The 4 causes of action are the same in each complaint. We have fraudulent concealment, elder abuse, where the case might be for the age of the decedent, medical malpractice, and battery. And not simple battery where they didn't get consent. Actual unconsented to treatment that was not consented to battery.
We allege the defendants had information they intentionally did not provide to decedents or their family members. Information about the dangerous nature of remdesivir, its history, its lack of effectiveness in prior use.[2] Information that would have changed the decisions of those people in the hospitals had they been told.
Information was held from from the patients and from their family members regarding safe and effective methods of treatments for covid, safe over time, no problems with the care, very efficacious. We're going to hear all about that from our esteemed panel of experts here in a minute. They intentionally withheld that information.
And in some cases they intentionally provided remdesivir over the objections of the decedent and their family members. And that is not an exaggeration. We have evidence of it, eyewitness testimony and other testimony, excuse me, other evidence, that will be presented.
Beyond that, they administered this care and did all of this stuff for financial incentives provided to them by the state and others. They withheld effective means of treatment to run remdesivir as the only solution because of the financial incentives provided to them.
DAN WATKINS: You'll hear more about that from our speakers, especially Michael. Again, there's no exaggeration to these complaints. This is what happened. Medically deceived patients, their loved ones deceived, unconsented to medical care provided. It's crazy. But that's the day and age we live in now. So someone's got to stand up and push back, and that's what Michael and I are trying to do.
[sustained applause and loud cheering]
DAN WATKINS: We're going to work our tail off to hold these defendants accountable. And we're doing it in the hopes that this lawsuit will spark filing of many others. Because there health care professionals in facilities across the country doing this.
DAN WATKINS: Good people are dying because of remdesivir. And they know it's not effective and they continue to do it. So we hope to spark additional lawsuits, not just in this state, but across the country.
Fundamentally, personal autonomy is a right that we all have. Personal autonomy in medical decisions, and that's really what's at issue here. Right? And the result of that, loss of that today, over the past is, all these loved ones are gone. They did not need to die.
I'm going to turn it over to Michael Hamilton here in a second, but I want to take a minute to thank our experts. We've got people coming from all over the country to speak to you today to tell you about why this lawsuit needed to be filed, the problems with remdesivir, the efficacy of really safe and effective other means of treatment. We've got Dr. Ardis, Dr. Lindsay, Dr. Farella, and Dr. McCullough [3] are going to speak to you and give you all the information you need to know why—
DAN WATKINS: — these lawsuits —
DAN WATKINS: — are being filed.
[sustained applause and loud cheering]
It's really, really important that we understand the powerhouse team that's here. This is not just some quackery, like it's being put out on your radio stations here. This is a wrong that needs to be corrected. And these experts [inaudible] they will tell you the information you need to know.
I want to thank also before we finish here, before I finish, Truth for Health Foundation.[4] They recently committed to significant financial support for this lawsuit. They have—
[sustained applause and loud cheering]
— doctor, Dr. Lee Vliet[5] and I are working together on several of the lawsuits. Dr. Lee Vliet and Mr. Hamilton here have agreed to work together on some other types of lawsuits. The foundation is coming to bat and they're going to work hard for you here locally, and hopefully across the state. So if you get a minute, please get up there, Truth for Health Foundation dot org. Check them out. See what they do. They, they support and fight for human rights and civil rights across the country. So [inaudible] this type of stuff, and they're helping the military, all kinds of great things, but they came to play today. We just got word, significant financial contribution to these lawsuits. So I want to thank them.
And that leads me to my last point. That's from God, by the way.
[audience murmurs, yes]
Dr. Vliet is an amazing, god-fearing woman, and she sees the calling and the need to help. And she rallied and got it from her foundation. And God has been working here. It is not me, it is not Michael, it is not the [inaudible] that will win this case. It will be God. And we will fight for Him—
DAN WATKINS: — because I know you are God-fearing people. And we need Him back in this fight. We need to put Him at the fore, follow His lead. And that's what we're going to do. And with that, Michael Hamilton.
Truth for Health Foundation Legal Strategist Michael Hamilton on the Fresno Remdesivir Lawsuits
[National Press Conference, September 7, 2022]
This same video is also available at:
MICHAEL HAMILTON: So ladies and gentlemen, I guess by way of introduction I will tell you that I serve as the Truth for Health[1] Litigation Director, um, I'm sorry, Strategist, helping with the strategy for the legal cases that are going on around the country.
Truth for Health Foundation has been sounding the alarm on remdesivir[2] for several years now. I am, I can't tell you how thankful I am to be surrounded by men and women of courage. [He takes a microphone]. How thankful I am to be surrounded by men and women of courage.
We have people all over the country, there's a great evil being done. People are being butchered like cattle in hospitals all over the country. I have— my phone is exploding with cries for help from every state you can imagine every day all through the day. I got several texts just sitting here. Someone saying, I saw, what are you doing in California, can you help me?
But it takes courage for these plaintiffs to stand up. It's so devastating to families to know that their loved one was tortured to death. That's what's happening, folks. They're being tortured to death for money. And many families are so devastated that they just, they, they can't take a followup
step into this fight.
Our plaintiffs are men and women of courage. Our doctors are men and women of courage. Our experts, they have much to lose. Dan and I, targets are painted on us. We're going against, against a great evil.
[murmur from audience]
But our God is greater than evil.
[applause and cheering]
The fight against evil was won at the foot of the cross. But we have work to do here and now. An amazing team, not just our experts, but all of the folks that have helped bring this together
and it's something that as Dan said, only God could have orchestrated.
So we are in this fight. The fight— I want to speak just for a moment to the financial incentives in California. The charge— what I'm going to speak about is the average charge rate for 3 categories of covid victims.Now sometimes people who are killed by remdesivir don't have covid. Sometimes they're killed because they came to the hospital and the hospital needed some money. They tell them they have covid pneumonia, whatever that is, and I'll let the experts speak to that, and then they put them on these remdesivir protocols, they take them away from their loved ones, and they murder them.
Now if you treat someone as an outpatient and you give them something that's going to help them and send them home, average charge rate in California is 3,200 dollars. If you bring them into the hospital and you treat them as a noncomplex covid patient, the average charge rate is 111,000 dollars.
[murmur from audience]
However, if you treat them as a complex covid patient, which means you have to either intubate them or put them in intensive— what's the word I'm looking for?
MICHAEL HAMILTON: Yeah, ICU, intensive care. If do either one of those things. by definition they become complex, and the average charge rate is 450,000 dollars.
[audience exclamations]
On top of that, they get a bonus from the government, a code, that allows them to charge a 20% extra on the entire hospital stay, which the roughly 450,000 dollars is an extra 90,000 dollars.
So you can see why there's a great incentive not to just give them something that works and send them home, but to actually bring them in, find a way to intubate them, call that a complex case, and now you have 500,000 dollars instead of 3,200 dollars. That's a tremendous financial incentive. And it's not the only one. There are more. And more than we expect to find in discovery.[3]
I mean, on the face of it, it looks like murder for money.
[audience murmurs]
And it's happening in hospitals all around the country, and the protocol is almost exactly the same. There is very little variation.
I'm proud to be surrounded by men and women of faith in this fight in Fresno, California. As Dan said, we're going to— our goal is to put a stop to this. First here. And when we do, we will watch the dominoes begin to fall around the country.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Thank you.
MICHAEL HAMILTON: This fight in Fresno is going to be the shot that resonates around the world.
Gail Seiler on How She Escaped Hospital Imprisonment
by Teryn Gregson
September 28, 2022
TERYN GREGSON: The person we're interviewing today is a bad a#s. There's really no other way to put it. You know I don't like to curse on this show but Gail Seiler is a hero. She broke out of imprisonment, really, in a hospital. There's no other way to put it. They wouldn't give her water, nutrition, they wouldn't give her a different doctor when she requested it, they wouldn't let her leave. Her husband broke into the hospital, basically, and took her out, bypassed the police. This is an incredible story. And it's amazing because she survived. And so many stories that we have told on this podcast, so many people that you have heard over the past couple of years, have not survived their incidences in the hospital. For example, Scott Schara, his daughter Grace, we had him tell her story on episode 22[1]of this podcast, and you know, she is no longer with us. So we are so, so happy that Gail is, and we're happy that she's telling her story and she's doing some incredible work with the Former Feds Freedom Foundation. They have a Covid Humanity Betrayal Memory Project[2] where they give victims and survivors a voice, they document their stories and help find attorneys that hold these hospitals accountable.
Gail said that since she's started to tell her story she's had thousands of people reach out about how they have had similar instances where their family members have not made it. She's had politicians reach out to her, wondering how we prevent this. We have to hear Gail's story.
And first before we do that I want to encourage you to consider making a one time recurring donation to We the Patriots USA, a nonprofit 501c organization who is working to help victims, help people like Gail. We've helped Alisa Campau[3] who was not being allowed to get a kidney transplant because she didn't have the covid shot, Bill [inaudible] who was denied Ivermectin, they just recently filed his appeal against Walmart. These are big cases, that we can have some big impact with and her group, the Former Feds Freedom Foundation, is also doing fantastic work. So let's dive in to Gail's incredible story. ...
TERYN GREGSON: It's almost been a year since this happened to you. Why have you now started to share your story? What prompted you to do so?
GAIL SEILER: Well, so when I first, um, when I first, when my husband pretty much stormed the ICU with my daughter and got me out, it took quite a while for me to recover. It took me longer to recover from the hospital abuse and neglect than it did from covid quite frankly, and so the first couple months that's what that was dedicated to. But I did tell my story initially to Crusader Radio and His Glory TV because His Glory TV actually had connected with my daughter to help while I was in the hospital, to help advocate, get her in contact with people. So we did do an interview there.
But I think now there's more people willing to hear it. At the time, there were very few stories coming out. I can remember when we started the Covid Humanity Betrayal Memory Project with Former Feds, I hooked up with Former Feds I think it was in February of this year and you know, initially there was I think like 10 stories out there. And now there's hundreds and hundreds of stories, and hundreds in the queue to be told that our interviewers are working through.
So you know initially, I was like, me and my husband and my daughter said, nobody's going to believe this crazy story we have, this crazy hospital experience we had. I mean, it's like, because you know, something out of a sci fi movie.
GAIL SEILER: And even today you know there were people that were right there with us in the beginning and I have to double-check with them, I'm like, they tried to kill me right? And they're like, oh yeah, they tried to murder you dead.
So it's because it's a wild story. And so. But now I think people are accepting those stories, they're starting to see more and more of them. You know, they can ignore 10 people talking about a horrible hospital experience or death, and especially you know the stories where the loved one doesn't make it, the person's child or the person's husband or wife. There's a bit of a pat on the head, you know, misplaced grief, you know, the doctors tried to do everything they can, and they kind of gaslight. And sometimes people don't know that they're gaslighting the victim. They're just, you know, misplaced grief, they didn't really try to kill your— But when you have a lot of survivor stories coming out, they can't, you know, it gives credibility to those stories, right? Because the family has the view outside looking in, what they went through. But people like me and many other survivors that have come forward since the Epoch Times article[4] broke, they have the view from the inside. They know what's being said, I know from my own experience, the doctors and the nurses knew what they were doing. They absolutely know what they were doing. There's no doubt about it in my mind.
"Remdesivir! Interview With Nurse Michelle Gershman"
CDMedia Published October 20, 2022
RUMBLE PAGE DESCRIPTION: "American Conversations Host Christine Dolan continues the interviews about remdesivir. In late November 2021, Fresno, California nurse Michelle Gershman lost her mother after being admitted to St. Agnes hospital. Michelle tells the heart-wrenching story about how she and her mother both told the hospital not to put her on remdesivir. The doctor claimed it was "protocol" only after Michelle discovered that the family and patient's demands were intentionally ignored."
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: I took her to St. Agnes, she walked in there. They put her on 2 liters of oxygen and her oxygen went from 85% to 92%. So I said, OK good. I felt like I'd put her in the right place. And I told her, you just need oxygen. I said, when I dropped her off, make sure you tell them you do not want remdesivir and you don't want to go on a ventilator. You just need oxygen and some fluids. And so she said OK. And she walked in there. And then I talked—
CHRISTINE DOLAN: At that point in time you were not allowed to accompany your mother inside the hospital, correct?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Correct. They said there's no visitors. And thinking about it now, if they had told my mom, by admitting you to the hospital, you're going to have absolutely no visitors, we're going to throw you in a back room to suffocate and die, we're going to bombard your body with all these medications and stick needles in you all day long and wake you up while you're sleeping, my mom would have said, hell no, I'm going home. I'll take my chances. But they didn't tell her anything like that. They just brought her in.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: Did you know that that was happening in the hospitals in Fresno at that time, since you are a nurse?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: No. I didn't know they would be so evil, robotic, barbaric. No, I did not know they were going to treat my mom like that.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: So you weren't working at the hospital, you were working at, you were not in the covid unit, the ICU, or the ER at that time?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Not at this time. Because when covid started around March of 2020, I worked on the covid floor for about 6 months, and the [?] floor. And then November, somewhere around there, of 2020, I transferred to the post-partum unit. So by November 2020 covid had not gotten that bad yet. So with the entire year that I was on post-partum with the babies I'm not really sure what was happening on the covid floor anymore because I had already transferred.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: Alright. And when this happened to your mom, this was November 2021, right?
CHRISTINE DOLAN: OK so. So your mom gets in there. You're talking to her by phone. Are you talking to anybody else that's on the floor at the time? The head nurse at the nursing station? The doctor?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: No, not really because she was in the emergency room and I didn't—- I knew they were probably busy. So I was talking to my mom, she was coherent, I felt like she was OK, she was just getting oxygen.
My mom was a very bold, redhead woman that, I knew she, you know, she's loud and she'll tell them. And if I tell her, make sure you don't take this medication, she'll tell them. And they, so I was just talking to her, I wasn't really talking to the doctor. And then—
CHRISTINE DOLAN: But your mother confirmed to you that she did tell them that she did not want to be put on a ventilator, did not want to be put on remdesivir?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Yes, because I asked her later that night, on the 15th, I said, did you tell them you do not want remdesivir? She said, yes I told them and they looked at me like I'm crazy. I said, well that's OK, they can look at you like you're crazy, but don't let them give it to you.
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: She said OK. And then she went to sleep that night, I'm assuming. And then I found out when I read the medical records that on November 16th at 2 in the morning they gave her remdesivir.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: So she may have been asleep and they may have, and they have woken her up, and she's in a doze, they're just giving her shot, and she's thinking it's another IV change or something like that.
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Yes, exactly. And then the next day she said, everybody in here's wearing masks, it's really hard to know what anybody's talking about. And so they did tell her, we're giving you remdesivir and she's you know, half asleep, she probably didn't understand. And so you know that was the first dose. And so--
CHRISTINE DOLAN: Pardon me for interrupting, Michelle. When did you find out that your mom had been given remdesivir? At what point?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: On day 4. Because the first three days, my mom was responding to my calls, she was answering the phone, she was texting me back. She said, Oh, I'm feeling better. I thought she was getting better. And I thought she was getting better. I thought she was getting better. I thought, OK I put her in the right place, they're going to help her and send her home. And then on day 4, she stopped answering my calls and she wasn't texting me back. And I started panicking because I know my mom. I talk to her every day. For the entire last year, that I, you know, she'd come over every day, she was really involved with my kids. And so she didn't answer my calls.
So I started panicking. And I called at 2 pm and I got a hold of the doctor, and I said, why isn't she answering my calls? And the doctor said, oh, she has covid, she's tired. And I said, well, what are you giving her? And then she named off these medications, and she said remdesivir. And I said, why are you giving her that? She told you not to give that to her. And she said, Oh, it's covid protocol, that's what we're giving everybody with covid. And I said, do not give her another dose of that! She told you not to give it to her. And she said, well, she got her last dose today. And so I knew after that--
CHRISTINE DOLAN: So your mom had for 4 or 5 days?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Yeah. She'd had 5 by this point.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: Is that the norm, that people are given 5 days of remdesivir?
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Right so, 5 days, and then if they aren't better, they give them another 5 days, which by that point they're dead. So. Pretty much.
And so I didn't know that much about remdesivir yet. I just know that my mom does not tolerate medications very well at all. And I had been hearing a couple of things about, you know, this antiviral that's not really helping, and so I told her, don't take it, not really realizing that it's straight poison.
And so that night when I got off the phone with the doctor, my heart sank. I felt disgusted. I felt like, I knew I'm going to lose my mom. She's going to die because they gave her that medication. They poisoned her.
And so the next 10 days was complete agony for me, because I kept calling, and I wanted to get information on my mom, and she was not really, she was declining. She would answer my calls but wouldn't able to talk very much because she was short of breath and then also sleeping more, so and not really texting me back anymore.
And so the next couple of days I kept calling to get information about her, and everybody I talked to, they would say, oh, she's getting better! You know, we're checking on her, her oxygen's fine! It was so robotic, that they would just say, she's getting better. They kept saying, oh, she'll be home in a couple days. You know, she's resting.
And then if they didn't say that, they would just not want to give me information. They just treated me like I was a burden, like they don't want me asking about my mother. And none of them, I feel like none of them have any compassion. They have no sense of put yourself in somebody else's shoes. Like, if that were your mother, you would be trying to do anything to save her life! And I would have done anything for my mother.
I was begging to come in every day, especially after day 4. I'm like, she needs me there. I can watch her oxygen. I can help her with the machines, you know, bring her things, or have my husband send me things upstairs, because I'm like, I can stay in the room, I don't have to leave so I don't expose anybody else. And every time I asked, I asked every single day, I kept bugging them, I asked to talk to the House Supervisor and they didn't want to send me to the House Sup, they said, no, you need to go through the Floor Supervisor first. And every time I asked, they said, no, I'm sorry, it's policy, we don't allow any visitors. And I kept saying, my mom could die, like, she needs me there! And they did not care.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: So eventually you were allowed to come in, but only for a short period of time.
CHRISTINE DOLAN: That was towards the end.
MICHELLE GERSHMAN, RN: Yes. So they have this weird thing with their visitor policy, if the patient gets to the point where there's no return, that they're going to die, they finally will let you in. So I don't know why they have to wait so long,. because if they had let me in in the beginning, I could have potentially saved her life. I would have advocated for her, and I would have been able to monitor her machines. I told them I'm an RN, I worked the covid floor, I can help her, and if I'm there, I can improve your patent outcomes. And they did not care.
Whistleblower: Hospitals Killed ‘Many, Many Thousands’ of Covid Patients
A medical professional has blown the whistle and warned the public that “many, many thousands” of Covid patients were killed by hospitals during the pandemic and not by the virus, as officially claimed.
The whistleblower, respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky, has gone on the record to state that COVID-19 patients died because they were killed by hospital protocols.
Respiratory therapists diagnose, treat, and manage conditions that affect the lungs, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Bishofsky revealed that patients didn’t die from Covid.
However, thousands of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 were killed when they were put on ventilators and denied treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or even vitamin D, Bishofsky told CHD.TV.
Bishofsky revealed that he was aware of “many, many thousands” of people who were killed by hospitals but simply listed as “Covid deaths.” ...
“Many, many thousands of patients died because of this rush to early intubation and not allowing early treatment with medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or even vitamin D — they wouldn’t even give these patients vitamin D,” he said.
“They just wanted to intubate them and put them on remdesivir.”
Patients were being intubated “when they were needing as little as three liters of oxygen,” according to Bishofsky.
The medical expert said he’d never seen that before in his 25 years of practice.
“That’s so little oxygen to the point where if you took the patient off of it, they’re gonna be fine,” he said.
“But there was this rush to intubate these patients.”
Bishofsky tried to convince doctors that “this wasn’t the right thing to do.” ...
In the first week of the pandemic, the doctors at Bishofsky’s hospital successfully used hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid patients.
“We had extremely good outcomes,” he said.
However, the sentiment regarding hydroxychloroquine suddenly changed when it became the target of a media smear campaign after President Donald Trump touted the benefits of the drug.
Almost immediately after, an “absolutely bogus” study came out in The Lancet on hydroxychloroquine, Bishofsky said.
“The doctors would cite that,” he noted.
At the end of his tenure at the hospital, Bishofsky told its medical director:
“You know, this whole early intubation thing was completely hideous.” ...
One of the saddest aspects of the hospital protocol was how COVID-19 patients were isolated from their family members.
“These patients wanted to see family more than anything,” he said.
“Perhaps they’d been there two or three weeks.
“They’re afraid. They’re sick. They just want to see somebody they love.”
In this month’s open thread, I’ll share my thoughts on a question many have asked me since Trump and RFK Jr. won the election and an actual window has been created to change healthcare policies in America—what could be done to increase the survival rates in our hospitals and how can you protect a loved one that’s hospitalized?
This question, in turn, is a reflection of a sobering realization many had throughout COVID-19—what many of us believed about our hospitals was utterly incorrect, and rather than help patients, hospitals effectively functioned like assembly lines that ran disastrous protocols (e.g., remdesivir), denied patients access to their loved ones and refused to use alternative therapies (e.g., ivermectin) even when it was known the patients were expected to die otherwise.
For example, during COVID-19, one travel nurse who was assigned to a New York hospital with one of the highest death tolls in the nation realized something very wrong was happening throughout the hospital and decided to covertly record her colleagues and become a whistleblower
Within her testimony, one particular recording she made was particularly illuminating as a doctor perfectly illustrated the dysfunctional mentality that has infected our medical system by stating he was unwilling to try any alternative therapy (which had some evidence behind it) for patients he knew would otherwise die.
Much of this in turn, was due to a series of standardized treatment protocols being created for COVID-19, which heavily financially incentivized remdesivir and then ventilator care while simultaneously avoiding an effective off-patent treatment for COVID-19. Despite remdesivir actually increasing the death rate from COVID-19, hospital administrators still pushed their doctors to use it (and retaliated against those who did not follow the NIH COVID protocols) because of how powerful the financial incentives were for doing so.
Note: the NIH COVID treatment panel continued to make remdesivir the standard of care for COVID-19 and forbid alternative therapies (e.g., ivermectin) even as a mountain of evidence piled up that argued against it. This was due to Anthony Fauci appointing the committee and selecting chairs that had direct financial ties to Remdesivir’s manufacturer—an issue that sadly holds true for many other committees which create the guidelines that dictate medical care in the United States (e.g., in a previous article I showed how America’s cholesterol guidelines were authored by individuals taking money from statin manufacturers and that the conclusions those panels reached were the exact opposite of an independent one which evaluated the same data).
Overall, the remarkable illustration of this corruption was the fact that families eventually began suing hospitals to allow the use of ivermectin for a relative who was expected to die even after being subjected to Fauci’s hospital COVID protocols. Remarkably, because there was so much money on the line, the hospitals chose to fight these lawsuits in court rather than just give ivermectin to the patients. In turn, of the 80 lawsuits filed by lawyer Ralph Lorigo, in 40 the judge sided with the family, and in 40 with the hospital, and of those, in the 40 where patients received ivermectin, 38 survived, whereas of the 40 who did not, 2 survived—in essence making suing a hospital arguably the most effective medical intervention in history. Yet, rather than take this data into consideration, the profit-focused hospitals banded together to develop an effective apparatus to dismiss further lawsuits. ...
Journalist Jacqui Deevoy Reported From The Frontlines On Sadistic Crimes Against The Elderly And Vulnerable On The Covid Death Pathway. Now She Reminds Us Why We Must Never Forget Or Forgive
She’s Submitted Proof Of Mass Culling To Over 100 Mainstream Editors And Staff Writers; They Failed To Publish Her Work, and Some Even Ghosted Her.
Forgive And Forget?
Are we prepared to forgive the crimes against humanity perpetrated over the last four and a half years?
Are we ready to forget the evil that was foisted upon us and used to control us?
Journalist and filmmaker Jacqui Deevoy says ‘absolutely not’.
Over the last four and a half years, I was drawn into the dark world of care homes and the crimes being perpetrated by our government and media against care home residents and their families.
The ‘no visitors’ policy was never a law and the fact that the government website always quietly stated that visits should be facilitated whenever possible, care home managers followed what the TV told them and locked down, some as far back as February 2020. Then that was it - elderly residents locked in and their friends and families locked out. Care home horror stories started to emerge: I investigated and penned several. Remember this? https://dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9023539/Shocking-moment-dementia-stricken-removed-window-visit-daughter-begs-carers.html… And this? https://dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9304591/Woman-reveals-told-waving-father-80-care-home-window-illegal.html… (The gentleman in this article - Attilio Criscuo - sadly passed away in September, a mere 18 months after its publication. RIP, Attilio.)
We are never going to forget how much suffering the government - and those that did their bidding - imposed upon our elderly in care homes and hospitals. Neglected, imprisoned, deprived from seeing loved ones, thinking they’d been abandoned, many not getting the treatment they needed, unnecessarily and dangerously jabbed with a toxic experimental injection, many euthanised with morphine and Midazolam (as used in the US to execute Death Row criminals) all under the guise of treatment for an illness that’s never been proven to exist.
The Covid Death Pathway, I called it. For that’s what it was. Thousands were callously killed on end of life ‘care’ programmes and their deaths were written off as ‘Covid’ deaths. (I offered stories on this obvious and deliberate misattribution of death to Covid to a few newspapers - along with stories of vaccine death and injury and proof that the so-called pandemic was a hoax - but all such pitches were rejected.)
They want us to forget stories like this: https://dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9027457/Officer-refused-visit-dying-mum-care-home-able-recognise-him.html… They want us to forget that they ever published stories like this: https://dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8785349/Care-home-nurse-sacked-claiming-pandemic-hoax-insists-shes-seen-no-evidence-cornavirus.html… I had to push hard to get stories like this one into the mainstream press: https://telegraph.co.uk/family/life/incensed-dads-care-home-shutting/… - stories about my dad, stuck in a locked down care home for 10 months, but freed as soon as I threatened to take them to court for false imprisonment and violation of human rights. https://telegraph.co.uk/family/life/sprung-dad-care-home/… And now it’s being suggested that we just forget all about it and move on. Yes, they lied - about pretty much everything - but, hey, that’s all in the past and it’s important to let bygones be bygones. Really?
My dad was never the same after being deprived of visits, hugs, kisses and cuddles. He could not understand why we were only permitted to speak through a closed window and he was permanently perplexed as to why he was being punished. When I got him home, he was an echo of his former self: he had become fearful, depressed, anxious and paranoid. He started self-harming, he had suicidal thoughts and was suffering from a clear case of survivor’s guilt, his joy at being free overshadowed by worry about the people he’d left behind. That miserable stint in the home had caused him to lose the will to live and, exactly a year after his homecoming, he died when a paramedic injected him with a too-high dose of a drug he’d never had before. https://telegraph.co.uk/christmas/2020/11/23/caring-dad-home-hard-know-done-right-thing/…
I told The Telegraph what had happened to my dad. The editor I deal with there didn’t even offer any condolences - she just said that sort of story wasn’t really her department and gave me the email address of an editor who she thought might be interested. I emailed this other editor three times but got no reply.
And what about Captain Tom? HE was allowed visitors and he even popped off on holiday with Cliff Richard, while our elderly relatives died alone and had ‘rule of six’ funerals held for them. Just unbelievable. https://davidicke.com/2021/02/03/rip-to-sir-tom-moore-who-died-surrounded-by-his-family-but-tough-luck-to-the-rest-of-the-elderly-who-died-alone/…
All told, I’ve contacted over 100 editors and staff writers on U.K. newspapers and magazines since 2021.
In one email, I informed them all that their refusal to publish my story made them complicit in the ongoing Midazolam murders and that they all had blood on their hands.
A senior British coroner has confirmed the date next month for a full medical inquest into a precedent-setting case for deaths involving the use of the end of life drug Midazolam plus an opioid. The inquest is due to begin 17th March 2025 and will last five days until 21st March.
The wider allegation being made by victim-families is that during Covid the British state implemented a deliberate and systemic policy of involuntary mass euthanasia of the elderly in hospitals and care homes by administering the end of life protocol drug Midazolam plus an opioid, while using Covid deaths as cover for this mass killing.
If ruled by the senior coroner as ‘unlawful killing’ in this precedent setting case, the United Kingdom will be rocked by the worst mass killing scandal in its history.
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The CDC, being completely owned and controlled by Pfizer, wanted to increase the number of deaths in order to increase fear, and therefore "vaccine" uptake and Pfizer profits.
The 2020 election fraud planners like Soros, Zuckerberg, and Gates, also wanted these deaths as a justification for mail-in ballots, the perfect vehicle for election fraud.
Social Security planners in government were also happy with the murders as a way to decrease payouts.
Similar murders happened in the UK: